#Beauty and The Beast | Huntlow
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lysscking · 1 year
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tale as old as time
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mistyfoxxy · 2 years
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Sketch dump 6…
Plus more from the upcoming fanfic…
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Roses and Vines
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frogcoven88 · 1 year
I have ao3 now and considering making a huntlow disney au. I have four ideas:
A Tangled AU
A Beauty and the Beast AU
A Sleeping Beauty AU
A Peter Pan AU
Which should I make?
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lollytea · 2 years
i think you should make a spotify playlist for your fanfics and share them here
for example a playlist full of songs to listen while reading the atlas and the avid reader. i thought it would be cool :)
Haha I'd love to do that but I don't think I even have enough songs I associate with Atlas to fill a playlist. I can think of maybe?? 3?? Maybe??
I might do it at some point. I'm always open to recs too.
I do have a personal little huntlow playlist that expresses the vision of them in my head. My vision of them includes my fics tho so a handful of songs are about Sunshine in Your Smile specifically. Ship in the Bottle was also added because its an Atlas n Avid Reader song that was recommended to me and it makes me go crazy.
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valorianknights · 2 years
I just wanted to make a list of Huntlow au's for fan art or fic ideas, enjoy 👍💛💚
Human au
Soulmate au
Florist and Tattoo shop au
Hadestown au
Hogwarts au
Percy Jackson au
Golden Compass au
Snow white with the red hair au
Dark shadows au
Hairspray au
Labyrinth au
Coffee shop au
College au
Cinderella au
Selection au
Divergent au
Hunger Games au
Role swap au
Beauty and the Beast au
Red String au
Phantom of the Opera au
Phantom of the Auditorium au (goosebumps)
Deaf au
Your Name au
Day of Unity goes wrong au
Hades and Persephone au
My Hero Academia au
Sky High au
Dance au
Beta au
Stranger Things au
Alice in Wonderland au
Through the looking glass au
Willow and Gus almost die on the Day of Unity au
Haunted Mansion au
Miraculous Ladybug au
Multiverse au
Rogue au
Meeting Earlier au
Pen pal au
Thumblina au
Aladdin au
Toy Story au
In My Dreams au ( Hallmark movie)
Anastasia au
Prince and the Pauper au
Rivalry au
Sports au
The Nutcracker au
The Steadfast Tin Solider au
Steampunk au
X-men au
Rise of the guardians au
Titanic au
Band au
Detective au
Spy x Family au
Zombie Apocalypse au
Angels and Demons au
Amnesia au
Arranged Marriage au
Atlantis: The last Empire au
Blade Runner au
Bakery au
Body Swap au
Circus au
Corpse bride au
Groundhog Day au
Pokemon au
Artist au
Promised Neverland au
Black Butler au
Host Club au
Spirited Away au
Howl's Moving Castle au
Toilet bound hanako-kun au
Ghost au
Reincarnation au
Roommate au
Star Wars au
Time Traveler au
Tron au
West side story au
Victorian au
Vampire/ Werewolf au
Tangled au
Garden Club au
Stardust au
Childhood friends au
Also, here's some not quite finished Huntlow art and a little drawing of Katherine Clawthorne on the top right:)
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secretly-of-course · 2 years
okay but consider a huntlow Beauty and the Beast AU… A lost child shows up at Prince Hunter’s castle, he wants to help the kid and find where their parents are but the kid only wants to play, and when Hunter refuses to play along the child reveals themself as the Collector and curses Hunter and everyone in the castle to be his living doll house. Luz becomes a candelabra, Amity the feather duster, Gus a clock, Eda and King as tea pot and cup etc etc…
Years later in the village, Boscha threatens Willow and/or her fathers. Willow escapes into the forest, further in than she’s ever ventured, and stumbles upon a strange castle. But as she sees it the boiling rains start up and she has to take shelter, not knowing this is going to be a particularly long boiling rainstorm…
(bonus points for raeda if Raine is the only person in the village who is nice to Willow, though they can’t seem to remember much about their past. They try to remember who gave them their signature earring or carved a rain cloud into their lute but every time they think about it they’re overcome with headaches)
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dannydanoninoo · 2 years
The Soldier’s Bow
Okay so I got an inspiration spree with @gayredshoe ADORABLE Huntlow post soo, here’s my personal take to their hc, go read theirs as soon as it’s done tho! 
