Marcus looked up at the student who rushed to help him and if it was possible to laugh, he would have. It was no other than the naked puff he had run into in the Hufflepuff dorms! He remembered Kenai asking for his help, but Marcus also remembered that he didn’t help in anyway whatsoever. Why was he running to is rescue? Marcus found it odd.
“It stung me, actually… and yes, it was.” He hissed through his teeth and looked at the shattered jar on the floor. It was an easy fix, but it drew too much attention to him. “It also escaped so Merlin only knows where it went.”
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At the tone of his voice Kenai almost let out a small smirk. It wasn’t anywhere near what Kenai was found in - though it was satisfying to see him causing some sort of a scene. He hid the smirk on his face well though. Whatever got him seemed to have really hurt. Keani could careless, but he also wasn’t heartless. The yellow he wore with his robes let the world know that. 
“Oh did it now?” He asked shaking his head. The amusement of the situation was far too much for him to just ignore. Till Kenai was hit with the realization that the thing was still flying around. “Uh . . does it fly fast? Maybe it’s far away from here by now?” 
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Denahi had to laugh as he actually imagined his little brother trying to keep all seven of the cats around while beset by a bout of sneezing. “You sure you’re not allergic?” he teased, giving Kenai’s shoulder a playful shove. However, he grew more somber hearing Kenai’s next words. “You weren’t always,” he said. There was a time when Kenai and Koda were definitely not of an age to make their own choices. That was yet another thing that Denahi was occasionally wrestling with. “But I do know that.”
Kenai rolled his eyes. “No I’m not allergic. I snuggle with at least two of them a night. Seven is just completely out of hand. Come on.” He laughed a bit before shoving him back with his tongue out. Kenai nodded. “I know that.. but you gotta let the baby birds fly. You know? Get your own life back now that we’re old enough to know rights and wrongs ourselves.” 
Trimming The Tree || Kenai & Denahi
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Kenai walked past the guy and just eyed him for a moment. He’d heard of someone that had a very high liking towards bugs. Which wasn’t odd for him. Seemed kinda manly really. Kenai had to admit he was a baby and hated anything small that could fly around, or his biggest fear- something that could find it’s way into his ears. That had to be the creepiest thing in his book. With a shrug he left him and headed along his way back towards the library. His short cut typically came with interesting stories. This time - a man with his jar. 
Hearing the shatter Kenai turned on his toes and looked to see him now hovered onto the floor. “Shit.” He mumbled to himself before rushing over. Kneeling down he looked at him. “What can I do? Did it bite you? How... it was in a jar?” Kenai was awkward in these situations never knowing what to say first or do . Even more so with something he didn’t know much about - bugs.  
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Marcus had made quite the name for himself throughout the school by taste-testing the cockroach. It wasn’t that he enjoyed eating it, but it was necessary to continue his research.This time, however, he was attempting to be far away from popular areas that students and alumni would normally go. The last thing he needed was to get caught again and increase his weirdness factor. While he wasn’t about to eat another insect, he was going to do something questionable with them. 
Marcus looked at the wasp through the glass jar, a bit wary. This wasn’t a normal kind of wasp or even a hornet, but something different that he had found in the forest. Perhaps it wasn’t the best idea to test this thing out by himself, but he was sure he could at least crawl to an infirmary if worse came to worse. 
Slowly, Marcus unscrewed the lid of the container and pressed the opening against his left arm. Quickly, the angry insect latched into his skin and stung him. The Slytherin dropped the jar, letting the insect fly away, while he keeled over in pain. 
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The thought of love still lingered in the back of Holden’s mind as he began instructing Kenai. “The first and most important step of cooking is to make sure you have all of your ingredients ready.” He gestured to the supplies on the counter. “As you can see, I’ve taken care of that for you. Not only do you need ingredients, but you’ll want bowls, measuring cups, baking sheets, etc. Which again, I have taken care of. Always measure out, never estimate. I don’t care what people say. If they tell you not to measure, they’re wrong.” He laughed lightly to himself, thinking it funny that anyone would cook without measuring. How absurd. “The next step is to make sure the oven is preheated to the appropriate temperature. Then you can begin mixing your ingredients per the instructions.” Holden now gestured to Kenai as if giving him his queue to do just that.  
