ily dean
"are you okay?”
"am i- am i okay?" i couldn't help but laugh, was Dean really asking me this?
"Dean you died... and it wasn't just your normal everyday dying, you went to HELL... I stood there watching helplessly as hell hounds tore you to shreds... I lived the past 6 months off of a ten minute power nap here or there because every time i closed my eyes i dreamt of you, dying. After you left, nothing was the same, i'm not the same smiling little girl i was before you left. she died the same day you did. So no, i'm not okay, because after all those sleepless nights and having to live everyday with those memories etched in my mind, here you are... "
"i thought you'd be happy to see me, just like I am to see you"
"I don't know anymore. It just doesn't feel real, none of this."
"does this" he asks, grabbing my face and pulling me into a deep kiss. "does this feel real?"
never gonna get around to finishing this ...
my face after after reading this 🤦🏼‍♀️ why am i so dramatic???
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Derek’s protective
I wrote this back in 2017 and decided to just post it. This isn’t edited, so if it doesn’t make sense or there is bad spelling sorry not sorry. Enjoy :)
prompt: YN is Stiles little sister and he forgets to pick her up at school so she’s stuck in the rain. Derek is very protective of his little stilinski.
I sat on the front steps of school, the raindrops bouncing off of my history book in a horrible attempt to keep my head dry. I glanced down at my watch for the time, 4:35, mentally cursing myself for letting my phone die, and not accepting a ride from Sarah.
Dance class was every Tuesday, ending precisely at 4:00, and every Tuesday Stiles would fly into the parking lot between 4:05 and 4:12 with a half attempted apologetic smile.
Looking back down it was now 4:37, Stiles had to have forgot, and at this rate i’d probably be stuck here all night. I shoved my history book back into my backpack and slung it over my shoulder, walking home was my only option.
My dance uniform clung to my body, making it real uncomfortable to walk. I was soaked from head to toe.
The sound of a car approaching made me relieved, only when I looked back it wasn’t that stupid familiar blue jeep. The all black suv drove past me, hitting its breaks and pulling over up ahead. A thousand thoughts ran through my head, we lived in Beacon Hills, where the impossible was possible, so my fight or flight mode was on. I stopped walking, was I about to get abducted? The sherif always sided with Stiles but maybe for once he’d be in trouble for forgetting me.
A man stepped out of the suv, but the rain made it hard to see. He was wearing an all black suit that looked expensive. As he walked towards me I dropped my bag, turned around and started to run back towards the school.
“Y/N!” the voice yelled, stopping me in my tracks. The voice was familiar, one I hadn’t heard in a long time.
“Get in the car Y/N , let me drive you home” The rain calmed down just enough for me to see Mr.Argent standing back at his car with the passenger door open. He had my bag in his hand, tossing it inside before looking back at me. “Please just get in the car, you’re soaked, and now I am as well”
Mr.Argent was far from a stranger, and I knew he would never hurt me. Allison was one of the best friends i’ve ever had, we were practically sisters. But I hadn’t faced Mr.Argent since her funeral, it was too hard, this... this is too hard.
“No, it’s alright, I can walk” I insisted, wishing i hadn’t dropped my bag which was now thrown somewhere in his front seat.
“Allison would never forgive me if I let
you walk home in this rain” he gestured up towards the sky, the gray clouds that looked to be disappearing quickly came back. There was a large crack of thunder making me jump. That was the last push I needed, immediately running over and hopping in the passenger seat.
He went around to the drivers side, putting on his seat belt before putting the car in drive. His eyes went back and forth from the road to me. Every now and this he’d let out a little huff, like he wanted to say something but couldn’t come up with the words.
We turned onto my street and I could see the sheriffs car in the driveway. I sunk down in my seat, hoping if he was outside or looking out the window he wouldn’t see me. “Can you actually bring me to Derek’s” I asked, looking him in the eyes for the first time in a long time. He looked at the car parked out front before looking back at me and nodding.
The ride was quiet, the only noise being the raindrops bouncing off the car. He cranked the heat when he caught sight of me shivering, just like any good dad would.
When we pulled into Derek’s parking lot he put the car in park and turned to face me. “It’s good to see you’re still human.” he looked me up and down, like the way a parent would their child, taking in their appearance to make sure they aren’t hurt.
I couldn’t help but roll my eyes, “why wouldn’t I be?”
Just then Derek appeared in the doorway leading upstairs to the loft. His arms were crossed over his chest, eyes red like he was giving a warning. Mr.Argent got out of the car while I gathered my things. He exchanged a few words with Derek before I climbed out of the car and ran for shelter, not that it really mattered, I was already soaking wet. Derek’s eyes were back to his normal green hue.
“Thanks Chris” Derek said, shaking his hand before grabbing a hold of me and pulling me into his chest. Derek kisses the top of my head whispering ‘c’mon let’s go inside’ before sliding an arm over my shoulder and leading me towards the elevator.
I looked back at Mr.Argent “Thanks for the ride” he nodded and smiled, before getting back into the car.
The elevator ride up was quiet. I couldn’t get a good read if Derek was angry, upset or annoyed. He was hard to read, but I knew from the tone of his voice something was up.
I heard voices coming from inside the apartment, and looked back at Derek ‘pack meeting’ he said dryly before pushing me to head inside.
“What did Chris Argent want” Scott asked as soon as we walked through the door. “Cal?” he says, looking me up and down, confused as to why i am all wet. I walk past everyone sitting in the living room and head straight for Derek’s. bedroom. All I want is a hot shower and some dry clothes.
