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No longer looking for this, it’s been taken. thanks!
❥ Female character
❥ Age 17, I’m willing to bump both our characters up to 18 for comfort if needed
❥ Open Japanese FC
I have a 7th year Hufflepuff, Pureblooded, aged 17, from the beautiful lands of Japan. He’s arrived with his family to the UK for unapproved medical treatment for his sickly father. This one would take some finagling, but I’m looking for the whole, ‘arranged marriage that totally works’ plot. Our characters essentially have grown up together knowing they’d be betrothed. He is a very introverted, contemplative sort. As an empath he feels more than he lets on and he tends to stay in his head deciphering the sea of emotions around him.
He can be a teasing pain in the ass to your character. I’m thinking, trolling bf who has these random moments of utter sweetness to let you know he does care.
Since she’d need to be from Japan too, we’d need a reason for her to transfer to Hogwarts with him. I know it’s a little ehh in terms of likelihood but if we can suspend belief a little there, it can be a very cute ship.
Her personality and history are entirely open other than her needing to be a transfer to Hogwarts like him.
I’m imagining an almost back-and-forth kind of dynamic, like they may very well be interested in each other but neither very willing to admit it. Humor as a deflection to any sentimental moments/exchanges for sure, and a good bit of pranking to mess with each other.
A lot of teasing, a lot of unwillingness to be genuine maybe because they got into this serious thing when they were so young that they don't entirely know how else to act other than childishly. Being older now makes the marriage a lot realer, and the pressure could be on now to fulfill their families’ wishes with this union.
We could talk about family dynamics — maybe this is rival families finally calling a truce, or maybe this is an owed favor from long ago and one family is finally ‘cashing in’ for one reason or another. Or maybe they’re just Purebloods wanting to keep their lines pure.
I have some ideas on vibes & shared aesthetics for them here
Again, FC ought to be of Japanese descent, I’ve found a nifty list below as a resource but as long as the individual is Japanese I won’t mind who it is.
My character’s fc is Kentaro Sakaguchi if curious.
If you’ve found this post through a tag please visit my blog and see my pinned post to see what I’m looking for short-term & long-term in a buddy, and a bit about my writing & tropes I love getting into.
If you’re still interested after that, please interact with this post and I’ll gladly get back to you with my discord handle so we can chat further there! <3
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Icon from Vickisigh on twitter, IG & Patreon
Header from Anasabdin on Twitter, IG & Patreon
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Blog Purpose:
This is just dedicated to hosting my role play wants & plots.
I am 30F and would prefer anyone interacting or seeking to write with me be at least 25+. I need someone who loves writing romance plots as much as I do, and who will be willing to chat and get to know each other outside of the RP.
I’d prefer fellow female writers, and while I don’t push for replies or activity, it would ideally be someone who can reply at least once or twice a week.
No-gos include:
- Large Age Gaps
- Non-con/rape
- Depictions of gore, body horror
- Incest, pedophilia, beastiality
- Animal Abuse/Death
- Domestic Violence, as in I will not write pairings where this occurs. If it’s in your character’s history that’s fine, but I will not write toxic relationships.
NSFW/Smut: I have never really gotten into smut, typically fading to black, but if we write an adult pairing and a situation is leading to sex, I am willing to write it.
I’ve been writing since high school so I MIGHT have a character here and there who is younger than 18. Should we write with them, your character must be of similar age, and absolutely no NSFW or smut for them. We could write pining of course, but age appropriate pining please.
Location of RP: I am specifically looking for someone who is willing to join a site I am already writing on. If we double or swap a plot, I am willing to join a site for you in return. Just please don’t link me to one with heavy lore or a very long application. Preferably the activity requirements would be low as well.
I only ask these things since the site I would be linking you to is similarly lax.
It is:
❥ 18+ Alternate Universe Harry Potter, present day
❥ 1 post a month
❥ 2 different options for character application, one more structured and basic and the other a little more open with a free form in place of a character history. Both are relatively short.
❥ Mid-high activity level from the community overall, but it is only 1 post a month so you can go as slow as you’d need.
TO START I would actually like to stick with 1x1 on a discord server, unless you’re someone wanting to see the site upfront to decide.
Please do not reach out if you only want to stick to 1x1.
I don’t have a set time when I’d prefer to move to forum writing between us but I tend to do better writing in the structure provided by most forums so long-term, let’s work towards that.
Short-term, I’m happy with 1x1 as we get to know each other and see how our writing compliments each other. I’m expecting any move to forums to be organic really, and for us to possibly continue with our server if you’re into it.
My Writing/Tropes:
I consider myself semi-lit to lit
I write anywhere from 2-8+ paragraphs, but moving the plot is more important to me so whether that’s long novella posts or more on the rapid fire route is fine as long as we get things going.
My plots here are typically romantic in nature, but I may include a sibling, found family, or best friend plot if I get around to it.
I write MxF and FxF pairings, myself in the male role about 90% of the time.
I’d be looking for a partner flexible enough to write one or two males for my straight female characters, but nothing beyond a rare pair here and there.
I only write Original Character x Original Character pairings.
Tropes I lean into are slow burn, mutual pining, healing together, second chances, first loves, childhood friends to lovers, enemies to lovers, soulmates, arranged marriage that works, dumbass x dumbass, strong women x male wives, opposites attract & fluff.
Very big on fluff with some angst. I can get behind drama as long as the ending is happy.
I enjoy making Pinterest boards together, sharing gifs, songs, art, & creating headcanons.
In general I love animation, video games, comedies and the occasional drama/dramedy. I’m afraid of this getting too rambly so if you’re interested in knowing more, please feel free to ask. ^^
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