whoafirestar · 8 years
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whoafirestar · 8 years
RWBY-Fan’s 25k follower contest!
Please read all the rules carefully! Contest will begin from 10/16 until 11/11.
You have until November 11th to leave a like on this post! A like and/or a reblog to this post is your entree into this contest, you can reblog as many times as you please but you only get one entree. However, those who submit their own work to me with the tittle “25k contest” will get an additional 4 entrees into the Wheel Decider where four lucky winners will get a random chance at the prizes!
Submitted work can be a chalk painting, a sculpture, watercolor, traditional art, copic marker, digital art, pictured of you cosplaying, ect. If you are not working with a digital medium, please scan your art or take a very clean picture of it (but scans are recommended). Whatever you submit, it must be related to Rooster Teeth! All submitted work will be posted to showcase your hard work, you can also submit a link to your own post and I will reblog it! Do note that stealing someone else’s work and claiming it as your own will get you banned from this and future contests, I will be checking any and all sources to make sure what you submit is yours. Also, work submitted must be new, no old art or pictures will be accepted!
Keep reading
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whoafirestar · 8 years
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RWBY : By your side by dishwasher1910
support me on Patreon : https://www.patreon.com/Dishwasher1910
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whoafirestar · 8 years
I have to disagree. Jen Brown (Pyrrha voice actor) had to be in studio for the rwby chibi episode which explains why she could record for this and other possible episode. Not only that, but she that they wanted her to voice a character in the future. I think the "I'll always be there for you" line is more for Junue character development and a way for him to grieve. When she say those line you see in Juane face that he know what she wanted to say something about he love for her. That and to make the audience cry a bit. Sorry to be a heart breaker
Okay guys so I’m like, 85% sure Pyrrha is coming back from the dead at some point.
Let’s look at the facts.
1. RT is known for their totally obvious plot twists.
Blake being a cat, Pyrrha dying, etc.. All these things were foreshadowed so hard that it wasn’t even remotely a shock when they happened. So it’s not hard to imagine that, when something else is being seemingly foreshadowed, they are going for that. Which leads me too…
2. “I’ll always be here for you”
You literally cannot foreshadow Pyrrha coming back to life more blatantly than that.
3. Pyrrha’s voice actor is still voicing new lines.
I don’t know exactly how contracts work with this kind of thing, but the fact that she is still voicing things this season means they may want to do more with her voice later after this episode.
4. Jaune’s relationship with Pyrrha is still being stressed hard.
This is very circumstantial, since it could be building up to a lot of things, but a moment where she comes back to life is one of the major possibilities, especially when combined with all this other evidence.
5. The dream sequences.
Ominous dream sequences like these exist for a reason. What’s weird is how much these sound like they are not from Ruby’s pov, but from Pyrrha’s. A lot of “Jaune”’s, not to mention the “do you believe in destiny”. It’s possible Ruby heard it on the way up, but I have my doubts. They wouldn’t be pulling this kind of Chekhov Dream sequence without a payoff. Once gain, circumstantial, but it implies they are planning on doing something more with Pyrrha. 
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whoafirestar · 8 years
RWBY volume 4 RTX reveal review
So I wasn't at RTX, but someone posted a video on YouTube of the RWBY reveal. The video was about 6 min, and will probably the first 6 min of the first episode like in other reveals, but it enough to do tell where the volume is heading. First off I just want to say the animation looks amazing. Also Ruby and Blake have new outfits, Yang is wearing pajamas top with a jacket and different pants, as Weiss is just wearing her PJ's from volume 1. A lot of time have past between volumes. It's looks like about a year has past. You can tell Ruby has gain a lot of experience with fighting; she mows down grim like they are nothing. Team RWBY are still separated, and it still Team RNJR. I couldn't tell if JNR have change in appearance, but if Ruby did, they probably did as well. At the end Ruby calls Juane, Nora, and Ren to get over to here location. What does all this mean? This means a lot of things. First off Ruby hasn't experience a full school year, which mean she spend more time with RNJR as a team than RWBY as a time. Monty said he plan this for RWBY for 20 volume I believe, which mean team RWBY may not reunite this volume or longer if things aren't rushed. Teammates may unite like Yang, and Weiss, but I feel like this will happen later in the volume. Ruby will have a lot of trust and love for her new teammates, and maybe even more than her original team. Since Ruby has learned it is expected that rest of her team has too, and Blake as well since she not stuck home like Weiss or Yang. Which mean someone like Juane could be better than Weiss or Yang. It looks like that they still looking for justice for what happen to Pyrrha, but I wonder if they got side track, or did other works for money since Ruby had to buy that new outfit. If you saw the reveal i'll love to hear your thoughts on it.
