whumposaurus · 5 years
Happy Holidays to all of my wonderful whump friends! Even if you do or do not celebrate any festivities, I hope you have a fantastic day today!
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whumposaurus · 5 years
I think it's really interesting, but only if you want to write it 😁
Would anyone be interested if I did more for the “Psychology in Whump”?
It was so fun writing about conditioning, and quite a few people liked it. I have a lot of things I could do. Social psych, disorders, psychoanalysis, therapy, motivation, health, memory, learning, more on conditioning, I’ll do anything. 
Just, would anyone be interested?
I really want to help y’all with it since a lot of people liked the last one.
@midwinterhunt @caddy-whump-us @undersketchdraws @deluxewhump @tesseractj @minyoustar @whumpdemonium @kai-rambles-a-lot @plaidbow @angel-wings-and-feathers @whumposaurus @dead-ace-fuck @momomurasaki @thewhumpfairy @theshapeshifter100 @pythagoreanpentagram @drainoshot @raven998877 @helpadriana 
Y’all were the people that liked/reblogged the first one about conditioning. Would y’all be interested in more?
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whumposaurus · 5 years
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Max and Carlo Masterlist
Please be advised, this story has human trafficking, institutionalized slavery, past torture and abuse, often referencing a time when the chracter in question was a minor. More specific tags are listed on each chapter or drabble. I’ll keep this updated as I make more content.
Overview: A note on the universe
Character descriptions: Max and Carlo
Part 1: Muzzle
Part 2: Marked
Part 3: Cut
Part 4: Wet
Part 4.5: Fix
Part 5: Cage
Part 6: Burn
Part 7: Cold
Part 8: Belt
Part 9: not completed
Part 10: not competed
Epilogue: not completed
Max and Carlo meet
Hot shower (Carlo)
Rubber band (collar conversation)
Accidental Whump
Pineapple allergy/ defiance
Keith protects Carlo
Carlo gets tipsy
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whumposaurus · 5 years
Prompt: the smaller character shields, or tries to shield, the larger one with their body
The sound of a whip cracking snapped them awake. Eyes widening, heart pounding as they scrambled back against the floor. Then their eyes focused, on their friend, on the floor, not moving. They were supposed to be the strong one. They weren’t supposed to break. A figure stood over them, their arm raised back, ready to crack the whip again.
“No!” Without thinking they dove forward, trying to use their body to cover their friend. The whip struck their back instead, tearing tears from their eyes and a cry from their lips. “No!” They shook their friend. Their eyes were closed. Another strike, they barely felt the leather crack against their skin. Were they breathing? They couldn’t tell if they were breathing and - “ah!”
The whip coiled around their neck, catching under their chin and dragging them backwards. Their hands grabbed at it, trying to pull free, their feet skidding against the floor as they were pulled away. Away from their unmoving friend. The one that was supposed to be strong. The one that was supposed to protect them.#whump #whump prompt #whipping #protecting #choking #writing #thanks for the practice with anon did I do it right? 
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whumposaurus · 5 years
OC Moodboards Part 2/2
(once again, none of the images are mine. I spend way too much time developing my characters with pinterest boards)
Includes some characters who haven’t been introduced yet!
Thank you so much for over 100 followers!!!
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And a bonus Angel and Demon story Moodboard!!!
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(there are so many better things I could do... XD)
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whumposaurus · 5 years
Here are some Character Moodboards to Celebrate 100+ Followers! (part 1/2)
Includes some folks that haven’t been introduced yet!
(none of the pictures are mine, I got them all on pinterest)
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(sorry, some pictures are kind of blurry)
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(woops, used the same pic twice...)
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(if you can’t tell, I had way too much fun making moodboards for my dystopian world XD)
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whumposaurus · 5 years
For the BTHB, can I have Damaged Wings? Thank you so much!
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(send requests
@whump-txt  @badthingshappenbingo
Damaged Wings
Fandom: original writing
Characters: Avery, Seraphina, Reyna (mentioned)
Warning for breaking bones
Avery sat patiently in the center of a cell, legs crossed and hands in his lap. He hadn’t meant to drop the tray, but he knew he had to be punished for his clumsiness, especially because his trainer had some very important visitors in the Facility. She had been incredibly angry, angrier than he had seen her in a long time. So, he sat and waited in a cell, willing to take the punishment if it meant she would be happy and kind again after.
Avery didn’t jump when the door opened, just lowered his head and adjusted his scarf. His trainer always expected him to wear it when he was being punished so he could remember his place. He had to replace it often.
