whispersofthefrost · 3 years
Bored out of my mind uhhh mutuals rb this for an archive mb <3
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whispersofthefrost · 4 years
Types of people : Writing
Parchment : Soft plunk of raindrops against the window pane, whispers in distant rooms, oppressive secrets that fill the silence, shuffling of dead leaves, a desire for something or someone that coils around your insides on silent nights, the weight of words you have wanted to speak for years, unresolved trains of thought that keep repeating, weeds growing through concrete corners, a tumbling house of cards.
Ink : City streets at 3am, pools of oil and sleet, the craving to find fulfillment in intense emotion, streetlights reflected on wet leaves, awareness of everything you will never have but pursue nonetheless, staring at your image in a mirror and knowing you've changed in some way you don't quite understand, the feelings of something slipping from your grasp, unlit rooms at dusk.
Crumpled paper : Growing frustration you can't name, tired glances at friend you wish would see you, throwing things you once loved into a fire, hollow laughs, sitting quietly on an unmade bed in the afternoon, windows closing in, premature declarations of doom, burning and bloodshot eyes, ideas that die in your mind, wanting desperately to achieve an idealised version of yourself but grudgingly accepting that you will always remain messy and imperfect.
Candles : Glimpses of hope that elude you, a sliver of sunlight pouring through a slit in the wall, fading wildflowers, superficial idealism against growing cynicism you try to ignore, staring in the face on the world and refusing to ever abandon your ideals, willow strands brushing against a river, untraveled countryside, the mirage of perfect childhood memories covering a darker and more complex truth, the smell of laundry detergent on the wind.
Ballpoint pen : The inability to express a longing within you, becoming something you don't understand, inscrutable and scratched out writing, public transportation and rainy days in February, nostalgia for a world that no longer exists, wanting to escape from years of isolation but not knowing if this will be possible, found scraps of paper, overpasses and concrete landscapes, staring at your own eyes in the mirror and hating how they seem almost hollow, looming adulthood.
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whispersofthefrost · 4 years
thank you for making all this wonderful content. i feel like it lets me understand and confront myself more, which is always a good thing. stay gold, friend
Welcome - I really need to post on this blog more though.
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whispersofthefrost · 4 years
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I know this isn’t an art blog but I happen to be an art student in need of money for university! So I’ve decided to open commissions, payment is through paypal. DM me if interested!
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whispersofthefrost · 5 years
- Intense emotional situations, me experiencing empathy which is unusual in real life 
- Sadness and a sense of dread, apocalyptic themes where i am completely helpless - but sometimes a sliver of humanity escapes the nuclear wasteland etc. tall black buildings and barbed wire
- Surrealism, in one dream a girl being formed from the mildew inside a wall and could only go outside when it was raining. things have different meaning and purposes than in ordinary life, an inanimate object could be a person, or a table could fit into the mental concept of a horse if that makes any sense
- Moments of reconciliation with people i lost contact with, generally ends with me waking up in tears and wanting to back to the time when the person was in my life
- disorientation, i can not get from one point to another and reality no longer makes sense
- i once had a dream where other people (in the dream) were themselves dreaming about the return of the “righteous queen” - apparently this would happen near an old stone in the middle of the desert where reality was distorted - so eldritch gods?
are there common motifs in your dreams? 
