wildestdreamshq · 9 months
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welcome to wildest dreams hq, a modern roleplay server set within the royal and political world, a little different from the ones you know. see premise for full details.
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wildestdreamshq · 9 months
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CHARACTER NAME: Lillian Moscovitz
CHARACTER AGE/DOB: 29, December 30, 1994
CHARACTER FANDOM (if relevant): The Princess Diaries
OC OR CANON: canon
CHARACTER JOB ETC/RELEVANT TITLES: Internet personality, cable show host turned podcaster– “Shut Up and Listen: The Podcast” releases every Wednesday! 
  IMPORTANT CHARACTER INFORMATION TO NOTE AND SHARE (this could be important headcanons for initial plotting, mini bios etc, supporting docs):
  I told you, I need an attitude adjustment.
It was no surprise that Lilly turned out the way she did. The child of two eccentric psychoanalysts, it seemed her older brother Michael got all the good looks, charm, and musical gifting. Lilly was left with what she affectionately called the bottom of the gene pool– too-big features and a shock of perpetually uneven hair and, of course, a natural disdain for authority and positive socialization. 
Lilly’s parents always encouraged her endeavors, whether it was shelling out for an official IQ test when she was thirteen (she has an IQ of 170, by the way), or investing in her cable show– the infamous (in South Korea) Shut Up and Listen. Lilly’s passions never scared them, not while they were busy lecturing at Stanford and Columbia and Harvard.
Michael was quiet and grew into himself– car guy slash Elliott Smith wanna be, as Lilly said, but he found his people. Lilly’s loudness and dedication to truth over tact didn’t exactly score her many friends, but she didn’t care. As far as Lilly was concerned, she’d found her soulmate in kindergarten, had been latched onto Mia Thermapolis every day since.
They couldn’t be any more opposite, which is why Lilly believes it was meant to be. Where Lilly was brash and opinionated, Mia was slow to speak and openminded. Where Lilly welcomed extremes and absolutes, Mia saw grey. So when it came out that Mia was royalty? Well, it made sense– if tact and poise and leadership were genetic, Mia always had it in her.
And okay, Lilly never claimed to be a perfect friend. She said stupid shit and she acted like a child and she was selfish– she’d gotten so used to being the loud one between the two of them. The leader. And she’d never had to share Mia before. It was like, overnight, everything was ripped away from her– Lilly was delegated to the quirky best friend of the crown. It was a hard pill to swallow for someone whose self-importance rivaled only Napoleon’s.
I just found out that my cable show only reaches 12 people. Wanting to rock the world but having zip power like me, that’s a nightmare.
But, like soulmates do, they got through it. Mia got to put of princess duty while she finished high school, Lilly’s cable show viewership skyrocketed– in South Korea, of all places– and Mia and Michael were dating. Lilly didn’t even have to meddle– that much. It was perfect, and it was never built to last. Michael was the only one who stayed behind. Mia jetted off to Genovia just after graduation, Lilly to Berkley, Drs. Moscovitz celebrating their empty nest with an extended European backpacking trip. 
Lilly came alive at Berkley, declaring Media Studies and Digital Humanities majors and joining every club she could find– Feminists in Film, LGBT+ Coalition, the Abolitionist Collective– hell, she even weasled her way into a regular spot on the student radio. (At least, until senior year when the Young Conservatives of California called for her to be deplatformed after her commentary on legalizing gay marriage. But– come on– is it not agreed upon that fascists who think they can dictate who marries who should be castrated?)
Lilly spent every break she got in Genovia, or Switzerland, or Japan– wherever Mia was, Lilly wasn’t far behind. Plus, it skyrocketed viewership when she uploaded vlogs of her and Joe (against Joe’s wishes, always). Lilly was there when Mia went on her first date with Andrew, got engaged to him, and Lilly was there to cover for Mia when she snuck out to be with her now-fiance and the absolute love of her life Nicholas.
Upon graduation, Lilly wasn’t exactly inundated with job offers. Being a genius didn’t exactly make up for the litany of social posts she refused to take down– and what was a boss if not a dictator in a cheap suit? No, a 9 to 5 wasn’t for her, so instead, Lilly started Shut Up and Listen: The Podcast and retired her cable TV shtick. Even still, she measures her successes in opposition– when Shut Up and Listen got banned in Saudi Arabia, Lilly threw a rager in her West LA loft. When it got banned in North Korea and China and a few towns in Russia, she took a trip to Turks and Caicos.
Nowadays, she has her hands full between maid of honor duties for the wedding of the century, launching her podcast network– Shut Up!– for likeminded individuals, and putting out her own episodes such as: “Does the ‘C’ in Capitol Stand for Captor?” and “If You Really Care This Much About Some E-mails…. Maybe You Should Get Fucked! Literally!” She typically splits her time between LA, New York, and, of course, Genovia– though her guest room in the castle might soon be promoted to first home. 
