wheninastartup · 12 years
just wanted to say your site gave us a good laugh! xoxo - harvard undergraduate women in business
hey thanks! i'm glad someone enjoyed it!
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wheninastartup · 12 years
When something works on first attempt without any debugging required
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wheninastartup · 12 years
When I see user engagement decrease on our website
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wheninastartup · 12 years
How the Zuck meets his bankers for Facebook's IPO
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wheninastartup · 12 years
When I see someone using a blackberry as a personal phone
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wheninastartup · 12 years
When I show up to a hacker house and there isn't a rope swing and a pool
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wheninastartup · 12 years
When a potential competitor sees our prototype design
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wheninastartup · 12 years
When user reviews trash my app on the appstore
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wheninastartup · 12 years
When I look at our user analytics page
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wheninastartup · 12 years
While talking to a potential sales lead and they don't seem interested in our product
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wheninastartup · 12 years
After a VC tells me my idea is horrible and no one would want to use it
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wheninastartup · 12 years
When I'm forced to use Google Maps on my iPhone while driving
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wheninastartup · 12 years
When someone tells me that he/she just dropped out of school to start a startup
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wheninastartup · 12 years
Seeing Paul Graham in person for the first time
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wheninastartup · 12 years
When VCs look at me after I ask for a valuation of more than $1Bn
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wheninastartup · 12 years
After seeing pizza is being served yet again at a hackathon
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wheninastartup · 12 years
When our designer comes back with mockups that look like Pinterest
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Credit to realitytvgifs.tumblr.com
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