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Garabatee como serian sus caras mas o menos de William, Michel y Henry en mi au. Michel literalmente parece una version chad de William
I scribbled approximately how Will, Mike and Henry faces will look like in my au. Michel literally looks like a Chad version of William
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   Hechos de mi AU
   William es redimido en esta AU poco antes de morir en springbonnie, por lo que el y Henry mejoran con el tiempo su relación de nuevo. Para liberar las almas por decisión de todos Henry prende fuego a todos excepto a Michel quien no fue scoopeado en esta realidad, Henry muere por causas naturales. Por algún motivo las almas de Henry y William regresan a la vida, William regresa como Glitchgift y Henry como Glamrock Freddy. William se encuentra con Vanny quien planea cometer asesinatos en el próximo centro comercial que creara fazbear entretainment, William se opone sin embargo Vanny nota que William es alguien bastante inteligente y que conoce muchas cosas por lo que pasa la conciencia de William a un muñeco y se lo lleva con ella. Cuando Vanny comienza su caos en el centro comercial Henry en Freddy es capaz de comunicarse con William en el muñeco y se lo lleva con el. Henry como Galmrock Freddy es increíblemente fuerte contrastando con William que regreso como un simple trapo de conejo mas pequeno que Glamrock Freddy. Por lo que William constantemente ve con asombro lo que hace Henry
   Facts about my AU
William is redeemed in this AU shortly before he dies in Springbonnie, so he and Henry eventually improve their relationship again. To free the souls by everyone's decision, Henry sets fire to everyone except Michel who was not scooped in this reality, Henry dies of natural causes. For some reason the souls of Henry and William come back to life, William returns as Glitchgift and Henry as Glamrock Freddy. William meets Vanny who plans to commit murders in the next shopping center that will create fazbear entretainment, William is opposed, however Vanny notes that William is someone quite intelligent and knows many things so that William's conscience passes to a doll and he she takes it with her. When Vanny starts his mayhem at the mall, Henry at Freddy is able to communicate with William on the doll and takes him with him. Henry as Galmrock Freddy is incredibly strong in contrast to William who returned as a simple rabbit rag smaller than Glamrock Freddy. So William constantly watches in awe what Henry does.
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  El estaba de vuelta e 1973, sentado en su sofa viendo la televisión, Elizabeth se encontraba en su regazo dormida, una sensación de nostalgia invadió su cabeza pero cuando busco acariciar su cara, no era su cara a la que acaricio si no la de Baby, blanca, fría y metálica, cuando jalo su cabello para acercarla y verla mejor ella cambio completamente a Circus baby y sonrió revelando unos dientes puntiagudos, en el sueno William grito. Abrió sus ojos solo para encontrase dentro de un traje de springlock, aunque no era su preciado springbonnie, estaba dentro de algún otro para luego escuchar a baby decir. Shh guarda silencio, has estado durmiendo por un tiempo, creo que ellos se dieron cuenta de quien eres al igual que yo, te están buscando, pero no pudieron encontrarte, te escondi muy bien.... te secuestre. Una sensación de terror invadió a William,temiendo por su vida,  al mismo tiempo algo fascinado por la inteligencia que ha conseguido este ser conformado por su hija y su amada creación. Empezó a sospechar sobre la veracidad de la guianza de baby, todo lo que le había dicho era correcto nada fuera de lo normal, una idea paso por su cabeza, tal vez el dolor y el tiempo hicieron que Elizabeth cambiara de alguna forma de cualquier otra forma el es su creador en cualquier sentido, iría en contra de su naturaleza hacerle algo a el. Sabia como manejar los springlocks, pero puede que este ya estuviera oxidado por el tiempo, seria muy riesgoso solo quedaba esperar supuestas indicaciones, le indignaba bastante esto ya que el se considera bastante superior, no material para seguir indicaciones sino áralas. Vio su cara a travez del springlock, estaba tan cerca que su cara tocaba el traje con sus ojos verdes brillantes en blanco.
