wildblood · 4 years
After a long shift at the station, Eivor was happy to be home. Pulling his front door open to be greeted by his German Shepard, Moose, and his Chocolate Lab, Bear, was always a nice way to start the day. Yes, it was rather early in the morning but, honestly, he wasn’t too tired. He had slept most of the night as there hadn’t been a call to action. As far as overnights at the Fire department went it had been rather easy. Of course he had cleaned up the truck, done some washing of uniforms and gotten some breakfast together for the men but mostly he’d been fast asleep. Now was the time to get going. 
Letting the dogs out first and then quickly washing up, Eivor left the house once more with both pets on leashes. He pushed some headphones into his ears and started off on a jog. It was so peaceful in the South District at this time of morning. The sun was high and the waves on the water low. He enjoyed the sound of them just under his music as he ran along the side walk. His tense muscles started to unwind after a night of waiting for something to happen. For the most part both Moose and Bear were very well behaved and stayed at Eivor’s side as he ran along with them. However, when they got closer to downtown things went a bit sideways. 
With his eyes set forwards, one of the dogs noticed a squirrel up a near by tree. Moose set off after it yanking Eivor off from the right side of the sidewalk to the left side which had him tripping over some other person. He slammed into them hard but managed to keep on his own two feet. He pulled his dogs back into line and nudged his ear buds out to turn back to whomever he’d knocked over. “ Jumpy little shits.” He grunted pointing to the dogs who were still fixated on the tree. “You alright?” Eivor asked holding his hand out to help the other up.
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wildblood · 4 years
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(Trigger Warning: Death of a Loved One, PTSD, Military Service)
Name: Eivor Bjorn Mcleen Age: Thirty-Nine Birthday: November, Second Birth Place: Crystal Grove Alpha, Beta, Omega Single or Mated Homosexual, Bisexual, Heterosexual Pack Status: Alpha Counsel 
Tattoos: Right side of his head, Nordic Looking Crow. Left side of his head, Nordic Looking Wolf. Scars: Small scars all over his body, Large scar across his chest starting at his right shoulder and going diagonally across his body to the left hip. Other larger scars on his back, legs and arms. 
Hair Colour: Dirty Blond Hair Style: Shaved on the sides, Short down the middle. Eye Colour: Blue
Hobbies: Hiking, General Work Out, Playing Guitar. Introvert or Extrovert 
Good Traits: Impassioned, Creative, Strategical, Blunt, Humours, Witty, Flirtatious,  Curious, Steadfast, Straight-forward, Adventures. Bad Traits: Volatile, Temperamental, Cocky, Unyielding, Cutting, Insensitive, Possessive, Jealous, Demanding, Chaotic.  
Nothing remarkable really came from Eivor’s childhood. His two fathers raised him along with his younger sister and did a damn good job of it. No, they did not have a lot of money growing up. They did not get everything they asked for but they did always have a roof over their heads, clothes on their back and food in their bellies. He could not complain much at all. His fathers did their best for Eivor and his sister. That was all that really mattered in the end. The love they poured into both Eivor and his sister made up for anything that they might have been lacking as far as material things went. A fact which Eivor is still very grateful for. They instilled a great deal of work ethic into Eivor and a sense of responsibility. When he turned sixteen and presented as an Alpha, his parents began to teach him how omegas worked. They taught him how to treat omegas with respect and dignity. His Omega father quickly became who Eivor looked up to most in the world as he grew older. 
After graduating highschool, Eivor was not sure what he wanted to do with his life. He joined the military and went through a few years of training before being dispatched to Iraq. He served overseas for ten years before finally returning to Crystal Grove. While in Iraq, Eivor fell for an Omega that was a nurse. He, unfortunately, did not make it back home. It was a simple mistake that Eivor often replays in his mind. They were driving back to the base and instead of taking the correct road that had been swept for mines, they took a shortcut and drove over a landmine. Eivor’s lover was in the front seat and died almost instantly while Eivor, in the back seat, was filled hit with metal, and other shrapnel. He only lived because another truck of medics was right behind them and pulled him out rather quickly. 