Keani looked over everything. In the back of his mind he could see Nita rolling on her back in completely laughter at everything in front of him. Even more so at the idea that Kenai was about bake. “Where did you even learn how to do all this? Or what any of this stuff even does.” He said softly as he picked up a weird mixing spoon and looked it over. Kenai looked over his shoulder at the oven and than back down at everything in front of him. It was like looking at a book in a completely different language. “Oh... am I suppose to.. start.. this.. thing?” He said still looking over everything oddly. 
Chocolate Treats || Holden & Kenai
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“What? You’re not a fan of the Seven Cat Blanket?” Denahi teased. Recently, he had the dubious honor of waking up every morning among the gaggle of cats as they had all decided that Denahi was the most comfortable place in the house to sleep. He had to roll his eyes at Kenai saying he put in good efforts. “Yeah, but we see what all that effort gets me. Nothing but frustration as you all continue to stubbornly do as you please.”
“Having that many cats over my body really just messes with my nose. I’d be sneezing all night if that was the case. Come on now.” He laughed a bit shaking his head at the simple thought of that many cats in bed with him. Kenai nodded. “Well the people you try and ... guild.” He stated choosing his words carefully. “Are all of age to make their own choices, ya know?” 
Trimming The Tree || Kenai & Denahi
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“Not as much as I should.” he said honestly rubbing the back of his neck. Nodding he looked over at her. It made sense. “Plus I’m sure it’s nice to get away from here every once in awhile, huh?” 
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Kenai was floored with the questions. There was Fauna who was the first girl to ever mean something more to him than whatever he had with Nita. Nita was his best friend. He loved her like a sister, and Fauna made sure of that thought. Because what he felt for the two girls were completely different. Fauna was.. the first. But did he every truly love her? Was it love? Kenai had no idea. Than Roxy... he cared for her so much, even after everything he’d been through he managed to find the heart to care about her again. “I’m not sure... I don’t know what love really is. Maybe? I don’t know.. I’ve cared for people deeply..” Rolling his eyes he huffed before putting the apron on as Holden told him to do. Looking over everything he let out a long sigh. “I mean yes.. I can.. but that.. whatever. Yes.” 
Chocolate Treats || Holden & Kenai
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Kenai nodded as he grumbled to himself about his love for the cats. “I’m glad you’re keeping them inside, because I don’t want to go out there and look for them all and keep them locked away in my room. That’s too many. I just like a couple of them in at a time.” he said focusing on the tree. “This is true.. you put good efforts in though.” 
Trimming The Tree || Kenai & Denahi
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Denahi’s shoulders slumped. He knew that anything he said now, no matter how profound it might be, wouldn’t help his little brother. Nothing could fix this. “I love you,” Denahi said, allowing himself to say the words he so rarely said out loud and hoping Kenai understood that he meant them so much.
It’d been a really long time since Kenai heard those words. In a way it took some of the weight off his shoulders and he nodded softly towards him. “Love you too, Denahi.” he said in a whisper before heading off. 
Home for Christmas||Denahi&Kenai
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"Alone is easy. I don't have to do thinks like ... make chocolate." She scuffed with a small sight to himself. Raising a brow he looked at the guy and just shook his head. "You must really love someone huh?" He said shoving his hands into his pockets. "Bake? Do you see me... I don't even cook." He grumbled.
Chocolate Treats || Holden & Kenai
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Kenai waited to feel her react back before he let himself lose a little more control than he was willing to ever lose before. Pushing against her more he lead their bodies to a wall where he could at least steady himself with a hand beside her head as he lowered another to her hips pulling her against him.
Letters from a (Girl)Friend || Kenai & Roxy
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Kenai shut his eyes as tightly as he could as he nuzzled her into his hold. There was going to be no letting go. He was upset about her leaving of course. How could he not be upset about it, but she was back. She was back and that's what mattered. Kenai lightly rubbed her back when she started to talk. "Shh.. Roxy... just.." He pulled back just enough to cup her cheeks and bring her lips to his. Mostly to just feel she was real , but also because everything he tried to fight off came rushing back in.
