wildxnside · 10 months
fighting the urge to roll her eyes, kiera picked her phone up off the pavement, doing a quick once over to make sure the screen wasn't broken before sighing with relief. "must've been a pretty funny joke." she said sarcastically, placing the phone in her back pocket. that was enough multi-tasking for one day. "dumb place to put a curb anyway, huh?" she added in a poor attempt at trying to nurse her bruised ego.
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Saudia felt horrible as she watched the woman absolutely come crashing down. She just couldn't hold in her laughter. Letting out three loud gasps of laughter she looked up to see the woman. She wouldn't have laughed if the woman had been seriously injured, but since she had popped up, Saudia fanned herself with her hand. "Oh yeah girl.. I was laughing at.. like a joke or something. Not you."
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wildxnside · 10 months
"i'll be fine." she said, offering her most reassuring smile, which wasn't very reassuring, although that was more a personality flaw and not due to any injuries she may have sustained. she could already tell there was going to be a few nasty bruises, but it was nothing she couldn't handle. "the worst injury is my pride, but i guess that'll be okay, too. thanks for not laughing or anything."
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Nelson was heading home after having lunch with his brother and decided to grab some coffee before he made his way to his car. His face had been glued to his phone but he instantly looked up at the image of someone crumpling on the floor in front of him. Young Nelson would have probably stifled laughter however; he’d worked hard to improve himself in later years and he moved quickly to see if she was okay. “ I would love to as long as you’re okay. That seemed like a rough fall “ @wildxnside
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wildxnside · 10 months
open: @aurorabaystarter
location: anywhere in town texting and walking at the same time was a recipe for disaster for anyone, but especially kiera, who wasn't very coordinated to begin with. she didn't notice the crack in the sidewalk until it was already too late, subsequently spilling out onto the pavement in front of her. she stood up quickly, dusting herself off and glancing around to make sure nobody noticed, which unfortunately they had. "hey, any chance you wanna pretend you didn't see that?" she asked awkwardly.
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wildxnside · 10 months
not necessarily a swiftie herself, the name of the shop did nothing for kiera, however, she had to admit the treats looked good. she did a double-take at the other woman, not entirely sure at first if she was the one being addressed. "oh, me? i don't know what i want yet, you go ahead." she said, probably a moment later than what was considered socially acceptable. "i, uh... i think they're homemade. i mean, they advertise everything as sold fresh so they'd better be."
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Location: Sweet Nothings Bakery
Status: Open
Tagging: @aurorabaystarter
Seeing the bakery from across the street Daisy knew she was obsessed, not only did the name remind her of one of the songs from Midnights but it had the cutest aesthetic that she just had to see for herself; "These are so cute!" exclaiming to the person beside her; "Sorry are you trying to see? I'm probably blocking your view" being suddenly conscious of those that were around her; "You can go first if you want I am just admiring the treats, do you know if they are home made?" Only having gotten here not too long ago.
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wildxnside · 10 months
"is that that song about the little boy who wants to give his sick mother a pair of shoes?" kiera asked, raising an eyebrow. "i can honestly say i've heard that song maybe once. where exactly are you hanging out that you've heard it five times?"
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status: open @aurorabaystarter location: upt!
"It's not even December yet and I've heard 'Christmas Shoes' five times-- which is five times too many. Is it just me or did Christmas music start, like, insanely early this year? "
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wildxnside · 10 months
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tw: alcoholism, underage drinking, drunk driving, car crash.
growing up in the foster system, kiera knows nothing of her real family except what's inside of a worn journal her mom left for her. from it, she's gleaned two things; her mother was an idiot and a drunk, and her father was an asshole.
kiera never got to stay anywhere long, proving too hot-headed and stubborn for most foster families to handle. she either talked back or didn't talk at all, broke things when she didn't get her way, and refused to abide by any rules set in place. to say she was difficult would have been an understatement.
being bounced around all around the state, kiera knew nothing of consistency. she made friends rarely, and when she did it was futile - there was only so much time before she'd be sent away again.
kiera spent years on her own, slowly building up walls to keep other people out. she had acquaintances in every town - people she'd go to parties and occasionally get drunk with. she was set to turn out just like her mother, and she had long reconciled with the fact that nobody was coming along to save her.
by the time the wilder's came along she was already sixteen, which meant sixteen long years building up her walls and becoming not just hot-headed and stubborn, but cold and cynical too. when they found her it was obvious they had everything; a family, a white picket fence in a beachside town, a dog. kiera had nothing to give them, and yet they kept trying, chipping away at the walls she had so carefully built until she finally let them in.
of course they noticed all of the negative traits that had made every other family turn kiera away, they would have been blind not to, but they also noticed so many positive traits. she was tenacious, and brave, and ambitious; it was everyone else who had been blind. they permanently adopted her at seventeen, their only regret being that they hadn't found her sooner.
this wasn't a fairytale, and despite how it might seem kiera's life didn't suddenly get better as if by magic. she was still the same girl she had always been, only now with people to answer to. despite the wilder's best efforts to keep her from drinking and staying out at all hours of the night, it was ingrained in kiera to misbehave.
weeks before her eighteenth birthday disaster struck; kiera got in the car with one of her friends who was far too intoxicated to be driving and they hit another vehicle, fleeing instead of sticking around.
ever since she's tried to convince herself it wasn't her fault. the people in the other car ended up okay in the end, and she wasn't even the one driving, but no matter what she tells herself the guilt still eats away at her.
she continued to live her life as normally as she could. she graduated high school (luckily) and is now enrolled in aurora bay college, hoping to become a social worker and help people like herself one day. her life would be perfect if she could just forget that one stupid mistake.
These are all just brief ideas, but if any of them interest you or if you have ideas of your own please feel free to reach out!
exes - would be either male or within the past two years, her sexuality is a recent thing
hook ups
a bad influence - kiera may be the bad influence, or your character, or maybe they both are and just bring out the worst in each other.
someone she met in the foster system - this one is a little more specific, but since she's mostly been in families within southern california it's totally plausible that this person was someone she was with for a little while, or someone that was placed into a family at the same time.
frenemies - they really don't like each other, but they tend to run in the same social circles or have a friend in common that seems to keep them around one another.
good influence - the complete opposite of the bad influence. someone who inspires and brings out the best in kiera.
these ones i'll probably be requesting later on the main, but i thought i'd put them here anyway.
the person(s) who were in the other vehicle during the crash
foster sibling(s)
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