THREE AESTHETICS THAT REMIND YOU OF YOUR CHARACTER: famously likes thai food, feminist prose, and angry girl music of the indie rock persuasion– speaking truth to power/screaming into the void, chainsmoking as stress relief, refusing politeness and taking up space without apoloy
ONE SONG THAT REMINDS YOU OF YOUR CHARACTER: “under the table” by fiona apple
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wildestdreamshq · 9 months
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CHARACTER NAME: June Claremont-Diaz
CHARACTER AGE/DOB: 26, October 3, 1996
CHARACTER FANDOM (if relevant): Red, White and Royal Blue
OC OR CANON: canon
CHARACTER JOB ETC/RELEVANT TITLES: FDOTUS, freelance journalist, memoirist (“The Voice of a Nation” tentative release June 2025) 
  IMPORTANT CHARACTER INFORMATION TO NOTE AND SHARE (this could be important headcanons for initial plotting, mini bios etc, supporting docs):
A girl’s relationship with her mother is a complex thing. Even more complex when the mother in question is the leader of the free world.
That’s how June wanted to begin her memoir– the notification that she’d gotten a book deal came right on the cusp of her mother’s re-election, her brother’s moment of truth in front of the nation, and the celebrations went on for months on end. Of course, when she’d accepted the deal, June knew there were strings attached. Everything in her life had those strings, tying her up like a marionette, swaying her to and fro in front of an adoring crowd, playing the part of free and enlightened and well-adjusted.
It was easier when it was just Texas watching her. Unlike her baby brother, June didn’t grow up used to the spotlight. She wasn’t as naturally charming or as charismatic as he, though the same passion flowed through her veins. She was to be pretty, of course, and equal parts fierce and approachable. To toe the line between being sweet and simple and informed and respected– but in Texas, there were pockets she could escape to– the poetry club she founded in high school, the underground parties off Austin’s sixth street. 
The Claremon-Diazes were destined to overperform, June tasked with paving the way for Alex. She was student council president, poetry club founder, yearbook editor, and captain of the volleyball team. It was, then, no surprise when Alex matched her pace, picking up the mantle of StuCo, making a name for himself in class and on the lacrosse field. High school felt like light work; it was college where June found her stride.
She left StuCo behind, poured her energy into the honors college and The Daily Texan– UT’s student paper– and filled her limited free time with volunteer work, freelancing for local magazines, and, somehow, keeping up relationships. Everything changed her senior year– dad being in Congress was one level of attention, but– really– if it wasn’t Austin, nobody would’ve paid her mind. But when Mom entered the primaries and then went on to win the nomination, June’s life was ripped away from her.
Maybe that was dramatic, but undeniably, everything changed. She was no longer able to pursue the stories she was passionate about– no level of discretion could disguise the fact that her face was on the front page of The New York Times, in NPR– or the fact that Fox News was harassing her friends and exes and classmates for dirt on her. June begged to be able to walk the stage at graduation without an armed escort, and just barely convinced her mother that it was worth it to not become an absolute social pariah. 
Graduation offered a fork in the road, and June labored over her decision for all of two weeks. She wanted to move to New York, lightly stalk Ronan Farrow, become a real journalist– but Alex. She couldn’t bear the thought of leaving her brother in the White House with mom on his own. Maybe it’d be different if Mom and Dad hadn’t split, maybe it’d be different if he wasn’t freshly eighteen or if he was… less of a general idiot (affectionate). Or maybe June was scared she couldn’t hack it in the big city, and he was her excuse.
Either way, in retrospect, she wouldn’t change it for a thing. It was the most of Mom she’d seen since before Alex was born– and even still, it was blurs and photo ops and the bi-weekly Shiner-and-pizza night. But it was nice, every now and again, when President Ellen Claremont could ditch the career strategist hat and be a mother.
June’s frustration grew in secret. All she wanted– and all she’d ever wanted– was to be a Pulitzer prize winning journalist. But her talents were relegated to political commentary; She was hailed as ‘the voice of her generation,’ so long as that voice made her appearances on Vogue and dished insider knowledge on living in the White House and offered comments vetted by her mother’s PR team on her brother’s love life. Her image was meticulously crafted, and her voice was deliberately silenced.
But there was no room to complain, not when what her mother was doing was so monumental. The first female president, a woman at the helm of a blended, biracial family. And then Alex, forced out of the closet with Henry to become a gay icon in his own right. June is proud of her family, deeply, and jumps at the opportunity to support them. Authoring their speeches and holding space for their feelings and fake-dating their secret boyfriends and showing up at every last women’s tea with bells on.