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whoafirestar · 8 years
As an Canadian I will welcome all who move to Canada
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pls dont
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whoafirestar · 8 years
I realised this video isn’t available on mobile so here’s a tumblr version.
If you want to watch it at full quality you can find it here on youtube.
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whoafirestar · 8 years
Rooster teeth and Shane
http://roosterteeth.com/post/51264449 This is a link to what someone said about rooster teeth and Shane. It is NOT a statement from rooster teeth, but I feel like this is how most people need to see the situation. I'm not saying he 100% right, but I like a lot of points he makes.
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whoafirestar · 8 years
Going back to the Sheena thing. Monty was alive during v1 and v2. If she really had that much of an impact like Shane said, wouldn't you thing Monty would have fought to put her in the credits.
With not much going on in RWBY, I have been pretty quiet.  I will eventually write up things about this or that, but this did catch my attention and I thought I would address it briefly.  Look, people who are not happy with things in RWBY are going to jump on board and say this is gospel and all that crap.  People who were happy with RWBY are going to take it with a grain of salt or even flat out dissect it (kind of like me).  The problem is—without having been there, none of us will know what is true and what is just pure  BS or even what is in between.  You can choose your stance on this and no one will change your opinion on it, and that is fine.  This is my own personal opinion (as always on this blog) and that is all.  Feel free to believe what you want.
Firstly, I am only mildly surprised that Sheena forwarded this on.  Most likely, some of it is true and she is trying to support a friend.  I will say this–having been depressed, I recognize this kind of letter.  I wrote these all the time in journals and such, venting and letting out all my feelings into one long ramble–but I would never post it and I generally destroyed it afterwards.  Why?  Because I knew that it was a biased letter that had only half-truths and most of my own feelings wrapped up to placate my wounded soul.
This letter will have some truths in it.  It will also have fabrications off of grains of truth spun to make someone else look better then they are.  That is how letters like this work because of what they are supposed to do.  As I read the letter, I became less and less like reading it because it was not an open letter to the community.  It was 90 percent about the problems he faced and his interpretation of what was going on, making sure that the antagonist of the story was clear.  It is extremely one-sided, to the point where it was more painful to read than sympathy-garnering.  For what could be true, there is a million logical reasons for it that make perfect sense.  For example
1) Monty was never a writer.  So many people have so often said that he goes with cool, and that story-writing is not his strong suit.  World building?  Okay.  Awesome fight scenes?  A given.  Designs?  Obviously amazing.  But actual story writing–plot, consistency, character development?  not so much.
2) Monty himself has talked about how closely he worked with Miles and Kerry and how much they talked about the show. The whole reason for giving the writing to them was for the reason above.  Which means they probably know about as much, or close to, the same amount as Sheena.
3) RT is a company.  There are so many laws about hiring, productions, crediting—just, it is crazy.  Labor laws are also a huge thing.  Inventory (computers, etc) are also a huge thing as well and they have to do tax things.  Each level of “company” has crazy amounts of rules and regulations and RT has to comply with the ones under their level.  If they don’t, they could be in big trouble.  So that is probably the answer to many things surrounding Sheena.
4) As for the voice acting thing—again, hiring regulations and such.  Of course, now that RWBY is big, they are looking to allow people to audition for it.  Think about that—RWBY was nothing before and they found the random people at the office. Now RWBY is so big that people WANT to try out for it, and RT is giving them that right—like a good company, in my opinion.  Would it have been cool to have certain people as a VA?  Sure, but sometimes there are better people for the job.  I have no problem with the VA choices thus far.
5) Workflow.  Well, someone already said it.  What works for one person does not necessarily work for another.  One thing I don’t know is how many work stations they would have had to install those things Monty made, and how they would be installed.  As far as I know, you can’t do a mass install to all computers through servers like that, unless there is a hub program that they are all downloading from.  I don’t know anything about that, and there is a good chance that what was made was not feasible to use.  Just because someone makes it doesn’t mean it is usable.  Also, modifying the program may or may not void the warranty or contract or something…depending on what kind of change it is.
6) Man, he really pulls on the heart strings.  "to all who treasured monty oum".  He is a great writer, I will give him that.  Excellent word choice, the kind that will engage the emotions—probably because he is very emotional right now.
