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“Why do you beat yourself up so much over little mistakes?”
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It just got so much easier over time. First, it was not eating breakfast, I felt like I didn’t need it. Slowly the scale climbed down then went lunch and only eating dinner, the scale climbed down even faster. I became obsessed with weighing myself and seeing progress. Soon dinner was out of the question, my life has been consumed by her. Ana, the one who I devoted my life too.
Midnight thoughts// 1
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Ana buddies?
I’m making a group chat on kik for a big pro ana family. We can help each other lose weight. You’ll have someone who understands what you are going through. They won’t tell you to stop they’ll encourage you to continue. Help you stay on track.
Reblog with your kik info or if you don’t want to put your kik out there reblog and I’ll dm you asking for your kik
We can do this. Stay strong live long 💘💝💖
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~ reblog is you want ot lose over 30 pounds ~
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I think that, if I ever told my mom or any of my friends about my eating disorder, they wouldn’t believe me because I’m so fucking fat.
Me. (via emmaa232)
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Started last night
Day 1- fast Day 2- 200 calories Day 3- fast Day 4- fast Day 5- 500 calories Day 6- 200 calories Day 7- 650 calories Day 8- fast Day 9- fast Day 10- 250
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Dear Ana, I offer you my soul, my heart and my bodily functions. I give you all my earthly possessions. I seek your wisdom, your faith and your feather weight. I pledge to obtain the ability to float, to lower my weight to the single digits, I pledge to stare into space, to fear food, and to see obese images in the mirror. I will worship you and pledge to be a faithful servant until death does us part. If I cheat on you and procreate with Ronald McDonald, Dave Thomas, the colonel or that cute little dog. I will kneel over my toilet and thrust my fingers deep in my throat and pray for your forgiveness. Please Ana, don’t give up on me. I’m so weak, I know, but only you with your strength inside me will I become a woman worthy of love and respect. I’m begging for you not to give up, I’m pleading with my shallow breathes and my pale skin. I bleed for you, suffer leg pains, headaches and fainting spells. My love for you makes me dizzy and confused I don’t know whether I’m coming or going. Men run when they see the love I have for you and never return. But they aren’t important to me all thats important is that you love me. If you stay with me, I will worship you daily, I will run miles a day, come rain, snow, bitter cold or searing heat I will run from the pain and in fright. I will do 1,000 sit ups a day and lie to my family about what I eat and how I feel. I will stop weeping when I feel your warm arms embrace my shivering body. I will numb the hunger pains with razor blades and your strength. Today, I renew our friendship and resolve to be faithful to you year long, life long. I begin each year with a 3 day fast in honor of you. If you give me the strength to fade away I will love you and worship you forever. When I’m finally faded to nothing, when you’ve given me the gift of ending this torturous life. I will float on to the next world and be thin and beautiful payment for my undying love for you in this world. Love Always, Worthless One
(via consumedbyeds)
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i want to be unhealthily skinny.
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No one takes it seriously unless you’re underweight.
(via thethinorexic)
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Me: reaches out to someone for help Me, beating myself with a pole: 🔪THIS🔪 IS 🔪NOT 🔪THEIR 🔪PROBLEM 🔪LEAVE 🔪THEM 🔪ALONE🔪 STOP 🔪DRAGGING 🔪OTHER 🔪PEOPLE 🔪DOWN 🔪WITH 🔪YOU🔪
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Copy and paste this into ur notes and read it if you get cravings:
It’s never worth it. Imagine how much weight you’ve lost in the last few days. If you binge now that was all for nothing because you’ll gain it all back. Do it for cute clothes, shopping sprees, being happy Because food will never satisfy you. If you binge now, the urges will keep coming back. If you binge now, it will not be the last time. It’ll keep going on and on. Break the cycle. That full feeling is so much worse than feeling dizzy with hunger. Because control is power. Collarbones, thigh gap, flat stomach. Think of all the times you’ve binged, how it felt sitting up in the middle of the night. Don’t put yourself through that again. You can reach your GWs. It just takes a bit of control. It’s nearly summer. Still, plenty of time to get skinny. Do it for that belly button piercing to look hot as fuck. Imagine feeling comfortable in a bikini. You’ll never be comfortable in a bikini if you binge. Get thin to be able to fit into those old jeans. Just because you messed up yesterday, doesn’t mean you can’t do great today. Reach those GWs. You fucking deserve it after all this shit you’ve been though. In a week’s time you could be so much lighter. Do it so he can pick you up and say you’re light. Do it so people will worry again. Do it so your fucking period leaves you the hell alone again. Do it so you’re not afraid of going shopping and seeing mirrors. Do it so you can get your makeup done professionally and you’ll look perfect. Self control is so important, not just for weight loss. Practice now. For the before and after pictures. You’re gonna be the skinniest bitch you’ve ever seen. I promise. If you don’t binge. To wear white skinny jeans with a black sweater. To wear PINK workout clothes and just lounge around the house. To wear a sports bra and oversized trackies when working out. To wear triangl bikinis and feel like a model. So you won’t be called ‘heavy’ when picked up To proudly tell people your clothing size To have thighs that look small in anything So you won’t have to compare