  -Tu eres mi padre? -. Dijo William de forma irónica.
  -No tontito, soy tu hija
  -Entonces por que estas dándome ordenes y haciendo cosas sin mi consentimiento?
  -Lo siento papi pero solo te estoy cuidando, manteniéndote a salvo-. dijo Baby levantando su brazo para acariciar la cara de su padre. Tal vez fue por el sueno pero William no se sentía cómodo con baby queriendo tocarlo así que lanzo un golpe quitando su mano de el. Baby quedo en shock por unos segundos con una mirada llena de resentimiento.
  -Yo cree estos animatronicos se como funcionan, conozco su programación no necesito que me protejas.
  - Si tu lo dices. Dijo Baby sonando casi igual a Elizabeth.
  William estaba consciente de que Baby lo estaba cuidando, pero aun así, era siniestro que alguien simplemente lo tomara e hiciera con el lo que se le plazca incluso si ella lo hace con las mejores intenciones.
  - Puedo preguntarte la próxima vez si te hace sentir mas cómodo _papi. _dijo Baby.
  - Si. Por favor. William sabia que no podía confiar en su hija estando dentro de su creación.
  - Debo de empezar a hacer mi cosa -. dijo Baby dejando el lugar.
  William no se sentia nada bien. Algo estaba mal.
  He was back in 1973, sitting on his sofa watching television, Elizabeth was on his lap asleep, a feeling of nostalgia invaded his head but when he tried to caress his face, it was not his face that I caressed if not Baby's , white, cold and metallic, when I pull her hair to bring her closer and see her better she completely changed to Circus baby and smiled revealing pointed teeth, in the dream William screamed. She opened her eyes only to find herself inside a springlock suit, although it wasn't her precious springbonnie, she was inside someone else to then hear baby say. Shh be quiet, you've been sleeping for a while, I think they realized who you are just like me, they are looking for you, but they couldn't find you, I hid you very well .... I kidnapped you. Baby said.  A sense of terror invaded William, fearing for his life, at the same time somewhat fascinated by the intelligence that this being has achieved, shaped by his daughter and his beloved creation. He began to suspect the veracity of baby's guidance, everything she had said was correct, nothing out of the ordinary, an idea crossed his mind, maybe the pain and time made Elizabeth change in some way from any other Since he is its creator in any sense, it would be against his nature to do something to him. He knew how to handle the springlocks, but it may be that it was already rusted by time, it would be very risky, he only had to wait for supposed indications, he was quite outraged by this since he considers himself quite superior, not material to follow indications but aralas. He saw her face through the springlock, he was so close that her face touched the suit with her bright green eyes blank.
  - Are you my father? -. William said ironically.
  - No dummy, I'm your daughter
  - Then why are you giving me orders and doing things without my consent?        
  - I'm sorry daddy but I'm just taking care of you, keeping you safe.Baby said raising her arm to caress her father's face. Maybe it was because of the dream but William didn't feel comfortable with baby wanting to touch him so he threw a blow removing her hand from his. Baby was shocked for a few seconds with a look full of resentment.
  - I made these animatronics i know how they work, I know their programming, I don't need you to protect me.
  - If you say it. Baby said sounding almost the same as Elizabeth.
   William was aware that Baby was taking care of him, but even so, it was sinister that someone would just take him and do what they please with him even if she does it with the best of intentions.
   - I can ask you next time if she makes you feel more comfortable daddy. Baby said.
   - Yes. Please. William knew that he couldn't trust his daughter while being inside his creation.
  - I must begin to do my thing -. said Baby leaving the place.
  William was not feeling well at all. Something was wrong  
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Circus baby:Hi can I help you?
William: No
Circus baby: Hola puedo ayudarte?
William: No
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Vanny: Espera, la reencarnación es real?
