Emmet is tired. He has been tired for three years, five months, two weeks, six days, eight hours, forty-four minutes and twelve seconds but the last four minutes and thirty-two seconds have been extremely tiring, more tiring than anything else has been for a while.
Finding a child in an employee only area playing the flute, which has been giving some of the actual employees worries that they have unauthorized train on their tracks again (which he is not mentally prepared for), and got his fucking knee caps stolen by said child, who starts screaming about how some Sneasel is going to kill them because they punched the Sneasel’s warden(??).
Not his best four minutes and thirty-two seconds without his brother.
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So there’s been a LOT of fics about Ingo going back home, or Emmet going to the past, and i’ve definitely been inspired a bit by Detours…
but what if Rei got teleported to the future instead of either of them?
I’m no writer, and i only have so much comic juice (and i havent even played Arceus) so i’m not gonna polish these any further… but i wanted to share it anyway. more thoughts and even messier scribbles under the cut!
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