whispers-through-time · 9 months
whisper nonspecific
Have you ever been ritually invoked?
I was once... by accident. They were trying to summon a different Yo-kai instead of me and were disappointed.
Needless to say, my feelings were hurt.
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A show you might like...
(Hello! This is the mun talking. Now, this is different to the usual Whisper content here, but I wanted to bring something to your attention, especially if you don't follow my main blog.)
(I think y'all might enjoy a fun little show called The Ghost and Molly McGee. If you haven't heard of it, I recommend giving it a Google, but the gist of it is a grumpy ghost accidentally curses himself to a peppy tween girl, and they end up becoming best friends.)
(Overall, this show has a lot of heart, with great characters, and an interesting world. I'm usually not too interested in the human side of plots for shows like this, but even when an episode is primarily focused on the humans, I still have a great time because the characters are so good. If you're a fan of Yo-kai Watch, there's a good chance you'll find something you enjoy about this series.)
(Why am I sharing this? Well, there's a challenge going on August 11th - 12th to see if we can get The Ghost and Molly McGee to trend on Disney+. There will be an official watch party on August 11th at 4pm PST. So, if you've had it in your watchlist and never gotten around to watching it, or if you've never heard of this show before, this is a good time to check it out!)
(The recommended episode to watch is "Like Father Like Libby/Dance Dad Revolution", because one segment showcases how good the show is when tackling emotional topics, while the other shows both the human and ghost worlds off with some comedy thrown in. My personal recommendation is the season 2 premier, The New (Para)normal, because it's my favorite episode. However, both of these are season 2 episodes, so they might not be available outside of the US. These are just recommendations though, since, at the end of the day, any episodes will do for this challenge, so watch what you can.)
(If you can't show your support on Disney+, I still recommend you check out the show. But if you can, please do.)
(Thank you very much, and I hope you have a wonderful day! Here's a song from the season 2 premier if you're curious, but just a heads up, there are spoilers for season 1 in it. I hope you enjoy! Mun out!)
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“Okay. What would you like to talk about? I have extensive knowledge on many topics, you know, so I’m up for anything.”
Said ‘extensive knowledge’ was stuff he could look up on his Yo-kai Pad, but that part wasn’t important.
*An tall Springfieldian man with luscious black hair, rounded oval eyes over a rounded oval nose. He wore a pink polo shirt with a sky blue tie, blue jeans and black dress shoes is seen in Whisper’s house, he asks himself:*
“Hey, were the fuck am I?”
Whisper was napping on the roof of the house. Jibanyan was out practicing fighting trucks again, with Nate was acting as his spotter, and as interesting as it was to see how far the cat could fly, it got old after a while.
Besides, he could see it just fine from here... well, if he wasn't snoozing away, that is.
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Whisper hummed, before quickly turning around to hurriedly swipe on his Yo-kai Pad, just to make sure. Once he confirmed the man was, indeed, not a Yo-kai, he turned back to him.
“Ahem, well then. How may I, Whisper, Yo-kai Butler extraordinaire, be of service to you today?”
*An tall Springfieldian man with luscious black hair, rounded oval eyes over a rounded oval nose. He wore a pink polo shirt with a sky blue tie, blue jeans and black dress shoes is seen in Whisper’s house, he asks himself:*
“Hey, were the fuck am I?”
Whisper was napping on the roof of the house. Jibanyan was out practicing fighting trucks again, with Nate was acting as his spotter, and as interesting as it was to see how far the cat could fly, it got old after a while.
Besides, he could see it just fine from here... well, if he wasn't snoozing away, that is.
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Whisper jolted at the sudden voice, looking into the room below him to see the man.
“Uh... yes? That-That’s me.”
He then floated down to meet him at eye level.
“Yellow skin... can see me... randomly in the house... Are you a Yo-kai?” he asked, floating around the man to inspect him.
*An tall Springfieldian man with luscious black hair, rounded oval eyes over a rounded oval nose. He wore a pink polo shirt with a sky blue tie, blue jeans and black dress shoes is seen in Whisper’s house, he asks himself:*
“Hey, were the fuck am I?”
Whisper was napping on the roof of the house. Jibanyan was out practicing fighting trucks again, with Nate was acting as his spotter, and as interesting as it was to see how far the cat could fly, it got old after a while.
Besides, he could see it just fine from here... well, if he wasn't snoozing away, that is.
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For the ask meme, could I do
🗡️ a time they hurt someone
😔 something they’d change about themselves
with 2040? Love the blog!
Hmm... Well, I did accidentally hurt Keisuke when I spooked him. For long term... I hurt Jibanyan emotionally once, and even though his memories of that time aren't very good, it still seems to stick with him.
As for changing something about myself, I don't really know. I am absolutely gorgeous after all, truly the ideal male form... minus the legs, most people probably want those. But, in all seriousness, I'd give myself better studying habits. I've gotten better since working with Enma, and I actually *know* a lot more now, but there are some subjects I lack in.