The rest of it is about his personal life and how he didn’t agree with things.  I can’t say or judge anything on that because life can suck sometimes and we won’t always agree on things.  This is why bands split (creative differences) and people leave shows.  Is any one side correct?  No.  Both sides are valid.  The thing is—by writing this letter, he has completely shot himself in the foot.  Why?  Because this is something that he can not provide proof for unless he had recorded video/audio.  This is his word against theirs.  And if Sheena actually chooses a side, their word against theirs.  Many people will side with the underdog—the people—rather than the company because that is the society we are raised in.  Corporations are horrible, evil, bad entities that are looking to crush the little man.  That is every story, anime, cartoon, movie, in a nut shell.  It doesn’t mean it is true.  All we can do is try to find the grains of truth in this debacle and go from there.  RT may respond to this…or not.  Responding may make it worse because no one will believe them at all because they are a company.  And companies automatically lie all the time.  People don’t (end sarcasm).
Well, make your own decision and try to be objective.
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whoafirestar · 8 years
Rooster teeth and Shane
I'll write my full opinion of the Shane open letter later, but first I want to say that all those people who want rooster teeth to respond, that no going to happen. Rooster teeth is going to be smart, and say nothing. They will just let this died down.
Why you may ask.
It's because if they say anything at all, the situation becomes worse. If they say it's a lie, people on Shane side will call rooster teeth liars. If they say anything is true, everyone will shit on them. If rooster teeth say anything; people on Shane side will find a way to use it as ammunition against rooster teeth.
The internet have short term memory, and rooster teeth knows this. If rooster teeth don't mention it and let it die down, everything Shane said will disappear well before RTX.
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whoafirestar · 8 years
Mirror Mirror Part 2 Lyrics
Who am I to complain? My life's been spared so much pain Born with all that I need My comforts all guaranteed So what's the problem What's keeping me From moving forward It's hard to see I should be free now I should be fine But the life I fought for Still isn't mine Some believe in fairy stories And the ghosts that they can't see I know that I could do so much If I could just believe in me Mirror mirror Tell me something Can I stop my fall? Years of scorn will leave you cold 'Forget your dreams do what you're told' When disapproval's all you're shown The safest place becomes alone And isolation's The price you pay And every friendship Is pushed away But bit by bit now A step each day I'm slowly starting To find my way Some believe in fairy stories And the ghosts that they can't see I know that I could do so much If I could just believe in me Mirror mirror I'll tell you something I think I might change it all
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whoafirestar · 8 years
Neon lyrics
We're all born with a dream We wanna make come true The best will climb to the top like me The rest will end up like you I bet it's hard to live with Knowing that you'll never be this fine Don't be distraught don't be sad You gave it your best try Listen, girlfriend....can't you see? I'm all of the things that you'll never be I'm cool like the rain and I'm hot like the sun I'm a neon rainbow and you're no fun May be time to retreat You need a diva review You can see I never miss a beat Your makeover's long overdue Just try to understand this It's not that I am trying to outshine You've got your inner beauty We can't all be divine Listen, girlfriend....can't you see? I'm all of the things that you'll never be I'm cool like the rain and I'm hot like the sun I'm a neon rainbow and you're no fun No one likes a girl who wears a silly frown Just wear a smile and you'll turn it all around Just think of happy things You'll see in no time Fun every day The clouds roll away Try it you'll see Just be more like me Listen, girlfriend....can't you see? I'm all of the things that you'll never be I'm cool like the rain and I'm hot like the sun I'm a neon rainbow and you're no fun
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whoafirestar · 8 years
It's My Turn Lyrics
When I was young If I just closed my eyes Then I could go anywhere Dream of any place Imagination set the pace And my heart was happy there What a shame that you came Round and told me Said my dreams can't come true "Don't be foolish Give up your wish Big things aren't for you" And how you'd scold and chide me Forever criticize me But now I think I know the truth You were the one Who held me down and told me I was heading nowhere You said know your place Accept your fate and show good face And be thankful that you're there That was so long ago When you owned me I believed it was true Bend me shape me Build me break me Why was I your fool? And now I'm so much stronger I'm not yours any longer I've got a message here for you Time for you to learn It's my turn I won't be held down any longer I've waited all my life and finally it's here It all begins A chance to win A dream that's been a lifetime An endless vast uphill climb The day I've waited for is drawing near Hey wait turn and show your face I've got a lot to say And you're not going anywhere You lose; the time you ruled me's through I'm in control I own my soul And I'll never go back there Wasted years that I spent Never knowing I was kept, I was used Never-ending Condescending Now I just refuse I don't care what it costs me I know I almost lost me Won't spend another day confused You rose I fell Made my life hell Anything to crush my soul Anything to feel control Finally free I've come so far Finally see how sick you are I spent my life degraded But I won't leave here jaded I'll start again and finally prove Time for you to learn It's my turn I won't be held down any longer I've waited all my life and finally it's here It all begins A chance to win A dream that's been a lifetime An endless vast uphill climb The day I've waited for is drawing near