While the water for the shower was heating up, I heard some loud noises coming from the living room. I poked my head out just enough to see Scott holding Derek back and Malia standing in front of Stiles.
“Stiles I want to rip your throat out right now! How could you forget to pick up your sister when it’s thundering and lightening out?! Thank god Chris saw her walking home or who knows where she would be!!!”
“I’m sorry I forgot! But if you haven’t noticed we have been a little busy trying to catch a pack of alphas!” You could hear the eye roll in his tone.
“Exactly Stiles!! A pack of alphas are out there! A pack of alphas that could have grabbed a hold of her! You don’t think!” His fists clenched by his sides, and his face started turning red again.
“Derek” I called, his eyes met mine across the room and he stopped. He was calm enough for Scott to let him go so he could walk towards me. His eyes left mine long enough to look back at Stiles and whisper “Just get out. I’ll take care of her like I always do”
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Random ass stuff i’ll never finish
I have over 200 notes on my phone of old ass fics i’m never gonna finish so i’m just gonna post what have here.....
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one time fling
Okay so ive been working on this for a while and was wondering if some of you amazing people would read it and let me know what you think. Should I continue it as a fic??
Fandom: 5sos
plot: Luke and Lucy (or munchkin as Luke calls her) are not only brother and sister but best friends. Everything was smooth sailing, until Luke and his mates land a gig going on tour with one direction. Before they leave on tour Lucy does something crazy. Something that catches up with her once she is left all alone back in Australia. (im rlly bad at writing these things)
One Direction picks Australian band, 5 Seconds of Summer, to be the opening act of their upcoming tour
The rising stars (who have half a million followers on Twitter already) were discovered by One Directions very own, Louis Tomlinson, who came across the band on YouTube. “We decided to chose them because they are good and with the given chance they have the potential to be even better.” Niall Horan, says.
I scrolled through the rest of the article, skimming the words here and there. My bedroom door opens and I jumped, quickly turning back to see who it is. Luke leans in the doorway. My eyes start to water and he runs over to hug me. “It’s only 10 months munchkin” he whispers, squeezing me tight. For as long as I can remember Luke has called me munchkin because of my height. I was always shorter than him growing up, but now, I am more then ever. He is over a foot taller then me, and loves to point it out.
I stood at the front door, watching as Luke packed his things into the car. Once he was finished he got into the passenger seat, looked over at me and waved. My heart sank a bit, realizing the my best friend was going to be gone for almost a year.
Chapter 1, I guess
I paced back and forth in the bathroom, impatiently waiting for the timer on my phone to go off. I thought back to that night that got me in this mess.
I opened my eyes, the sudden brightness from the sun temporarily blinding me. Once my eyes adjust to the light, I look to my left and see sand and some rocks. I shoot up, only to realize that I am completely naked. I look down and see an arm wrapped around my waist, tight. ‘fuck fuck fuck.’ Slowly I look to my right and see Michael, sound asleep. I lift the blanket just enough to tell he was naked too. Then everything from the night before sets in. The beach, why i’m naked, and Michael… I shake Michael to wake him up. He groans, “please just five more minutes” he wines.
“Mike, wake the fuck up” I yell in a hushed tone. There could be people around, families, and I didn’t want to chance gaining their attention as well.
“Lucy?” he questions, peeking an eye open towards me. “W-why are you-” he begins but then stops and opens both eyes. He lifts the blanket up and looks down. “Holy shit, i’m naked too. Luke is going to kill me..”
“Luke isn’t going to find out about this. Now please go get my clothes so I can change and we can get out of here.”
My phone beeped, meaning the five minutes I had to wait were up. I inhaled a deep breath, ‘no matter what happens, it’s going to  be okay’ I told myself before exhaling deeply. I looked down at the stick.  Two blue lines appeared and my worst fear was confirmed. There was only one thought on my mind. How was I going  to tell Luke?
Big bro : “hey munch (short for munchkin) , just finished a show! want me to call you?
Lucy : uh, no. Texting is fine
Big bro : are you okay?
Lucy : Not really. I really need someone to talk to.  
Big bro : you know i’m here for you munch, whats up?
Lucy : forget it
Big bro : No don’t do that. Lucy, you can tell me anything. I am your best friend.
Lucy : and you are also my brother, which is why this is so hard. I look up to you Luke, you are the best influence I have in my life and.. When I tell you this I know you will be disappointed in me. I know that I will have let you down and it will just make everything worse.
Big bro :I could never be disappointed in you Lucy.
Lucy : I’m pregnant
I waited for his reply, only there wasn’t one. I imagined how angry and upset he was, especially that he was halfway across the world and couldn’t come and talk to me face to face. He was probably pacing back and fourth, cursing to himself.
Cursing my mother for letting me out of her sight.
Only if he knew.
If he knew it happened the night he left me to fend for my own ride. The night he was too drunk to notice I wasn’t with him. The night that I was left to make my own decisions. But it wasn’t his fault. It was mine.
And even though it wasn’t his fault, I knew that he was blaming himself. I closed my eyes, letting the built up tears pool over and trail down my cheeks. Suddenly, my phone buzzed. I picked it up from the table and glanced down.
Big bro : I will be home next week, we can talk then.
let me know what you think? I'm a sucker for big brother Luke. eventually i plan on adding smut, a better background and other stuff. :)
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