“Spread your wings out,” his trainer demanded. Avery obeyed, opening their black and yellow wings quickly, creating a gust of air. His trainer didn’t comment; she walked behind him, putting one hand near the base of their wing, and the other near the end. Avery took a deep breath. They knew their trainer was furious because she rarely hurt his wings, saying they were for showing, and bloody feathers weren’t very pretty. 
Avery’s trainers wrists twisted, and the wing snapped with them. He grunted, tensing and fighting the urge to struggle. He kept his teeth clenched so tightly that he thought they would break, and then he would need them pulled out, and he would be so ugly that his trainer would never let him out-
Avery’s hands flew over his mouth, muffling the gasp and squeak he let slip. He shouldn’t have been so distracted, he shouldn’t have been surprised when his trainer broke his other wing, he was failing today.
His trainer’s heeled boots clacked against the rough stone as she circled around him, stopping in front of him. He folded his hands back in his lap and lowered his eyes submissively, hoping she hadn’t heard him scream. Tears dripped down his face and onto the floor, his wings aching terribly.
“What have you learned today, creature?” his trainer asked. Avery spoke without lifting his head.
“Not to break anything. I should not be clumsy, I should be graceful in order to serve the kingdom best. I must not act like an animal, or I will be treated like one.” Avery recited. His voice was soft, regretful. He was genuinely sorry for his mistake. There was a long pause, and Avery thought that waiting to see if there was more punishment was a punishment on its own. Finally, his trainer stood.
“Good. You may go back to your duties. You have much to catch up on,” his trainer ordered. Avery stood carefully and followed her out of the cell, then making his way to the kitchen. Walking jostled his wings, and more tears fell. He would need to set them tonight, but for now, he would grit his teeth through the pain and continue his routine. He grabbed the tray meant for Miss Reyna and started towards her room. Slight whines tried to escape him.
Deep down, though he would never admit it, he hoped Miss Reyna would pity him and help him wrap his wings so he wouldn’t have the burning pain to slow him down.
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whumposaurus · 5 years
Hey gang! I need some suggestions and ideas–from you!
Have you got any psychological whump and/or gaslighting prompts, ideas, or tropes kicking around? Because I’d love to hear them.
Thank you!!
(addendum: yes this is for the vampires why do you ask…)
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whumposaurus · 5 years
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This is too crazy!!!!
I need to find a way to celebrate... (also, send bthb requests! <3)
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whumposaurus · 5 years
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quirkykayleetam: I'd love to see No Good Deed Goes Unpunished for your Supernatural World!  :)
Crossed out is written, send requests! @badthingshappenbingo​
@quirkykayleetam​ I would have screenshotted your message, but my computer decided it didn’t want to...
No Good Deed Goes Unpunished
Fandom: original / none
Characters: Angel OC, Demon OC (nameless for now)
The angel carries the shaken Demon to their guest room, scuffing the summoning circle to keep out any unwelcome guests. The Demon had fallen into a strange trance after its panic attack, breathing deeply and deliberately. The Angel didn’t know that demons even needed to breathe, but that was the least of their worries. For now, they needed to figure out what they were going to do with a demon.
The Angel set the Demon on the guest bed gently. It barely even twitched, lying limp with its eyes half closed. The Angel nearly walked out, but they turned back to cover the demon with a soft fleece blanket. The demon finally closed its eyes, as if the added warmth was all it needed to feel better. The Angel would have to remember that if they were going to let the Demon stay.
They stepped softly into the kitchen. Were they going to let the Demon stay?They had originally made the summoning circle to interrogate a demon, find out what their plans were. That was how the Demon became so stressed in the first place. The Angel had yelled at it, threatened it, but instead of snarling and summoning deadly fire like most demons, this one curled up and cried. It was significantly smaller than most demons the Angel had ever seen, around the size of a human teenager or adult. The Angel needed to shape shift to be unnoticable in human societies, but if the demon used a hat to cover their small, curled horns, it could probably blend in anywhere. It was probably a weak demon, or a young one. The angel shifted guiltily as they pulled a box of macaroni and cheese out of a cupboard. That was all the more reason to keep the Demon with them, where they could protect them and keep them from hurting anyone.
But could they really keep a demon from creating chaos? It was in their nature, as much as helping was in an angels. Just the thought of being responsible for the crimes of a demon was enough to make the Angel nauseous. The boxed macaroni boiled, and the Angel dumped in the fake, powdery cheese. They thought it ironic to be thinking of a life-changing, possibly dangerous decision while doing something as simple as making food. Granted, it was food for a demon that also needed to breathe for some reason, but it was still odd. Maybe they could ask the Demon about that, instead of about military plans. Information was information, right? 