William: Claro que si, pero solamente que ya no tendrás el mismo cuerpo ni vas a estar en el mismo lugar, probablemente ya no recuerdes a nadie que viste en tu vida, a veces puede que ya no estes en el mismo tiempo o en el mismo universo, em creo.
Vanny: Eso suena genial. Cual es el secreto de la inmortalidad?
William: La vida es preciosa, el hecho que sea corta te hace valorarla mas.
Vanny: No, haber, tenemos que se eficientes.
William: Eficientes mi abuela Vanny
Vanny: No manches contigo que pex.
Vanny: Wait, reincarnation is real?
William: Yes, of course, but only that you will no longer have the same body and you will not be in the same place, you probably no longer remember anyone you saw in your life, sometimes you may no longer be in the same time or in the same universe, I think.
Vanny: That sounds great. What is the secret of immortality?
William: Life is precious, the fact that it is short makes you value it more.
Vanny: No, we have to be efficient.
William: Efficient my grandmother Vanny
Vanny: Don't stain that pex with you.
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William: Es verdad, Henry no me extraña o ama, en ninguna manera. Ya no queda lugar para mi en sus intereses.
?: Te lo dije.
William: Sin embargo, ahora que tengo eso aclarado puedo continuar con lo que de verdad importa.
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Escena    Scene
Un día William estaba escribiendo en sus diarios sobre su admiración y celos hacia Henry, se acabaron las paginas, William vio un pintado de cabello proveniente de Clara, se quedo ahí despues de que la hospitalizaran, el tinte era de un tono rubio como el de Henry, William lo tomo y lo empezó a pasar suavemente por su cabello pintándolo de rubio, era una habitacion con pintura alrededor del tocador y hojas su diario dispersas por toda la habitacion, al terminar  no entendía por que lo hizo, procedio a lavar su cabello (Este momento se quedo como algo retorcido en su cabeza, no era algo que desearía platicar NADIE lo entendería....
One day William was writing in his diaries about his admiration and jealousy towards Henry, the pages ran out, William saw a painting of hair coming from Clara, he stayed there after she was hospitalized, the dye was a blonde tone like that of Henry, William took it and began to gently run it through his hair, painting it blonde, it was a room with paint around the dresser and his journal sheets scattered throughout the room, when he finished he did not understand why he did it, he proceeded to wash his hair (This moment stayed like something twisted in his head, it was not something he wanted to talk about. NOBODY would understand ...
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Old man consecuentes
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Daniel Murphy
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Logal Kelly
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Charity Cambell (Chica de las cintas)
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Favian Brown (Phone guy)
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Henry Emily
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Michel Afton / Mike Smith / Fritz Smith / Jeremy Fritzgerald
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William Afton / Dave Miller / Springgift / Toxic Springgift / Scrapgift / Glithgift
 CAPITULO 1: Historia de trasfondo (1962)
   HISTORY: (Nació en 1947) William vivía con sus padres y un día fue presencia de su padre siendo asesinado por su madre, ella era bastante abusiva con el, normalmente lo presionaba para ser destacado en todo, y sin importar lo que hiciera, nunca era suficiente para su mama. Mas tarde a los 16 conoció a Henry que era básicamente su único amigo, jamas se dio cuenta de la forma en que William pasaba su tiempo en casa, parecía tan feliz que no considero ue tal vez el estaba sufriendo, se volvieron bastante cercanos, también conoció a Clara y se enamoro de ella.
