wild-blogger-fled · 1 month
It's nice going out with friends until you remember you're associating with a Mystic.
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wild-blogger-fled · 2 months
You didn't know they span like beyblades yet your ask text is literally Let It Rip ???
Yah, and?
Little brrblades...
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wild-blogger-fled · 2 months
Gorun's getting tooassttyy∼
Weirdly we've been noticing a bunch of Alolan Sandshrew. I didn't know they were beyblades! Mars caught a shiny one and already had a boatload of candies to evolve it. He gave it about the nickname I expected.
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Is it unethical or smth to get Sanic to help me chill a bit? Marmus is the closest to me and his goo is not cooling at all
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wild-blogger-fled · 2 months
Still alive ahaha. Beefcake’s evolutions just had to be monitored a bit. There’s been a whole lotta machops around on top of him being my buddy. I got a lot of candies, Beefcake is healthy, why not?
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wild-blogger-fled · 2 months
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Don't let her innocent smile fool you. She will burn down your house and eat all your silverware.
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wild-blogger-fled · 2 months
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I’m Team Valor for sure
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wild-blogger-fled · 2 months
Waaayyy too busy to challenge gyms (staying in bed with Kyzatrex)
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wild-blogger-fled · 2 months
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And Yes I use the backgrounds when scanning. I ain’t gonna doxx myself that hard yet & I already know what the world looks like :P
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wild-blogger-fled · 2 months
I mean, probably not very.? But enjoyment matters more
Hey, how moral would it be to Aura Sphere the other kids at school?
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wild-blogger-fled · 2 months
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wild-blogger-fled · 2 months
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wild-blogger-fled · 2 months
reflect — is your muse able to self-reflect? do they use this reflection to improve or not?
I can self-relflect, yeah course. I don’t “improve” tho, I just keep doing what I did or do something different
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wild-blogger-fled · 2 months
Psychic - does your muse have any intrusive thoughts? If so, what are they?
Had to look this up, it’s just thoughts you don’t consciously think and don’t like right? If so then nah. All thoughts I don’t like are conscious and all unconscious thoughts I like or don’t care about
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wild-blogger-fled · 2 months
counter — is your muse capable of coming up with quick comebacks in an argument?
Quick yeah, good neah
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wild-blogger-fled · 2 months
𝒕𝒆𝒄𝒉𝒏𝒊𝒄𝒂𝒍 𝒎𝒂𝒄𝒉𝒊𝒏𝒆 𝒄𝒉𝒂𝒓𝒂𝒄𝒕𝒆𝒓 𝒅𝒆𝒗𝒆𝒍𝒐𝒑𝒎𝒆𝒏𝒕 𝒒𝒖𝒆𝒔𝒕𝒊𝒐𝒏𝒔
using the tms from pokémon red, blue, green, and yellow, here are some character development questions! content warning for: violence
mega punch — has your muse ever punched something/someone? did they break anything (ie a wall, a nose) or just hurt their hand?
razor wind — are there any types of weather that your muse is afraid of/dislikes?
swords dance — has your muse ever practiced any kind of swordsmanship? are they any good at it?
whirlwind — what’s one thing that makes your muse really confused?
mega kick — is your muse a good dancer? what kind of dances are they particularly good at or enjoy?
toxic — does your muse have any unhealthy coping mechanisms? what are they? do they know that they’re unhealthy or not?
horn drill — are there any personality traits that would stop your muse from pursuing a relationship with someone?
body slam — is your muse prone to getting into physical fights? what are the usual outcomes of these fights?
take down — is your muse competitive? is this competitive nature specific to one activity (ie sports) or to everything they do?
double-edge — does your muse have any personality traits that are a double-edged sword?
bubble beam — what’s a fond memory your muse has from their childhood?
water gun — does your muse know how to swim? are they good at it?
ice beam — is your muse usually cold to others? if so, what does it take for them to warm up? if not, what could make them turn cold?
blizzard — does your muse enjoy cold or warm weather?
hyper beam — does your muse have any paralyzing fears?
pay day — if your muse had unlimited funds, what’s the first thing that they would buy?
submission — are there situations where your muse is more passive than others (ie talking to strangers, with their boss, etc)?
counter — is your muse capable of coming up with quick comebacks in an argument?
seismic toss — has your muse ever learned something that turned their world upside down?
rage — what’s one thing that makes your muse inconsolably angry?
mega drain — what wears your muse out the most (ie work, socialization, etc)?
solar beam — does your muse have any plants that they care for? do they have a green thumb or are they prone to killing plants?
dragon rage — does your muse believe in any myths?
thunderbolt — are there things that your muse would find shocking (ie a random factoid, that someone liked them, etc)?
thunder — describe your muse’s voice: is it soft, loud, grating, soothing, etc?
earthquake — does your muse know any secrets that could ruin someone’s life?
fissure — does your muse have any relationships that they’d like to fix?
dig — when your muse makes a mistake, are they quick to own up to it or will they ignore that they’ve done any wrong?
psychic — does your muse have any intrusive thoughts? if so, what are they?
teleport — if your muse could go to one place right now, where would it be?
mimic — what are some mannerisms that your muse has picked up from others? do they recognize that this is the case or not?
double team — does your muse act differently when they’re around people vs when they’re around others? is this intentional or subconscious?
reflect — is your muse able to self-reflect? do they use this reflection to improve or not?
bide — is your muse more patient with some things than others?
metronome — what kind of music does your muse listen to? does it change depending on their mood or what they’re doing?
self-destruct — what does your muse look like when they’re angry? do they explode, are they quiet, do they bottle it up, etc?
egg bomb — what kind of foods would your muse never be caught dead eating?
fire blast — is your muse a good cook? what would they consider their “specialty”?
swift — is there something your muse will never miss (ie an ex friend, a place, etc)?
skull bash — what does your muse do to focus?
soft-boiled — does your muse have a soft spot for anything? if so, is there a reason?
dream eater — does your muse have any recurring dreams/nightmares?
sky attack — is there something your muse finds attractive about themselves? does this extend to other people?
rest — how much sleep does your muse get?
thunder wave — does your muse like to take things slowly, or do they tend to rush?
psywave — is there an important memory your muse has that they wouldn’t like to forget?
explosion — has your muse ever been in an accident? were they injured?
rock slide —  does your muse prefer outdoor or indoor activities?
tri attack — does your muse work well in groups, or do they prefer to work alone? does this change depending on who they’re working with?
substitute — if your muse could be someone else, who would they be?
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wild-blogger-fled · 2 months
Good luck with the interview thing!
augh! day has started
im postponing groceries again, cause im not out of enough stuff
gonna pick up lunch soon and start work
-do pokepsych reading
-do pokepsych observations
-sinnohian 30 minutes
-make rice eggs furikake dinner
-ask boss about interview thing
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wild-blogger-fled · 2 months
Will’s been trying to contact Sam aaallll day because there are so many Kantoian native mons around recently. I was going to his lab to give him his lunch earlier and I walked into a wild ass Gengar just stood outside a bakery.
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