The Angel scooped the mac and cheese into a bowl after stirring it more. It was hot, perfect for a demon. They could smell the... smoke? Mac and cheese didn’t smell like smoke, did it? No, but fire did, and the Angel knew what could cause a fire in their house.
The Demon.
The Angel dropped the bowl on the nearest flat surface, teleporting into the room they had set the Demon in. Its eyes were still closed, sleeping peacefully, but the blanket that had covered it was nothing but ashes, and the mattress was fueling a large blaze around the Demon. Smoke filled the room and rushed out when the Angel opened the door. This was what they got for trusting a demon, they guessed.
The Angel had the fire out in seconds, their sacred powers much stronger than the demons. They were able to restore the bed, but they didn’t think it was worth the energy to save the blanket. They didn’t really need it anyway.
“Huh...?” The Demon yawned, blinking as it looked around. It froze when its eyes caught the scowling face of the Angel, in a human disguise but still terrifying.
“Great. Perfect! Just what I planned for when I decided to help you. Well, I should have expected this would happen. I guess it’s my mistake, then.”
“W-what? What are you t-talking about?” the Demon asked, hugging itself. What had it done this time?
“You caused a fire. Don’t worry, though. I’ll have your portal open in a couple hours, then you can be on your way and we can move on. Forgive and forget, right?” The Angel was nearly hysterical, trying not to get angry. The Demon nodded nervously. The Angel nodded back, as if convincing themself that it was fine, and walked out of the room to the basement. They should never have been nice to a demon, no matter how pathetic it acted. They couldn’t make that mistake again.
They didn’t hear the Demon weeping behind its hand, shaking and whispering, “Don’t make me go back, don’t make me go back.”
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whumposaurus · 5 years
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Source: This
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whumposaurus · 5 years
Maybe trying not to cry for Stella? Or someone else in the dystopia universe I'd you'd prefer
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Trying Not to Cry
(crossed out is done, outlined is requested!)
Fandom: None/ original work
Characters: Stella, the General (does anyone have a name rec for him...?)
Stella hated sleeping in a chair. Her neck ached, the tape on her face pinched and her legs tingled with pins and needles. Her hands were in tight fists, refusing to fiddle with the chains of tight handcuffs so she wouldn’t seem nervous. No one was in the room, but she knew there were cameras, and she would rather not reveal how terrified she was. No. Not terrified, nervous. She would never be scared of some old guy who should’ve retired already.
The metal door creaked open, and Stella’s attention was pulled away from her hands. The General strolled in, followed by a pair of armed soldiers, as if he really expected that Stella could uncuff herself and run out of there. He must have had some pretty high expectations for her. 
“Did you sleep well?” he asked, feigning politeness. Stella glared. “No need to be rude. You can’t talk, but you can still move your head. But now’s not the time to teach you manners. We haven’t gotten any response from your little gang, which means we’re going to need some more information from you on how to find them.”
Stella shook her head, eyes narrowed. If only her mouth wasn’t taped shut, she had a lot to tell him, but not about her friends. The general sighed.
“I had a feeling you wouldn’t see it our way. Very well. Men, you know what to do.” The two soldiers nodded, walking behind Stella to what she could only assume was a collection of torture devices. She squirmed, trying to see what they were doing, but she couldn’t twist around enough. It was unnerving to have people planning her torture directly behind her. She wasn’t a huge fan of it.
The soldiers came back around the table she was cuffed to, one of them carrying a box of matches. It wasn’t the terrifying torture device she expected from the government, but she knew it would hurt like crazy. And leave a scar. Or scars.
“Last chance. Even just one piece of information’ll save you a lot of pain. Have anything you want to say?” The general raised an eyebrow, crossing his arms. Stella couldn’t tell him where to shove his offer, so she only glared, snarling. The general smailed.
The soldier pulled out one of the matches, striking it against the rough texture on the box. The sharp chafing sound made a chill crawl down Stella’s spine, but she kept a neutral face until the small flame was pressed into the back of her hand. She winced, letting out a squeak through the duct tape. She let out a deep breath, getting her composure back. It was a white-hot pain, but it could be worse. It could be worse.
The match was pulled away once the fire was out, leaving a small burn on Stella’s hand. The general was looking at her, his eyebrow still raised. She shook her head before he could say anything. The next match was struck, and Stella’s breath caught. She forced herself not to watch as the soldier slowly walked around her. After going full circle, he stopped directly behind her, swinging her braids over her shoulder and holding the flame to the back of her neck. Her hands squeezed into fists, and she fought to suppress a shiver.