Thank you for the ask!
(Thank you very much! I'm glad you enjoy the blog!)
(Btw, for reference of what Whisper 2040 is talking about, I wrote this... almost 4 years ago wow. But still, feel free check it out if you want! I hope you enjoy! https://archiveofourown.org/works/16019117)
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*An tall Springfieldian man with luscious black hair, rounded oval eyes over a rounded oval nose. He wore a pink polo shirt with a sky blue tie, blue jeans and black dress shoes is seen in Whisper’s house, he asks himself:*
“Hey, were the fuck am I?”
Whisper was napping on the roof of the house. Jibanyan was out practicing fighting trucks again, with Nate was acting as his spotter, and as interesting as it was to see how far the cat could fly, it got old after a while.
Besides, he could see it just fine from here... well, if he wasn't snoozing away, that is.
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(For Whisbei)
Out of you or Mitsunari, who is more emotional? Better yet, how do you two express yourselves in general?
Definitely me. It's a lot easier considering I don't have the pressure of having to be a level-headed leader all the time. Only being seen by very few people in general also helps.
I tend to express my emotions through my actions; sometimes I dance around when I'm happy, and I cry my eyes out when I'm sad.
As for Mitsunari-sama, he's more reserved with his emotional expression. Except for his anger or frustration, that he waits until it's the right time to express it. He expresses his other emotions through his words, and acts of service.
Thank you for the ask!
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Hey OG Whisper or Whispocrates this feels really weird to say, but do you have a birth family or parents, or are you an orphan and who raised you during your youth? This was my second question to answer, sorry. :'<
Hmm, I don't really remember anything about my birth family or stuff like that. But, I have been around for a while, so maybe that's just messing with my memory.
Whisbei, you'd probably have a better time remembering those sorts of things than me.
Unfortunately, I can't remember anything either. It feels like I just woke up one day and started existing.
I see. Sorry we couldn't answer your question, but thank you for asking nonetheless!
(Also, no worries about the number of asks! It's all good!)
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(For Whisbei again. These are fun to ask, so I hope you don’t mind if I ask a few!)
What do you and Mitsunari do on a day where there’s no work to be done? How do you spend your day together?
We drank tea, ate, talked, and enjoyed walking around the grounds together.
Sometimes, we'd even go down to the town and see if anything interesting was going on.
It didn't happen too often, but it was always a nice treat when it did.
Thank you for the ask!
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Yes, we did! Mitsunari-sama found it very amusing to just see a floating hat, and we tried to see how many I could wear at one time, haha!
(For Whisbei) What were some silly things you and mitsunari did while y’all were alone?
Hmmm, well, there was this one time where I kept stealing this one guy's hat every time he got a new one, so one day Mitsunari just opened a door and found a large pile of hats. He thought it was hilarious.
For reference, this guy was trying to scam some villagers, so he totally deserved it.
Thank you for the ask!
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(For Whisbei) What were some silly things you and mitsunari did while y’all were alone?
Hmmm, well, there was this one time where I kept stealing this one guy's hat every time he got a new one, so one day Mitsunari just opened a door and found a large pile of hats. He thought it was hilarious.
For reference, this guy was trying to scam some villagers, so he totally deserved it.
Thank you for the ask!
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Hey Whisper 2040 and OG What are your tickle spots >:3 🪶
I'd say it's where my ribs would be... y'know if I had any. Same here. Can't really think of any others off the top of my head.
Yeah, we get bounced around like rubber balls or stretched out more than we get tickled. Thank you for the question!
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Rules and Indicators
Just wanted to make a post so it’s easier to find the rules and the indicators about who is speaking.
Speaking Indicators
Whisper: Normal Text
Whisper 2040: Bolded Text
Whisbei/Whispocrates: Italicized Text
Dark Watch: Bolded and Italicized Text
~~Usuta-san: Two tildes around the text~~
1. Nothing overly smutty or gory, a little bit is fine, but nothing extreme.
2. Open to RPs with anyone (including anons), as long as it doesn’t break the first rule.
Not really a rule, but more of a suggestion:
If you have a specific Whisper in mind, it’s a good idea to say which one, or tell me if you want all of them. Otherwise I’ll just assume which Whissu you’re talking to, or answer with them all. (You can correct me and I’ll fix it, but it’s easier just to specify in the first place).
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ur kinda cute… >/////<
Why, thank you! My gloriously smooth, round body is rather adorable!
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Tumblr media
Mr. Nobody: Hello, Whisper 2040, I would like to claim your belongings
W-What?! No! I need my belongings, they’re the only things I own!
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(OG Whisper) what is the worst movie you’re have ever seen?
For me, it’s Son Of The Mask
That Hell Boy remake I watched with Keita and his father a while back. That plot was a mess, but his father was more annoyed than I was, as he was a fan of the 2000s movies, and was looking forward to seeing it.
(Mun hasn’t seen many truly bad movies lately, sorry.)
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