/_\ hoofbe/_\st-t/_\il using h/_\lf of my b/_\ngs. It isn't th/_\t complic/_\ted.
yOU knOw whO I hAvEnt pEstErEd In fOrEvEr?? tAgOrA.. hEy @why-is-tagora-antisocial |;^)
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I w/_\s worried you would s/_\y th/_\t it's /_\s big /_\s your bulge or something. Gl/_\dly, you didn't. But you h/_\ve no room to insult my h/_\ir, given yours.
yOU knOw whO I hAvEnt pEstErEd In fOrEvEr?? tAgOrA.. hEy @why-is-tagora-antisocial |;^)
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/_\s some h/_\ve done /_\lre/_\dy, I will join. Who wouldn't like to end /_\lterni/_\?
O~* Sburb sounds lame who’d even wanna play !it.
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Don't wink like th/_\t. It m/_\kes you look even more /_\bhorrent.
yOU knOw whO I hAvEnt pEstErEd In fOrEvEr?? tAgOrA.. hEy @why-is-tagora-antisocial |;^)
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Oh, hush. You're going to suffoc/_\te yourself if you keep doing th/_\t. Plus, it sounds terrible. Let me show you how to /_\ctu/_\lly pl/_\y /_\n instrument, /_\s you cle/_\rly don't know how to.
*somewhat good trumpet noises*
Troll Call Marching Band AU
Who Is This: Cymbals because they’re loud and scare unsuspecting people. “Stop giving me these papers the restroom already provides toilet paper…..Wtf is drill card?”
Marshi Houtek: Clarinet because apparently she enjoys “I didn’t choose the _____ life. The _____ life choose me.” meme
Azdaja Knelax: Snare Drum because he looks like he is part of the matrix and looks like a fun time but isn’t annoying or loud
Konyyl Okimaw: Bass Drum because the instrument is big and she gets to stick with Azdaja in the percussion section
Chixie Roximr: Cornet because she blocks all none praise like a trumpet but she sadly doesn’t have the boldness or excitement as a trumpet. So she settled for cornet.
Zebruh Codakk: Tenor Sax because he already in your DMs and is trying to add some class to his image (but sadly he is failing and is just looking like a creep) “Careless Whisper? Maybe.”
Wanshi Adyata: Flute because she knows it. all of it.
Bronya Ursama: French Horn because she finds time be a president of a club and loves the buddy systems
Fozzer Velyes: Oboe because he always cleaning up after others
Stelsa Sezyat: French Horn because she wears a fanny pack and actually bothers to question what people say. It’s band and most learn not to bother to ask questions but not this girl. She’ll even question the low brass.
Ardata Carmia: Piccolo because she looks like she is scheming something. She IS always scheming something. Probably scheming the death of everyone’s ear drums.
Marvus Xoloto: Euphonium/Baritone because he is part of the low brass (usually grouped in with the tubas not trombones) but nobody outside of band knows what the fuck he is playing and he loves that. Somehow became Drum Major and nobody has clue how (except Wanshi) Conducts a beat behind when the the Directors aren’t looking to fuck everyone up. Seriously how is he the Drum Major? “So here is the top euphonium player’s in the district name, address, family information, history, and romance interests. Go kill him for me so I can get first chair this year. Where I got all this information? I went on his instagram for like ten minutes on the bus ride here.”
Cirava Hermod: Alto Sax because they shouldn’t be alive because of something but they don’t care. (They’re that saxophone that probably is on something) They be chillin. “Careless Whisper? Sure dude.”
Tagora Gorjek: Trumpet because He. Won’t. Shut. Up.
Vikara Ratite: Trombone. You better believe he is that trombone player that always sends their slide flying.
Boldir Lamati: Tuba during concert season but moves to cymbals for marching because she can’t lift a sousaphone. Tuba because she is always plotting to take down the government with conspiracies.
Cymbals because they were the easiest for her to learn quickly for marching band. “For my spring break I’m taking down the government from the inside. They won’t know what hit them.”
Elward: Tenor Drums. Bang x4 (then multiply that by 2 for aesthetic purposes) bitch
Galekh Xigisi: Timpani because he thinks it looks sophisticated
Tirona Kasund: A flute because she is definitely a teacher’s pet.
Lynera Skalbi: French Horn because she is organized and cares to much about academics (the type of person that has to brag about all honors or ap)
Polypa Goezee: Piccolo because excellent relationship advice but she wants something in return. (Flutes will give you relationship advice even if you don’t ask for it)
Tegiri Karbur: Trombone but he like that senior trombone that is tired of everyone shit and already know what’s gonna happen because he already lived through this stupidity many times.
Charun Krojib: Clarinet because he just goes with the flow and wears obnoxiously large hats during band practice. “Found this open bag on chips on the bus floor you want some? Yeah they’re barbecue!”
Amishi Erdehn: Glockenspiel because she paid for piano lessons her whole life and thought she could handle this. Can someone tell her that she should get a new piano teacher because nobody knows what she is playing but they know it’s not music
Folykl Darane: Xylophone because she doesn’t want to march. Doesn’t think she needs to shower because she doesn’t march outside and sweat like everyone else
Kuprum Maxlol: Alto Sax because he is overly excited about almost everything. Plays Carless Whisper after every practice (When everyone is dismissed and go to pick up their stuff on the sideline. So everyone can hear it.)
Dieman Xicali: Trombone because the slide reminds him of a oblong meat product.