Letters from a (Girl)Friend || Kenai & Roxy
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Shower Floors||Selfie
Kenai was laying in bed after what might have oddly been the best meal he’d had in awhile. Which wasn’t something common, or that he was used to in a place like this one. The food wasn’t horrible, but it wasn’t a home cooked meal if you got the picture. Biting at his lip he tucked himself in ready to just take a nap. After any good meal it was known you were just suppose to sleep it all off. At least that’s how Kenai lived in life.
A shoot pain not even five minutes after his eyes shut caused him to jolt up in the bed. Holding his stomach he groaned a bit to himself. Maybe he just ate something bad and it was coming to haunt him. It would only last a few seconds and on trip the the bathroom right? At least he had hopes that would be the case. Kenai sat and sipped from the water bottle on his nightstand. With hopes he would wash away the pain and the annoying sting. It really didn’t much for him.
With a small grumbled in his stomach he knew well enough he had to find somewhere to dispose of his insides quickly. Kenai whined knowing the run to the bathroom was too far away. Grabbed the nearest bucket like object he tossed his head in and let it out. Pulling back he realized he threw up inside hi backpack. The shadow of it in the dark looked like something more solid, and cleanable. “Merlin...”  Placing a hand on his forehead he groaned even more. Maybe it was just going to be a one time thing. The throwing up would have to stop right?
Just as he spoke another wave hit and his poor backpack fell victim once again. He should probably learn to close that so he didn’t think it was something else ever again. If he even kept the thing after this. After the second toss of his insides Kenai got up and waddled towards the bathrooms with his toothbrush and paste in hand. The moment his feet hit the cold ground he gave up on caring how cross the ground was and crawled his way towards the shower. Turning the water on as hot as he could he sat on the ground and just let the hot water wash away all the gross from him. After each wave of illness he would brush his teeth with the warm water, and just let it spit out down the drain.  
Poor thing sat there till he feel asleep, wet cloths and hot water falling and all.
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Happy Birthday Shang! 
Seriously dude, you have everything, so whatever. But these shot glasses are made of salt. So you don’t have to do the rim around top or whatever. They work best with tequila! 
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“And when has my talking ever stopped you from passing out on me?” She rose a brow at his statement, “It’s alright. Stop talking and like just walk, Kenai.” Nita wanted more information but he already got snippy with her. You know what they say, don’t wake the sleeping bear.
“I guess you’re right... whatever.” Sighing softly he marched his way to his room before anyone else could point out what had happened. Kenai wouldn’t say it out loud but he really did want Nita there, need her there even to be honest. Opening his room up he flopped on the bed and just groaned into the pillow. 
Troublemaker||Kenai&Nita (FlashBack)
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“Because that differs from another other time, how?” Nita was sure almost every time they napped together, Kenai was asleep long before she was. There were even time he drooled. They didn’t speak of those times.
“Because you’re full of questions and worry and annoying things that I don’t want right now.” He huffed a bit before looking down and shoving his hands in his pockets. “Sorry... I don’t mean to be this way.. just.. I want to lay down in my bed.. “ 
Troublemaker||Kenai&Nita (FlashBack)
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Meera had had just about enough of free time at this point. First, she’d spent many a day trying to figure out what to do over break. While others enjoyed some reprieve and relaxation, she had mostly just found herself antsy and lonely, wishing for someone or something to fill her time. She’d done the best she could, going out to restaurants and keeping herself busy with work around the house and school. She thought classes starting up would be the end of it.
But not today. Freezing rains meant she had to cancel all of her classes for the day. It didn’t even bring the joy of watching snowfall or children playing out on the grounds, just an icky, frozen mess that forced her to stay inside. She moodily deposited herself in the teacher’s lounge, sipping on hot chocolate while she contemplated what her options were. Finally she just decided that if excitement wasn’t coming to her, she would just go out looking for it. She stood from her place to head out into the vast and wondrous halls of Hogwarts, where anything was possible.
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Kenai wasn’t paying much attention. Not like he ever really did. He had his nose stuck in his phone scrolling through random crap that he’d ignored for awhile. Besides, it was the time were most students just wanted to crawl back into their bed. He didn’t think he was going to run into anyone. Till he felt his body come to a stop and he looked up. Quickly putting away the device and giving an innocent smile. “Sorry... wasn’t um.. looking.” 
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