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Valery Slauk
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season moodboard: autumn witch
“There is something in the autumn that is native to my blood.” 
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Autumn Joy
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Powerscourt Tower, Enniskerry, Ireland.
by Bruce Glass
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Be our voice. Help spread the news.
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Arthur Rackham (UK  1867-1939)
“Autumn Fairies” illustration from Peter Pan in Kensington Gardens
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I've seen a life rune illustration with what appears to be holly leavers in a circle around it. Do you know anything about the meaning of the leaves?
Hi anon ! Could you show me the illustration ? Leaves can have various meaning depending of the type of leaf displayed. They can also be a simple artistic licence, to give the general feeling of nature which is often associated with life in pagan spaces.
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The Druids’ Temple | GarettPhotography
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The Ogham Script - Theories
“Some scholars argue that Ogham was created so that the Irish could communicate without the British knowing what was being said (the Brits were the Celts’ enemy, even in the first centuries AD). Another hypothesis argues that the alphabet was composed by early Christian missionaries in Ireland because they found it difficult to capture the sounds of Gaelic with the Latin alphabet. Still another posits that Ogham was originally a secret hand signal language of the ancient Druids that ultimately made its way into permanence by being carved into stones. This idea rests on the similarity between the groupings of one to five twigs for a sound and the five fingers of the person passing on messages in a secret sign language. However, few academics believe this last hypothesis to be credible. “
Source: Ancient Origins
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Fun Rune Fact Time
This symbol?
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Is actually supposed to look like this
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The first symbol, popularly known as the “peace sign,” is actually the Elder Futhark rune Algiz, but merkstave (or inverted). Which, if you know anything about Algiz, doesn’t actually mean peace at all!
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In this illustration, you see Algiz upright on the left, which is associated with life, beginnings, and protection. Definitely a rune you’d want on your person going into battle (for example lol)!
On the right, however, you can see Algiz inverted, also referred to as merkstave, which is associated with death, endings, and war. Maybe NOT something you’d want on your person going into battle unless you were trying to intimidate potential enemies imo, lol. 😅
Not to say that the peace sign thats been marketed and popularised is inherently bad in anyway, it’s just good to know the background of symbols. Personally if I were to display a symbol of peace I would use this one :
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Just something to consider 🖤
Love you all, Hel be with you 💀🐺
P.S. feel free to weigh in! I’m curious if other folks feel similarly. This is in no way a direct criticism either btw, it’s just something I’ve noticed over the years, personal thoughts and such 🖤
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Things I’ve Learned
- don’t drink water in the dark
- don’t look out windows at night
- if you feel it watching don’t look for it just hurry on your way, but to be safe if you feel running for some reason would insult This One then don’t
- take only dead wood from forests, fallen berries and flowers are safe too, the living things are Not For You
- NEVER stomp on the mushrooms
- stay on the animal paths
- leave an offering in the woods to be left in peace during your walks
- the hills and fields may seem open and empty but They Never Are
- listening to the wind is fine but you should never reply to it, if you feel it shift it’s time to go
- if your dog won’t go near it neither should you
- if It’s in your room then shut your eyes or otherwise don’t acknowledge It, It will eventually lose interest
- ghosts can and will lie to you
- don’t give anything your full name
- if you feel weak, don’t rest - leave
- your shadow doesn’t always belong to you
- check your seats before entering your vehicle, do not look back for ANYTHING after
- better yet keep things in your seats
- generally if you suddenly feel you shouldn’t look in a certain direction, be in a certain place, or do a certain thing then please trust your gut
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