wickedestcard · 6 years
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First post in a long time, I’ve been playing a lot of other games like World of Warships and even unlocked my first T10, the French Heavy Cruiser Henri IV.
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wickedestcard · 8 years
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P-51D-20 Mustang is still among my favorite planes to take out because if there is one thing that American planes get right it’s having all the daka. And .50 cals still work very well at lighting on fire.
A good match for 4th of July in getting 3 kills against Russia. So happy AMERICA DAY! Or at least what’s left of it.
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wickedestcard · 8 years
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Alternate history where late project US tanks storm Berlin.
Cause I bought a T29 Heavy and damn does it look good.
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wickedestcard · 8 years
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So remember that post of a dozen cheeseburgers I had made, well here's one taken more recently with them out of the bag
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wickedestcard · 8 years
I love you Dad...
My Dad had just received a traumatic head injury, severe enough that any surgery or operation would leave him in a vegetative state if he even survived which was a if absolutely everything went perfectly, he never would have recovered or gotten better.
I’m not going to go to my graduation ceremony, my family needs me there right now to help with dealing with all the issues. I was never going to get there in time to say goodbye.
I love you Dad...
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wickedestcard · 8 years
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Now, I don’t mind mixed battles when the activity is low especially when it gives me La’s and Yak’s that don’t seem to understand a Japanese fighter can out-turn them quite often. As long as they don’t happen as the norm.
I also really like the N1K2-J, it’s up there with the P-51D-20, the Spitfire Mk. 22, the Cannon Bearcat, the Fw-190D’s and La-7. Plenty of ammo, still has damn good handling and energy characteristics and doesn’t cost an arm and a leg like the Ki-84s. One of the planes that I’ve spaded completely in RB.
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wickedestcard · 8 years
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And with that match, I’ve gotten access to Tier 5 in all the nations and I’ve reached level 100, which is apparently Marshal of the Air Force.
Also, the N1K2-J is a fun plane to fly and man do I need crew points for Japan.
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wickedestcard · 8 years
Well, at least a number of the fandom is using the WSG version as a Kongou that didn’t leave Britain and thus a different Kongou.
Wicked mentioned Kongou...
…or at least the Warship Girls version of Kongou.
My reaction?
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Look, I have very strong feelings about Kongou okay… I don’t know what to do with this….
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wickedestcard · 8 years
Let if Fly
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WIP with cleaner lines.
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wickedestcard · 8 years
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(Note: That’s actually the Spitfire F Mk.22, not the 24, I downloaded the 24′s skin for the 22.)
Was taking out my Griffon Spitfire over Guam/Hokkaido, managing to take down a B-29 and a F7F Tigercat. However there was a F-84 Thunderjet that was causing us problems. Went head’s up  twice and what you see is the second one.
The three of us left all managed to crit him somewhere and he eventually crashed. And I landed safely on the airfield.
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wickedestcard · 8 years
Ah, it’s getting kinda bad that I can tell it was Iowa as it was loading because of her hat radar.
Still, nice looking Iowa is nice looking.
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2.27|| gods
*permission was granted by the artist to reprint their works.
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wickedestcard · 8 years
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New planes I’ve gotten lately, the La-15, the He-162 and the A-26C. All of them took a bit of time to get, but they seem to at least be some fun to fly.
Currently working to the Dicker Max cause at least that can resist .50 cals from the front.
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wickedestcard · 8 years
Kongou, meet USS Iowa, one of the few other Fast Battleships, fellow English speaker and also lead ship of her class.
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Oh what have I done, what have I done, what have I done… Never again… never again with the tub of Rum Raisin… This is all @wickedestcard and @kira-2501​ ‘s fault. Why this- I… I don’t even Kancolle… …yet I ship ಠ_ಠ Why this… Kongou pls- IOWA STOP-!!
.gif process:
Keep reading
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wickedestcard · 8 years
Ouch...considering the knee injuries I’ve gotten before, I hope that you aren’t in as much pain as you could be and that your leg recovers soon. Follow whatever the docs say you should do to make sure it recovers properly. Yes, that is leapfrog...how did you mess up your knee doing that?
Also, as an animated cartoon once said “You are young and strong.”
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So last night, March 2, 2016 at around 9:45pm I fucked up my knee by playing leap frog, (luksong baka) at a cinema :v
(Leap frog is that game where someone hunches over and you jump over them right?)
Yeah that happened.
My mom thinks it might just be a really bad sprain
Either way, I’m dumb and this was a fucking experience.
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wickedestcard · 8 years
Why is it
That so far my favorite case in Digimon Story: Cyber Sleuth is the one where a little girl makes friends with a Elecmon and Numemon who then stare down a Cyclonemon. Even though they aren’t able to digivolve they stand their ground and promise to defend their new human friend. You then step in and help them beat that Cyclonemon down and those three stand in awe of prevailing against him.
Sometimes it does help to throw in some light and hope elements in a overall dark plot, makes you remember what you can be there or fight for.
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wickedestcard · 8 years
Just downloaded Digimon Story: Cyber Sleuth on my Vita which means that I’m not going to have much of a social life for the next few days.
Oh...and Beelzemon Blast Mode, cause Beelzemon.
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wickedestcard · 8 years
Am Fiend, can confirm
Nothing like discussing R-rated Pro-Wrestling fanfiction over breakfast.
@illumened @wickedestcard
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