the-snaktooth-company · 11 months
Wambus I got a question. You still have that cactus that's a expy of your wife?
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Wambus - "I'm not really sure what yer even talking about."
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the-snaktooth-company · 11 months
So....what's the plan now manager yairda? And who will be chosen to go?
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Yarida - "I mostly send out who on a mission basis rather than preference or anything else. It is better to send those who have a higher chance of succeeding, if anything."
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the-snaktooth-company · 11 months
Wait a grumping a minute... Where the heck even are we? before we go exploring to the islands I just never thought of that.
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Yarida - "The inside is way bigger than the outside, some hallway that has rooms only for the expedition members, the list goes on and on, in the end it's all weird."
Manegerial Note
We apologize for the delay in answering asks. We have been busy dealing with personal matters and planning certain things in our methods in proceeding with the management of the blog. (Including work on backgrounds as you can see now.)
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the-snaktooth-company · 11 months
Having finished some required assets, we can now add another profile to the list.
The 5th Expedition Member, Wambus Troubleham
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the-snaktooth-company · 11 months
Wait a minute Yarida... By partner you couldn't possibly mean wambus troubleham yes? Wow it shows that no matter what [redacted] even those 2 are bound to be together but I feel like those two specifically now would probably be getting into more spats you know marriage things.
(also I just realized I am fucking curious how you will do his design creator 😉)
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Yarida - "Yeesh, forgot that for such a giant Grumpus, he can be REAL quiet when he needs to be... Freaky shit right there."
Now that other side projects that have taken some time away from the blog have been completed, and a couple of asks have been answered, we believe it's high time we began progress on the next chapter, and additional content for the blog itself is being developed as well (Such as character profiles, side drawings, and potential analysis of traits in the world of this AU, along with an additional side story). We hope you all look forward to it, as you, the askers, will be taking a more direct approach in the side story.
(We are also happy the designs are satisfactory, and we hope that in time, we'll be able to release all designs for the Expedition Members and other key characters.)
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the-snaktooth-company · 11 months
You know speaking of Triffany... How is she doing in the midst of all this? I mean knowing her I feel like she would be excited but also fascinated with the snax in general history wise with how long they've been a thing you know?.
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Yarida - "But at least she backs it up with her talents and having her partner watch her six at all times."
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To shelda I have a simple question. What is your theory on the true nature of the snax and why they do their things?
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Shelda - "The others are more in tune to make "theories" as they are more lenient to believe in the science of things, rather than their two eyes."
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anyways on to a different question that I have more specifically with filbo.... What are your thoughts on some of the other members like for example cromdo, flooffty and wiggle? (I cannot wait for how they will be look)
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Filbo - "...At least, I think that's what they're doing? Still a bit spooky."
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Hm.. honestly I have no clue either about it Gramble. maybe your bonded to it I don't know I'm just spitballing theories here about it. Wish I could at least give you something to drink to help calm your nerves though....
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Filbo - "And you named it Sprout too..!? That's awesome! We should approach Clumby about making it official!"
Gramble - "Can we maybe NOT do that, please..!?"
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I do apologize for that Gramble im just fascinated with learning about everybody within the company. Also is that sprout I see on you? Surprising to see even in this [redacted] he's here as well.
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Gramble - "I-I don't know why he's so attached to me, but at least it's small enough to not be a threat... R-Right..?"
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Hold on I just did a double take drinking my yerba mata. Gramble.... Has a snaxmatter arm? A part of me is utterly horrified and yarida said that it causes some trouble I feel bad for him... But I'm also fascinated so does that mean he could make it into like makeshift arm blades? I got to fucking meet him.
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Gramble - "..I-I don't like talking about it... Can we talk about somethin' else?"
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Gathering the resources required proved successful, we may now present a new profile of one of the Expedition Members.
The 13th Expedition Member, Gramble Gigglefunny
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That's a halberd. Huh Now that's a weapon you Don't see enough of nowadays especially if they're properly used...But is it just me or is filbo... Lighter than normal? Is it because of stress if so that's totally understandable. (Also that outfit on him I don't know why but it's making me go a bit crazy. Good job to ya)
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Filbo - "Using my trusty Halberd does take a bit of effort though... Maybe without knowing I lost a few pounds, haha!"
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We have procured the profile for one of our expedition members.
The 8th Expedition Member, Filbo Fiddlepie
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since that last guy talked about weapons who has the most unique weapon? I feel like Lizbert would probably be the most unique I mean a literal gun blade is fucking awesome and I'm curious about some of the others.
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Shelda - "But against all odds, he can make it work. It is quite impressive."
Yarida - "If I didn't know any better. I would honestly see t' get me one myself, could help in the battlefield if I had somethin' like THAT."
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Mr yarida.... Who is in charge of the weaponry for everyone? Cuz if you ever need assistance I may know a grump who could possibly infuse the elements to some of the weapons.
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Yarida - "There may be means for somethin' in similar roots down the line, however."
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You know I think it's kind of beautiful the chadlo and snorpy I still together despite knowing the risks....they show how strong their love for each other is and I think that's beautiful and badass.... although now I Wonder about the other couples though like wiggle and Gramble plus wambus and triffany.
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Shelda - "Time heals all wounds, but the scars remain nonetheless."
We apologize for the delay, we have been preparing the profile for our remaining Sinners, alongside workshopping their icons as well. Alongside outside personal matters involving scheduling, we should hopefully return to our regular pace later this afternoon.
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