whiparoundandspin · 4 years
Some Cole power headcanons to follow on from the Jay ones! Because as much as I understand why the show focuses on just one aspect of their powers, in reality there's so much more they could do!
Echolocation - hear me out. Cole's powers are connected directly to the Earth, to the ground beneath his feet. And I understand that echolocation is the action of sound waves bouncing off of objects and back to someone's ears (and then depending on the time between the first instance of sound and how long it takes to come back yadda, yadda). Think of it this way, Cole can feel vibrations and waves through the ground. Put him in a pitch black cave, or a blacked-out room, all he has to do is tap his foot lightly on the floor or knock on the wall to create the tiniest of vibrations and the entire room basically comes to life in his mind when he receives the feedback.
Like a cat, or most animals, Cole has a sixth sense for forces of nature. Tremors, tsunamis, earthquakes, volcanic eruptions to name a few. He knows when something's going to happen, though maybe not specifically what it is. We can assume that the Ninjago world has a form of tectonic plating like we do, and Cole can feel them shifting beneath his feet. Though he learnt pretty quickly that he could tune it out, he just assumes everyone else could feel the world moving constantly. It's comforting, in a way.
Flowers grow where Cole walks. I know this has a Disney princess vibe, but earth powers aren't just increased strength and moving rocks. Nature just seems to respond to him so easily.
Cole sometimes walks around with flowers in his hair. Not ones he'd put there himself, but ones that have just grown there even in the absence of proper care and nutrients. Which means that, and to his frustration, he sometimes finds himself detangling daisies and leaves from his hair.
Depends on how far you want to push his powers, by touching the ground, he can sense the exact minerals and ore deposits in that area. Need iron ore? Cole can find it. Gold? Maybe a bit more of a push and a bit rarer but if there is any, he can track it down.
He doesn't mention the time when he'd climbed that one mountain a few years ago, and small rubies and quartz' started randomly getting pulled to the surface.
It's not used as often, but he can move much smaller particles than just full sized rocks. Dirt tracks on a carpet? Cole can lift the mark off the floor with a wave of his hand. Dusty room? It would take a lot more focus, but he can pull all the dirt and gravel into a single pile, so let's just say whenever chores are split between the ninja, Cole is always on sweeping duty.
He's so good at climbing because the mountainside helps him in his efforts. Not that it makes it easy for him, Cole is a very very talented rock climber; but there's always a handhold when he needs it, or a place to rest.
More of an aesthetic aspect, but Cole's eyes have always been unusual. Anyone just looking at him would say his eyes are brown, but get closer and have a proper look and there are fissures of sheer amber in his iris. Like cracks webbing out on the ground, but etched out over his eyes. The more observent, specifically Zane, knows that these lines can shift and change. Like the evermoving earth.
Cole knows the limits of his own power, and whilst the other ninja like to think they know how powerful he is, they've never truly seen the full potential he has. He prides himself on keeping a calm head, being in control, but extreme emotional distress can cause the ground to shake; fissures to appear and grow. When Zane was lost to the Overlord, Cole splintered a crack through a cliff face with a single punch to its surface. He's crazy strong, very powerful. There's an entire force of nature just under the surface. Cole knows that if he just let go, he could be capable of so much more.
Jay, Cole
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whiparoundandspin · 4 years
a ninjago modern/youtube au because i still cant find my stylus
this is basically just a modern au but with youtube channels bc why not
jay uses his for covers and music stuff
but only meme/joke covers
the rick roll he posted on april fools CONTINUES to be his most popular video
kai has a gaming channel
lloyd and nya appear on it most often bc siblings
mostly video games but one time he got everyone together to play monopoly
it went… badly
zane does science stuff
his videos alternate between “this is the exact scientific thing we are doing” and “lol watch me blow this up its gonna be awesome”
in his early days he built a robot falcon that’s now present in all his videos
if the falcon isnt there people get worried in the comments
cole is just a vlog
what does he do
who knows
Keep reading
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whiparoundandspin · 5 years
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whiparoundandspin · 5 years
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lava patreon commission for @sodasyrup
+ patreon + ko-fi +
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whiparoundandspin · 5 years
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hhe;s  j’jusutt;; so fuckn’n;gn;; GOOBY
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whiparoundandspin · 5 years
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whiparoundandspin · 5 years
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I know the background is technically magma but look
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whiparoundandspin · 5 years
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whiparoundandspin · 5 years
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Me: Okay now time to draw
My brain: No ur gonna make reaction images with the ninja ok
Me: ok
Asdhjk sooO these exist now, feel free to steal them since I know it’s gonna happen anyway XD
Also, I’ll take a few requests of other characters u want this kinda image for TwT
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whiparoundandspin · 5 years
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1/?? for some fan Ninjago designs! I am redoing the ones I made before, but this time I’ll be working on everyone separately and slowly so I do not rush myself!
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whiparoundandspin · 5 years
Lloyd: Are you straight or gay or bi or what?
Kai: I'm definitely what
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whiparoundandspin · 5 years
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Commission for @sodasyrup
who wanted me to draw some cute lavashipping <3
IM open for commission too btw, and yes i do fanarts !  https://www.starfaky.com/commissions
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whiparoundandspin · 5 years
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whiparoundandspin · 5 years
It’s 1 am
But I just want to tell you
That Polish version has more gay stuff. Really
Season 9, Kai: If you’re going to eat us - eat him first *points at Cole* He’s sweet as cake
Kai thinks Cole is sweet
Or he bit him someday
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whiparoundandspin · 5 years
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This is my contribution to Ninjago Pride week. Idk what the prompt days are and I'm too lazy to do them anyways, so yeah, have some Lava. The only other person I ship Cole with aside from Sky, is Kai. Imma sucker for lava. 💛❤️
Credit to whoever made the original piece. I still don't know who makes these, so if you do know, please please please let me know so I can give credit where it's due.
(Please Reblog, Do Not Repost.)
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whiparoundandspin · 5 years
Just look at his face
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He has a broken heart
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He’s crying
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whiparoundandspin · 5 years
Cole, mocking: I'm Kai and I instigate dangerous situations without regard for the wellbeing of my friends.
Kai, mocking: I'm Cole and I build muscle to distract from the emptiness inside me.
Cole: That's fair. That's a fair hit.
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