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whoafirestar · 8 years
I'm the One lyrics
Welcome to the bloodbath jump into the tub Fist-fight, death-match come and join the club Kick-start your face with a metal-clad boot You should give up now your retaliation's moot I'll run circles round ya, I can touch the sky I'm gonna make ya hurt and I'm gonna make you cry You want to mess around? Well come on let's go I got no time to waste let's start the show I'm the one that your mama said 'Don't mess with them or you'll end up dead That type they don't follow any rules' You're looking tall, you're looking tough I'm sorry dude, it's not enough Your girlfriend's purse won't help you win this duel The bigger they are then the more that they bleed The deeper the scars that won't heal Buckets of pain as they lie there in shame Knowing how true defeat feels I'm the one That was born in a nightmare a murderer's son Got no gun But I gleam like a blade and I'm harder than iron I'm the one Who rose out of filth and was loved by no-one Delusion I'll steal til your blind and defeat you from inside your mind You're still standing up? Well let's go another round Singin' king of pain and you're gonna get crowned You like the way I dress? Yeah I know I'm fine The blood's gonna stain but it won't be mine Just chill here while I drop into the brush See you when I land and you're gonna feel the crush Lay right down and grab a little rest I guess you didn't know that you were dealing with the best You shoulda stayed at home today This fisticuff won't go your way This confrontation isn't just for school It might be hard to hear me say Kicking your ass is child's play I hope you're not crushed by this ridicule A slap on the wrist and a kick to the chin A hint of the flavor of steel No one to blame it's the end of the game The humiliation is real I'm the one That was ripped from the earth and exposed to the sun Overrun By the hate and the beatings defiled by a father I'm the one I'll race with your eyes and you'll never outrun Illusions Will conquer your mind and will make you fulfill my design
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whoafirestar · 8 years
When it Falls Lyrics
Maybe red's like roses? Maybe it's the pool of blood The innocents will lay in When in the end you've failed to save them? Their dying eyes Are wide and white like snow And now they know The cost of trusting you's obliteration Mirrors will shatter Crushed by the weight of the world The pillars collapse in shame There'll be no rest There'll be no love There'll be no hero in the end Who will rise above And when it ends The good will crawl The shining light will sink in darkness Victory for hate incarnate Misery and pain for all When it falls Swallowed by the darkness Soon the moon is bathed in black The light of hope is taken And discontent is the contagion The blinding eyes That burn a yellow flame The embers that remain Will light the fuse of condemnation Kingdoms in tatters Hung on the brink of a war The peace will succumb to flames This is not a tragedy It's not an accident You placed your faith in fools And now you'll smother in lament They play the part of allies Claiming peace their only goal But once the fight for power starts They'll eat each other whole Their iron gloves point fingers They'll wage a war of blame And mankind will wilt in pain There'll be no rest There'll be no love There'll be no hero in the end Who will rise above And when it ends The good will crawl The shining light will sink in darkness Victory for hate incarnate Misery and pain for all When it falls
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whoafirestar · 8 years
Not Fall in Love with You Lyrics
You are my star You are the one You make me smile when the world's come undone You are the one who sweeps me off of my feet You totally rock You're crazy and cool Everything's all that i love about you Girl of my dreams you would make my life complete But you're a distant dream to me Then I know and I know that you're-- Out of my league How could it ever be? What am I supposed to do- Just sit here and not fall in love with you? Can I do anything to conceal it? Can I lock up my heart and not feel it? Try to hide from the fact That theres no turning back I'm in love You leave me weak You make me strong All that I need is to know I'm not wrong If love is blind how do I make you see me? You're my PYT My cherie amour One look at you and my heart starts to soar No other girl could compete with your esprit Oh and if your heart would just agree Then I know and I know that I could be-- Oh I could believe You're all that I ever need What am I supposed to do- Just sit here and not fall in love with you? Can I do anything to conceal it? Can I lock up my heart and not feel it? Try to hide from the fact That theres no turning back I'm in love And like the autumn leaves I just can't help myself I'm falling there's no doubt It's you and no one else Is there any chance For this dream romance? Should I just give up What's a fool to do? Could you fall for me Like I fell for you? What am I supposed to do- Just sit here and not fall in love with you? Can I do anything to conceal it? Can I lock up my heart and not feel it? Try to hide from the fact That theres no turning back I'm in love What am I supposed to do- Just sit here and not fall in love with you? Can I do anything to conceal it? Can I lock up my heart and not feel it? Try to hide from the fact That theres no turning back I'm in love
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whoafirestar · 8 years
I need more blogs to follow
Like/Reblog if you post things about:
Star Wars (cartoons/movies)
Dan and Phil
Alex Rider
Disney/Dreamworks/Pixar things
and i’ll check out your blog! Thank you!
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