whitdom · 2 years
1 in 5 Poem
We all have it, but not all of us struggle with it
1 in 5
Usain Bolt’s Racing, Russell Simmon’s Meditation
1 in 5
If I were brave enough represent, I would tell you it’s 1.6%
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Like the weather in Nashville, Forever Changing
The hardest one to have, It’s Mentally Draining
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Michelle Obama’s Inspiration, Madea’s Constant Frustration
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When you wake up the nightmare in your mind ends, Mine Begins
1 in 5
If I was brave enough to really represent, I would tell you it’s 1.6%
1 in 5
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whitdom · 2 years
Rain, Rain Come And Stay
Rain, Rain Come And Stay. Wash Away My Pain Each Day.
Rain, Rain Come And Stay. Wash Away The Fears That Creep Into The Day.
Rain, Rain Come And Stay. Water My Prayers Each And Every Day.
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whitdom · 2 years
The Key That is Unlike Any Other Key
“This screenplay is an exercise done within a writing workshop. The exercise was for us to write a screenplay between my child self and my adult self.”
Setting: This is a conversation between ADULT WHITNEY and CHILD Whitney. They are walking in the forest to a destination unknown to ADULT WHITNEY; however, led by CHILD WHITNEY.
(Trying to keep up with CHILD WHITNEY; Confused; Talking to CHILD WHITNEY)
“Where are we going?”
(Walking with purpose; Responding to ADULT WHITNEY)
“I am taking you to a place.”
(Still Confused)
“Is this a place we have been to before?”
“You have been here a few times.”
(Knowing that they are one)
“If WE have already been here why are we going?”
(Becoming Frustrated; Whispers Sarcastically and Witty but loud enough to hear)
“That’s what I ask myself about adults a lot.”
(Heard the Whisper, but wants for CHILD WHITNEY to repeat herself)
(Knows that ADULT WHITNEY heard her talking under her breath)
(Stops Walking; Looks at ADULT WHITNEY and says passionately)
“I want for you to see the places that we have been to frequently. The places that we keep repeating because we aren’t navigating them how we should. I think it is time that we use THAT KEY! They key that you were talking about during the Rich Auntie’s Bible Study last night with Jadeah, Jakiya and Jasmine. They key that Priscilla Shirer was talking about on day four of the 7-day Bible App plan “Discerning the Voice of God”.
After we go see the places that we frequently visit, the places that we never want to go again, I want for you to use YOUR KEY! The key that you imagined! That key that is unlike any other key you have seen. The key that will unlock where we are going next. I will take you to the places we have been however, I need for you to take me to the places we are going. Let’s experience the places OUR KEY unlocks. If you are ready, follow me. Then you can use our key, obey God and allow for Him to lead us!”
(CHILD WHITNEY Continues Walking with Purpose)
(ADULT WHITNEY Follows behind CHILD WHITNEY; Continues Walking with Purpose)
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