It has been a couple of months since the Day of Unity and Hunter had to admit that life was... pretty great now! Covens were dismantled so witches were starting to use different types of magic, he was slowly recovering from his life at the castle with Darius, Eda and Raine as guardians AND HE HAD FRIENDS NOW! So yeah things were pretty good.
It had taken him a while to learn all about this "friendship stuff" but he was getting the hang of it now! When he gave gifts or did stuff to help his friends and family he was showing how much he appreciated them! So, naturally, that's what he've been doing on the last few weeks: getting some human cube for Gus, helping Luz repair her tadagochi? thing she used to talk to Amity, taking care of Puddles for Viney, etc...
However, no matter how hard he looked he'd never seen to find something good enough for his captain! His Captain... Hunter couldn't help but smile at the thought of the most amazing witch in the Boiling Isles. She was brave, strong, beautiful, powerful and even with that she was the kindest person he'd met! She was the first witch who showed him unconditional kindness without knowing who he was, the first who'd ran to 'save him' from Kikimora at that fight at the Blight Factory, the one who didn't care who he was made after and also she had this amazing sparkling eyes... 
aaaand he was getting off topic... Again... thanks to the weird feeling on his chest he always had when thinking about the plant witch.
Anyway... here he was, at the night market looking for something worthy enough for his captain, which at the moment was... absolutely nothing. How could this place called itself a respectful illegal market when nothing here seemed to make an amazing mind-blowing gift?!
Then... thank the Titan he FINALLY heard someone talking about a rare plant called The Soldier's Bow, which was so beautiful that "anyone would be the happiest witch on the Isles if they were gifted it". That was perfect! And, he remembered seeing something about that plant in the confiscated papers Raine took from Terra Snapdragon's office great! So he immediately left to the owl house to start his research.
The next night, when everyone was asleep, he took Flapjack (who had been given him a smug smirk ever since he told them about the gift for some reason) and took off to the Hand, which is the place where the plant grows according to his research. Thinking about what he'd seen his research only made him more excited to do this. Sure he was going to have to fight a beast but it was worth it! The plant literally means loyalty and devotion! And it has soldier on the name! Which is a bit ironic considering he once was a soldier, although he didn't read past that, whatever else but wasn't important, what was important is that this was the exact gift that Willow would love and that showed how much he has thankful for having her as a friend (although the word still gave him some uncomfortable feeling when using it with her but not with Gus, hmmm weird... but not important right now, he had to get that plant as soon as possible!)
After what felt like hours, Hunter was happily sneaking back to the owl house, he wasn't hurt (badly) and he didn't even have to bribe Hooty or anything! Telling him about the plant was enough for the bird tube to smirk (why was he getting that recently?) and start gushing about setting for him nice clothes to look perfect to ask Willow tomorrow. He didn't understood a lot of Hooty's mannerisms and he was keeping the secret of the gift so he could let the demon be weird for tonight.
The next day at Hexide felt like an eternity but he'd managed to do everything in his list:
a) sneak his gift to his backpack without anyone in the house noticing it
b) look presentable enough (with the help of Flapjack and a bit of Hooty)
c) not act suspicious around Willow during classes (although he did stare a bit but he was just too excited!)
And finally: d) finishing the Flyer Derby practice without telling anyone about his surprise (okay maybe he did tell something to Gus but he was his best friend so the secret was still safe)
So, just before the Captain dismissed everyone for the day he ran to his backpack leaving everyone a bit confused, but it was fine they'll figure it out soon enough
"C-captain wait!" He put the bow behind his back and ran up to the rest of the team "you okay Caleb? Do you need something before we end up for today?" "Uuuuuuuh" dang it why did she looked at me like that? I forgot what I was gonna say! Oh no they're staring Hunter SAY SOMETHING!
