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Any imagine requests???
Put em in my ask box
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Cut my lip is an extremely underrated song.
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How’s everyone doing?
Anybody wanna talk about anything ?
Tell me what your thinking
Tell me what you’re feeling
Something your sad or happy about
Talk to me ho
I wanna love and support u
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WAIT nvm I just changed it to tyjo boi
your icon is blurry.
Yeah I noticed that, not sure what that means or how to fix it lmaoooo BUT just so everyone knows it’s a beautiful pic of Jenna Joseph 💕💕💕💕💕💕💕💕💕💕💕💕💕💕💕💕💕💕💕💕💕💕💕💕💕💕💕💕💕
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your icon is blurry.
Yeah I noticed that, not sure what that means or how to fix it lmaoooo BUT just so everyone knows it’s a beautiful pic of Jenna Joseph 💕💕💕💕💕💕💕💕💕💕💕💕💕💕💕💕💕💕💕💕💕💕💕💕💕💕💕💕💕
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Did I miss the next part of Lovely?
Part two was posted a few days ago :)
I’m currently working on part 3!
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Lovely part 2
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Tyler x reader
A message from Tyler Joseph? Is this real life?? This can’t be real this has to be fake it can’t really be him. You sit up in your friends bed, she snores quietly as she sleeps. You turn your attention back to your phone , lowering the brightness on the screen. A message from @Tylerrjoseph.
Should you open it? Would it seem desperate to open it so quickly? You are desperate, it’s Tyler fucking Joseph. Hesitantly you open the message.
T: hi, we met tonight at my concert, we didn’t talk very long , not much was said but we definitely have a connection. Honestly I couldn’t get you out of my mind , I’m sure you’re asleep now , but I just had to message you.
Your heart rate quickened. How could this be happening??? How could Tyler be saying these things to you? It was unbelievable ..... how should you respond ? Should you wake your friend up? No it was 1 am and she would probably start screaming, you’ll tell her in the morning.
Ok keep it cool, don’t freak out. He’s just a regular guy a normal human like everyone else. A beautiful talented wonderful human.
Y: Hi Tyler .... I’m honestly surprised you messaged me, shocked really. I’m still awake , I have trouble with sleeping
You reluctantly hit the send. Oh god was that stupid? Was that a stupid response? Oh god it was , thoughts swirled in your racing mind. It really is Tyler , you knew that for sure , it was his official twitter account your brain just couldn’t process what was actually happening. Tyler , the man that changed your life with his words , his creativity, had started a conversation with you. He messaged you because he felt a connection with you! You couldn’t argue that, the two of you certainly had a moment at the concert, a moment you would remember for the rest of your life, but the greatest thing about it is that he felt what you felt, he’ll remember the moment too. Obviously he felt something if he went out of his way to try to find you on Twitter after simply making eye contact with you and holding your hand. He must be exhausted , he just played a two hour concert and expelled nothing but complete and total energy to thousands of people. Yet he still took the time out to talk to you.
You looked out the window a warm feeling in your chest, like small heated clouds floating carelessly in your ribs. You felt weightless , excited, and peaceful. Everything seemed to feel right. Your phone lit up again, you quickly pick it up.
T: I have a hard time sleeping too, you’re not alone there. So listen, In a week josh and I are taking a break from the tour for a month, to be home for the thanksgiving and Christmas, I was wondering if you’d like to meet up then and get to know each other better? I know this is forward but I can’t ignore what I felt at the concert
You read the message over and over and over. He wanted to hangout. He wanted to learn more about you , grow the connection between the two of you, maybe even spend the holidays together. Ok don’t get ahead of yourself (y/n) he just wants to hangout, probably for a few hours .
Y: of course I’d love to get to know you better Tyler! That would be so amazing I’m so glad you asked just let me know when and where
The message sends and rain starts to fall outside, sending a luscious earthy smell into the room. You closed your eyes you wanted to remember this night, every aspect of it, the way your phone lit the room up when Tyler messaged you, the sound of the rain kissing the window pane, the slow steady breaths from your sleeping friend and most importantly the absolute calm you felt, you’d never felt so sure of something so excited about something, this could be life changing . You’d thought about this moment for years , you’d written about it in fan fictions but you never thought it would really happen. You never thought Tyler Joseph would ever know who you are let alone want to get to know you better.
Your phone lights up
T: :) that’s great I’m so glad , if you tell me your address I’ll come pick you up , wherever you are , I’ll come get you and we can spend time together , real time, just you and I with no interruptions.
No interruptions sounds so nice. You could only imagine how magical it would be to spend actual alone time with Tyler. Seeing him with thousands of other people around practically made your heart stop but just you and him? You didn’t know what to expect.
