whiskeyandbutterflies · 10 years
She snorted a little, and let herself walk down the hallway at as best a pace she could. "I don't remember saying I was mature, thanks." Layla laughed a little, her gaze falling back to Izzy. "This is something I have to see." Her head nodded, blonde strands almost waving with the action. She pushed her hand into her jeans pocket, Layla then found her other hand tightening it's hold on her hospital bag, almost anticipating arriving home in a little while. She couldn't be happier to be out of this hell hole.
Jay only huffed as he looked at Layla. “Thought we were ‘posed to be the mature ones, Layla.” His eyes gave away that he was joking with her and didn’t mean it. Despite the embarassment he was happy seeing both of them smiling and amused.
Izzy could only snort in amusement hearing her start on the old playground rhyme. She was familiar with a few techniques involving water. “Nah. We wouldn’t need that. I have my own way of getting info out of him. Works every time too.”
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whiskeyandbutterflies · 10 years
     Layla's head lulled to one side as she heard Izzy's      words. She sighed inwardly, and swallowed thickly.      Blue hues, a little saddened by the statement, fell      to look at the pavement whilst they walked.
                     ❝ You say it as if you're some                          sort of chore to me. Trust                          me when I say you are not.                          You're stubborn as hell, yes                          but not once have I considered                          you a chore. Nor have I thought                          it was a good idea to simply                          leave you. ❞ 
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♣ (izzy)
Your character suddenly trips, stumbling over their own two feet. Send me a ♣ for my character's reaction.
- houseofthecaffeineaddict: 
     One moment Layla and Izzy had been walking     in content silence—having a small break in their     conversations usually lead to less confrontations,     Layla had learned—when the next thing she knew,     out of the corner of her blue hues, was Izzy falling.     She couldn’t even recall seeing what had happened,     but before she knew it the younger girl was hitting     the pavement. The cop knelt upon the floor next     to her young friend, pressing a hand against her     shoulder.
                     ❝ Are you alright, Izzy?                         That was quite a fall. ❞ 
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whiskeyandbutterflies · 10 years
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Guys...stop and think about this for a moment...Tom Fucking Hardy (My muse's fc) dressed up as a pixie for Halloween from losing a bet...
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whiskeyandbutterflies · 10 years
The grin on her face was definitely not going to be wiped away. She couldn't help stifle a giggle that had managed to escape her, playing it of with another tuck of her hair behind her ear. "Yeah, yeah. That's nothing." there she was, sassily cracking out some air quotes. It was as she added on a quiet and mumbled, "Jay and Dr Cooper, sitting in a tree, K-I-S-S--" not that she reached the end. Jay's look was one that stopped her dead, Layla laughed another time, and nodded in response to Izzy. "'m sure I have quite a few interview techniques that may be handy. But we'll need a small room, lots of water, and handcuffs."
Jay could only blush further as they were tugged along by the smaller woman. “It’s… nothing Layla.” I do have to admit her doctor is attractive though. He kept the thought to himself, suspecting that both ladies with him might not let him hear the end of it.
Izzy could only snort a little listening to them. “Jay the only time you normally show affection in public even on a small scale is with me, so I don’t believe you.” Reaching forward, she pushed the button quickly for the elevator. “Think we should try and bug him for info , Layla?” She wasn’t above harassing Jay for information on his blooming love life since hers was still non-existent.
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whiskeyandbutterflies · 10 years
     Layla watched her for a second before nodding her      concern off. Knowing it wouldn't do much good      to go worrying about the younger girl. At least, not      to her face. She dusted her own hands off, gaze       tugged by Izzy's noise. Noticing her hand, Layla      poked at the girl's arm with a roll of her eyes.
                     ❝ You're a disaster, what am                          I gonna do with you? C'mon                          let's get you cleaned up at                          least. ❞ 
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♣ (izzy)
Your character suddenly trips, stumbling over their own two feet. Send me a ♣ for my character's reaction.
- houseofthecaffeineaddict: 
     One moment Layla and Izzy had been walking     in content silence—having a small break in their     conversations usually lead to less confrontations,     Layla had learned—when the next thing she knew,     out of the corner of her blue hues, was Izzy falling.     She couldn’t even recall seeing what had happened,     but before she knew it the younger girl was hitting     the pavement. The cop knelt upon the floor next     to her young friend, pressing a hand against her     shoulder.
