wildnightshade-blog · 9 years
This place... it seemed almost as if it had been constructed from a fairy tale, Everything was a beautiful, calming shade of blue, yet the place looked... ancient, as if it had been dilapidated and slowly decaying as time passed. Perhaps it had been a temple, once...? Blake crept carefully around the open area, taking care to keep to the floor tiles that didn’t look as if they would crumble beneath her.
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“What is...?”
She could barely finish the thought before a noise behind her set her on the defensive. She turned quickly, crouched low, and placed a firm hand in the hilt of Gambol Shroud. She hadn’t yet experienced any danger in her insistent world-hopping, but there was definitely a first time for everything. 
“Who’s there?” she demanded, her voice even.
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wildnightshade-blog · 9 years
Now, this... this city was unique. Blake had thought Vale to be one of the end-alls in large, crowded cities-- but wherever this country was, the place Blake had landed this time seemed to take the cake for it. Clamoring out of the most recent portal she’d entered, Blake had been spat out in a back alley connected to a street that could only be describes as chaotic. Making a face somewhere between reluctance and queasiness, she turned around and melted back into the alley. 
Just as she had been ready to climb back in and find somewhere else to scour, something caught her attention-- a melodious voice filled the air, drifting dfown from somewhere in the expansive building she’d crouched next to. She’d never quite heard anything like it-- sure, there were many talented signers around where she’d come from, but this... this voice didn’t sound all human. It was light, and high-- like the sound of windchimes filtered through high-quality speakers. 
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Curiosity getting the better of her, she looked around-- there didn’t appear to be anywhere else to go from there, considering the only door at ground-level was locked. Eyeing the large, insanely high wall, she shrugged-- it was rare for Blake to meddle too much  in the places she visited, but she had little interest in wandering around the stargate any longer than she already had. Hoisting herself onto the nearest hold she could find, she decided she’d scale what she could of the building-- she had to find out who, or what, was creating that melody. 
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wildnightshade-blog · 9 years
It would have surprised Blake at all if any of her teammates had thought her recent behaviors to be... somewhat odd, even for the slightly reclusive girl that she was. Even considering the heavy atmosphere that seemed to be slowly closing in on the city of Vale, the young faunus had been disappearing a lot to explore the stargate and the places it seemed to lead her.
When Blake returned to her dorm that evening, the sky had already began to grow dark. She suspected everyone else was still mulling around the Vytal festival, but she was exhausted enough from her recent expedition to ignore the scrambling streets and simply return to her room. As she suspected, not everyone was around-- only the sharp, white-haired girl she’d come to call a valuable friend and teammate. 
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“Oh. Hey there, ah, Weiss,” she murmured, gently closing the door behind her. 
She maintained a nonchalant air, knowing all too well that her recent whereabouts had likely been a topic of discussion since she’d been returning later and later since she discovered the portal.
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wildnightshade-blog · 9 years
It was unusual to see anyone from JNPR being sneaky or, better yet, doing just about anything by themselves. Blake had been curiously watching the stargate portal that had appeared, contemplating its meaning and business with her world, when a familiar male approached it almost knowingly, as if he’d been in and out of it before.
Canting her head just so, she stepped out from where she’d been lurking, raising a single brow at her friend and classmate.
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“It’s weird, isn’t it? But it looks like you probably already know what lies past it.”
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wildnightshade-blog · 9 years
Navigating the stargate had proven to be... well, there were many adjectives Blake could place on it. Irritating, inconvenient, inconsistent... the list went on, and on, and on. Still, something about the vast, expansive plane of otherworldly portals had managed to take her mind of the unease that had been eating away at her.
Something moved in the distance-- was it... a scarlet ponytail? Familiar golden ornaments twinkled in the distance, becoming more focused as Blake quietly moved towards the figure that became more and more familiar as she approached. She had no idea that any others from her world had discovered such a place, and finding a friend here was the last thing she’d expected. 
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Blake only spoke once she was close enough that she was sure to be heard without yelling. She hadn’t seen the other since her very unfortunate match against Penny, and was moderately surprised to see her aimlessly wandering here. 
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wildnightshade-blog · 9 years
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Aight, aight-- y’all know the drill. Like this and I’ll throw down a starter for you. Uncapped. S’do this thing. 
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wildnightshade-blog · 9 years
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