whitetailmilitia · 5 years
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and you can blame me when there’s no one left to blame, i don’t mind
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whitetailmilitia · 5 years
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whitetailmilitia · 5 years
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Jacket from Hotline Miami is off the shits!
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whitetailmilitia · 5 years
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uwu @darkbomber
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whitetailmilitia · 5 years
Who else has been busy lately becoming a new person
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whitetailmilitia · 5 years
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  I’m giving you a night call to tell you how I feel (We’ll go all, all, all night long) I want to drive you through the night, down the hills (We’ll go all, all, all night long) I’m gonna tell you something you don’t want to hear (We’ll go all, all, all night long) I’m gonna show you where it’s dark, but have no fear (We’ll go all, all, all night long)
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whitetailmilitia · 5 years
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hi yes i’m still alive
also my love for beard never stopped
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whitetailmilitia · 5 years
*Walks in , strutteing like a model and looks around sharply* What going on here *walk out*
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whitetailmilitia · 5 years
Some of yall really have no empathy and yall think its funny and cute to be mean and its really ugly and disgusting and i deadass hope someone beats your ass
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whitetailmilitia · 5 years
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whitetailmilitia · 5 years
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y’all are into monster boys right
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whitetailmilitia · 5 years
art tips post
for all the artists following me
draw fast. it’ll look messy for a long time but you’ll improve faster than if you spend 4 hours on every drawing
if you draw in pencil and have a habit of erasing all of your mistakes, try drawing in pen or marker. i know it’s scary but it’ll help in the long run (i’m speaking from experience)
try different methods and mediums but don’t worry about mastering any of them, just have fun
if you’re not rich, buy art supplies from the dollar store, not the art store (seriously. i go through a sketchbook about once a month and i’d rather spend $4 on one than $15)
there’s no wrong way to learn. you can copy other people’s art if you want to, just don’t post it
DO NOT worry about having a consistent style. do not. just draw however you want
if you want to make original characters then do it. don’t worry about if they’re original, or a good design, or if they have an accompanying story. make sonic ocs. do it. it’s fun and it’s not hurting anyone
try not to kill your back. stand up and stretch once in a while
make a folder and save all of your favorite arts for inspiration 
draw from life. draw your dog. draw your teachers. draw your desk. draw your own hands (seriously that’s the best way to get better at drawing hands)
in general, drawing from life or a photo is better than drawing from a diagram
draw whatever you want. draw youtubers if you like youtubers. draw undertale if you like undertale. when i was a kid i drew nothing but shadow the hedgehog and horses. everyone deserves to draw what they want without being mocked, and if people start making fun of you, block them and keep drawing
don’t expect to get any notes at first. don’t let it discourage you. if you want validation go show your art to your mom or your friends or your teacher or your grandma
take breaks, but don’t give up.
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whitetailmilitia · 5 years
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whitetailmilitia · 5 years
but also extra special happy new year to a few people like @neonsmg whos been with me thru thick and thin over the last year or so and taught me how to see myself as less of a burden and taught me that im allowed to have boundaries and standards after someone really viciously hurt me and made me feel like i had no worth in this world. the sweetest and most kind woman ever who deserves only the best and i love her so so s o much!!!!!!
and to @narshadda who has been by best friend for years and continues to stick together with me and who i love so dearly and always look forward to visiting and listening to her gush about the dorkiest things even when i dont know what half of it means. such an angel who always thinks of everyone and makes me wanna go swinging like a chimpanzee with her jokes sometimes we have literally been close since we were dumb teenagers obsessing over pirates thats really rad 
and @eggtobiologist who i only met this year but adore endlessly and cherish all the time because he’s such a goof who dorks out a lot but he’s so understanding and patient and compassionate and one of the people im closest to and he’s helped me thru a bunch of shitty situations and stress without making me feel like i was being Too Much , he’s so funny and talented and works so hard to make sure his friends get the best and only the best because he’s TOO kind in his big dumb heart and i love him 
and @shemlen and @crossbreds for being just. continuously amazing and sweet and always checking in on me when they get the feeling im down and always spoiling me with TOO MUCH especially with the prettiest dragons and always being those people who just Know You. you’re both angels and i love you and your lil family ( including future avatar baby ) so much <333333
and @chadiolus who is never on her personal and wont see this for like 3 weeks but i love u so much and all the years we’ve known each other have been filled with so many laughs and you’ve helped me get through so much and we’ve gone thru fandom to fandom together and ill never stop loving all the days we spent on call for like 12 hours every night and i just ! love u ! 
annnd @detectivespikachu and @luuunafreyas and @cardinal-canidae for being such great pals and the most exciting dnd group full of nerds and diverse and wonderful characters im in love with. i just love spending time with you guys and developing stuff together and laughing abt how dumb we get sometimes even if that means playfully bullying each other. you guys are all so creative and funny and kind and im so happy i got to meet you all and get closer over time !!!!
and a few more special mentions but this post is getting too long @denounce and @kitsapphiri and @kourumi and @quinlinkin and @noxluxfreya and @marianhawke and @comrade-bastard and @vanus and @gamgee and @secondimpact and @draeneis and @redskinmccree and @bloodofshiagur youre all amazing even if we arent all that close and i love seeing u guys around mwah mwah………………
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whitetailmilitia · 5 years
i binged haunting of hill house and just finished it and im still wiping tears ok
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whitetailmilitia · 5 years
hi! i’m baby! here’s a sappy post to officially end 2018!
first of all i’d like to mention that i probably wouldn’t be around still if it wasn’t for @prattpack. she’s been such a special friend to me, such an amazing, talented influence and even if we don’t talk all that much anymore she continues to be so. i would not be where i am or like... in a positive headspace without her. she helped me overcome some of the worst abusive relationships in my life and pushed me to be better to myself as well as the people around me and i could not thank her enough for what she’s done for me.
2018 was a hard year for me where i lost a lot and had a lot taken away from me. i refuse to take for granted all the good that was sent my way, however, because i used to believe i was not deserving of that. once again, unicorn was the one who proved me wrong.
here’s to hoping 2019 is better. i’m working hard to forget all the bad that happened to me in 2018 and instead working hard to improve my future as well as the futures of my friends and those around me. thank you to everyone who has stuck around and continues to do so. goodbye to the losers who fucked me and my friends over, you will not be missed. everything is better. everything will be better. 
i love you guys!
i love @prattpack & the others who i have met through thick and thin!
happy new year!
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whitetailmilitia · 5 years
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she’s a van helsing
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