Now, another crossroads. She can almost taste the freedom that will come with Ellen Claremon’s departure from office. June, and the rest of the Claremont-Diaz family and posse, will never be normal. No, but perhaps the world will find another young person to obsess over. Perhaps if she puts her nose down, writes her memoir, digs her hands into real work– perhaps she can reclaim her life. This time for herself.
THREE AESTHETICS THAT REMIND YOU OF YOUR CHARACTER: the perfectly curated instagram feed, trading lunar calendars for womanist theory, privately indulging in tabloid trash, perfectly polished exterior disguising bouts of disappointment and unfettered wanting.
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wildestdreamshq · 9 months
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**CHARACTER NAME:** peeta mellark
**CHARACTER FACECLAIM:** george mackay
**CHARACTER AGE/DOB:** 25, march 20th, 1998
**CHARACTER PRONOUNS/GENDER IDENTITY/SEXUALITY ETC:** he/him | | cis man | let’s be real he’s bisexual
**CHARACTER FANDOM (if relevant):** the hunger games
**OC OR CANON:** canon
**CHARACTER JOB ETC/RELEVANT TITLES:** social media and reality television celebrity, currently “wifeguy prime of the internet”
**IMPORTANT CHARACTER INFORMATION TO NOTE AND SHARE (this could be important headcanons for initial plotting, mini bios etc, supporting docs):**
Peeta honestly didn’t intend to apply for a reality television survival show. If you asked him to look back and explain, in spite of how emotionally capable he’s able to be. In truth, it was probably a combination of factors- a quiet desperation to get out of the Mellark family home, the growing knowledge that if he stayed in their hometown, they’d bury him there too, and the whispers around town that Katniss Everdeen had asked to be swapped with her younger sister.
His family was well-known around St. Helena as a prosperous one; they weren’t well off by any means, but they did have a successful bakery that shipped out their wares to the surrounding townships. It might have been under the Mellark name, but Peeta’s mother was, for all intents and purposes, running the show. And she ran a very tight ship. One that didn’t allow for error, or for anyone to deviate from her decisions or image of what her business and family should look like.
By the time Peeta was accepted as a contestant on the show, he’d gotten very good at smiling in spite of whatever was happening behind the scenes. It’s something Peeta doesn’t much think of, at least intentionally. To him, his home life and how he was treated had always been a simple fact of life, unchangeable and to be weathered to the best of his ability, like a thunderstorm or a mudslide. After all, there were other kids at school who were dealing with similar things, so it was all to some degree normalized for him.
Of course, even this undercurrent of survival threaded through his life hadn’t prepared him for the experience of surviving as a part of a game, which was being broadcast to millions of audience members while also being edited to find palatable storylines that would be attractive to said viewers. Peeta’s life hadn’t been a soft one, but he was very new to the sort of raw survival that would bring him victory here. He’d always been good at talking and socializing, and perhaps some degree of unconsciously finding ways to make himself likable. That was his survival mechanism.
Peeta tried not to immediately attach himself to Katniss, because how diabolically embarrassing would it be to automatically ally himself with his childhood crush… but that didn’t exactly last long. It was almost like being pulled into her gravity for him, like he couldn’t help but show up and orbit. He wasn’t thinking that the public would eat up the ‘opposites attract’ dynamic of their partnership, Peeta was mostly thinking that if he was going to win, he wanted to win with Katniss, and no one else. That by her side was better than anyone else’s side, no matter what happened.
There was a point in the competition where a physical challenge ended with Peeta gaining a seemingly unimportant gash on his leg. The sort of normal thing that tended to happen when you were in the wilderness surviving… until it got infected.
It slowly became a worse and worse situation, with Peeta struggling to compete in challenges, and the higher-ups on the show eventually elected to not have him med-evac’d out. A controversial decision among the internet discourse machine, especially as Peeta had medical treatment on camera and was kept in the game rather than getting sent home, all while being televised.
Embarrassingly, it didn’t occur to Peeta until months after they’d won that Capitol Management essentially owned him and Katniss. The contracts were lawfully evil at best, and had a major say in what they were allowed to discuss from the show, and their business obligations for the management company going forward.
Peeta has mostly been trying to keep his head down, he’s tried a few different management-approved ventures from a YouTube baking channel to a shortlived podcast (he really didn’t care for that one) to present, where he’s started a painting instruction series on the basics of his favorite mediums and styles. With the campaign of Cornelius Snow, however, he’s getting more and more drawn back into the fully public-facing lifestyle he’s been trying to leave behind.
**THREE AESTHETICS THAT REMIND YOU OF YOUR CHARACTER:** the smell of oil paints, the taste of well water so cold it hurts your teeth, the color of leaves slowly turning as autumn arrives.