Upon returning from Iraq, Eivor found himself listless. He did not have the mental capability to go back into the military as he had been diagnosed with PTSD. Instead he applied to be a firefighter and was found mentally fit enough to take on that job instead. In all his years of being a firefighter, he’s only had one PTSD attack while on the job. It wasn’t good. However, he finds himself able to better push those flashbacks aside until he is off work. Oftentimes his PTSD comes out when he’s asleep. His neighbors will tell you just how loud he can scream before waking himself up.
Once his job with the Fire Department was secure, Eivor started looking for something that would not involve people living or dying on a daily basis. He found himself close to the pack Alpha and soon got involved with the counsel. Eivor is rather proud of himself for sitting on the Alpha’s counsel. It is a good distraction from both his past work and his present work. 
Eivor now lives alone with his two dogs (Bear and Goose), as well as a cat (Robin). He has not ever allowed himself to find another Omega that made him feel the same way he did in Iraq. Though, he is known around town for being a horrible flirt. Eivor loves a good one night stand and will probably try and get most men in bed. That is, if they want him. He is not one to push himself on others. No, he is just going to be down if you are. Infact, Eivor has a few Omega friends that sometimes ask for him to help with heats because they trust he will take care of them. A thing which Eivor is more than willing to do for them. Generally, Eivor is the sort of man who doesn’t enjoy going to a club but will be found in a quiet bar most nights that he has off. He loves to hike around the woods or let loose and run in his fur with his dogs for a few hours. He is a generally happy guy or at least presents like one. 
Three Songs:
I’ll Keep Coming by O Beautiful Crime by Tamer Disarming by Smashing Pumpkins
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wildblood · 4 years
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Travis Fimmel
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wildblood · 4 years
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wildblood · 4 years
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wildblood · 4 years
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Favourite scenes [ 2 / 10 ] : dinner at aelle’s - 1.07
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wildblood · 4 years
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Ragnar Lothbrok icons.
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wildblood · 4 years
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wildblood · 4 years
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ragnar lothbrok / 3.01
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wildblood · 4 years
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wildblood · 4 years
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Vikings (S01E01) - Travis Fimmel &  Katheryn Winnick
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wildblood · 4 years
I think it's time to cut off my long hair. I'm gonna do this.
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wildblood · 4 years
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©zquadrs or like if u use/save.
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wildblood · 4 years
Agnes said nothing as she watched her friend berate a trainee. It was what they deserved for not listening or watching the others. She wondered if they were really ready for their next raid and what their king was thinking. The blonde had watched their eagerness melt away into some sort of desperation. She knew that they thought they could automatically lift a sword and shield, easily knocking out their enemies. She had already the more seasoned warriors shout in frustration, complaining about doing something much better than this. Anything would be better, she recalled someone saying but she kept her expression neutral. Agnes was just glad to be keeping her mind occupied, even if she hadn’t wanted to train young people who thought they knew better than her.
She could only snort in agreement when she heard Eivor’s complaint. “Perhaps we should steal a boat and a few capable warriors then. Go ourselves and show how much we have wasted.” The blonde was trying to cheer him up but she wasn’t sure it even cheered her up. Agnes knew why the training was needed and didn’t question it; she was just uncertain about the current training they were offering. Most learning came from certain situations and she knew that they would be unprepared for this. “Besides, we need more men too and I would rather ready them than have them die on us.” 
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They were a bit pathetic and were Eivor had once found amusement in that, he only found a great deal of irritation now. He was restless. He was uneasy. This land locked state he found himself in was starting to play tricks on his mind he could not take it for much longer. Sooner than later he was going to snap. As he walked away from the two boys, Eivor watched them. He watched the others foot work to make sure it was good. Better. Better than it had been a moment ago. He doubted it would stick. 