   CAPITULO 2: Cena Familiar de Fazbears (1979)
 A los 24 en 1971 tuvo a Michel con Clara, lo cual fue un accidente, William no era un hombre de familia, así que no queria tener hijos, sin embargo a Clara le agrado tener Michel y queria mas hijos, dando como resultado a Elizabeth y Andrew.    En 1979 abrió Freddy Family Dinner con Henry, en 1983 decidieron aliarse con   otra compañía, Fazbear Entretaiment. Clara enfermo de cancer y murió, lo cual hizo que William se empezara a amargar bastante y se empezó a obsesionar con la idea de superar la muerte, ademas toda su vida a vivido miserablemente y había pasado por cosas horribles con su madre. Despues de esto William veía lo feliz que era Henry y se sentía satisfecho con lo tenia, a pesar de amar a su esposa, William nunca se sintió satisfecho. Su amor por Henry se convirtió en admiración, su admiración se convirtió en obsesión y su obsesión se convirtió en celos. Empezó a planear como encontrar el secreto de la inmortalidad comenzo a tratar a Michel, Elizabeth y Andrew de la misma manera desagradable que su madre lo hacia con el. El tiempo que ahora pasaba con Henry ya no era genuino, solo pretendía ser el mismo de siempre cuando en realidad ya no lo era del todo.
   CAPITULO 3: El mundo de la pizza de Circus baby 1983)
 La compañía de fazbear entetainment queria crear un nuevo restaurante por lo que contrataron a William para crear los animatronicos, sin embargo e los creo para asesinar personas queria empezar a experimentar para descifrar el secreto de la inmortalidad despues de acabarlos, el día de inauguración le advirtió a Elizabeth que no se acercara a Circus baby, el estaba muy ocupado en su miedo a morir como para siquiera pensar en lo mejor para sus hijos, sin embargo no hasta el punto que el los quisiera muertos. Elizabeth lo desobedeció y murió en Circus baby. William al ver lo que le paso a su hija dijo que hubo una fuga de gases y debido a esto no podían inaugurar el restaurante. Decidieron rentar los animatronicos para fiestas y celebraciones, William era notificado por los técnicos que los animatronicos en especial Circus baby se movían de su escenario e intentaban salir de la locación constantemente, William se dio cuenta que el alma de Elizabeth estaba dentro de Circus baby, considero que Elizabeth tenia la culpa debido a que ella no pudo seguir una simple orden, aunque no le agradaba, se lanzo a la experimentación, se dio cuenta que al calentar mucho su cuerpo salía un liquido el cual le daba vida al robot, empezó a obsesionarse con esta sustancia a la cual llamo remanente. 
   CAPITULO 4: La mordida del 83 (1983)
   Debido al abuso de su padre, Michel empezó a desquitarse con sus compañeros de clase en especial con su hermano a quien William a pesar de ser manipulador y abusivo con el de igual forma, William lo hacia de una forma mas cariñosa si se podría decir, lo cual era algo que Michel envidiaba. La idea de su hijo muriendo bajo su descuido de nuevo rondaba la cabeza de William así que le regalo a Andrew un oso de peluche de Fredbear el cual contenía una cámara con la que William podía hablarle a su hijo. También coloco cámaras por toda la casa para poder vigilar a sus hijos al mismo tiempo que creo los animatronicos Nighmare para generarle un trauma a Andrew con los animatronicos y no se acercara a ellos debido a que esa fue la causa de la muerte de Elizabeth. Un día una broma de Michel llego muy lejos terminando con la muerte de Andrew.
   CAPITULO 5: Los niños desaparecidos (1983)
    William comenzo a generar un odio hacia Michel por haber asesinado a su hijo, sin embargo al igual que con la muerte de Elizabeth se aprovecho de la situación y empezó a usar eso para manipular y usar a Michel para sus planes cuando le fuera útil. Queria empezar a experimentar con otros animatronics, William y Henry perdieron contacto, así que William un día tomo su traje de springbonnie, asesino a 6 niños; Gabriel: Le menciono que necesitaba un poco de ayuda con los animatronicos y que su madre le dijo que lo iba a ayudar, Sussie- Le dijo que hayo a su cachorro perdido en partes y servicios, Jeremy - William creo la situación para que Michel molestara a a Jeremy, así que William fingió defenderlo y despues lo llevo a partes y servicios, Charlie- William le dijo que viniera a partes y servicios sin embargo antes de eso ella fue echada por unos niños del restaurante por lo que William la asesino ahí mismo y se fue, Fritz - Al igual que con Jeremy William dejo que Michel lo molestara y lo ayudo, despues lo invito a venir a partes y servicios, al estar todos ahí Cassidy estaba buscando a sus amigos debido a que no los encontraba, por lo que William le dijo que estaban en partes y servicios, al estar todos ahí William los durmió con cloroformo despues de esto los asesinos metió dentro de los animatronicos. Con los cuales continuo experimentando. Todo esto causo que el restaurante cerrara y Henry estaba fuera del camino de William.
