whxchtwxn-blog · 5 years
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– HARDLY ANYTHING GEORGE, OR ANY OF HER BROTHERS DO, can catch her by surprise any more, so when he bounds toward her out of nowhere, she doesn’t even flinch. she’s already got a sardonic expression on her face by the time he starts speaking. “what do you want this time, george?” she can tell the boys apart with hardly a second glance, and genuinely, she’s interested. out of all of their siblings, she’s usually the first to go along with what fred and george have planned. 
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“THIS TIME?” GEORGE REPLIES, managing to sound offended despite the fact that he knows that it certainly isn’t the first time. “well, ginny. you see, your favourite brothers have been working on some things, too many things for us to test.” he paused, to watch for a reaction for a second before continuing, “i was wondering if you might be willing to lend us a hand, or rather an ear?”
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whxchtwxn-blog · 5 years
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“ginny,” he called, jogging down the steps to catch up with his sister. an arm came up to wrap gently around her shoulders pulling her close. “don’t suppose you have a moment to spare for your favourite older brother? got an offer that i thought might interest you.”
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whxchtwxn-blog · 5 years
Oh Merlin, out of all the Weasleys Theo had to bump into, he had to bump into half of the disaster twins. Since he wasn’t allowed to use magic outside of school, he had to manually carry his supplies around Diagon Alley, so he wasn’t able to see the flash of red hair until he had already bumped into him. He rolled his eyes instinctively at the older student, shaking his head. “It would be my luck I run into you,” he greeted, a slight sharpness in his eyes.
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George had come to the alley alone for once as he was seeking out a lengthy list of supplies. In the middle of checking his list as he tumbled out the shop, he found himself colliding with someone in the street. “Ah my apologies --- ” he began before the other started to speak, a grin stretching across his face as a joke popped into his mind. “Now, Nott, I would count your luck,” he hesitated slightly before realizing that Fred wasn’t around to finish the thought, “To be so good.”
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whxchtwxn-blog · 5 years
thomas brodie-sangster: cis male: he/him: student: hate your rules by crwn ϟ  did you see george weasley? you know, 24-year-old pureblood who is in gryffindor. some say he can be quite empathetic but is known to be immature. they have publicly declared they are aligned with the order.  maybe that’s why they remind me of ashes drifting off of fire, brightly coloured candies and their discarded wrappers, scribbled ideas that make sense to nobody else & outraged screams mixing with the cheers of a crowd.  ϟ  penned by drew: 21: est: he/him.
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there’s a weird balance, george has realized, that comes with being a twin - not quite the same as being in the shadows of older siblings who have done so many good things already when you’re still just learning - a different kind of struggle that can only be the result of everyone assuming that you’re just a carbon copy. it’s frustrating, sure, but george would go through hell and back for fred. 
even if everyone sees them as being the same, the two of them have always been able to see the differences - to spot the way george always followed where fred led until a line needed to be drawn, to recognize that it’s george who has the kind words and the talent with charms whereas fred has found his skills other places. it’s the balance - you see, the way that every part of fred complements the pieces of himself that george loves. they’ve always been a team and far as fred is concerned, nothing is going to change that. 
their dreams are inching closer, but the war is looming over it all like a dark shadow and he’d be lying if he said he wasn’t worried. george has heard the stories of the last war, of loss and separation and heartbreak that never quite heals - and he never wants that to be his family, to experience that kind of loss. but he also doesn’t want it to be anyone’s family and so as he struggles to bring joy and laughter to a gloomy world, george wonders what more he could be doing.
there’s a silent anger that bubbles in george, hidden mostly out of sight, one that he releases mostly on the quidditch pitch. the thud of a bludger is satisfying, the twisted sort of satisfaction that comes with listening to bones crunch. for yes, george is the follower but he relishes the cruelty of certain ‘pranks’ knowing that there are times when things must be cruel, for the world certainly is. he draws the line only at harming those who have done no harm - after all, you certainly aren’t going to take down death eaters by asking politely, are you?
the truth is complicated because people have never seen the twins as anything more than class clowns, the ones with a joke ready -  they’ve been too ready, too willing to look past their ambitions, their depth and the twins have been all too happy to let them do so.  their friends, their siblings, everyone - everyone but the two of them, sees them as little more than the pranksters who want to open up a shop.
plot ideas / ramblings:
i would absolutely love to develop a friendship with a character who is capable of telling the difference between the twins - someone who not only acknowledges that they’re different people but relishes in the things that are uniquely george. this could be with literally anyone.
also product testers? please sign up via my inbox/dm’s. there is so much potential when it comes to that --- does it go terribly wrong? does it go wonderfully right? do they get caught by someone who doesn’t approve? maybe they forge an unlikely friendship? or perhaps they’re not interested in the prank products, maybe they want to know what else george is capable of creating.
romantically? george is bi and i am open to so many things in that category but fred will NEVER be involved. ( i shouldn’t have to say it but i feel like i might ). i’m also not down for george being a cheater in general because that’s not his style.
enemies? give me them, i bet he’s pissed off a fair bit of people with pranks over the years and even not considering that, declaring himself as a supporter of the order? there’s got to be people who aren’t pleased.
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whxchtwxn-blog · 5 years
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