whorublessingmarilyn · 6 months
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whorublessingmarilyn · 6 months
In a way, being able to listen straight into the men's locker room is freeing. Hatred is a feeble word compared to whatever this is. It just goes beyond any preconceived notion about anything, towards any thing, ever. It's a beast of its own. What women have to contend with since birth. Most don't even know the extent of just how much. I'm not giving myself a fucking autoimmune disease trying to be in denial about it all. I look at it in the eyes, I name and shame it loud & clear for my sisters to see, and I won't let it devour me
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Men discussing Andrea Dworkin. And proving her analysis to be correct
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whorublessingmarilyn · 6 months
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Men discussing Andrea Dworkin. And proving her analysis to be correct
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whorublessingmarilyn · 6 months
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whorublessingmarilyn · 6 months
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whorublessingmarilyn · 6 months
The absolute state of this. Lmao. Pray for women
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whorublessingmarilyn · 6 months
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whorublessingmarilyn · 6 months
So the academic theory was thought up by a publicly self described pedophile
The flag was made by a publicly self described pedophile
The lexicon was established by publicly self described pedophiles
Which directly influenced the psychiatric evaluation & medicalisation of actual children en masse
Not mentioning the obliteration of feminism + dehumanizing jargon that only apply to women + serial killers & rapists in women's prisons + the end of female single sex spaces & care + women's sports/prizes/politics hijacking + erasure of gay & lesbian communities
It's almost too machiavellian to wrap your brain around
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whorublessingmarilyn · 6 months
Sounds hyperbolic but I genuinely can not think of any large scale public scandal quite as demented as this. 9 yo menopaused girls & kids dying from hormone "replacement" induced cancers. Hague
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whorublessingmarilyn · 6 months
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Genevieve will probably go down in history for her investigative journalism. The current global indifference over this is unspeakably shocking
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whorublessingmarilyn · 6 months
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Fucking creep
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whorublessingmarilyn · 6 months
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whorublessingmarilyn · 6 months
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Once the abstract faux intellectualism fades away reality comes at you fast
I'm still so stunned. That an autogynephilic man would try to downplay comorbid sexual fetishes comes at 0 surprise but when your local feminists girl bloggers are eating it up you know the days ahead are dire
Society * hinges * on the ability to point out to deviant men (and women) and make it as difficult for them to act out & normalize their sexual paraphilias. Woman hatred, sadistic rape, torture, pedophilia, zoophilia, necrophilia... humans at their absolute worst, 'evil', is literally just unchecked & uncontained male sexuality (and women actively partaking or enabling them)
Would you trust your kids around men who get themselves off from wearing or making others wear diapers and pacifiers in their leisure time? Ditto with some 30 yo freak drawing/buying furry porn??? I'd be utterly amazed
Like what's next? Oh my bad I missed the deep psychological intricacies of people engaging in such behaviors, this is actually totally normal and shouldn't be questioned, let's advertise these in the wider mainstream culture as well adjusted compulsions
For the sake of the argument if your innermost taboo secret desire is to be taken cared of with no responsibilities go fantasize about having sex on the beach sipping margaritas. Or even more groundbreaking, have your partner actually take care of you
And "animalistic side of the human psyche" having sex is animalistic enough on its own my guy
This shitshow has only been made possible by extensive misogynistic groundwork but otherwise goes to show you can advertise & market absolutely anything to absolutely anybody (heavy on the absolutely anybody) if you go about it in a boiling frog style
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whorublessingmarilyn · 6 months
Holy shit I hadn't checked upon him in a while I didn't think he could've sunk any lower this is incredible
Women partaking in BDSM & violent sexual acts/pornography in general is a way for the brain to get control over trauma (& being a woman in this world experiencing/witnessing horrendous crimes against women is enough stored trauma from the get go btw) . She isn't "sUrREnDErInG SelfLessLy To HEr DeSiREs", her brain is hoping to slather dopamine over the agonizing experience of being female in a brutal, misogynistic (doesn't even sound strong enough) male dominated world. This has literally been studied, women who have fantasies like these often admit they do not feel good post orgasm and get an anxiety rush that later calls for even more violent scenarios that fail to sooth it, and it becomes an escalating addiction. It's also the physiology of how trauma bonding & stockholm syndrome work, or why women "consent" to partake in horrendously violent and damaging pornography. + Ofc nobody is questioning why a man would not only agree (not that this isn't entirely stemming from male sexuality in the first place anyways) but very happily get off to hurting a woman ("consensual" or not, "play pretend" or not)
I'm just staggered at his subsequent attempt at normalizing zoophilia and pedophilia because "these people do not mean it literally". He is BLATANTLY lying about what absolutely does go on in these "subcultures". Ageplay freaks absolutely are pedophiles picking apart quite literally retarded women, furry communities are full of literal zoophiles. You cannot tell me he doesn't know. Like he's actively consciously trying to make palatable and justify these abhorrent deviances under the guise that there's something philosophical behind it. There's nothing philosophical behind it, males have hated women and raped kids and animals probably since the dawn of time and society is there to shame and name them, why the fuck is anybody entertaining a second of this. I'm literally laughing out loud like @maaarine queen how can you not see the seams?
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"I wish that people who are inclined to crusade against "dangerous books" or "abusive ships" would try to think about fantasy in a way that's less literal and more psychological.
Like do furries and omegaverse fic writers "normalize bestiality"?
No, the fantasy of human animality is not about literal animals, it's about unleashing what is symbolically "animalistic" in us, the drives and urges that human taboos and decency forbid.
Are people who are into "Daddy doms" or diapers or whatever "literally normalizing pediatrics?"
Well no, it's not usually about that at all. Ageplay is usually about fantasy regression to the social position of someone who has no responsibilities and needs to be taken care of.
The fantasy, or the roleplay scenario, gives you permission to be taken care of.
Edward Cullen's notorious "I like to watch you sleep" feels creepy to a lot of people. And fair enough. "Creepy-ness" is subjective.
But I feel like you can find Edward creepy and still understand that for Stephenie Meyer, "Twilight" is not the expression of a literal desire to be stalked by creatures of the night.
The fantasy is of a protector watching over you. A witness. A guardian angel.
Like when you're a kid and you want your mom to stay in your room with you until you fall asleep. (…)
When I watch "Fifty Shades", I don't feel like I'm watching a seasoned predator. I feel like I'm watching a woman's fantasy. Because I am.
And if people like Gail Dines are too obtuse to notice the difference, that's kind of their problem.
I've been holding this in for 10 years, and I'm gonna say it.
I am begging these people to learn to think psychologically instead of literally, so that they're not constantly baffled and traumatized upon encountering literally the most common type of sexual fantasy that people have."
Source: Twilight | ContraPoints
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whorublessingmarilyn · 6 months
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Crosses a threshold of evil my brain almost fails to fathom
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whorublessingmarilyn · 7 months
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whorublessingmarilyn · 7 months
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