whumpafterdark · 11 days
nsfwhump cyoa 1
ive seen some of these floating around and decided i wanted to put my own spin on it! enjoy! the poll's at the bottom.
the last thing you remember... you were at a bar. that's it... that's all you remember. and now? your hands are tied behind your back, your ankles tied together, and you're lying on the cold floor of what you assume is someone's basement.
but even weirder... your clothes are different. you're not wearing the clothes you had worn yesterday. instead, you wear an admittedly stunning white gown, adorned with pale pink roses, a flower crown upon your head. you can feel makeup on your face.
your head hurts horribly from the hangover, and you feel dazed and woozy as if you've been drugged. the door opens, and you see a handsome man with ruffled ginger hair come in.
"oh... you look so gorgeous like that, baby. we're going to have so much fun together before our wedding."
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whumpafterdark · 15 days
clementine: chapter one
tws: EXPLICIT noncon, intimate whumper, implied stalking, implied torture of another character, just general creepiness
clementine had no idea where he was.
the last thing he remembered was going with his best friend maddie to a bar... then after that, nothing. and now, his hands were shackled to the wall above his head, giving him just barely enough room to sit. panic spiked inside of him.
"maddie? hello? where are you?" he called out frantically, but received no answer.
the door swung open, and a small part of him was hoping that it was maddie here to rescue him, but it wasn't. instead, he was met with a tall, fair skinned man with white hair in a ponytail and one eye covered by an eyepatch. despite his scary appearance, he had a soft smile on his face.
"hello, dear. my name is tanner. and who might you be?" he said, his voice honey sweet.
"i-" clementine struggled to speak, fear rising in him. tanner knelt down in front of him and cupped his face in his hands, an adoring expression on his face.
"you're so cute. it's okay clemmie, i already know your name. i've been watching you for a while. and now we finally get to meet!"
clementine sobbed with fear, trying to squirm out of his grasp. tanner wiped the tears off of his face gently before leaning in and kissing him, not stopping until clem was breathless.
"pplease let mme go..." he whimpered meekly.
"sshh. soon, you'll never want to be anywhere else." tanner promised as his hands moved from clementine's face, lower, caressing his chest, then his abdomen... clementine suddenly realized what was happening, all too late as tanner began to take off the younger man's pants.
"nno! wait, don't, PLEASE!" he begged, kicking his legs out in a feeble attempt to hit the man.
"you're adorable, clemmie. sshhhh. just hold on, it'll hurt at first- i know you're a virgin- but then i promise it'll feel so good." tanner smiled at him tenderly as he pulled off clementine's pants, taking his underwear with them.
"nnno, nno! sstop! HELP! ANYONE- PLEASE!" clem screamed out, thrashing around to try to escape what he knew was going to happen.
"you know it's pointless, baby. just relax, try to enjoy it." tanner whispered to him as he stroked down clem's length with one hand, unbuckling his belt and sliding his own pants off with the other.
clemmie was scared beyond words at this point, blubbering incoherently as he wiggled around like a fish out of water. tanner was kneeling on top of his legs, which pinned them down firmly and spread them apart.
the young man screamed in pain as tanner forced himself inside of him without warning, tears filling up his dark eyes.
"i'm sorry baby, i just can't help myself, you're so pretty when you cry." he said as he thrusted inside him, spreading him further than he even knew was possible.
another scream was wrenched from him, one of desperation and pain, but then he quieted to scared whimpers. clementine was unable to turn his head fast enough to avoid tanner's lips meeting his and forcing his mouth open, kissing him again while he felt like he was being torn apart.
when he finally broke away, clementine cried out with pain again from tanner's roughness, tears flowing freely down his cheeks.
"you know, you should be grateful to me. i'm going easy on you. your friend wasn't so lucky."
the words felt like ice in his veins.
"wwwhat ddid you ddo to mmaddie?!" he gasped out in between broken sobs.
"oh, nothing much... yet. she's not my type, don't worry about that. she's much funner when she's short a few fingernails."
his eyes stretched open wide with horror, and then he screamed again as tanner began to thrust harder, a look of pleasure on the older man's face.
clementine's mind felt like it was filling up with fog, as it became harder and harder for him to focus. he whimpered, then fell silent as he dissociated to the point where he couldn't feel the pain as much anymore.
the next thing he remembered was tanner gently, carefully putting his clothes back on him, ignoring the blood trickling down his leg, caressing his face once more and then standing up and leaving him there alone.
his head drooped to the side. this was all too much, too much, and he felt his consciousness waning before he passed out.
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whumpafterdark · 16 days
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1: clementine "clemmie" mckinnon. 21, he/him.
- pet whumpee, nonhuman whumpee (half-elf)
2: madilene "maddie" crowley. 23, she/her.
- defiant whumpee, 'unbreakable' whumpee
3: tanner wilson. 25. he/him.
- sadistic whumper, intimate whumper
chapter 1 will be posted soon ..
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whumpafterdark · 16 days
story idea .. should i write it?
whumper has two very different sides of them.
a cruel, sadistic side they use to torture and torment whumpee 1 physically.
and a "loving", obsessive side they use to assault and abuse whumpee 2 under a guise of pampering and caring for them.
whumpee 1 snaps at whumpee 2 one day for crying, asking "what could you possibly have to cry about? you're treated like a doll!"
whumpee 2 doesn't have the heart to tell them what they're going through, because part of them agrees with whumpee 1.
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whumpafterdark · 16 days
hi! i'm a new nsfw whump blog. mind if i have a promo? :]
@nsfwhump-mania @doctorsawyer
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whumpafterdark · 16 days
another nsfw whump blog
hi! you can call me peachie. i use any pronouns with a slight preference for she. i'm an adult, and i expect anyone who interacts with this blog to follow the only hard rule of this blog: no minors. i do not want minors interacting, and i do not write any content with minors in it.
there are few things i won't write, so i reserve the right to refuse any request. if the request is something i personally don't want to write, i will post it and ask other whumpers to take the request! that way it doesn't go unanswered, hopefully.
i will try to tag all my posts, but please be careful on this blog! almost all my writing here will have nsfw whump themes, meaning abuse, assault and other stuff along those lines.
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