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Inside Masjid al-Haram
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“The world is full of magic things patiently waiting for our senses to grow sharper.” ~WB Yeats
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I don't know who needs to hear this, but if you're an Islamic page that intentionally reposts people's writing without giving them credit (or worse, you add your name to it) that is stealing their work.
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Masjid is the one that re-energizes your soul
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The Prophet (ﷺ) was carrying earth on the day of Al-Khandaq till his `Abdomen was fully covered with dust, and he was saying, "By Allah, without Allah we would not have been guided, neither would we have given in charity, nor would we have prayed. So (O Allah), please send Sakina (i.e. calmness) upon us, and make our feet firm if we meet the enemy as the enemy have rebelled against us, and if they intended affliction, (i.e. want to frighten us and fight against us then we would not flee but withstand them)." The Prophet (ﷺ) used to raise his voice saying, "Abaina! Abaina! (i.e. would not, we would not).
In this battle you see clear examples of the leadership and strength of the Blessed Prophet.Jābir narrates: “Whilst digging the trenches, we were confronted by a gigantic boulder. When we raised this issue with Rasūlullāh, he replied: “Hang on, I will go down into the trench myself.” Due to severe hunger, Rasūlullāh had tied a stone to his abdomen. We also hadn’t tasted anything for three days. Rasūlullāh gripped the pickaxe with his blessed hands and landed a single blow to the boulder turning it into a mound of sand.”
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Arabic is beautiful #2
موشح لما بدا يتثنى/ “lamma bada yatathanna” poem
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this is an old andalusian poem whose genre is called “Muwashshah” موشّح. Muwashshah  an Arabic poetic form, consisting of a multi-lined strophic verse poem written in classical Arabic, usually consisting of five stanzas, alternating with a refrain with a running rhyme. 
this poem was written in the the mid-nineteenth century, and was sung many times. here are some versions that i’ve found;
لما بدا يتثنى - نور الهدى / Nour el houda (1952)
لما بدا يتثنى - فيروز / Fairouz (1960)
Savina Yannatou  - Lama Bada ( 1991) ( Savina Yannatou is a greek singer)
 لما بـــــدا يتثنى -غـادة شبير / Ghada Shbir 
لما بدا يتثنى  ( i couldn’t find the singer) (should watch this bc the video contains many beautiful tableaux)
لما بدا يتثنى- لينا شماميان / Lina chamayan ( 2006) ( this is my favourite )
ميريام فارس آمان - Myriam Fares Aman  (2015)  ( this is the newest version)
the poem and its translation:
لما بدا يتثنى قضّى الصِبا والجمال حبي جماله فتنا أفديه هل من وصال أومى بلحظه أسرنا
بالروض بين التلال غصنٌ سبا حينما غنىّ هواه ومال وعدي ويا حيرتي ما لي رحيم في شكوتي بالحب من لوعتي إلا مليكُ الجمال
Gracefully she arrived, Full of beauty and glory, So mesmerising is my beloved, Although I would sacrifice my soul for her, Is she willing to love me back?
She imprisoned me in a garden beyond mountains by the way she looks at me, She seemed like a tree branch that leans towards its roots after hearing love songs and achieving richness. I am dazzled and confused, I have no one to ask for, but you, you .. the queen of beauty.
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Muslim Lady Reclining - Francesco Renaldi - 1789
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Train Station
Painting by Glenna Dodge
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Honestly, we need to learn to correct each other with love. I get lots of messages that talk about “I want to give Dawah to my (friend, roommate, etc)” or they talk about “my brother/sister/etc is … ”
And you need to establish relationships with these people, and it’s not about pushing them, it’s about showing them. People watch you. You can talk about Islam’s infinite mercy but they’re going to notice whether you hold doors, whether you offer people your food, whether you are quick to anger, it’s not about the simple rules or what you see as Truth, but you living The Truth.
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