whitepaperairplane · 3 years
some things that have happened since you stopped hearing about p/alestine after the “ceasefire” was declared
1,000+ palestinians were arrested in a mass-arrest campaign designed to, and i quote, “instill fear” - including children
al-aqsa mosque and worshippers were attacked and beaten
literal children, not even teens, children, were arrested and tried in a military court (this is not new, thousands of children have faced this terrorization over the years. Isr@el is the only country in the world that tries children in military courts. 500-700 children are prosecuted each year.)
a soldier deliberately ran over a child on a bike for having a pales/tinian flag on his bike. an adult man ran over a child with his car. on purpose. the child is 12. read that again.
sheikh jarrah was blockaded, illegally
whatsapp blocked the accounts of over 100 pal/estinian journalists
silwan, another pal/estinian neighborhood like sheikh j/arrah, is being violently ethnically cleansed to make way for more settlers
Isr@el has forced social media sites to censor the hashtags “free pal/estine” and “save sheikh ja/rrah” many posts and accounts have been deleted
25 pales/tinians have been murdered by the ID/F and settlers
in Jaffa, 300 arab families are under force expulsion orders to make way for more settlers. 300 families.
suicide rates in g/aza have risen to an all-time high due to PTSD and hopelessness
Pales/tinians in G/aza still do not have access to safe drinking water, electricity, medical care, and nutrition. families are still being displaced from their homes by settler colonialism. There is still an inability to mobilize freely, pursue a career, seek an education, or gain access to decent healthcare or mental health resources. The occupation, genocide, and ethnic cleansing continues whether you see on your feed or not.
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whitepaperairplane · 3 years
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by lowkeystudies.
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whitepaperairplane · 3 years
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2.16.21 | it’s been so long since i’ve posted any of my bujo spreads on this account but i’m here! i’ve still been journaling :”) i also graduated from university in December and will be starting optometry school in the fall...
sometimes, it still astonishes me how far i’ve come (and what i’ve achieved despite my fears, insecurities, the pandemic lol) and i wish i could just go back in time and tell my freshman year self that you’re gonna be okay. you’re gonna find your people in college and you’re gonna make the coveted “college experience” meaningful for you, even if that’s not the one the movies and books portray. you’re gonna shine and excel and you’re gonna do it in your very own way !!
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whitepaperairplane · 3 years
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new page in my journal!
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whitepaperairplane · 3 years
starting to think about happiness as something that could be attained every day instead of something you chase for years and years until the conditions are absolutely perfect
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whitepaperairplane · 3 years
even if you only reblog, that’s enough
1st of February, 2021
i was debating on whether or not i should post this on tumblr but seeing as there haven’t been posts about this yet, here it is. i’m exposing my real location and nationality but it doesn’t matter.
if you have been active on twitter, you may already know #savemyanmar is trending. long story short, there has been a military coup. several nations have released statements but i want to share insight on what’s happening in the country.
memes about a coup have been circulating around for a couple days and when i slept at 2 am last night, we were still under the rule of the National League for Democracy (NLD). while they are not technically democratic, they are the closest we’ve got. when my mother woke up at 6 this morning, she was notified that the country was now under the rule of the military.
banks services are no longer available. wifi was cut at around 7-8. some people got wifi again earlier but many got it barely thirty minutes ago. this is bad for businesses especially ones that require international communications. additionally, international students like myself are experiencing anxiety; how do we pay for and attend classes if we’re not sure wifi is a given?
myanmar has a long, complicated history with military governments. the last time the military went into rule was in 1962 and only stopped in 2011, following the 2010 elections. there was a huge protest in 1988 lead by students that resulted in lots of death. during the military junta, resources like rice, water, oil, were scarce. the gist is military rule is bad for us.
all of my followers are not myanmar citizens, i’m sure but as part of the international community, please help us. here is a petition that you can sign (although i’m not sure if that can do much). there may be protests in front of myanmar embassies so look out for those. most of all, please help spread awareness. 
