wild-moon-child01 · 3 months
Padded regressors are SFW! Padded regressors should be normalized!
tw for mention of K1nk
Im sick of people or other regressors believing that diapers are inherently s3xual whenever they see another regressor post about one! I shouldn't have to say this, but padded regressors exist, and they are SFW.
While yes, diapers are used in k1nk communities, they are also used in a sfw fashion by some regressors. It just irks me that diapers have such a bad rep that padded regressors get shunned in their own community for using them. There are discord servers and agere communities out there that ban talk of diapers completely, believing that regressors that use diapers are nothing but into a disgusting k1nk and are not age regressors.
Im not even a padded regressor, but it just strikes a nerve within me that this has become normal. All regressors should be allowed to have their own ways of regressing, even those that use diapers. Padded regression needs to be more normalized.
Age regressors may use diapers for many reasons relating to bladder control issues when regressed, afab regressors on their periods, or even just for comfort.
Padded regressors are valid, amazing and deserve the world.
I hope this small post is informative to some who think diapers are only s3xual. Thank you for reading, and please be mindful.
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wild-moon-child01 · 3 months
☆ can we normalize carrying toys / plushies in public? ☆
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as an autistic person that struggles with social anxiety, taking my comfort plushies with me always helps me be more comfortable.
it's not wrong to have comfort items, and we shouldn't be shamed for carrying them around!
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wild-moon-child01 · 5 months
A Reminder For Little Ones To..
-> Drink water ♡︎
-> Eat something if you feel your tummy rumbling ♡︎
-> Brush your teeth if you haven’t today ♡︎
-> Go outside ♡︎
-> Take a warm bath ♡︎
-> Practice the self care and patience that you deserve and are worthy of ♡︎
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wild-moon-child01 · 9 months
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aurora miyoni ~ ginger & white baby bunny
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wild-moon-child01 · 1 year
all my love to my fellow regressors who have trauma related to their regression. those of us who were hurt, abused, taken advantage of while regressed, while we were supposed to be safe.
I hope you can heal. I hope you can find a way to feel safe while regressed once again. take all the time you need, cultivate a safe space for yourself, and do whatever you need to in order to heal. you're not alone in how you feel.
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wild-moon-child01 · 2 years
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Yessss my absolute favorite 💕🥰
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wild-moon-child01 · 2 years
˗ˏˋlet's get ready for bed little one!´ˎ˗
-‘๑’- tidy up your room! Put away any toys you were playing with and pick up any clothes or trash on the floor!
-‘๑’- take any meds or vitamins that you need!
-‘๑’- take a nice warm bath or shower n get your body and hair nice n clean! Make sure to use your favorite soaps n play with your best bath toys!
-‘๑’- put on some nice cozy pajamas !
-‘๑’- go potty, put on deodorant, and brush your teefies!!
-‘๑’- read, or put on some white noise to help you fall asleep!
goodnight kiddo!
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wild-moon-child01 · 2 years
psa to ALL cgs (sfw ofc)
you're still a valid cg if
you aren't big
you aren't white
you aren't straight
you aren't skinny
you aren't tall
you don't have soft features
you're childish
you also regress
you don't have/want a little
you're new to caregiving
you aren't conventionally attractive
you have tattoos
you have piercings
you aren't very soft-spoken
you're loud
you are the greatest!! cgs aren't one specific make or model, n honestly the farther from the norm the better! i love ya
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wild-moon-child01 · 2 years
I’m back!!❤️
Sorry it’s been a long time, went through a couple of hardships but I’m hoping things will be better now❤️
I hope you all have been well, and like always : if you’re reading this, I love you and I hope you have a good day, night, or just a good any time of day you’re having❤️
✨Stay wild, moon child✨
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wild-moon-child01 · 4 years
So cute!💜✨
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wild-moon-child01 · 4 years
Please take some time in your day, even if it’s before bed, and tell yourself how good you were today✨❤️
✨Stay Wild, Moon Child✨
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wild-moon-child01 · 4 years
So perfect ❤️🥺 oh how I wish✨
Hey there little one! Did you have a nice day? You must be so tired, let me get you some comfy jammies. Arms up! There we go, ready for bed. Do you want a comfort item? A paci, baba, blankie, maybe your favourite stuffie? Of course you can have it, nothing less for my precious one. Let me tuck you in. Oh my! You're so small and snug, I could cuddle you forever! You want me to stay? Always. Sweet dreams love, I'll be right here when you wake up.
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wild-moon-child01 · 4 years
Heya little bean. How's your day? Its getting pretty cold now huh? Make sure you're wearing warm clothes and have some hot coco. Holidays are coming up. Hope you are safe and happy.
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wild-moon-child01 · 4 years
I love this so much🥺🖤🖤
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🖤🦇vintage baby🦇🖤
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wild-moon-child01 · 4 years
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To all the age regressors who can’t go trick or treating!❤️
You’re always valid, you’re always the sweetest little baby~ you’re loved and no matter how old you are you can always go trick or treating ❤️ be proud of your costume because it’s a part of you, a part of what you enjoy and want to be for that night☺️ Halloween is for everyone🧡
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wild-moon-child01 · 4 years
Plz let me know if this can be bought🥺✨❤️
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wild-moon-child01 · 4 years
✨Oh, how I long to be a kindergartner again✨
to wake up early and stretch with your stuffie beside you, then to hop down from your tall bed holding your stuffie tightly in your arms. To find your outfit laid out for you, but you still need help getting it on, so you run into the kitchen and be greeted by your (Cg, daddy, mommy, ect) as they lift you up into your chair and give you some breakfast that they made just for you on your special day❤️, then you attempt to get dressed all by yourself but your (Cg, daddy, mommy, ect) know you’re too small, so they help you, then you brush your teeth, wash your face, brush your hair, and put on your cute backpack, little shoes, and light coat❤️ then you’re taken to kindergarten, where you meet people like you.
✨Oh, how I long to be a kindergartner again...✨
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