in mine for example it’s common to have wings, to drown in cold oil, breath water, or have to escape
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whispersofthefrost · 5 years
Types of people : Aspects
The Angry one : Heavy footsteps, pouring rain against the roof, wanting to show them you have worth after-all, scrapped knees and cold concrete, focusing all your resentment on one person, a hot flame inside you that needs everything to change, wanting to take what is yours from the world, watching as a storm approaches, long black coats billowing out behind you
The Scared one : A small boat in a wild sea, frail bones that crumble to dust when touched, waking up sweaty and hot and panicky and out of reality, grasping for a certainty that doesn't exist, existential dread as you fall into sleep, vivid dreams and constantly feeling tired, tiny shards of glass, layered clothing and big jackets, avoiding school because its too overwhelming
The Sad one : Dead flowers, lost in the past because at least then things were beautiful, longing for what could have been but isn't, tearing up a lot but never crying, empty rooms on cloudy days, the cry of a crow in winter, bittersweet memories, thinking of the people you once knew but left behind, dreading the future, moorland when no one is around
The Happy one : Enthusiasm and passion, wind against your face, running through a field laughing, feeling the sun again, having friends after being lonely for so long, finding something and making it your purpose, knowing that perhaps people and the world can change, vines and weeds and deep green reclaiming corporate buildings, the feeling of belonging
The Empty one : Something is tearing at you and it never ever goes away, nihilism that overtakes everything, abandoned brutalist blocks, feels like being stabbed with knives, harsh laughter because they don't understand how you feel how could they, the only reason you survived was because you feared death, went away eventually but permanently altered your personality for the worse
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whispersofthefrost · 5 years
Types of People : Magnus Archives Entities
The Spiral : Never sure of even their own motives, disorienting neon lights, abandoned carnivals, shrill laughter, constantly shifting identity, empty hotel hallways with patterned carpet, lying because its fun
The Eye : Just wanting to understand, figuring out everyone's secrets, hidden Victorian passageways, shining a flashlight in the dark, feeling that you never truly live because you're too busy observing, wanting to know the truth even if it hurts you
The End : Thinks everything is pointless, old graveyards overgrown with weeds, piano music, never worries about anything because it all ends anyways, thick silence in their home, bouquets of rotten flowers
The Buried : Digging your finger nails into the wet dirt, exhaustion that makes you want to collapse into the soil, the pale roots of plants, feeling overwhelmed all the time, deep dark underground caverns full of water
The Corruption : Black mold in your shower, finding something disgusting and rotten under your bed, weirdly fascinated with the grotesque, squirming maggots in rotten honeycomb, collecting worms in jars
The Dark : Light hurts their eyes, contains hidden depths and secrets they will never share with anyone, photography dark rooms, only ever seen in black, crushed velvet, moonless nights in the forest
The Desolation : Self-destruction, holding a flame to your skin, bloody knuckles, rage against everything in this world, working so hard you burn out, seeking an intensity that doesn't exist, sadomasochism, repressing your own fear
The Spider : Manipulative but tells themselves it's for the greater good, sharp glances, needs to constantly be in control, hands coated in cobwebs, subtly influencing situations without anyone noticing, surface innocence
The Lonely : Fading away without anyone noticing, foggy seas, doesn't know how to interact anymore, distant lights and far away voices, hating the turmoil and pain that comes with relationships of any kind, lighthouses, self-isolation
The Slaughter : Purity in violence, watches gory movies for the thrill, throwing yourself into a fight, fantasizing about murder, blood pouring from skulls, standing over a battle field admiring the beautiful destruction
The Stranger : Internal emptiness, porcelain masks, awareness of how little you know and understand, the uncanny valley, always feeling like an alien and never belonging, mannequins and dolls
The Vast : Staring into the night sky, existential dread that creeps into your life, was probably a space kid, can't find meaning in life, walking on a bridge that crosses a deep ravine, feeling so small and insignificant
The Hunt : Relentless pursuit of what you want, getting caught up in desires for revenge, wild packs of wolves, losing yourself searching for something, cats silently stalking mice, the feeling of the wind as you run
The Flesh : Metal machinery, organized brutality, feeling that your life is devalued by the system, supermarket meat, vegetarianism because the thought of eating flesh is unappealing
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whispersofthefrost · 5 years
Types of People : Ghosts
** Tree ghosts** Gentle raspy voices, sinking into thick moss after walking for hours, perseverance in the face of adversity built over years, smiles when sad, the stillness of the deep woods at dusk, being so quiet that you won't ever be noticed, repressing your emotions and memories until they are nothing, annihilation, the smell of decaying leaves, long spindly shadows, what remains after a fire, overwhelmed by people and wants the safety of silence
** Urban legend ghosts ** Strong sense of justice, pressing your hand against cold concrete,  fighting against the world hoping to finally be noticed by someone or something, the one that just fades away from home without any one realizing they are gone, crying in desperation at 3 am in the laundry room, empty hallways after everyone has left, seems kind at first but is deeply bitter and jealous, bruised knuckles, out of place in a place you once knew, newspaper clippings from 10 years ago, lures people in and