Raine didn't know how they found themselves in the human world; they weren't even a hundred percent sure this was the human world. Until they saw all the humans around, at least. But, right now, they had a much bigger problem. Because it had just started raining.
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Luckily, they were able to take shelter under a decent sized wood awning; unluckily, it seemed they were going to be stuck there for a while with how much was coming down. Shivering, they looked around for any other reprieve from the weather and noticed something you'd never see in the Demon Realm: people walking around in the rain. Sure, they were people holding some kind of contraption to block the rain, but they seemed to be made mostly of cloth. Boiling rain would've easily eaten away at it, not to mention the people walking through it without the portable awning.
If they focused, they also realized the usual hissing sound and searing heat that accompanied boiling water hitting solid ground was missing. They were even cold. Curious, they reached one hand out to the falling water slowly, and they even instinctively flinched upon feeling the drops touch them, only relaxing after processing that it hadn't actually hurt.
"It's not hot," they thought allowed, unaware of any audience they may have. They recalled the many stories they would hear from Eda about her adventures into the human world, despite never joining her. "So Eda was telling the truth. The rain really doesn't boil here." It even felt... kinda nice.
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Ok, I'm finally ready to get started rping here. So, like/reblog this for a small starter to start off with.
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A song for @not-bcring
These days, one of their favorite places for a bit of respite was the castle roof, sitting on the parapet as they stared out at the sunset. Very few people came all the way up, so it stayed quiet. With a breath-taking view of the isles, it was a relaxing place to be alone with their thoughts or to practice by themselves if they needed to get out of their head. They couldn't get out of the castle much after being discovered as a traitor and being watched by Terra and the other Coven Heads all the time, so some place where they could be by themselves without causing suspicion was very appreciated. The view always reminded them of everything they had to protect and reinvigorated their dedication to their cause.
They had just been staring off into space, lost in their own head, when they noticed something... off about the wall they were staring at. It almost looked like it was moving - like the stone was rippling as if someone had thrown a rock into water. In the midst of trying to figure out why, something - no, someone - had stumbled through and was now plummeting towards the spikes that lay below
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With no time to think, they summoned their violin and bow and started playing, expanding the reach of their magic music to engulf and stop the falling person's decent. Bending the sound waves to push them upwards, their music floated them out of harm's way and toward Raine. They only stopped playing when they could safely place the person, who looked to be a teenage boy, on the roof beside them.
"That was quite the fall," they said, lowering their instrument. "Are you hurt anywhere?" Checking the boy over themselves, their eyes fell on his ears. "Wait.... are you... human?"
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Raine didn't know how they found themselves in the human world; they weren't even a hundred percent sure this was the human world. Until they saw all the humans around, at least. But, right now, they had a much bigger problem. Because it had just started raining.
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Luckily, they were able to take shelter under a decent sized wood awning; unluckily, it seemed they were going to be stuck there for a while with how much was coming down. Shivering, they looked around for any other reprieve from the weather and noticed something you'd never see in the Demon Realm: people walking around in the rain. Sure, they were people holding some kind of contraption to block the rain, but they seemed to be made mostly of cloth. Boiling rain would've easily eaten away at it, not to mention the people walking through it without the portable awning.
If they focused, they also realized the usual hissing sound and searing heat that accompanied boiling water hitting solid ground was missing. They were even cold. Curious, they reached one hand out to the falling water slowly, and they even instinctively flinched upon feeling the drops touch them, only relaxing after processing that it hadn't actually hurt.
"It's not hot," they thought allowed, unaware of any audience they may have. They recalled the many stories they would hear from Eda about her adventures into the human world, despite never joining her. "So Eda was telling the truth. The rain really doesn't boil here." It even felt... kinda nice.
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Ok, I'm finally ready to get started rping here. So, like/reblog this for a small starter to start off with.
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tag dump
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Ladies, Lords, and Non-Binary Royalty Watch me as I beat this geek and do it joyously
Go home. You're through, Princey. Pack it up. I claimed to be the Better Bard and I backed it up.
Raine Whispers (The Owl House)
Played by Nickel
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pride month day 1 ⬦ raine whispers ⬦ nonbinary
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