the people here are coping with dark humor, primarily in the form of memes but we don’t know how long this rule will last, even though the official statement said only a year. here’s something that pretty much sums up our coping mechanism:
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again, even a reblog helps
update :: all telecommunication means will be cut off at 12 am MMT
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whitepaperairplane · 4 years
how i use notion #1: mega assignment list
i promised i would update this from last year, and decided to do a walkthrough for @sleepanon!
i’ve taken my school bujo-ing digital for the past year, so i’m going to create a mini-series of how i’ve tinkered with notion to make it work for me! there’s a fair learning curve to it, so my inbox is open for questions if you have any from my posts (not notion in general. ..i’m not an expert lol).
step 1: start a new page! under database, select table
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step 2: rename the labels to assignments and class (leave Files alone) for now. you can also title the page and add icons/covers
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step 3: select the files label, then under ‘property type’ change it to ‘date’ (this is for deadlines–i start with my official syllabus dates)
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ALSO a part of step 3, but after changing to the deadline property, add another one! click that next label, and follow the same menu as above, but select checkbox to give you an option to ‘complete’ your tasks:
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step 4: in the ‘class’ row (the first blank after the label), type in a course name to create a tag. once you do so, you can select the tag to edit it or change colors // you can repeat this step as many times as you need to for your assignments. i like to do my entire semester at once since i work ahead of the syllabus, but it might be good to take it month by month!
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step 5: now, let’s add the calendar view. on the lefthand side, ‘add view’, name it, then select calendar (not just highlight like me, but click it!)
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step 6: you should now see your assignments on the calendar. on the right side (top) of the calendar, click ‘properties’ and turn everything on!
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you can also filter the calendar to only show completed/non completed tasks or by class:
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and you can click on any assignment to open it, and add further properties:
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again, if you have any questions about this, please let me know! 
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whitepaperairplane · 4 years
‘eat the frog' method
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Hi all, it’s werelivingarts. I just stumbled across this method called ‘eat the frog’, which means you get the most difficult or important task out of your way first. I actually have been using this method for a long time, hope this post gives you a new way of managing your time and productivity! 😜 ❤️
“If it’s your job to eat a frog, it’s best to do it first thing in the morning. And if it’s your job to eat two frogs, it’s best to eat the biggest one first.” – Mark Twain 
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whitepaperairplane · 4 years
On May 25, 2020, George Floyd was slowly and mercilessly killed by 4 Minneapolis police officers while being videotaped by concerned citizens begging them to stop. Floyd was surrounded and brutally dealt with by the police as Derek Chauvin’s knee pinned down his throat. Floyd kept screaming “I can’t breathe! I can’t breathe!” but they didn’t listen. He then became unresponsive but was continually choked until his nose began to bleed, and his lifeless body was shoved into a stretcher and into the back of an ambulance.
The officers involved have been fired and the FBI has been called to investigate. But we must do our part to ensure that George Floyd receives the justice he deserves. Please sign these petitions addressed to the FBI, The President, The Minnesota Bureau of Criminal Apprehension, The Minneapolis Police Department, & DA Mike Freeman. An email on your behalf will be sent to all of the above. The lawyer representing Floyd’s family is civil rights attorney Ben Crump urges us to call DA Mike Freeman (612-348-5550) and tell him to arrest and charge these officers for the Murder of George Floyd, I encourage you to do so.
if you cannot sign without american postal codes, feel free to use these:
90015 - Los Angeles, California 10001 - New York City, New York 75001 - Dallas, Texas
TEXT “FLOYD” TO 55156!
If you are white or non-black poc and would like to be educated and informed more, check the official page for #BlackLivesMatter: 
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whitepaperairplane · 4 years
Studying from home, a new lifestyle during #Covid19 plague
Every library is closed, so are universities and you may be desperate because the library was the only place where you were able to focus.. I totally get you! But as someone who’ve spent most of its school years studying at home.. I can assure you that it’s totally fine! You just need a few techniques and organization skills and you’ll see that everything will be ok ! So here we go : 
Clean and declutter your study space. Store the books you don’t need anymore and only keep the essentials on your desk. I’ll share with you an old article I wrote on Tumblr about how to upgrade your workspace!