Skylla Koriga: A cow bell. She has to keep with her theme despite what the directors say. The music piece didn’t even have a cowbell part but don’t worry she made one herself. She hits her cowbell once in measure 3 and precedes to perform a solo square dance for the rest of the show. The band directors and the rest of the band never tell her the correct time and places for the competitions. (Marvus told her the correct time once….fucking disaster)
Nihkee Moolah: Color guard Captain. The other girl that was considered for color guard captain mysteriously lost her hand and now isn’t even part of color guard. Queen of “accidentally” hitting band members with her flag at full force. “I’M THE CAPTAIN, THIS TEAM IS MY CREW, THE FIELD IS THE SHIP, AND MY FLAG IS THE PLANK!”
Chahut Maenad: Color guard for one year but a flag accident landed a poor clarinet player in the hospital. Now she is a sousaphone and her sousaphone case is the most colorful thing you have ever seen. Careful with opening her sousaphone case without permission. Rumor has it when her instrument isn’t in there, a dead body is.
Barzum Soleil: Color guard. Drops her flags a lot during practice but the flag always seems to fall in a way that injures somebody. Her infamous flag drops have been into a meme by the band.
Baizli Soleil: Color guard. Bring a one gallon water jug? Nah. She brings 1 main two gallon water jug and 2 one gallon water jugs for backup. Consistently asking to go to the restroom.
Mallak Adalov: Triangle because he doesn’t want to march and ruin his sweet kicks.
Daraya Jonjet: Electric guitars in marching band? Sure. Why not? We already have a dancing cow bell. She just stands next to the the front ensemble and plays the music and goes home. Water breaks = headphones and rock music.
Zebede Tongva: Snare because the drum is simple and pleasing to him. You hungry? He got your back. Free sample honey sticks for everyone. The band directors are always wondering why the drumstick are sticky.
Tyzias Entykk: Oboe because she probably wants to die. She is the band librarian. In advance she asks everyone how many times will they lose their drill card so she can limit her time at the printer. They are all liars. “Who is this you told me you would only lose it 12 times. This the 34 time you have lost it and how many days of marching band practice have we had so far? 34 days. I will personally tattoo your drill card on you if you lose it again.” Somehow fell asleep in Chahut’s sousaphone’s case once….huge mistake.
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New what blog!
*bows politely* I wish to join the cult.Will you accept me? Tagging everybody I could think of.
@whats-in-tyzias-mug @whats-under-cirava-patch @whats-amisias-paint-made-of @how-many-cult-blogs-are-there @how-did-chixie-promote-herself @why-is-cirava-alive-today @why-does-polypa-have-bandages @why-is-tagora-antisocial @whys-ardata-on-deathsentence @why-is-marvus-texting-your-sis @whatismarvusrunning @what-is-marvus-running @why-is-elwurd-making-fingerguns @why-is-marvus-texting @what-is-trizza-blogging-about @what-is-stelsa-wearing-today @what-is-fozzer-digging-up-today @what-is-wanshis-catsona
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Sounds fun to me.
My morail said something that made me rethink my whole life.
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Tell me, Xefros, when did I cre/_\te /_\SMR videos?
hes listening to gorgor's asmr videos X;D
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Why is tagora antisocial?
Every time he leaves his hive people start shouting troll lazytown memes at him.
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/_\h, /_\ Tegiri. Interesting.
new blog, wheee!
@whats-under-boldirs-coat @why-does-polypa-have-bandages @galekh-knows-too-much @whats-in-diemens-hotdog @why-is-tagora-antisocial @what-is-tarnation @whats-polypas-advice @whosonlyneraslist @what-did-amisia-paint-today @wherearemalleksotherpiercings @why-is-daraya-in-detention @why-shouldnt-cirava-be-alive @why-wont-galekh-stop-talking @whosnepetashipping @whats-elwurds-first-name-today
*a new player has joined the game*
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¡m look¡ng for S|zome bathbomb ¡deaS|z btw
@whats-in-tyzias-mug @whosonlyneraslist @what-did-amisia-paint-today @wherearemalleksotherpiercings @why-is-daraya-in-detention
@why-wont-galekh-stop-talking @whosnepetashipping @whats-elwurds-first-name-today
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Promos g/_\lore!
@why-is-daraya-in-detention @whatarekuprumskinks @whatiszebruhskink @whatsashowertoafolykl @whats-under-cirava-patch @whats-in-tyzias-mug @wherearemalleksotherpiercings @whatshitshowdoesmarvusrun @whathappenedtociravaseye @why-is-polypa-on-fire @why-is-cirava-alive @why-is-tagora-antisocial @why-is-marvus-texting
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/_\nother promo.
H€y guys! Can a troll g€t som€ promos up in h€r€?
@why-is-daraya-in-detention @whatarekuprumskinks @whats-in-tyzias-mug @wherearemalleksotherpiercings @what-is-trizza-blogging-about @who-are-darayas-children @why-shouldnt-cirava-be-alive
Sorry if I’m both€ring! 
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Promo, of course.
What’s she scrubbing?
This brand new what blog!
@whosonlyneraslist @why-does-polypa-have-bandages @whats-in-tyzias-mug @wherearemalleksotherpiercings @whats-amisias-paint-made-of @why-is-daraya-in-detention @what-is-stelsa-wearing-today @what-is-fozzer-digging-up-today @whats-tagora-climbing
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Well, some of them /_\re...not so innocent.
T)O(m)O(rr)O(w I will sh)O()O(t again, unpr)O(v)O(ked. It is up t)O( my f)O(ll)O(wers t)O( v)O(te )O(n wh)O( dies.
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Hey guys
I know I went on pause but.. Everything was stolen from my family. We really need the help to recover our money. About over five thousand dollars worth is gone from our vehicles. I really need help, please. If and when you donate you can request anything, a chapter written for you of your oc, a picture drawn of your oc, an animation draw of your oc, anything. You guys can donate at my PayPal account Paypal.me/WaffelsDerp I’ll be rebloging this often in queue, so if you can please spread the word as well. Please and Thank you
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To prove something to a friend, please
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