widdifu-blog · 5 years
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widdifu-blog · 5 years
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widdifu-blog · 5 years
@abittangledup ♥
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widdifu-blog · 5 years
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Endless Badass Women: 11/?
“I have survived so many fires, I can no longer tell, if I am alive, or if I’m still burning.” - Pavana
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widdifu-blog · 5 years
If the generator is being lame, just choose something that works for the muses.
aggressive/angry kiss
all over kiss
back kiss
cheek kiss
firm kiss
shy kiss
first kiss
forehead kiss
french kiss
gentle kiss
scar kiss
hand kiss
jawline kiss
last kiss
neck kiss
rain kiss
friendly kiss
chaste kiss
stomach kiss
underwater kiss
upside down kiss
spin the bottle kiss
an eskimo kiss
butterfly kisses ( eyelash kiss )
a kiss pressed to each fingertip
a kiss on the hairline
a kiss to the temples
a kiss to the corner of the mouth
a kiss to bruised skin
a kiss on the knuckles
Hot, Steamy kiss
Forced Kiss
Nose Kiss
Gentle Peck
Romantic Kiss
Eyelid Kiss
Collarbone Kiss
Chest/Breast Kiss
Kiss Along the Hips
Navel Kiss
Goofy Kiss
Forceful Kiss
Reunion Kiss
Then there’s tongue
Bear Hug
Sleepy hug
Cuddle hug
Unreciprocated hug
“Far too long since we’ve seen each other” hug
From behind hug
“Something scared me” hug
The Lift hug
One armed hug
The Leg hug
Friendly hug
The emotional hug
Failed hug
Run and Jump hug
Romantic hug
Side hug
Comforting hug
Family hug
Hug around waist
Clinging hug
‘’Don’t let go’’ hug
‘’I thought I’d never see you again” hug
Warm hug
Awkward hug
Cold hug
send me a ✿ and i’ll generate a number.
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widdifu-blog · 5 years
Supernatural Starters Part 4
"What? Do you want to do couples yoga or get back to hunting the Big Bads?"
"Well he/she was friend's with us, wasn't he/she? Can't get much dumber than that."
"You know how I'm gonna deal? I'm gonna stuff my pie hole. I'm gonna drink. And I'm gonna watch some Asian cartoon porn and act like the world's about to explode because it is."
"Flee or die."
"You seem even more constipated than usual."
"You don't even see it do you? How totally off the rails you are!?"
"I thought you said that we were like family. I believe that too. Shouldn't trust run both ways?"
"Your chocolate has been in my peanut butter for far too long."
"Yeah, no. I was too busy having sex with women/men."
"Flee or die. What are you? French?"
"Am I the only game piece on the board who doesn't underestimate those denim wrapped nightmares!?"
"Well that's great, because without your power, you're basically just a baby in a trench coat"
"Sorry you have me confused with that other angel. You know the one in the dirty trench coat who is in love with you. I don't care."
"Really? You're going to use the "mother/father of the year" defense?"
"You know who whines? Babies."
"Well now it just looks like you're pooping."
"When you've done this job as long as I have, a giant from the future with some magic brick doesn't exactly give you the vapors."
"Yeah,_____, I'm pretty sure six seconds is too soon"
"Dude. Dude. Rule 1: No Kutcher references."
"Accidents don't just happen accidentally."
"Just because you're blood doesn't mean you're family. You have to earn it."
"Why do you keep talking about herpes?"
"Seriously. Why? Why would anybody want to watch our lives?"
"Well, now that I know there's an alpaca outback, I'm definitely coming back."
"Dude, we're not even in America."
"Dude, they put freakin make up on us. Those bastards."
"Hey, you leave my baby alone! She's/he's got nothing to do with this!"
"We've been Parent Trapped."
"So, what? We've got a bunch of killer dolls? Like Chucky?"
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widdifu-blog · 5 years
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If you don’t think I’m not the boss of @erasethestars, you’re lying to yourself.