yourself to others in the changing room To look good in short shorts To have people ask you for diet tips To have people say you look like a model. So that you’ll begin to envy a model’s clothes, not her body To look sexy without trying To be able to change in front of friends Being able to sit on his lap and be picked up Having small thighs when sitting Look good with messy hair, just woken up. Looking in the mirror and seeing bones, not fat The feel of your ribs and hip bones sticking out Being cold all the time because you’re so thin and loving it Always looking good in heels Size 0 skinny jeans Looking small in baggy shirts with jeans Having visible collarbones Having a thigh gap Sitting in the middle of the car because you’re the smallest To enjoy concerts and get drunk and party and just live life Not having to worry about what people say behind your back because it doesn’t matter, nothing does because you’re thin To become someone else’s thinspo Binging is not fucking worth it, EVER, and it’s painful and it’s so fucking pointless. Why do you keep doing it? So that you can try on clothes without wanting to stay in the fitting room, curl up into a ball, and die. So that every and any photograph taken of you from any angle will look good. So that you won’t be the fattest girl out of all your friends. So that boys will think of you as girlfriend potential, not that funny girl who’s kind of chubby. So that all your old expensive clothes fit again So that you’re cheek bones will be fucking amazing again Because skinny girls can get away with, making any face, wearing any outfit, or having any hairstyle So that you don’t look like a messy slob with no self control So that you’re friends respect you So that you’re arm flab doesn’t spread out when you rest your arms on your side So that people whisper about how skinny you’ve gotten behind your back So that you when you sit, no matter what you’re wearing your stomach remains one flat perfect board So that you never have to worry about your disgusting love handles oozing over the edges of your too-tight pants So that you can rush out of the house in jeans and a t-shirt and look like a model So that you don’t look like a fat little kid anymore. So that you make your parents proud instead of being their fat-ass daughter without any self control So that you’re boyfriend will be proud to show your photo, or you off to his friends So that you can wake up in the morning without trying on a million and a half outfits and looking fat in each one So that your self control, your amazing discipline shines through for everyone to see. So that there is a space between your legs. So that the shorter the shorts, the better. So that you’ll be referred to as the pretty one So that you’re hip bones will hurt people when you hug them So that your shoulder blades are literally blades So that your ribs are always showing, not just when you stretch So that nobody even remembers that girl you used to be So that you’re delicate and graceful So that when people do see you eat they will not be thinking, “put down the fork fat ass” So that when you try on your friends clothes they’re too big So that being however weird crazy or out there you are is acceptable because you’ll look good doing it So that if god forbid someone finds out that you’re starving yourself they don’t say “really? But you don’t look anorexic” Because who wants a fat daughter, best friend, or girlfriend So that everything is finally perfect Remember how unhealthy you feel after a binge To be the carefree girl who lives life to the full To wake up tomorrow and weigh less To be tiny and delicate So people say you look like you’re about to break Because what’s the point of eating when you don’t need to? To be the skinny friend So when you sit down your thighs don’t spread out to the size of an ocean So you can be more confident To not have to worry about calories To love yourself
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February Binder Give Away!
It’s that time again!  On February 28th (exact time of day TBD) I will pick two winners using a random number generator.  The winners may pick any binder top from Underworks or gc2b (I’ve used both personally so I’m familiar with them, and can answer questions if you’re unsure which you’d rather receive)
You can check them out at their websites here: www.f2mbinders.com www.gc2b.co
If the winners want a different brand at a similar price (up to $40 before shipping), I’ll happily accommodate.
This is only for trans/non-binary/etc people who require a binder–so no cosplay please. But, everyone is welcome to reblog this to boost in case their followers may need a free binder!
I’m giving this away completely free-of-charge and will ship worldwide.
Please be available to respond to a message within 48hrs and be willing to provide a name and address for shipping.
Both likes and reblogs count as an entry, but you’ll get no more than two entries.  You don’t have to be following me to win!  GL!  <3
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Just going to leave this here. Sorry.
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Phil you know you like it
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You feel disgusting now that you are full don’t you?
The feeling will pass and so will the hunger that comes after it, and i know that your parents make you eat but they’re not always around you.
Eating is a social activity, not something you should do alone.
And if you ever feel like binging again, Hun, repeat after me:
“I can have it, but i don’t want it.”
“I can have it, but i don’t want it.”
“I can have it, but i don’t want it.”
If you just say that, over and over, you will start to be more in control, no more binging.
And no more binging means no more purging, you will be:
And so much more.
You’ll even be free to be depressed, people don’t care about fat girls, but you, once you’re skinny, everyone will care.
You are strong.
“I can have it, but i don’t want it.”
“I can have it, but i don’t want it.”
“I can have it, but i don’t want it.”
Stay strong my little ones.
- Ana.
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