Y: I live in Madison Wisconsin, my address is 1318 Woodrow way. You have no idea how happy you’re making me right now Tyler , this is truly a dream come true , I can’t wait to get to know you better. I can’t wait to get to know you as Tyler not just as the singer of Twenty One Pilots :)
T: 1318 Woodrow way! Great! Wisconsin isn’t far from Ohio at all so getting you won’t be any trouble , I’m excited to get to know you too (y/n) you seem really great already, and I hope you know I never do this, never have I ever seen a girl at a show and looked her up and messaged her , but I just couldn’t help it with you... you should get some sleep , ok? Sleep is important, I will talk to you tomorrow ok? I promise, sleep good , lovely, I’ll be thinking about you, goodnight :)
Y: thank you so much Tyler , you’re so sweet, it’ll be hard to sleep I’m so excited! I hope you sleep well, I’ll talk to you tomorrow handsome 💕
You send the message and sink down into your friends bed, her body heat spreads over you as you pull the comforter over your body . How were you going to tell her all of this? You smile as images of Tyler fill your head , and the sound of his voice “your lovely (y/n) “ fills your ears.
It’s still lightly raining , you’re walking home from your friends house . It’s still pretty early , the air was foggy and the sky a grayish purple color. You loved this weather it made you feel pure and at ease. Your house was just down the street from your friends , so it wasn’t a long walk. You decided against telling her about Tyler , you’ll tell her at some point just not quite yet. You wondered if you should message Tyler or let him message you first, every part of you wanted to message him but you didn’t know if you should or not . You reach your house and look up from your phone to see a pretty bouquet of white and pink roses sitting on your porch. You picked them up gently , the flower delivery person must have gotten the wrong address. You search the flowers for a card. There it is. You grab the slip of paper and read it.
“I hope these make you smile, lovely
-Tyler “ your heart jumped. These are from Tyler! Tyler sent you flowers!!! Holy shit holy shit holy shit !!!!! You grab your phone
Y: you sent me flowers? Thank you so much Tyler that’s so sweet! I love them they’re beautiful!
You open your door and quickly get a vase out, you clip the ends of the stems and gently set them in fresh water. Your phone vibrates in your pocket
T: oh good you got them, I’m glad you like them (y/n) they’re almost as pretty as you. I don’t want anyone else to swoop in and get your attention before I can come pick you up myself , two weeks is a long time and you’re a beautiful girl, I can’t be the only guy that wants to get to know you.
He was. He was absolutely the only guy.
Y: Tyler , you are such an amazing person, so thoughtful. No ones ever sent me flowers before! You made my day :) don’t worry your the only guy I want to get to know. I’ll wait for you forever. I’m so excited to see you again
You really could not wait till you could be with him again , to touch him and hear his voice. You couldn’t believe how quickly things were escalating between the two of you, he seemed so eager to be with you , you couldn’t believe it . You couldn’t help but think someone was going to go wrong something was going to mess this up or he was going to get to know you and end up not liking you. You felt strange, excited but unsure. In two weeks Tyler would be here and everything would work itself out ... and you couldn’t wait.
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She’s the tear in my heart, I’m alive
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Jenna 💕
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HD boi
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Part 2 will be posted today!
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IMAGINE: @ohprettyweeper
Lovely (part 1)
“Oh my god I’m so excited I can’t believe we got front row seats!!” Your friend yells as you stood by the stage. The stadium was packed and the boys were coming on any minute now. This was going to be the best night of your life , you finally got to see Twenty One Pilots and you were so excited you couldn’t put it into words.
“I know! This is going to be fucking insane! What if we get to hold their hands?!?!” You say , you and your friend squeal with fangirling excitement. Just then the lights go down and the crowd starts screaming , the energy immediately changes, becoming heated and intense. Just then Tyler and Josh burst onstage sending the audience into a surge of screams. You yell so loud you were certain you were going to lose your voice by the end of the concert.
They performed songs from all their albums, a powerful variety.
“You say things with your mouth…” Tyler sang, his voice floating delicately through the air. He walked to the edge of the stage right in front of you and your friend. Your breath hitched in your throat as his eyes meet yours. He looks down at you longingly for what seemed like an eternity and you never wanted it to end. He reaches down and grabs your hand, his touch was gentle and soft.
“I will make you believe you are lovely” he sings to you. Tears welled in your eyes , his gaze lingered on you as he stroked your hand with his thumb. His eyes were so deep so emotional it was like he was trying to talk to you but couldn’t . He gets down on his knees and leans in to you “what’s your name?” He asks with a heart melting smile.
“Oh um I’m (y/n)” you stutter nervously with a longing look in your eye and a hint of lust in your voice.
“You’re lovely (y/n)” he speaks again with a wink before standing back up. He slowly and reluctantly pulls his hand from yours and walks to another part of the stage. Your friend is freaking out “you guys just had a moment!!! What did he say?!” She continues yelling but you don’t hear any of it. Tyler Joseph just held your hand , sang to you, asked your name, and winked at you. You couldn’t believe it , you could have fainted right where you stood. Throughout the rest of the concert Tyler kept making eye contact with you , slipping in small waves and smiles here and there and he even came over and personally said goodbye when the concert ended. You floated home in a complete and total daze. You were sleeping over at your friends that night it was now about 1 in the morning and she was fast asleep. Your phone lights up next to you , a twitter notification, you open the app, you had a new message from : @tylerrjoseph
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