"I just.. wanted to give you this!" And so, just like the drawing he saw on his research, he bowed a little to give her the pot with the plant. He instantly relaxed when she took it and with one her bright smiles thanked him for it, perfect!
However, she then frowned a little bit after looking at it closely Titan had he damaged the plant? Why was she making that face? Skara, Viney and Gus looked to be holding their breaths, what was happening?
"Yes Captain?"
"Is this a..."  oh! she must me in disbelief for such a rare gift he thought, so he puffed a bit his chest and with the best Golden Guard persona confidence answered:
"A Soldier's Bow? Ha! Indeed it is Captain! I know they're pretty rare and the beast did gave me a good fight for it, but only the best gifts for my favorite witch you know!"
His answer seem to have shocked Willow as her cheeks were turning red and she just looked between him and the bow, what an excellent choice he made! he mentally congratulated himself until Viney interrupted his train of thought.
"Aren't you a bit too young to be asking that?"
Hunter couldn't help but to turn to her with an indignant gasp "Ask? Viney for Titan's sake Willow is my friend! I would never give her a gift to ask for something in exchange!"
Realization seemed to hit Skara who muttered "ooh he doesn't know. Man! I was just getting excited" 
Don't know what? Excited for what? Gus seemed to be about to combust but seeing the distress and the current awkwardness he took a deep breath and focused on Hunter
"Hunter..  dude, what do you think the Soldier's Bow means?"
"Pffft obviously admiration, devotion and loyalty! The witch at the night market said it herself, anyone would be lucky to be gifted one because that means someone wants to spend all their lives with them, and Willow's the best captain ever! Of course I would want to spend all my time following her leadership!"
"And what?"
"Didn't you read anything else? Like the story behind the name?"
"It had a soldier, which is kinda funny because of my past with the coven but nah, I didn't read anything else, why?"
He didn't expected what happened next, Skara started making what Luz called "kettle noice" which sounded more like the school bell screeching, Viney put her hand on Skara's mouth and facepalmed with the other, Gus was just staring at him as he'd grown another head and Willow was getting redder by the second, muttered something to her plant and as soon as they made eye contact she looked away, what was going on?
Gus seemed to show mercy for him so he answered his mental question:
"Bro the Soldier's Bow is given by witches as a marriage proposal, the Soldier in the story behind it fell in love with a princess and fought tooth and nail to propose to her... with this plant"
"M..marriage proposal?" Had he just asked the Captain to marry him? He was too young for that! Wait.. that's why Viney said so.. oh no! he had just accidentally proposed to Willow in front of the Entrails! He had to fix this!
"Haha very funny Gus! I-I didn't mean to ask Willow to marry me!" Shoot! wrong answer Willow seems upset "N-nOt thAt I wouldn't marry the Captain! I mean who wouldn't?!" He... didn't mean to say that either! although... NOT NOW BRAIN  "you know what? This was SUPER stupid so how about I take that plant and we never speak about this again?!"
The attention of everyone shifted to Willow, who seemed to just realized she'd spoken put loud, she hugged tighter her pot and nervously laughed
"I mean... you obviously worked super hard to get this! And it's pretty! Not that you're not pretty I-uh I mean it's an amazing gift! and it would look great on my garden! So I'm just gonna... keep it?"
Hunter felt his breath missing and Willow must've noticed because she then clarified "Just you know! not. as. in I'm accepting your proposal right now kind of thing but maybeifyouaskmelaterinafewyearsI'llsayyes?"
LATER LATER LATER  was everything his mind was screaming right now so he barely noticed Willow standing up in her tiptoes kissing his cheek and messily taking Clover
"He he anyway... oof! it's getting super late! And my dads are waiting for me so... SEE YOU TOMORROW ORMAYBENEVER OKAYGOTTAGOBYE!"
He's not sure how long he stood there holding his cheek and looking at the spot Willow left empty a while ago but a scream that sounded a lot like Skara saying "I CALL BRIDESMAID!" brought him back to reality and he too zoomed away with Flapjack as fast as possible.