   CAPITULO 6: La organización (1986)
     A los 42 anos William seguía con sus experimentos despues de ciertas situaciones, Michel había pasado tiempo con Henry lo cual lo hizo ver a Henry mas como un padre de verdad, uno que pone a us hijos antes de nada, estaba arto de su padre y despues de decirle en su cara todos sus errores y atrocidades que a cometido lo abandona. William finalmente estaba solo, no quedaba nadie que se interesara por el como debería de ser, de alguna forma fue tomado por una organización que había estado investigando las empresas de Freddy Fazbear desde hace tiempo, querían descifrara que cosas había estado haciendo William por lo que lo tenian encerrado. Henry y Michel estaban buscando a Puppet quien no había dejado rastro alguno, la organización estaba interesada en estos dos debido a que podrían tener información, le ofrecieron a William ayudarlos con sus cometido a cambio de perdonarle todas sus faltas e incluso dejarlo cometer mas y dejarlo libre a cambio de que capturara a Henry y Michel, William acepto, lo que hicieran con Henry y Michel despues no le importaba. Despues de varias situaciones ahí William fue enviado a ir con Michel y Henry fingiendo ser estar de su lado, sin embargo William de hecho disfruto de estar con ellos, ademas que se presentaron múltiples oportunidades donde aclararon conflictos entre ellos. William les dijo que todo era una trampa y que el los engaño por lo que el escapo llevándose a Henry, en el momento Michel estaba en otra parte. Despues de esto, los 3 continuaron buscando a Charlie, al mismo tiempo que Henry convenció a Gabriel y a los demás a ayudarlos.
   CAPITULO 7: Ubicacion de la hija (1990)
   Mientras tanto William fue a la locación de Circus baby world and rental’ por Elizabeth, Charlie había pasado tiempo en ese lugar, debido a ver como Henry era con Charlie Elizabeth se dio cuenta de lo malo que era su padre con el, Elizabeth ya no queria seguir así, ademas de que ella estaba desesperada de estar en ese lugar siendo torturada, William paso 5 noches llendo a a la localización en la 5ta noche, Elizabeth lo mato con el scooper y tomo su cuerpo ella no queria matarlo ya que a pesar de todo el era su padre así que puso remanente en su cuerpo y William poseyó a su propio cadaver. 
   CAPITULO 8: Sustos Fazbears (1990)
   Despues de esto fue a la pizzería abandonada a por los animatronicos, sin embargo al llegar los animatronicos intentaron atacarlo, en un ataque de pánico entro al traje de springbonnie pero debido al tiempo estaba oxidado lo que provoco que los resortes falsaran y lo asesinaran lenta y dolorosamente. Al despertar estaba el solo, busco una salida, llamo a gritos a Henry y Michel pero nadie vino, paso en el lugar 30 anos furioso y lamentándose, Henry y Michel tuvieron que descifrará por su cuenta que estuvo haciendo William con el remanente durante ese tiempo, despues de oír de Fazbear Fright, Henry pensó que William podría estar ahí por lo que fue por el, tomo el trabajo como guardia de seguridad, al verlo en las cámaras Henry reconoció que era William, al final de las noches el y William salieron del lugar. 