                     ❝ Are you alright, Izzy?                         That was quite a fall. ❞ 
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whiskeyandbutterflies · 10 years
Layla quirked one eyebrow as she watched the two, her suspicions confirmed moments later that, yes, this was Jay, with her doctor nonetheless. She smirked a little, and found herself awkwardly pushing some hair from her eyes whilst avoiding his gaze. Before she knew it Jay headed towards them, offering a greeting, and that was when she couldn't help but comment a little. "Someone's smitten... with my doctor." She looked to Jay with a shake of her head and a roll of her eyes before Izzy had managed to tug them off towards the elevator. 
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Jay wasn’t paying attention to the fact the two woman had seen him. Unable to help himself, he was laughing softly at something being said. Giving a small nod to the taller and slightly older male, he quickly and lightly exchanged kisses on the cheek before turning his attention to where he was going. A faint blush started when seeing he was spotted by Layla and Izzy. “Oh… um, hey.” He couldn’t help the tiny smile despite his embarassment at being caught.
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Izzy couldn’t fight her giggle at his being embarassed. “Last minute lunch thing?” Her eyes twinkled in amusement. Grasping both Jay’s hand and Layla’s, she guided them towards the elevators without another word. She couldn’t remember if Layla had been told about Jay, so she wasn’t going to really comment. However, she did know the gesture they’d just witnessed might raise a question or two.
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whiskeyandbutterflies · 10 years
     Seeing that she was okay, Layla managed a slight      laugh. She pushed herself back to her feet, and       gave Izzy a once over with her eyes, just to make      sure the stubborn girl wasn't lying to her. She'd      soon enough catch on, Layla was sure. Huffing,      the blonde nodded her head.
                     ❝ You better be. I thought                          I was gonna have to drive                          you to the ER for a moment                          there. ❞ 
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♣ (izzy)
Your character suddenly trips, stumbling over their own two feet. Send me a ♣ for my character's reaction.
- houseofthecaffeineaddict: 
     One moment Layla and Izzy had been walking     in content silence—having a small break in their     conversations usually lead to less confrontations,     Layla had learned—when the next thing she knew,     out of the corner of her blue hues, was Izzy falling.     She couldn’t even recall seeing what had happened,     but before she knew it the younger girl was hitting     the pavement. The cop knelt upon the floor next     to her young friend, pressing a hand against her     shoulder.
                     ❝ Are you alright, Izzy?                         That was quite a fall. ❞ 
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whiskeyandbutterflies · 10 years
Her steps were still far too slow for her liking, and Layla had to admit the painkillers they had given her were making her tired, despite the fact she was standing upright. She'd curse them later, and probably throw them down the sink so that she could actually get back to her job. The blonde glanced towards Izzy, offering her a gentle smile. 
She nudged the girl lightly with her elbow, letting out a short laugh. "Oh yeah? Why would that be?" Though, she'd admit she enjoyed their time together, too. It just seemed like Izzy needed someone to be there for her in her life; other than Jay. Layla didn't mind playing that part. "We don't argue that often." She chuckled. Sure, to start with they had, but the last few days they hadn't really done so. Perhaps it was the extra stress of Nicoli no longer hanging over them, or maybe it was because Layla just hadn't had the energy.
Her gaze fell to the floor, watching her footsteps softly. She looked back towards Izzy, waiting her response when she saw the girl's amusement. Layla's blue hues followed the direction she looked in, her eyebrows pressing together in confusion. Was that Jay? 
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Izzy waved it off. “No, no, don’t be silly. I promise it’s fine.” She offered the older woman a smile as she waved off the comment. She’d realized a few things and she wasn’t sure what to think about it or if she should say anything. She didn’t want to throw Layla off with what she’d realized recently. “Despite everything, I, um, I enjoy our time together when we end up not in an argument or something.” She knew it’d came out of nowhere, but she knew if she didn’t say it now, then she wouldn’t say it period probably.
Glancing out of the corner of her eye, Izzy covered her mouth to try and stiffle a giggle. Jay was walking down the hall towards the elevator and he wasn’t alone. He was talking quietly with the doctor that had been in charge of Layla’s care. She’d kept quiet but had seen the two hit it off without trying.
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whiskeyandbutterflies · 10 years
♣ (izzy)
Your character suddenly trips, stumbling over their own two feet. Send me a ♣ for my character's reaction.
