#sfw baby girl
wild-moon-child01 · 1 year
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Yessss my absolute favorite 💕🥰
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cherry-cutiepie · 4 months
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misslittleluna · 7 months
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gotta keep myself hydrated wit waters while playing wit my toys 🙈🧸🍼🐰
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key2220 · 3 months
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tr1xth3t1g3r · 4 months
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stuckinthe-2000s · 1 year
that fuzzy/floaty feeling i get when i regress >>>>>>
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orbee-paws · 1 month
m’ GirlRe vs BoyRe
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pt: my girlre vs boyre
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punkmunch · 1 year
its okay to not have a caregiver. i understand it can get lonely, but theres lots of other lovely littles out there who would love to keep you company when youre feeling small- and even if there isnt, and even if its uncomfortable, it is best to try and keep yourself safe than to look for a caregiver any and everywhere, with the chance of getting yourself hurt.
theres nothing wrong with you.
you are a perfectly fine little one.
i love you and I hope youre keeping yourself safe
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coziestcare2-0 · 1 year
hello little one, what are yo-? ah ah ah! no, we don't chew that baby, you could get hurt! here, let mama get you your paci. then what do you want cub? ahhh, your teether? I think they're in your nursery, do you want to come with me to fetch them? we can bring a few toys downstairs too? I thought that might put a smile on that adorable little face of yours. c'mere cub, ill carry you🦔
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permeate · 2 years
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cherry-cutiepie · 4 months
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prismbattery · 8 months
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last night wren (@garageki) gave me a baby paintbrush on the terms i name my blumaroo something quite silly.
welcome to neopia baby oat milk!!!!!
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misslittleluna · 8 months
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Here's a few things about my little self, thank you for following and joining me in my writtle world 🩷 (18+ Blog, DNI MINORS)
Name• Little Luna
From•In my own world 🧸
Little Age• 3-5, I do NOT find being little in any way sexual. And being a ABDL is not a kink to me, it is my life and the way I choose to live!
Loves• Cats! Everything kitty cats, I has lots of them and they are my whole world 🐱 I also loves video games, movies and toys. I collect stuffies and gives dem a new life! And I loves wearing diapees 🤭
Favorite Littlespace Activities• Disney and more Disney movies! Coloring and drinking out of my baba🍼 I also likes to be crafty and makes bracelets and pretty pacis 💕
Big Girl Job• I is a content creator during the day and mostly baby at night. I always find time to take care of my baby self 🍼
Relationship?• I am a married baby! For 10 years and still going 🥰 He's my Daddy and getting better at it all da time. He's never really been into my baby stuff but recently has wanted to give it more tries 🩷
ABDL Christian• YAS! I's is a Christian and love my Jesus very much! I watch Church every Sunday on YouTube called Elevation Church. My Faith is a huge part of my life and I is proud to share it with da world ✝️
How Long Have You Been A Little?• Going on two years now 😊 I first liked DDLG then realized it wasn't for me. Soon after I found ABDL content and knew it was where I belonged! I really didn't wanna wear diapees at first. I found some at da goodwill store and wore them. I have been wearing ever since! Dis changed my life and truly helps me 🩷
•I also like to say I suffer from a panic disorder with agoraphobia. Dis very hard to live with and that is why I make content because I can't get a real job. It's been a struggle all my life but my little self helps out a lot.
If you has read all dis tankies 🩷 I'm happy to have followers to share dis side of me!
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key2220 · 3 months
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entomolog-t · 4 months
Valentine's Day Special- Conversation Hearts
Happy Valentine's Day! As a treat here's a not-currently-canon-but-maybe-future-canon short for INSTAЯ as a part of the G/t Valentine's Prompt List.
Bram find's a new way to get his messages across.
Word count: 759
(Bonus there is some that will accompany this short- I'd just like to get a little farther on GtWAC and my comissions before taking the time to finish)
“I know you washed your hands but there is something deeply wrong about that.” 
Bram pulls back his hand from the batter with a glare, chirping incomprehensible words, yet the cadence made it clear he was mocking me by mimicking my chiding. Below us, Honey whines, desperate for her share of Bram’s stolen batter.
I return his glare, though I can't help but chuckle at his disdain as I shoo him away from the bowl. His eyes narrow as he chitters some sort of grievance at me, Honey’s pleas going unanswered as he makes quick work of the batter coating his claws.
The sight sends a chill down my spine. 