   CAPITULO 9: Ultima nochepersonalizada (2017)
   Al reencontrarse con Michel, Gabriel, Jeremy, Sussie y Fritz Charlie y Elizabeth estaban ahí también, a Charlie le costo bastante acostumbrarse a tener a su asesino alrededor, William ya no era el mismo del todo, le costaba recordar cosas y a veces podía ser agresivo, sin embargo Henry y Michel sabían que esto a veces era culpa de el hecho de que hubiera muerto como 2 veces a si que lo dejaban pasar. William trato de estar bien con Michel y Elizabeth mientras tanto. El único animatronics que faltaba era Cassidy, quien estaba planeando matar a William, Michel queria convencerla de que su alma descansara, Henry pensaba lo mismo y obviamente William igual. Cassidy hizo que William de alguna forma quedara preso en su propia mente donde lo comenzo a torturar, Henry pudo entrara a este lugar donde convencio con las otras almas de que dejara que el destino castigara a las malas personas. Despues de varias cosas Cassidy lo deja ir y su alma descansa ya que ella no estaba dentro de un animatronico, solo su alma estaba aferrada a quedarse.
   CAPITULO 10: Simulador de Familia (2018)
   Despues de esto por decisión de todos William, Elizabeth, Gabriel, Sussie, Jeremy, Fritz y Charlie fueron quemados y sus amas lograron descansar, Henry y Michel siguieron con sus vidas. 
    CAPITULO 11: Entrega Especial (2020)
   La combina de fazbear entretainment creo un servicio de renta de animatronicos, escanearon animatronicos para. digitalizarlos, sin embargo al escanear a Springtrap William se volvió digital William paso bastante tiempo ahí, todavía le faltaban memorias, estaba perdiendo su cordura si es que se pudiera, queria salir de ahí, se pregunta a si mismo si esta era una clase de purgatorio, esa fue su conclusión, hasta que por bastantes razones obvia para el se dio cuenta de que se encontraba dentro de un videojuego  debido al remanente convirtiéndolo en un virus, empezó a esparcirse por los archivos para poder atar una manera de regresar a la realidad, le llama la atención Vannesa, se da cuenta de que no es una persona diferente a como el solía ser en un pasado, por lo que habla con ella para que ella lo pueda ayudar, se empezaron a dar cuenta de esto, hace que iban a tratar de borrar el virus, Vannesa pensó en pasar la conciencia de William a otra persona, William pensaba que si Maia vuelto a la vida de nuevo debido de ser con unproposito, alguna tarea que debía de cumplir para merecer su descanso eterno, por lo que colaboro con Vanny, siempre y cuando no lastimaran a nadie. William y Vanny en general se llevaban bien sin embargo William se mantenía cautelosos debido a los extraños gustos sadicos de Vanny.
     CAPITULO 12: Se busca ayudante (2023)
   William cada vez se hacia mas fuerte por lo que cada vez se acercaba mas a Jeremy, un empleado que probaba el nuevo videojuego, William notaba que esto provocaba que Jeremy sufriera dolores de cabeza y tuviera pesadillas ademas que notaba que lo iban a despedir, William empezó a tratar de hablar con Jeremy explicarle lo que el estaba tratando de completar y pidiendo amablemente su ayuda sin embargo Jeremy iba a ser despedido por lo que ya no había sentido en si Jeremy aceptaba o no. Vanny considero que Jeremy podría perjudicarles de alguna manera por lo que decidio asesinar a Jeremy en un lugar donde William no pudiera oír nada al respecto. Despues de esto William intento comunicarse con Tonya, otra empleada, sin embargo Tanya culpo a William por la muerte de Jeremy. William estaba intrigrado y le pregunto a que se refería con eso, el no hizo nada mas que hablar con el y causarle algunos dolores de cabeza. Despues de esto William comenzo a sospechar sobre Vanny. En caso de terminar siendo eliminado de alguna manera William deja en unas cintas escondidas en el videojuego advirtiendo sobre Vanny y su sospechoso comportamientolas demás cintas las puso Tanya explicando lo que ella sabia sobre elvirus William, ella no confía en el. William comenzo a darse cuenta de los planes siniestros de Vannesa por lo que el grabo cintas en una habitacion a la que se puede acceder con uncodigo. Vanny y William hablaron. Le hablo sobre Jeremy haber si le podía sacar información sobre el asunto, sin embargo esto no funciono para Vannesa, William se dio cuenta, era una chica bastante lista. Vanny admiraba las cosas que hizo William Afton, y a pesar de no ser el desalmado que era antes, ella reconoció su personalidad algo manipulador y algo inteligente. Por lo que ella paso su conciencia a un muñeco y trataría de convencerlo de volverse de su lado, Vanny aprovecharía el centro comercial para comenzar su plan.