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widdifu-blog · 5 years
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widdifu-blog · 5 years
erasethestars replied to your post
Do memes so I can steal them from you because I don’t want to do drafts
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yes, but what do i get in return
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widdifu-blog · 5 years
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widdifu-blog · 5 years
murios replied to your post: [[MOR] What are you gonna do now, Pan? ...
looks awesome! i’m getting mine done on saturday actually :D
Be prepared it hurts like heck and you will hurt yourself answering the phone, sleeping on it, random hugs from people more than once XD
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widdifu-blog · 5 years
What are you gonna do now, Pan? 
fyi this hurt like a bitch and not one person in my everyday life has said anything about it.
The disrespect. XD
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widdifu-blog · 5 years
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Brooke Davis throwing shade.
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widdifu-blog · 5 years
erasethestars‌ .
“All of this was to protect myself.” - Tripp to Ina @widdifu
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Ina let herself chuckle as she closed in the distance between herself and her toy. It amused her that he tried, oh he tried to hold on to some shred of power over himself. Ina found that admirable, if not just adorable that he tried. But he had become her favorite thing, one of which she didn’t want to let go of just yet. 
“And that worked out rather well for you, didn’t it?” Fingertips trailed up along his chest before her lips ghosted over his slightly, then her hand would come up and wrap around his neck. Not too tight, just enough. “You’re still alive - I”d call that a success. .” 
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He hated her. More than anything in the world. If he could murder her right now he would. Something painful and agonizing. But he remained immobile as she moved toward him, her lips brushing over his, and her hand came to rest on his throat. This whole thing was a damn game to her and Tripp couldn’t do anything to jeopardize the safety of his daughter. Ina was holding Carson somewhere and Tripp was doing everything in his power to rescue his flesh and blood.
“I wouldn’t say that this is living,” he replied, his lips against hers as he remained completely still. His body was rigid, his hands tight at his sides as he let his eyes half lid. No, this was more than anything he ever imaged that he’d be involved in. But he’d do anything to protect his daughter. Even if it meant doing anything that Ina asked.
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widdifu-blog · 5 years
≡ - tripp (in a friendly way)
send one for my muse’s reaction to your muse —
≡ = offering a place to stay overnight
| accepting
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Being on the run wasn’t easy, but Tripp did it every day. Trying to find a place to stay that wouldn’t cost him an arm and a leg landed him in some sketchy places sometimes. But tonight it seemed he might have gotten lucky and found a place that might not cost him anything but a smile. Those were the good nights. Ana had bought him a couple rounds and they’d played a rather rambunctious game of pool. Tripp was normally pretty good, but it looked like he’d met his match with this stunning woman.
Standing up after getting his ass handed to him on the last game, Tripp spun his pool cue between deft fingers. “You only won because you got me drunk. I bet you fully plan on taking extremely pleasurable advantage of me while I crash on your couch,” he chuckled as he moved toward her, standing up to his full height as he watched her in clear amusement and impressment. 
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widdifu-blog · 5 years
♘+ Alice and Maverick
send one for my muse’s reaction to your muse —
♘ = stabbing them
| accepting
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      She needed to learn self-defense. While she might be physically strong, she didn’t know how to handle herself in a combat situation of any form. It would be preferable that she never was in such a situation, but in his world, it was better to be safe than sorry. He’d sent her to Benji to begin her training. His son was the best in his business, besides himself that was. Months went by and Maverick decided it was perhaps time for his wife to spar with him and show her what she’d learned.
     However, Maverick decided to up the ante. When she arrived at his summons he handed her a knife. A half hour into their mock fight both bore slices to their clothes and a few minor wounds. His bar arms were covered in both of their blood as he circled around his wife acting every bit the predator that he truly was. She was doing well and Maverick had to admit that he was impressed by her ability. 
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      But she was still shaky in certain movements and Maverick, once again, decided that his younger wife needed to learn a new skill. Her physical safety though was not his priority right now. If she was injured here it could be fixed. On the streets not so much.
     Moving around her he shifted quickly when she lunged toward, catching Alice’s arm, and readjusting his stance. It was nearly instinct to simply slide the blade between her ribs; however, if he hadn’t taken a fraction of a second to lower his hand, the blade would have sunk into her lung. Instead, the blade lodged above her hip as he pulled Alice toward him, slamming her into his chest, his forearm around her throat, pressure applied.
                         “Well done. Once you heal we’ll keep practicing.”
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widdifu-blog · 5 years
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Colin O’Donoghue as Peter | What Still Remains
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