Block distractions : give your phone to your mom, use the Forest app, the Flipd app or just put it in airplane mode !
Cut the outside noise : a good playlist (my Lofi playlist for example :P), earplugs and the door shut can help you be in the « library » mood…
Make a study plan and try to stick to a routine.. It’s easy to lose track of time when you spend all of your days at home! This is why keeping a healthy routine and set hours for meals and breaks is really important!
Since it’s easier to get distracted at home, make sure to take more breaks than the usual (for example a 45min study session and a 10 min break).
If you have online lectures and a #studybuddy that you trust, why not split the work (for example you follow half of the lectures and your colleague the other half) and then sharing your notes? Also, why not creating a Google Drive with your colleagues so everyone shares their notes? The quarantine will be long so a little support from each other is more than welcomed!!
You can also have skype sessions with your colleagues to debate about a subject, or quiz each other so you don’t feel too alone and you keep track of your progress :)
You can also take the time to go deeper into the subjects you have to study and not only scratching the surface like you may be used to do ! This is also a great way to discover if you’re more interested in some subjects than others and who knows, maybe you’ll find a new passion !
If you feel like you can’t focus anymore then.. stop. It’s totally fine to not being able to study all day, especially when you have nothing else to do and when the deadlines are still far and unsure. So Take this time to enjoy your family, work on yourself, read a book, or start a new hobby.
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whitepaperairplane · 4 years
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in the past, i had to prepare for several exams by self-studying for long hours at home, so over the years i’ve learned the best ways to adapt to this situation, which i now present in this little infographic. i hope it can ease some of the pressure! 💜
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whitepaperairplane · 5 years
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190801: a quote box from one of my May spreads ✍🏼
—🌧 halfway through my second-to-the-last week of back-to-uni preparations, and the panic is starting to set in. some people think i’m neurotic for planning things a bit too early, but i just don’t like being rushed—which is what’s happening atm and it’s driving me insane. how long do y’all have before your classes start? what are you doing to prep for the new school year?
insta ✨ // more original content ✨
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whitepaperairplane · 5 years
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my current work space 🌟
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whitepaperairplane · 5 years
you need to give yourself permission to be happy now. not when you lost weight, not when you found your soulmate, not when you have more money. we seek excitement from future events, but once those goals are met, the temporary pleasures will pass and they will be replaced by the next fantasy. devote your full attention to your inner self and appreciate being in the moment. happiness is never external, but a way of living and appreciating life. it’s not reality, just the way you perceive it. so go and shift your focus from the outcome to watching yourself grow.
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whitepaperairplane · 5 years
a gentle reminder that you did well this year. you met new people, learned new things and felt new feelings. you did so many things that made you scared. you picked yourself up off the floor after feeling completely defeated or heartbroken. there were some really tough nights but you survived them all. you made people happy just by existing. you accepted many goodbyes but the serendipitous meetings made up for them. it was your own hard work that paid off but you always downplay it or compare yourself to others. that’s not fair on yourself. you’ve come so far from the first day of this year. you have more wisdom and strength now. yes, other people seem more “successful” but does that even matter? please don’t think so lowly of yourself to only think about your failures. 2018 was your year of growth. I hope you take a moment to be kind to yourself, and believe that 2019 will be even better.
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whitepaperairplane · 5 years
is it possible to be super clingy but also super detached/indifferent at the same time? it takes me 283731 years to warm up to someone but oof when i am close to someone, i miss their presence all the time
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whitepaperairplane · 5 years
in 2019 i want to
honour my feelings
treat my self-care as a sacred ritual
prioritise rest and sleep
share meals with loved ones
take more photos
make time for art
nourish my body and soul
surround myself with nature
respond to my challenges with endless love and gentleness
celebrate life’s everyday magic
follow my passions
choose fun
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