traps them
**Possessed doll ghosts ** Standing in pouring rain, soft smiles and giggles, remaining childlike far longer than you should have because you feared growing up, pinkie promises, tattered ribbons, watching the things you love slowly become corrupted and broken, always holding onto hope and optimism, unraveling stuffed animals, worrying that everyone is moving on and leaving you behind, very loving but also very resentful of those who do not love them in return, rusty swing sets and abandoned amusement parks
** Graveyard ghosts ** Humming bones, so many stories locked within, black draped clothing obscures their body, watching life from a distance but feeling so separate from everyone else, dappled red sunlight in the evening, rotten flowers, has accepted that everyone forgets them eventually, wry smiles and sharp eyes, was once lonely but has developed their identity around being alone, dwells in the past, overgrown fields of wild flowers and weeds and old  graves
** University library ghosts ** Only seen at night, vending machine coffee, lost in the crowd,  collects books and articles because without knowledge they will disappear, built their entire identity around being intelligent and at some point it broke them, halogen light bulbs that hum slightly, dusty basement archives, introverted to a point where they completely avoid social interaction, deep purple bags under puffy eyes, self-worth is deeply dependent on grades, empty rooms full of outdated computers that no one uses anymore
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whispersofthefrost · 5 years
People as types of mornings
Dark winters morning : Frost on concrete, heavy bags under half-closed eyes, tired silence, the world always seems unreal to them, uses sarcasm to hide their feelings and doesn't know if they can be genuine anymore, bleary lights glowing through the snow, bitter instant coffee, tries to be realistic but everyone calls them a pessimist, forgotten dreams and idealism, the grumble of a passing bus
Hazy sun at 10am : Dappled sunlight in a courtyard, soft sighs, treading lightly in the world and never leaving your imprint on anything, the taste of pear, repressed desire for escape, staring out the window dreaming of all the lives you could have but don't and likely never will, white lacy clothing, whispering your secrets hoping someone will someday understand, cups of herbal tea, you were lost but don't know when or how
8am, Public transportation and drizzle : Lonely in a crowd of people, staring up at the tall grey buildings wishing you could fly above them, having no choice but to face your terrifying future, the smell of fuel and canned air on the subway, slight resignation to reality but still full of dreams somehow, drawing smiley faces on a foggy bus window, wondering if the person next to you could have been a friend in a different world
Rushing to school in the morning : Awareness of your all your irredeemable flaws, cold wind biting your face, fiercely angry that they are so insignificant and small, a sea of boring suburban houses, unbreakable loyalty to their friends because they never want to be alone again, sees people as either entirely good or bad, rotten leaves on the ground, the smell of sterile soap used to clean institutions, only wants the world to be a less cruel place
Never-ending Monday morning : The sound of car horns, bitter regrets about ignoring all those responsibilities, overflowing rivers and creaks, always feeling like they are drowning in life, wanting to go back and save everything from going so wrong, a sunny day when you are trapped inside, hates forced small-talk but engages in it anyway, running your fingers along the wet metal of a car, a beautiful bleakness, wanting to always be honest and genuine
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whispersofthefrost · 5 years
best blog, underrated
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whispersofthefrost · 5 years
People as the Sky
Thick grey clouds : Feeling that the world is closing in again, mouldy leaves from last fall, taking in abandoned things as your own, growing cynicism towards humanity, grey smoke hanging over pine trees, trusting very few people and fearing that they will fade away, heavy rain drops that land on your forehead, a sliver of hope in a world that is otherwise oppressive and cold
Pale blue of dawn : Doesn't like being seen or known, vague figures of people in the fog, secrets you want to share but don't, quiet optimism that can't be taken away, the moment when everything goes silent, loneliness you have come to accept and even enjoy though it still hurts you, running your fingers through dewy grass, empty swing sets, small birds, knowing they all left you behind
Bright cloudless day: Dizziness of seeing so many possibilities, intersecting jet trails, wanting to run away no matter where you are, the burn of sunlight, A focus on logic other people call heartless, blaring your music through a headset, sprinting through an open field to feel the wind again after so long, sudden freedom when you spent years being trapped by circumstance, rippling sea of grass
Deep dusk : Desperately searching for something you lack, the flashes of plane lights against the growing night, feeling that you are always waiting, staring at a computer for hours until your eyes feel dry, distrusting happiness because it always feels fake, the first star in the sky, being so out of place you doubt you will ever be understood, silent perseverance, the greyness of rooms without the lights on, growing shadows
Clear night : Staying up late to avoid tomorrow , voices of people in the apartments below you, feeling intensely passionate about something and then losing it, your reflection in the windows of a bus, the open sea, wondering wether you will ever be truly good at anything that is valued by the world, arguing with friends, wanting to know the truth about yourself because the way you act is so confusing
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whispersofthefrost · 5 years
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End recordeing
When you get your sister to join you in your obsessions and manage to finish a certain wip :D