Pushing his hands into his face as he stood at Agnes side, Eivor grunted at her words. “By the next full moon, I will be doing just that. I will take my two boats to England with or without permission. We will raid.” He admitted to her in a low voice. “If you wish to join us, there will be a spot open for you. However we will be leaving quickly and without much word.” Eivor went on as he watched another boy go down. Rolling his eyes, Eivor crossed his arms over his chest and turned more fully to Agnes. 
“By the gods, you really think these people need more training?” Eivor asked with a raised eye brow. “They need battle. That is the best place to train. Should you fail, you see Valhalla and should you win, you see another day.” He explained blue eyes brightening up some as he spoke. “That is the problem, Agnes, not a lack of training but a lack of battle. I was thirteen years old when I first defend this village from bandits with many others. Still to this day I recall things I learnt fighting those men.” 
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wildblood · 4 years
Half a lifetime of suppressed feeling and lost hope overwhelmed her mind, though she fought hard not to show it.  There was a painful tension written across every line of her body, and she tried to ignore the instinct to flee the hall and put as much distance between herself and this unwanted catharsis as she could.
She had wanted this so much, at one point in her life.  Days and nights spent waiting to hear Eivor arrive in her master’s house, eager to take her home, back to the farm.  He had acted selflessly; she knew that now, with painful certainty.  But making the right decision had not been the easy decision, and both Eivor and Beyla had surely suffered for it.  If Eivor had kept her at the farm, there would have been nothing for her but ghosts and the ashes of the people she had called family.
But no matter how certain she was that Eivor had made the right decision, Beyla had still spent years wondering if he hated her for living when Kiira and Lif had died…for she had surely hated herself.
Beyla finally nodded, unshed tears blurring her vision.  “I am well.  I have a good life.”  She swallowed thickly, working hard to keep her tears from falling and embarrassing them both.  “I’ve…I’ve heard stories of some of your raids.  I tried to listen for news of you, after…”  After I had stopped looking up at the horizon, waiting for you to bring me back home.  “Are…are you well?”
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Nothing about seeing Beyla now was easy. Eivor had thought that the life he once lead with his wife and daughter was long gone. Put in the past and barred under an ocean of mead. He wanted to badly to look away and forget. Throw himself to the fate of the gods and allow then to do what they would with him. Surely whatever cruelty they could dream up would be a mercy compared to this. Compared to see Beyla and thinking of his daughter. Thinking of how similar they had looked. Would Lif look like her now? Would she have remained like Beyla, as if they were sisters, or would she have grown out of that look? Eivor would never know and the thought stung like the tip of a sharpened blade. 
His one hand, resting on his knee under the table, tightened into a fist as she stood there just looking at him. This burn of emotion had not managed to grip Eivor in such away in some time. He swallowed it down and set a stone mask across his face. He would not lose it in public. As far as his village new he was a warrior who had only ever cried at the funeral for his wife and child. That reputation was worth something to him. Allowing it to slip away so easily would not come to pass. Not today. 
When she spoke, Eivor’s blue eyes watched her carefully, looking for any sign that she may be lying to him. He wanted so badly to apologize for giving her up and explain himself. To explain that she would have been alone. Alone and taking care of a drunk old man who only really felt alive with a dead man on the end of his sword. “That is good. It gladdens me to hear it.” He admitted and his words were true though they came out colder than intended. 
Letting out a light hum, Eivor looked down at the empty mug in front of him. His fingers tapped the side of it. So, his name was crawling into the ears of those outside of Hedeby. He supposed that was fine. As long as others did not expect him to guide them to his new lands. Not for nothing. “I am well.” Eivor lied, though he did so well. His eyes once again returning to Beyla. “We will be setting out for England again soon.” He added. 
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wildblood · 4 years
Everything before was all just flirting with the idea of this entire plot. Having dreams of the day to one day take Hedeby back to its rightful owners. But now? It seemed that everything was all happening–and quite positively too. Still, something in the back of her mind wondered if she was engaging all too fast. Ingrid wanted to savor the moment that she was having with Aesir. Now, finally together, it was something that she thought she had only ever desired. And yet, she couldn’t help but feel that she is neglecting the newfound romance. He is suppose to be the man of her forever, and already so quickly, she managed to find something that felt also fulfilling like her new relationship was. Was it shameful? Is it wrong to have such high ambition. 
