whizzystack · 1 year
Paid search is a form of digital marketing where search engines, such as Google, permit advertisers to place adverts directly on their search engine results page (SERP). After you search for something on Google you arrive at the SERP, which is a page full of listings related to your search query. The SERP presents both organic results and paid results, although paid ads are usually displayed higher up on the page.
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whizzystack · 1 year
Many eCommerce companies add every single payment option to their website to accommodate customers’ needs. Hey, someone out there is using Bitcoin… right?
However, having too many payment options can be counterintuitive. You need to offer the payment methods your customers want, but avoid adding payment methods your shoppers won’t use and that increase the risk of fraud. Think global, but adapt for local.
At the turn of the 21st century, two psychologists, Sheena Iyengar and Mark Lepper, set up an experiment at a food market. On day one, shoppers were shown a table with 24 different samples of jam. On the second day, only six samples were available.
The table with the larger number of samples attracted the most people, but did this interest convert to sales?
Interestingly, it didn’t.
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whizzystack · 1 year
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whizzystack · 1 year
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whizzystack · 1 year
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whizzystack · 1 year
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whizzystack · 1 year
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whizzystack · 1 year
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whizzystack · 1 year
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whizzystack · 1 year
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whizzystack · 1 year
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whizzystack · 1 year
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whizzystack · 1 year
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whizzystack · 1 year
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whizzystack · 1 year
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whizzystack · 1 year
Conversion rate tactics for eCommerce business growth
Every eCommerce business knows about conversion rate optimisation (CRO). It is widely understood to be the most important factor in giving consumers consistently outstanding online shopping experiences, increasing brand integrity and boosting sales. Yet according to studies, only around 22% of businesses say that they are satisfied with their webstore’s conversion rate performance. Given the importance of effective CRO, why are so many eCommerce businesses dissatisfied?
There is no single answer to this question. But one of the main factors is a lack of understanding around CRO and perhaps even scepticism about how effective CRO is for ROI and increasing bottom line. With the cost and challenges in measuring short-term results, CRO can appear to be a risky investment. But it makes little sense to spend on customer acquisition, driving traffic to your webstore, if you are not putting as much investment in converting consumers when they arrive.
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whizzystack · 1 year
The field of Artificial Intelligence (AI) in computer science and engineering is dedicated to developing intelligent machines capable of performing tasks that typically necessitate human intelligence, including visual perception, speech recognition, decision-making, and language translation.    
In this blog post, we’ll share how Artificial Intelligence can help you to improve your digital marketing efforts and can generate more leads from potential buyers and sellers. Stay tuned! .
To get help boosting your return on investment (ROI), consider partnering with Whizzystack.
We’ve helped hundreds of businesses, and we’d love to add you to the list! To get started with us, just call us at +91-95-6064-1397 or contact us online today!
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