Later that night, in two houses on the opposite sides of Bonesborrow two caotic scenes could be heard at the exact same time:
On the Owl House, Eda and Darius were laughing as if he'd told them the best joke ever, Luz was crying and hugging him while screaming something with Hooty about "planning the wedding", Raine was awkwardly patting his hair in an effort to console him in his embarrassment, and Hunter... he was wondering how long would it take him to escape to the human realm and start a life where no one knew him, he would miss Willow and whatever she ment by asking her later but he could always come back to see her and... Titan he had it bad hadn’t he?
Meanwhile on the Park household Harvey and Willow were trying to bring back to consciousness her other dad who as soon as he heard a boy gave his little girl a Soldier's Bow screamed, attempted to go to the owl house to murder him himself and then fainted in shock.
Although Harvey knew that what got his husband to faint was not the amount of force Willow put to stop him and explain it had been a mistake, but the way she smiled and her cheeks tinted pink when she unconsciously glanced to the picture of her dads wedding during the mentioning of this 'Hunter boy' but, unlike his husband he couldn’t help but think this was a very cute detail and that if Willow seemed happy, he was okay with Hunter too they’ll just have to wait and see what happens 
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mistyfoxxy · 1 year
@secretly-of-course 9th chapter out!
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mistyfoxxy · 2 years
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@secretly-of-course so that beauty and beast AU huh? I wanna write it! But I need to see it first, and thought I’d share it with youuuu.
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frogcoven88 · 1 year
So many of you requested for a huntlow beauty and the beast, so here it is! Happy new year and stay tuned for more!
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lollytea · 1 year
please I've been experiencing a huntlow drought lately and desperately need more.
*wheezes and raises hand up to the heavens*
p-please . . .
Besides Cosmic Frontier, Hunter's favourite form of Human Realm entertainment are these old, kinda corny horror/sci fi movies where a monster/alien/creature snatches up a beautiful girl and refuses to give her back.
Willow thinks they're so silly but she loves watching them with him cuz she gets to tease him a lot for the funny faces he makes while watching and the way he wriggles in excitement. Hunter very transparently loves these movies because he wants to BE one of the beautiful girls captured by a monster and Willow get a lot of mileage out of that.
However, they can never actually finish a movie in peace because Willow is a bit of a menace. Hunter's obvious attraction to monsters gets her acting up. They'll be all cuddled up when Willow randomly squeezes Hunter's hips, making him squeak.
And God when he sees the fucking LOOK on her face, he knows its over for him. That face is as monstrous and diabolical as any creature he's ever seen on screen.
"No," Says Hunter, attempting to keep his tone firm, while he hopelessly tries shimmying out of her hands. But she's got him smiling in anticipation against his will. He knows what's coming. "No, no, no, no, nonono. The movie. Let me finish the movie..."
Willow hums mischievously, crawling on top of him as he fails to get away. "Tragic. The princess begs the beast to spare him, but he is simply too beautiful for the beast to resist."
"The beast ATTACKS"
Bite bite bite. Kissy kissy kissy. Will this poor man ever get to finish a monster movie in his life?
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mistyfoxxy · 2 years
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How about some more huntlow? I can’t get my mind off these two
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And more from the beauty and beast AU 👀 @secretly-of-course
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mistyfoxxy · 1 year
Hiiii for the fan fic writer game 🤡🛒💖 please :)
🤡- from the beauty and the beast huntlow au:
“ Hunter was grateful yet shocked at the clock's fondness for the girl. Usually Gus would berate him for putting himself in danger, like the time he tried to do some crazy acrobatic stunts in the thick canopy of the forest and ended up spranging his wing and literally losing a piece of his ear, and titan did that hurt. He did another double take when the clock looked back at him giving an unimpressed glare and shaking his head. What?!”
🛒- I guess it depends!!! Fluff fics, I incorporate atleast one kiss and lots of blushing lol. For angst, just something that’s makes the character vulnerable I guess. Most of the times, I’ll add crying.
💖- thoughts! And my love of fanfics! I was like ughhhhh I want this! I want to read this! But I can’t find it so I’ll try to write it myself 😤
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