“Do you see me as Queen, Eivor?” The woman asked, her bright ocean blue eyes looking deeply into his searching for answers. He was always a hard man to read. However, he has gotten easier as the years went on, and the death of his wife and child ceased to also go on as the years progressed. Reaching forward, Ingrid took his hand into her own and rested their hands on the wooden table. A soft smile flashed across her features as she gave a gentle nod. “I will kindly take your aid then when it comes to killing Ragnar,”
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If Eivor was honest with himself, and he rarely was, he had been thinking about how to go about dethroning King Ragnar for a long time. Since the man had started to neglect his people, his village, and all of their needs, Eivor had wanted him dead. He had brought shame to a village that was once a proud trading post known for its raiding parties and the wealth they brought back. Now Hedeby was looking more run down than ever. It seemed only those who were born here remained with few others coming and going.  Ingrid could not do any worse than Ragnar had. Even if she barely lifted a finger and gave  by one command a day they would see more done. Not that he thought she would rule like that. No, Ingrid stuck him as a fair and just woman. One that would put together a good counsel of people to help her rule this land  and return Hedeby to its former glory. 
For a moment, Eivor’s jaw tightened at her question but only for a moment. Her hand reached for his own and he nodded slowly. “I do.” He agreed. Placing his free hand on his sacred arm ring, Eivor held it tightly. “I swear on my arm ring, and by all the gods, I will serve you once you are queen and help you get there.” He promised, words deadly serious for a moment. He was silent then and the peaceful quite sealed his fate away behind it. Win or lose this civil war was happening. He would be apart of it. For better or worse. 
When Ingrid spoke up once again, Eivor let a smile crack his lips. “Of course you will.” He spoke now in a much lighter tone. “You would be a fool not to.” Eivor teased, winking at her. He then glanced down at her hand still holding his own. Eye brow raised and blue eyes dancing in the light of the fire. “Careful now, some might get jealous if you hold on to me for too long.” He cooed out his words, clearly jesting with the woman. They had always had a good repour with one another. 
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wildblood · 4 years
Aesir reluctantly bowed down. He closed his eyes and rolled his shoulders back, allowing all his tensions to ease as the culprit scuppered off into the distance.
“His lack of tongue would in no way hamper his sword skills.” He replied coolly and turned his attention to the older male; thankful his presence had deescalated the situation.
A small grin now spread over his lips, wide and open. He moved nearer the boat and perched himself upon an old oak barrel, spinning a small blade within his hand as he spoke. “When do we sail Eivor? It’s been a while, I’ll have forgotten what a raid is by the time we get to Northumbria.”
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Letting a low laugh leave the back of his throat, Eivor shook his head. He could still remember when he was Aesir’s air. Ready to spit the fires of Hel at anyone who so much as looked at him the wrong way. On more then one occasion he got himself thrown from the village for brawling too roughly. It could not be helped that he was simply stronger than the other boys his age. He did so much farm work. No doubt Aesir had the same problem. 
“No, I suppose it would not.” Eivor admitted with a shrug of his shoulders. “It would, however, prevent him from reporting anything he may see while scouting a head.” He pointed out giving Aesir a bit a of a look. “A lack of tongue could also stop him from warning others on the battle field of an incoming attack. These are the things we have to think about, Aesir.” Eivor went on as he leaned against the edge of his long boat. His tone was not that of a scolding mother but simply as an informant. Thinking ahead is what made Eivor a good leader in the first place. 
“I will sail out of here before the next full moon. Regardless of orders.” Eivor grunted, his face and tone souring. “The gods have give me the strength to do many things but waist the warm months is not one of them.” He stated as his eyes drifted out across the see. “We may have to leave in a hurry and without warning. I will be sure to send for you as soon as I know when we leave.” Eivor assured him in a hushed tone. He did hope that Ingrids plan to take over the throne would happen sooner than later. Eivor wanted to see that old fool fall from his place of power.
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