whiskeyfueled · 5 years
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whiskeyfueled · 7 years
Archiving this account.
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whiskeyfueled · 7 years
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whiskeyfueled · 7 years
the best thing about me is my ass
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whiskeyfueled · 7 years
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whiskeyfueled · 7 years
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whiskeyfueled · 7 years
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whiskeyfueled · 7 years
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whiskeyfueled · 7 years
Wayside Inn
                 CHAPTER 1: A BUMP IN THE ROAD
You’re on the way to Stanford where Sam will be attending law school when there’s car trouble, leading you and the brothers to a rundown Inn out in the middle of nowhere. It was only after you settled in for the night that you wondered where the whispers were coming from. With no staff in sight….who was it that turned off the lights? 
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whiskeyfueled · 7 years
All The King’s Men
Chapter 4
A/N: Okay, this chapter is short, but it’s been so long and I wanted to get something posted! Thank you! Just a reminder to send an ask if you’d like to be tagged!
Chapter 1 || Chapter 2 || Chapter 3
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whiskeyfueled · 8 years
I don't have time for this place. I have way more important things going on. There are a few of you I'm really gonna fucking miss because I love writing with you and I'm sorry but my life is moving a million miles a minute and I gotta focus on that. I'm sorry. God this shit sucks- I don't wanna leave writing but I just can't keep up.
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whiskeyfueled · 8 years
“Ooooh - Handsome an’ smart.” She cooed at him.
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“Well - if ya wanted t’ star in ‘Bang-fest 2′ ya gotta audition first… I usually make boys buy me a drink first though.”
He faked a bashful grin and raised an eyebrow.
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“Audition fee. Don’t know much about Hollywood but I was always told not to pay for a job interview. Though...” He tilted his head as he checked her out “I think I’ll take the risk here. Adding porn to my resume sure is appealing, especially if I get to have a co-star as hot as you.”
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whiskeyfueled · 8 years
Bobby wasn’t kidding he was barely holding off a horde of undead, some of the. Zombies looked like hunter friends.
Dean let the GPS lead him to Bobby in record time and barely got the car parked before he jumped out and grabbed some weapons. He knew better than to be too loud, Zombies liked fresh meat, but he just needed to find Bobby quickly.
"Hey Dean, I-umm... well I kinda need some help on a hunt that went sideways."
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“You better fill me in, I’m on my way.”
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whiskeyfueled · 8 years
the LOOK on Dean’s face, provides no reassurance – - smug and altogether, a thing of veteran pride. to that, Spock’s response begins with a dull dusting of his own shoulders, pursed lipped and silent while his palms brush away the remnants of dirt and grass from his fall. whether he was ready, was IRRELEVANT. he knows that; so does Dean. they missed something - – so, what other choice did they have in the game of monsters and men. 
❝ of course, Dean. ❞  absently, Spock SQUINTS beneath the bright sky back at the fence. its cloudless canvas stark, against the line of rotting wood. it was still too quiet on the other side, ❝ i assume you wish to try again at nightfall? ❞ 
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Dean gave the rookie hunter a proud smile, noting that giving up wasn’t part of who Spock was. 
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“Look at you, picking up on the job quickly. You’ll be a fine hunter.” He turned his back from the house and his sometimes-partner, waving him along to follow. “Come on, I’m starving.” When wasn’t he starving? Besides, they had some time to kill and what better place to gather ideas than around people who lived in the town.
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whiskeyfueled · 8 years
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whiskeyfueled · 8 years
Actually these books are interesting. She’s been reading her way through the boys’ adventures, occasionally comparing them to John’s journal and her own knowledge about hunting. Dean’s presence in the room, isn’t unexpected, she practically timed it to the second. Mary listens to his speech with a nod, and seats herself next to him, the book, entitled Route 666, in her lap. “This was on a bookshelf, I thought it looked interesting. Besides, stuff that bothers you isn’t bullshit.” @whiskeyfueled
Dean sighed when she sat and grabbed the book from her lap, scoffing at the cover. “Mom, it’s weird, you know. These books have every detail. How about we talk about what you’ve read so far and then I fill you in on the rest, minus all the gritty details?” He grimaced, hoping to God she hadn’t reached the sexy parts of anything. “Please?” For just a moment, he looked like a child asking for candy before bed.
30 Years of Catch-Up || theburnedhuntress
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whiskeyfueled · 8 years
30 Years of Catch-Up || theburnedhuntress
"Momma, I don't know what to tell you. You came back, you already had a ton to deal with, what was I supposed to do? Add thirty years of my own bullshit on to your worry?" Dean ran his hand through his hair, frustration obviously coursing through every fiber of his being. The thing was, he'd never intended to keep these details from her, but he was protecting her. Funny, how his whole life had been about protecting the ones he loved at the expense of himself. "Where did you even find that?" He was internally blaming Charlie for leaving one of the books lying around. "Look, just put that down and I'll tell you everything. You shouldn't be finding out about your kids from some shifty books written by...." he trailed off, as if realizing for the first time Chuck had been God when he wrote those and not a prophet, Dean shook his head as he focused on Mary again. "Come on. Sit." He patted the chair next to him and gave her a small smile.
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