Was that a tongue? I shudder, not wanting to think too long about the logistics of how his nightmarish mouth worked. I turn my focus away from what I'd come to recognize as his muttering and back to the task at hand, whisking in the pistachio cream and cardamom extract, the batter taking on an almost cozy scent. One by one, I fill the cupcake papers, a grin tugging at the corners of my lips at the thought of how nice the house would smell as they baked. The soft music playing nearly hid the sounds of his talons as they clicked across the countertop- thankfully, away from the batter.
It felt … good. 
Normal even. Just to be able to ease into something familiar again, if only for a moment. 
For just that singular moment, I could get lost in a fantasy where there wasn’t a tiny abomination trying to sneak a taste at the cupcake batter… A fantasy where Bram was… Bram and we were just a normal pair of people spending time together. 
My relief didn’t last long, as the unmistakable sound of a plastic bag rustling broke through the cozy ambience. 
I frown. 
He’d, quite literally, gotten into the Conversation Hearts Clyde had dropped off that I’d been planning on using as toppers for the cupcakes.
“You overgrown cockroach,” I scold, though the smile that tugs at the corners of my lips dulls any edge the insult carries, “You act like I don’t feed you.” 
The bag chirps with what I can only assume is some snide retort thrown my way. I sigh, smile still tugging at my lips as I move the tray to the oven. Had he always had such a sweet tooth, or was this something to do with - 
A sort of whistling chirp abruptly pulls me away from my thoughts. I turn my attention to Bram- a conversation heart in his main set of arms. As I’m about to make a comment about his digustingly sweet choice of snack, he holds the heart out towards me and I feel my own freeze in my chest. 
I stare at him for a moment. What could have only been a second seeming to stretch far longer than reality should permit. 
There was a dreadful feeling of both being caught off guard and knowing exactly where this was going- my brain rattling off various little sayings printed on those hearts. 
Be mine
You’re cute
Love you
I felt heat rise to my face. 
Kiss me
I swallow. I could only hope that my face didn’t show a fraction of the panic running full tilt through my mind. I mean, of course we’d grown to like each other's company- it’s not like there were any other options out here. All that time together… we’d grown closer but- How was I supposed to respond to this? If anything the majority of our time spent together was spent annoying one another- sure it had been teasing… but certainly not that kind of teasing! I chew on my lip, a strange feeling of dread brewing in my chest- would I break his heart?
Though another question seemed to itch the at the back of my mind, 
Did I have to?
My heart thrums loudly in my ears, each beat feeling all too much like gunfire. I reach my hand out towards him, and he hands me the candy heart, his tail swishing behind him in anticipation. 
I grit my teeth, mind reeling over just what I was supposed to say.
He chitters, and my brow knits together as I recognize the noise. Not nerves... The broken half chirps had become a familiar sound- laughter. As I read the tiny red text, the weight vanishes from my shoulders, a feeling of genuine relief accompanying the all too familiar sting of irritation. Irritation for both Bram and Clyde. 
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punkmunch · 1 year
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loves to play outside
always covered in something, let it be glitter, paint, dirt, etc
bolts of hyperactivity and sleepiness
will climb a tree to try and stop their cg from taking them from the park
mismatched clothes
thinks they could would fight a bear to protect their cg
"are we there yet? are we there yet? are we there yet?"
loves to learn about the local fauna and flora
sits in sunny patches outside
steals snacks from the cupboard and runs away laughing
popsicles! lollipops! chocolate bars!
likes to wear bright colors and simple setups (shorts + t-shirt, overalls, tops and skirts, summerdresses, etc)
messy eater
has no concept of the progression time (what do you *mean* it's already time to leave? we just got here!)
always singing or humming songs from their favorite shows n movies
has a few potted plants, or likes to plant random seeds they find outside
talking about plants: they have a green little thumb!
worst days of their little life is when they wake up and it's raining (and their cg will not be reasonable and let them play in the garden. outrageous!)
puts every.thing. in their mouths, much to their carer's dismay
loves their pets to death and wishes they could have a zoo/farm
is either hyposensitive to pain or hypersensitive: either breaks their arm and runs away like nothing happened, or scratches their knees and cries as loud as they can
has to be chased down the house to go and have a bath
once in the bath, they won't leave it ("but I'm a mermaid!! I have to stay here or I'll DIE")
is either a little drama queen or a precious (yet *fast* lol) angel
wears a kid leash or has to hold their cg's hand whenever out to do errands
little ray of sunshine💛
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