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whispersofthefrost · 5 years
Types of people : the natural world
Moths: Strange whispers at dusk, unobtrusive silence, knowing you will never be good at the one thing you care about, the howl of wind that blows through an empty field, feeling that something is deeply wrong but you don’t know what or why, distant choral music, living in dread of the open expanse that is the future, desperately trying to escape loneliness, thinking for a second that something is within your grasp only to have it taken away, thick layers of dust on old furniture
Watercress: Standing barefoot in a stream, feeling out of place in society, resiliance in chaotic situations, the sharp smell of earth after a rainstorm, reflections in puddles, the vulnerability of being openly emotional, rusty tin sheds and old gardening tools, self-sacrifice in the name of being a good person taken too far, wants to be inhumanly perfect, the thin layer of ice that forms on a lake, potted plants in late afternoon sunlight
Juniper tree: Feels they will never belong anywhere, staring into the open sky, very intense, complex characters and stories that change your view of morality, a rush of wind that blows in from an open window, mountain tops, always searching for something or someone that may not exist, standing alone next to the ocean and screaming your secrets into its depths, the relentlessness of summer's heat, wanting to be known beyond a superficial level
Yew berries: Well-concealed darkness and destruction, greasy hair and blank eyes, the romance of sadness and misery, the emptiness of suburban streets at 2am, ghosts of lost teenagers who once roamed school corridors, stubbornly ignoring all constructive advice, falling into perverse desires, animal bones lying in a field, abandoned industrial estates, losing everything you are to a gaping void, parasites that crawl into your life when you least expect it, bad notes app poetry
Queen anne’s lace: Wishing summer would never end, neglected responsibilities, laying in a field humming with bees, crying when you realised just how lost you had been, wishing you could trap happiness before it evaporates, houses covered in vines, abandoned and overgrown gardens full of wildflowers, entropy, the eventual return of nature when civilisation ends, chaos that cannot be tamed, tangled woodland, refusing to participate in a world you find boring and unfair
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whispersofthefrost · 5 years
People as Terrains
The Ocean : Distant lights just beyond your reach, a call you can't resist, doesn't truly know themselves and can't be known, has seen death, a fog so thick you know you will never truly escape, passive witness to life, the salty smell of chips, derelict seaside towns, understated sadness
Concrete : Thinks they are boring, standing alone in a parking lot while it rains, forever waiting for something/someone, abandoned industrial estates, rebellion against unfair systems, sitting on rooftops staring at the moon, fighting hard just to feel significant, finding community in unlikely places, rain washed tower blocks
Meadows : Romantic, wants to finally feel free, falling into a sea of flowers, disappearing into the lush green forever, blocks everything out and tries to live in a world of happiness, golden rays of sunlight pouring through foliage, dreads what lays beneath their facade of positivity, the humming of bees, resents having to live in a society
Bogland : Being lured into your own dark trap, tangled reeds, troubled history, lives at night, charred stalks of dead trees, thick silence that you will never be able to break no matter how hard you try, hiding beneath layers of clothing, death where there used to be life, dirt beneath fingernails, trickster gods
Rivers : Constantly changing, hidden darkness, small green plants, feels that people never stay in their lives for long, can adapt to any situation, thick raindrops, manipulates others into losing themselves, surface tranquility that hides chaos
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whispersofthefrost · 5 years
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By Alex Currie
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whispersofthefrost · 5 years
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jalilnajafov on ig
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whispersofthefrost · 5 years
People as types of nights
Late summers night : Glowing lights from open windows, lost in a dream, quietly lonely, dead insects lying on the concrete, knowing everything will end, a coldness deep within them, longing gazes, staying up on the internet so late time no longer feels real, young unrequited love, the song of crickets
Night in the city : Disappears into the crowd wherever they go, the smell of smoke, insomnia, the eeriness of places that were once crowded but are now empty, losing your identity again and again, fishnets and ripped jeans, whisper of conversations overheard from people with lives more interesting than yours, disorientating lights, wishing life could be as it once was, a lost past full of hazy memories
Night during a windstorm : Sharply aware of how things are changing, the weight of neglected responsibilities, dread of what lays beyond the little world you've created in your bedroom, candle light, unexpected visitors, always overwhelmed, isolated themselves a long time ago and doesn't know how to break free, knows that someday they will truly live
Last night before school starts : Procrastinator, the perfect chaos of a messy room, warm glow of various lamps, introspection that soon dissolves into dwelling on regrets, broken pencils and crumpled paper, dread of the future, cold that seeps in through the seams of your house, tearing up slightly but never crying
Walking home at night : Chaotic social life, repressed emotions, buzzing of street a lamp, having to constantly resolve conflicts, shadowy alleyways you are almost tempted to explore, wishing you could be alone but people always expect you to be there for them, the yowling of street cats, well dressed and well composed, tight smiles, lost childhood wonder
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