whereintheworldblog · 11 years
Amarillo by Morning
Although it was sad to be leaving Colorado, we were off to the next place. That placing being the great state of Texas. Now of course the drive was going to be long but I guess we didn't realize just how long it was actually going to be. It took us 10 hours to get from Colorado to Amarillo, but the drive was all worth it. We didn't stay in Amarillo long but for the length of time we were there we got a lot done. First thing we did when we got there was The Big Texan Steak Ranch, now if you've never heard about this place I'm almost positive you are not from Texas. This place has a challenge so massive you can't for the next two days, the challenge is the 72oz steak. This steak is not just served as the steak it comes with a baked potato, a roll, salad and fried shrimp. And if that's not enough you have to finish it all in under an hour. Now you can probably imagine after that dinner we were all ready to hit the bed and pass out, and that is exactly what we did. The next morning we woke up early to head to a museum called Jack Sisemore Traveland RV Museum. Now this museum is probably not a big deal to most people, but to my family it huge. It had one of the coolest things, at least to my family, that thing being the RV from the Movie RV was there. Which is our favorite movie to watch as a family, if were watching a movie its usually that. After  we saw that we decide it was time to head home and enjoy the rest of summer.  
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whereintheworldblog · 11 years
Colorado fun!
Well after spending about 3 days in Vegas and realizing it was too hot to do anything, we trucked our way to Durango, CO. Durango is a place that you should go when you need to get away from the big city and just relax. When we go there it was just perfect, the weather was great and it had so much to do. Probably the first thing we decided to was go driving to downtown Durango which is just one of the most adorable places you will ever see. There's a little something for everyone, shopping, eating, and theres hiking supplies sold everywhere there. After we spent a whole day there it was time for bed, the next day we took a hike at a little park on the outskirts of a place call purgatory. Purgatory is a ski resort on the other side of Durango it has things for the summer months and things for the winter months, it all around a fun place to spend a day or spend a lifetime (the reason I say is because you can buy or rent condos there). All in all Durango is a perfect place to detox from a busy city or a busy life.
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whereintheworldblog · 11 years
Viva Las Vegas
Now with the heat index at 105 the whole time I was there, Vegas was barely bearable. Usually I really do enjoy Vegas, it's fun, it's lively, and all around enjoyable, but this time it was just so hot during the day I didn't even want to step outside. At night was a different story it was about 82 degrees and nice, that when I enjoyed walking the strip! Now if you've never been to Vegas, your probably wondering "what all the hype about?", well it's really all about the fact that you can be as stupid and spontaneous as you want because in the morning no ones gonna remember your name. But if your under 21 there is still tons of stuff for you to do too, like go see a show (not a show for people over the age of 18), shop. Now if you read my previous blog you'd see that one of my favorite this in the whole world is to shop, whether it be for big things or small thing I just find it fun. The shopping in Vegas is incredible! Fendi, Prada, Louis Vuitton, and Tiffany's, just to name a few. The shopping is a girls dream! Then there's also the topic of food, absolutely incredible cuisine, there's so many places to choose, but whether your looking for a quick snack or a 7 course meal you will find it in Vegas. Vegas has something for just about any occasion, its perfect for people just wanting to have some fun and enjoy life.
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whereintheworldblog · 11 years
I went to Los Angeles during this 3 week trip, and I must say I absolutely loved it! Not exactly what I imagined but still so cool. LA has something for everybody, it's got the beach, shops, sight seeing, the whole thing! It really has an old timey feel with a modern twist. One of the things I will remember forever is Disneyland, now I don't think I've cover just how much I love Disney, Walt Disney is one of my idols he is just so positive, and he created one of the happiest places on earth! In disneyland we went to california adventure, it had no lines and great weather! It wasn't to hot and it wasn't so cold that I had to wear a sweatshirt the whole time either it was just perfect! The next day we walked rodeo drive, now brace yourself rodeo drive is very expensive. I went for the experience, and my experience was great I absolutely love it! Really that was all we did, it was very calm, and I have nothing bad to say about it! All in all it was a great experience and I would do again in a heartbeat!
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whereintheworldblog · 11 years
Tombstone/Bisbee, Arizona
Its been about a week since we've been to Arizona, and I'm going to tell you a few things that I did while I was there. Now first of all I wasn't there long, really I was only there for about 2 days. I felt that 2 days was just enough to spend in those two places. Tombstone was made famous by the 1993 movie with Kurt Russell, Val Kilmer, and Sam Elliott. I'm going to start by saying that tombstone was not my cup of tea, I felt that all they were doing was asking for money. When I go places I want to enjoy them and not be hounded by the people working there telling me that "the next shoot out will be in 10 minutes behind that building" (and before you get worried, no it wasn't a real shoot out it was one of those shows that shoot blanks) now for some people it may be fun. I feel like if you were bring a 7 year old boy to see it, that is really into old western places and thing, I think they would enjoy it. Tombstone has many shows and lots to do if you are willing to pay, it doesn't cost much when its 3 people, but if its a family of 5 or more the prices get up there. And then there's Bisbee, a little mining town about 30 minutes away from Tombstone. Now Bisbee was more up my ally, it's very artsy and a lot more interesting to me. The town of Bisbee has little lots of little shops and a mining tour. My family and I did the mining tour, it was packed with information and it was fun they told jokes and made it interesting for not only me but for my little sister who gets bored easily. I enjoyed Bisbee a lot more than Tombstone, and I'm not saying that Tombstone was absolutely awful, but I am saying that is more of guys than girls. My expectations of Bisbee were a lot different from what I first expected, I enjoyed it a lot more than I first had thought.
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whereintheworldblog · 11 years
Small town travels
So about 2 weeks ago I got back from a pretty neat trip! We went to Fredericksburg, TX, it's such a blast there. What Fredericksburg is, is a little town just outside of San Antonio. When you hear little town you probably think; a place with almost nothing to do and nothing to see, and in some cases you would be correct, but here that is not true at all. Sure, it doesn't have a Macy's or big department stores like that, but it does have cute little shops that have character, and if you catch it on the right weekend you will find a little thing called trade days. This whole reason we went to Fredericksburg this time, it is an adorable little market where you can find just about anything from fresh produce to re-done old furniture. It really has some great finds for just about anybody, but you have to be willing to look really hard for the treasures. And let's not forget about the food, because lets face it, everybody has to eat! This place has many things to choose from whether it be a quick sit down dinner to fancy dining. Honestly when I'm on vacation I really don't want to do a very fancy dinner, but I understand some people do. There is one place in particular that I really enjoyed this trip and that was the Airport Diner. It has so much character, it had the feel of an old 50's diner on the inside and on the outside it looks like one of those old metal buildings that you would store the airplane in (I don't know what there actually called). The food there was just simple stuff like sandwiches and salad but it was cooked so well and tasted so good I will be going there every time I go back! There are so many different things you can do beside all the things I did, you could go to museums, or buy peaches or just relax for a weekend (as many people do). Just as a wrap up, Fredericksburg is a really good weekend trip for the family, I love that you can go there and escape from your everyday life and just enjoy the peace and quiet of a small town.
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