wildplacemagic · 10 days
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wildplacemagic · 29 days
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An ode to shimmery water surfaces.
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wildplacemagic · 1 month
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wildplacemagic · 1 month
i can't vibe with anyone who thinks icarus was an ignorant idiot for flying too close to the sun. "oh i'd never do that i would have remembered my father's warning and been fine". do you seriously think that after years of imprisonment, feeling the sun on your face and the open air beneath your wings, you would be able to focus on anything but the joy of being alive and free? do you actually think that if you were given the opportunity to go where nobody has never been before, you wouldn't want to push it to the limit? to dare to be the first to try what no one else has ever even thought possible? do you honestly think you're too good for your own human nature? look me in the eyes and tell me if i strapped a pair of wings to your back that could take you wherever you wanted to go whenever you pleased that you'd be careful and sensible about it. you are not better than icarus just because you have the benefit of his example.
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wildplacemagic · 2 months
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wildplacemagic · 2 months
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Lindy Pollard Oregon, 2022
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wildplacemagic · 2 months
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wildplacemagic · 2 months
Here’s a video so you can hear the water and the thrushes. I took it for you because you couldn’t be there. <3
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wildplacemagic · 3 months
Moving mist at sunrise on the 4th of July 2023.
(This is the video I meant to post before.)
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wildplacemagic · 3 months
Elderflower Cordial (A Step-by-Step Adventure)
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A couple of weeks ago, I was foraging Cowslip in the nearby woods, when I spotted a few elders! It made me very happy and I could not wait for them to bloom, because I do love elderflower cordial and its fresh, subtle scent of sunny Spring days! I wanted to finally try my hand at making it myself.
So this weekend, a gorgeous weekend of cloudless blue skies and sunshine (you want to pick elder flowers on a sunny, dry day!), I picked my basket, a pair of secateurs and my Mum’s trusted, old Wild Flowers and Berries book. I am, after all, rather new to foraging and if my Grandpa (Mum’s dad) made the most delicious elderberry jam, foraging for the little black berries in the Summer, he, like my Mum, was a keen botanist. Any stroll we’d take in the countryside, he’d lean and tells us children about all the flowers we’d encounter, latin name and all. And I remember him insisting about the elderberries being toxic if eaten raw. As for the flowers, one should be careful and pick the flowers from black elders (sambucus nigra) as the roots, stems and leaves of the red elder (sambucus racemosa) are poisonous.
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Black Elder (sambucus nigra)
Thus, I spent a lot of time studying the botanical drawings and pictures in my Mum’s book, both before going foraging and once there. There is little chance to mistake the red elder flowers with those of the black (and blue) ones, though. The former are cone-shaped, whereas the sambucus nigra flowers are flat-topped and resembles little parasols or umbrellas. (That said, when it comes to foraging, the golden rule is, I guess, if you’re not sure, abstain.)
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Here is a closer look at black elder flowers. In the Summer, the green stems becomes a bright red colour, and the berries are black. I picked about 30 flowerheads, on different trees. You don’t want to take all the flowers on the same tree; you should always leave plenty for the bees!
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Once you’ve foraged and come home, don’t let the flowers sit for hours on end. Start making the cordial when they are fresh. Here is what you will need.
Ingredients (makes about 2 litres/2 quarts):
25 freshly picked ederflower heads
2 large (unwaxed) lemons
1.5 litre/1.5 quart boiling water
705 grams/1.55 pounds caster sugar
Proceeding with one elderflower head at a time, shake it to make sure there are no insects on it. (Do not rinse them, as it will weaken their fragrance). Then pick the flowers off the stem and place into a large bowl. Do that with all the elderflower heads. Then, thoroughly grate in the zest of both lemons.
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Finally, pour the boiling water over the flowers and lemon zest. Give a good stir, to mix.
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Cover with cling film, and let it steep and infuse overnight (24 hours).
The next day, line a fine mesh sieve with cheesecloth (or coffee filters) and strain elderflower water into a large pot. Add caster sugar. Thoroughly squeeze the juice of both lemons, and stir into the pot.
Heat over medium-high heat, stirring often until sugar dissolves completely. Once the sugar is dissolved, bring to a simmer, and allow to boil, a couple of minutes.
Using a funnel, strain Elderflower Cordial into sterelised glass bottles and close tightly. Allow to cool completely, then store in a cool, dark place. Once opened, it keeps up to a month (and even a bit longer) in the refrigerator; but it certainly won’t last that long!
You can use Elderflower Cordial in lots of recipes, from a refreshing Elderflower Gin and Tonic to a stunning Lemon and Elderflower Cake. It also lifts up a Blueberry and Elderflower Pavlova or a Summer Fruit Salad!
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wildplacemagic · 3 months
Citron och Dillsnaps (Lemon and Dill Schnapps)
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Det är Midsommar i kväll*, and to celebrate, I’ve picked fresh Dill in the garden and made this Citron och Dillsnaps, to sip in the long hours of daylighlt, remembering Stockholm! Skål and Happy Friday!
*It is Midsummer tonight!
Ingredients (makes about 125 millilitres/½ cup)
a small lemon (preferably organic or non-treated), rinsed
3 sprigs Garden Dill
125 millilitres/½ cup vodka (or other neutral alcohol)
With a vegetable peeler, cut two long strips of lemon peel, avoiding the bitter white pith.
Place lemon peels in a clean, sterelised jar. Tear in the Dill. Cover with vodka. Close the jar tightly, and allow to infuse, at least a couple of days, in a cool, draught-free place.
Enjoy a small glass of Citron och Dillsnaps with Gravadlax or Sill Senap.
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wildplacemagic · 3 months
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Spin Cycle. Oil on canvas, 8 x 10"
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wildplacemagic · 3 months
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Spin Cycle. Oil on canvas, 8 x 10"
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wildplacemagic · 4 months
I was high off my ass last night and had this dream where I was in this dense ass forest and sitting there was a tall woman. She was so tall I couldn’t see her face but she was wearing gold and I was like ���uh...hi?” And she said “I made you, do you know that?” And I nodded and she was like “I hear your thoughts. Why do you hate my creation? Why do you try to destroy yourself? I made you perfect as you are. Please don’t break my heart”. Then she started crying and it flooded and I woke up with fucking heart palpitations like what does it Mean™️????
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wildplacemagic · 4 months
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You Forget How Dark the Canyon Gets by James Arkwright
This artist on Instagram
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wildplacemagic · 4 months
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wildplacemagic · 5 months
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daphne's blessing 🌿
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