**ONE SONG THAT REMINDS YOU OF YOUR CHARACTER:** kids in the dark - bat for lashes
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wildestdreamshq · 9 months
would you accept speak?
given the triggering content, we would not.
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wildestdreamshq · 9 months
do you have any banned fandoms?
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we do have a few random ones that come to mind...
steven universe
adventure time
13 reasons why
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wildestdreamshq · 10 months
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welcome to wildest dreams hq, a modern roleplay server set within the royal and political world, a little different from the ones you know. see premise for full details.
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wildestdreamshq · 10 months
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we are once again begging for the super six to be complete! bring us nora holleran, june claremont-diaz and percy okonjo!
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wildestdreamshq · 10 months
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welcome to wildest dreams hq, a modern roleplay server set within the royal and political world, a little different from the ones you know. see premise for full details.
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wildestdreamshq · 10 months
heyyy I go by s !!! Would I be able to reserve Mary Margaret from OUAT?? I haven’t seen anything about reserves , sorry if I overlooked it !!
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hello there! mary has now been added to the reserves list for you! we look forward to receiving your application!
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wildestdreamshq · 10 months
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welcome to wildest dreams hq, a modern roleplay server set within the royal and political world, a little different from the ones you know. see premise for full details.
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wildestdreamshq · 10 months
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**CHARACTER NAME:** gideon nav, now technically kiriona gaia. she frequently forgets she has a new name. 
**CHARACTER FACECLAIM:** gayle broughton 
**CHARACTER AGE/DOB:** 25 || july 2nd, 2000
**CHARACTER PRONOUNS/GENDER IDENTITY/SEXUALITY ETC:** she/her | cis woman, mostly | lesbian 
**CHARACTER FANDOM (if relevant):** the locked tomb series 
**OC OR CANON:** canon 
**CHARACTER JOB ETC/RELEVANT TITLES:** currently the direct assistant for the New Zealand UN representative, Augustine Quinque.
**IMPORTANT CHARACTER INFORMATION TO NOTE AND SHARE (this could be important headcanons for initial plotting, mini bios etc, supporting docs):** 
gideon’s had… a weird life so far okay. she grew up in a foster care home in a tiny town south of christchurch, new zealand. her time with her foster family is *not* remembered fondly. in her sparsely populated school, she had few classmates the same age as her, one of them being harrowhark, her childhood nemesis. 
she intended to join the military when she turned eighteen just to get away and because she had very little options otherwise considering the fact that she’d been functionally lost in the system for years, plus her indifference to getting good marks in school. 
this all got shaken up when gideon and harrow both were selected for a highly competitive summer internship at the ministry of foreign affairs in wellington. it got very… cutthroat, very quickly. 
harrow was the one offered a non-intern position when the summer ended, and gideon was fine with heading back home (it was fine! she’s Fine) but somehow things got Weirder. like, finding out her deadbeat biological father was in fact, the prime minister john gaius. sure, he didn’t exactly know gideon existed but! gideon feels like it’s still a salient point. 
he felt pretty guilty about gideon growing up without her community in the foster care system and gave her her new name, something she has mixed feelings about currently, but he also got Weird and Mopey about it (he had some shit going on with his best frienemies/polycule, also he’s fucking dramatic)
it all played out into him sending gideon to college on his dime, followed by a dash of nepotism to find her a position as an assistant’s assistant essentially with the foreign affairs office, ending up direct assistant to the current nz representative to the un, augustine. he’s one of her dad’s exes! (augustine can be normal about it, john is constitutionally incapable of being normal about anything) 
has she talked to harrow since that internship ended? no of course not, it’s fine, she’s FINE! 
**THREE AESTHETICS THAT REMIND YOU OF YOUR CHARACTER:** a violently bright colored prework mix in a blender bottle, black eyes hidden behind a pair of mirrored aviator sunglasses, and terrible, terrible groan-worthy puns. 
**ONE SONG THAT REMINDS YOU OF YOUR CHARACTER:** bang the doldrums by fall out boy
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wildestdreamshq · 10 months
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welcome to wildest dreams hq, a modern roleplay server set within the royal and political world, a little different from the ones you know. see premise for full details.
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wildestdreamshq · 10 months
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welcome to wildest dreams hq, a modern roleplay server set within the royal and political world, a little different from the ones you know. see premise for full details.
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wildestdreamshq · 10 months
I am once again begging for a Pez, Nora and June
you heard it here from one of our members! give the people what they want!
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wildestdreamshq · 10 months
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personal plea for someone to bring henry's best mate, percy! plsssss
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wildestdreamshq · 10 months
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the admin team is around sporadically right now, but we'd love to see some apps for our most wanted characters or any other wonderful muses you could think to bring!
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