wild-radiance 6 months
We get 2 fun facts on a Wednesday, mah dudes!
Some Fawn fun facts!
As a child, Fawn had learned early on the transform ability so she often would be out and about in Nuvema Town with Professor Juniper, and even for a while took on the surname of Juniper. Many people in Nuvema Town still call Fawn by that surname.
As a teen however, Fawn realized that having a surname of Juniper would draw too much attention, especially since she herself would not be following in her adoptive parents profession. So she chose Mortem. Sylas has no need for a surname but they do use it to show their relation to Fawn.
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wild-radiance 7 months
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Cerberus had always had a habit since he was hatched of getting sick and or injured in his fights to protect her. She worried each time when she was nowhere near a town with a pok茅center, scared that she wouldn't make it in time.
Tonight seemed to be much the same. Cerberus had come down with something and Fawn was in the middle of the woods.
"It's alright, buddy. I can get us home soon. Would that be nice?"
She asked to the houndoom at her side, not really wanting to awaken her human adoptive mother. She knew the professor would not mind the rude awakening but Fawn didn't want to be a bother. Besides, she had no idea where Sylas was. Fawn recalled Cerberus back in to his Pok茅ball before focusing on the woods she was most familiar with and grew up in, soon teleporting herself to the familiar terrain that surrounds Nuvema Town.Fawn then transformed to her human disguise and took off running
It did not take long to reach the professor's home, Fawn frantically pounding on the door a few times. A bleary eyed woman soon answered the door.
"Wha.. Fawn? Oh goodness, child inside, you're soaking wet! What's wrong?"
"Professor Juniper! Cerberus needs help! I was too far away from a town and I.. I just came here!"
Fawn explained as Juniper lead her inside, shaking from the adrenaline in her system.she could have teleported to a nearby town with a pok茅center but had instead teleported all the way across Unova back to professor Juniper. The tired woman looked at the young lady before her before affectionately rubbing her head.
"It's no problem, Fawn. Here. Let me have a look at our boy and see how he is doing. You need to go dry off. Or you'll get sick too."
Fawn handed Juniper the dusk ball that contained Cerberus after calling him out.
"Cerberus? We're home now. You can rest easy. You did a good job"
Cerberus looked up at Fawn as she knelt down next to him.
'No big issue. Will always fight to keep you safe'
Fawn smiled at hearing Cerberus speak, glad he was aware enough to do so.Fawn allowed herself to part with her best friend, trusting that he would be well by morning. So she went to her old room, to rest herself. And inform Sylas where they were, Fawn would be staying in Nuvema Town for at least a few days.
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wild-radiance 7 months
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A nice family photo of the Mortem's! Sylas and Fawn are siblings and Cerberus is Fawn's companion she raised from an egg.
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wild-radiance 7 months
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Some sketches of Fawn. :3
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wild-radiance 9 months
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Just some sketches of Fawn as a baby, juvenile , and adult.
Fun fact, Fawn was also a fusion Pokemon like their sibling but became more mewtwo like as a child. She doesn't quite know how this happened to her.
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wild-radiance 9 months
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(So this is Sylas, the Pokemon version of Twyla. Who is another multi-universe oc and the sibling of Denali. Twyla is either male or female in a given universe depending on what the story needs or my mood.
Sylas is genderless but uses he/they pronouns and has the nature of relaxed, generally more calm and collected than their hastier sibling.
Fawn is slightly jealous that Sylas has cool and unique markings that she doesn't have. Sylas adores how tall and pink she is and how she has mastered Transform.
They protect her since she is his younger sibling and impulse driven while Fawn protects them as Sylas is clearly a shiny and fusion Pokemon.
Sylas is just glad his little sister is safe and healthy. the two being separated for many years, meeting again in Unova where they all live currently.
Cerberus and Sylas get along well due to the similar typing they share.
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wild-radiance 9 months
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(A traditional sketch of Fawn and a small Cerberus. Fawn very much sees him as her child, even if neither will admit such things to the other nowadays.
But Cerberus has called her mom a few times as a pup.
She never lets him live this down)
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wild-radiance 9 months
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(I have been thinking nonstop about this au Denali. I adore the idea of Fawn and how they just live their life.
Fawn would be genderless as mewtwo are but definitely uses she/her pronouns. In her mewtwo form, She'd only refer to herself as Fawn but in her human form, she adopts the surname of Mortem.
She has a companion in the form of a Houndoom, who she raised from an egg she found. She calls him Cerberus.
I have contemplated what she would do in her human form, if she would do anything. She may just be nomadic, only going into towns as a human if Cerberus needs care via a pokecenter. (She also will typically make her hair a bit shorter so it isnt dragging on the ground as she walks)
Her mewtwo form is about 6 feet tall.
That's all.
I may explore more pokemon Denali or it may be a different universe. I dunno yet.)
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wild-radiance 9 months
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(Often times i will just take Denali and plop her into a universe i have either a mild liking, great interest in, adore to pieces, or simply an original world of my creation. With any universe i put Denali in, i may or may not change her name to fit in better with that universe, or to differentiate which Denali i am speaking of.
I have decided to finally put her in a Pokemon universe, as a Pokemon. I would like to learn to draw Pokemon and this is a good way to do so.
I have some details but as with most the universe shenanigans, it's a work in progress and subject to change.)
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