- houseofthecaffeineaddict: 
     One moment Layla and Izzy had been walking     in content silence--having a small break in their     conversations usually lead to less confrontations,     Layla had learned--when the next thing she knew,     out of the corner of her blue hues, was Izzy falling.     She couldn't even recall seeing what had happened,     but before she knew it the younger girl was hitting     the pavement. The cop knelt upon the floor next     to her young friend, pressing a hand against her     shoulder.
                     ❝ Are you alright, Izzy?                         That was quite a fall. ❞ 
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whiskeyandbutterflies · 10 years
- houseofthecaffeineaddict
The days had been counting on as Layla did nothing better than lie still in the damned hospital bed. Sure, she'd seen Izzy a lot in that time, and her own sister, too, but the woman was itching to get home and take care of business; she had Shadow to go reassure, and a stack of paperwork one would sooner wish to forget.
The day rolled around and Layla was almost out of those hospital doors, eagerly--if not a little slower than normal thanks to the bullet wound now wrapped up tightly--with Izzy at her side. "You know you really didn't need to come pick me up. I could have gotten a cab home."
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whiskeyandbutterflies · 10 years
Your character suddenly trips, stumbling over their own two feet. Send me a ♣ for my character's reaction.
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whiskeyandbutterflies · 10 years
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          I am a                                     ⊱ Indie roleplay for Jordan McKee from SyFy’s Haven ⊰     human taser!        ⊱ Multiverse, multiship, open to other fandoms: canons and OCs ⊰   You don’t think                                  ⊱ 9+ years of roleplay experience - 2 ½ on Tumblr ⊰  I have the right to         ⊱ Memes, one-liner, para & novella (icons & gif-icons preferred) ⊰      be  a n g r y ?                                    ⊱ Slight chance of NSFW and triggers (all tagged) ⊰
The Gun ’n Rose ≈ Wish To Escape? ≈ The Guard’s Rules
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whiskeyandbutterflies · 10 years
          Despite her stuttering, Caitlin was unable to clue in on who could want her in a situation like this. She was only a call girl. Surely other professions had higher risks, and frankly why would someone in their right mind want her? The woman huffed and swallowed hard. She shook her head, gaze firm upon the floor instead of looking towards Theo. It was broken by a growl from her stomach, Cait forced to remember she had refused food before. She huffed, and looked around, “Maybe we should—uh—see what else is around here? Maybe food… You know, without the creepy-ass waiter around.” She joked and laughed softly, trying to make ease of the situation.
Abandoned Town AU || Theo & Cait
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whiskeyandbutterflies · 10 years
( so I come home tomorrow night for the weekend, if I owe anyone other than theodorefreakinfinley can you please let me know? I've missed the thread obviously. )
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whiskeyandbutterflies · 10 years
           Caitlin took a single step back from Theo with his words. Almost not believing them but, at the same time, she found his expression to be one bad enough to knock her back. The blonde stroked her hand across her throat with a hard swallow of nerves, then another step was taken back from Theo. "Uh, sure." Cait said, despite not believing him, she was a little on the scared side right now, and an angry Theo wasn't her ideal partner to be stuck in this situation with, "I--I don't know." She answered, uselessly. There could be a list as long as her arm for all she knew; clients, ex clients, ex boyfriends, it was hard for her to pick out just one.
Abandoned Town AU || Theo & Cait
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whiskeyandbutterflies · 10 years
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30 Days of Haven: Day 28 - Your favourite Haven Locale.
The Cape Rogue.
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whiskeyandbutterflies · 10 years
          She chuckled effortlessly, watching him pour his drink and take a sip. “You’d have a hard time being employee of the month, I hold that title, thanks.” The woman stated pointedly, although her smile still said otherwise. Cecily reached her hand out and took the bottle back from him, slotting it back to where it belonged, she walked towards the bar and took her glass of wine in her hand. Sipping at it before she rose her eyebrows. “I have a feeling, but I’m sure you can’t be that bad.” A laugh left her and she craned her glass over the beer taps to clink it against his whiskey glass. “Deal.” 
To con a con man || Nick & Cecily
Nick excitedly slammed his empty drink down on the counter, a wide smile on his face as he pumped a fist up in the air. “Knew you’d come around Cecily— Deal. One whiskey and you get your new employee of the month.” With a cocky smile, he grabbed the bottle. Expertly pouring himself a glass and showing off a little in the process, and then took a long sip. “You don’t even know what you are getting yourself into, do you?”
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