wheres-my-purse · 3 years
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wheres-my-purse · 3 years
Mom: You’ve lost weight
Friends: You’ve lost weight
Scale: You’ve lost weight
Body Dysmorphia: This is the fattest you’ve ever been
Me: No but-
Dysmorphia: fATTEST.
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wheres-my-purse · 3 years
In the mood to be fingered till I can't remember my name
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wheres-my-purse · 3 years
Having an eating disorder and not being skinny is the most embarrassing thing ever.
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wheres-my-purse · 3 years
you need to try this.
1 sweet potato (100-110 cal)
extra virgin olive oil cooking spray (0 cal)
any seasoning you like
air fryer (i’m sure u can use oven but this is how I do it) (:
so first, cut the sweet potato into thin rounds (the thinner they are the more “rounds” you get)
if you end up making g messy cuts i.e. halves, chunks, you can throw them in as well
throw the rounds in a ziploc and lay them out as even as you can, and spray the cooking spray on both sides. be sure to cover every one just enough
add seasoning, shake
put in air fryer for 15 min, toss halfway through and check at 12 min
when semi crunchy/ browning, they’re done!
mine always turn out a lil soft on some and crunchy on others, so it feels like i’m eating more than one thing and these are a god send! so amazing (i use garlic powder)
should be damn near 100-115 cal
(i’ll add photos later)
stay safe x
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wheres-my-purse · 3 years
The person I reblogged this from deserves to be happy
I tried to scroll past this. I really did
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wheres-my-purse · 3 years
sorry if i seem distant & suicidal im just distant & suicidal
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wheres-my-purse · 3 years
Perfect cause I'm bipolar. This is my Hanna Montana best of both worlds moment.
half of tumblr wants to fuck, the other half wants to die
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wheres-my-purse · 3 years
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wheres-my-purse · 3 years
i don’t have the healthiest coping methods but i haven’t killed myself yet so where’s my fucking medal
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wheres-my-purse · 3 years
Today’s reminder to not eat out of boredom and drink plenty of water.
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wheres-my-purse · 3 years
Yo so like, any of y'all wanna be my down ass bitch? 🥺👉👈 Phone calls and texting memes and bitching about things we can't to people that know us cause like they'd be judgey asf or worried lmao. Nah? Okay that's cool.
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wheres-my-purse · 3 years
reblog if you’ve never used the braincell
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wheres-my-purse · 3 years
is this blog stupid? yes. but which one of us is following it?
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wheres-my-purse · 4 years
Sometimes I wish I was a character in The Sims so I could just self delete and start over
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wheres-my-purse · 4 years
I can feel myself getting bad again and honestly idk if I want to get help this time
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wheres-my-purse · 4 years
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