Stella let out a pained cry when the match was pushed into her neck, shuddering violently. Tears filled her eyes, but she squeezed them shut to keep the tears from falling. No, no, don’t cry. She gasped for breath until the match was pulled away, shaking from adrenaline. This was only the second one, she couldn’t be crying already. She was stronger than that!
“You don’t need to try to be strong. It would be so much easier for everyone if you just gave in and told me something. It could be anything that could bring us closer to finding other rebels, even just one name. Save yourself the pain. Don’t try to play the hero.” It was as if the general had read her mind, hearing all of her fears and doubts. She wouldn’t give in, though. Despite the tears pricking at the corners of her eyes, despite the burning on her neck and arm, she wouldn’t surrender. She wasn’t playing the hero, she was the hero. To her brother, her brother’s friends, and all of the other young rebels. They all knew there would have to be sacrifices, and Stella was content to be one. Even the thought of betraying them all after only- what, a week? With torture that was few and far between?- was enough to make fighting the tears all the more difficult. She attempted a glare and shook her head.
“I can tell you don’t want to do this. Don’t think I can’t tell how hard you’re trying not to cry. There’s a very simple solution to all this pain, but you just have to make it complicated. Kids always do,” the general muttered.
“Mmm mph!” Stella tried to yell, to tell that old man that she wasn’t a kid. She leaned back in the chair, blinking as the tears finally fell. She thought maybe the general would think she was trying to talk, but he didn’t. For some reason, Stella felt some strange sense of satisfaction from this, but also a sharp pang of fear. 
She was not weak. They would learn that faster than they knew.
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whumposaurus · 5 years
Follower Milestone!
Everyone! I have reached and passed 100 followers this week, which is something I’d never have expected to manage, with this little sideblog where I collect and post all the dark, creepy, intimate whumpy things that I enjoy and create.
I’m super glad to have found such a welcoming community, and I want to celebrate this in some way! 
So, I guess I’ll do this by taking requests and asks for drabbles, especially with my OCs? If you have anything you want to see or to have resolved, or just your favorite trope to be written with any of them: come to my asks, make a request, and I shall write it for you! Might take some time, as I’m also doing Nano, so if you give me your username I’ll tag you in the reply :)
Also, just in general, feel free to tell me what you like, and what you’d like to see more of! I’ll be happy to hear from you!
(Here are my writing masterposts: [Luca/Dante], [Alicia/the commander], [Charlie/Marissa/Jason] <– this one together with @whumping-newbie )
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whumposaurus · 5 years
New Characters?
So I love all—uh, 305 of you whaaat? And I also watched Terminator:Dark Fate recently and was like dang, I need me some WLW whump OCs. Hence…
Help me decide - Cyborg Lady, Sword Lady, or Cryptid Hunter Lady? (Strawpoll link)
Thanks so much for all of your support!
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whumposaurus · 5 years
Sims 4 Stuff Pack Giveaway
I know everyone is hyped for Discover University, but I wanted to do something for the simmers that are still wanting some of the older packs. I was selling-my-possessions broke during the run of Sims 3, so I know what it’s like not to be able to afford all 30+ packs. 
So I’m giving away some Sims 4 Stuff Packs!
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THREE simmers who reblog this post will win one Stuff Pack of their choice.
You must have an Origin account
You must be 18+ or have your parents’ permission
Only one reblog per account counts as an entry
You don’t have to follow me, but I would appreciate it! :)
I’ll use a random generator to draw three names on Monday, November 18, 2019. I’ll message/inbox the winners, and they’ll have 48 hours to respond before I choose another name.
If this goes well, I’ll do Game Packs next month before the holidays, so if you don’t need any Stuff Packs, stay tuned. Happy Simming!
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whumposaurus · 5 years
Sorry I’m not writing. I got a nasty cold and can’t think. I’ll get stuff out as soon as I can, I promise!!!
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whumposaurus · 5 years
When they were talking about the bomb and they are just SO IN LOVE it's adorable and Romeo almost sacrificed himself and Teddy saved him like it was nothing and oh my gosh these two 😻
Bundle of Branches (pt. 13)
Teddy opens his eyes. He’s curled up against Romeo, his arm thrown across Romeo’s chest. The med bay is warm, early morning rays of sunshine streaking through the curtain door. 
Romeo smiles. “I’ve been waiting for you to wake up for, like, thirty minutes. I want to show you something.” And then he gets out of the cot, slowly but steadily. He furrows his brow, putting all his concentration into balancing on his leg.
“Be careful,” Teddy says, a warm feeling spreading through his veins. “I… wow. Romeo…” When he says Romeo’s name, it is delicate, soft, full of compassion. His eyes shine with tears. 
Keep reading
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