    CAPITULO 13: Brecha de seguridad (2024)
      Vanny tiene planeado pasar su mente a algo digital, hackea a Mongomery, Roxxane Wolf y Moon man, mientras que  William crea una copia de seguridad e Glamrock Freddy y Chica y El sol. Se da cuenta de que Freddy esta poseído por el alma consciente de Henry así que Williamse comunico con el para que Henry pudiera oírlo, fue capaz de quitarle el muñeco a Vanny. Eso es todo hasta ahora.
   CHAPTER 1: Backstory (1962)   
   HISTORY: (He was born in 1947) William lived with his parents and one day he was the presence of his father being murdered by his mother, she was quite abusive towards him, normally she pressured him to be prominent in everything, and no matter what he did, he never it was enough for her mom. Later at 16 he met Henry who was basically his only friend, he never noticed the way William spent his time at home, he seemed so happy that I did not consider that maybe he was suffering, they became quite close, too met Clara and fell in love with her.   
   CHAPTER 2: Fazbears Family Dinner (1979) 
   At 24 in 1971 he had Michel with Clara, which was an accident, William was not a family man, so he did not want to have children, however Clara liked having Michel and wanted more children, resulting in Elizabeth and Andrew. In 1979 he opened Freddy Family Dinner with Henry, in 1983 they decided to team up with another company, Fazbear Entretaiment. Clara was ill with cancer and died, which made William become quite bitter and became obsessed with the idea of ​​overcoming death, also all his life he had lived miserably and had gone through horrible things with his mother . After this William saw how happy Henry was and was satisfied with what he had, despite loving his wife, William never felt satisfied. His love for Henry turned to admiration, his admiration turned to obsession, and his obsession turned to jealousy. He began to plan how to find the secret of immortality he began to treat Michel, Elizabeth and Andrew in the same unpleasant way that his mother did to him. The time that he now spent with Henry was no longer genuine, he was just pretending to be the same as ever when in reality he was no longer at all.   
   CHAPTER 3: Circus baby's pizza world 1983) 
    The fazbear entetainment company wanted to create a new restaurant so they hired William to create the animatronics, however he created them to kill people he wanted to start experimenting to decipher the secret of immortality after finishing them, on the opening day he warned him To Elizabeth not to get close to Circus baby, he was too busy in his fear of dying to even think about the best for his children, however not to the point that he wanted them dead. Elizabeth disobeyed him and died in Circus baby. William, upon seeing what happened to his daughter, said that there was a gas leak and because of this they could not open the restaurant. They decided to rent the animatronics for parties and celebrations, William was notified by the technicians that the animatronics, especially Circus baby, moved from their stage and tried to leave the location constantly, William realized that Elizabeth's soul was inside Circus baby, I believe that Elizabeth was to blame because she could not follow a simple order, although she did not like it, she launched into experimentation, she realized that when she heated her body a lot, a liquid came out which gave life to the robot, she began to become obsessed with this substance which I call remnant.   
   CHAPTER 4: The Bite of 83 (1983)   
   Due to the abuse of his father, Michel began to retaliate with his classmates, especially with his brother, whom William, despite being manipulative and abusive with him in the same way, William did it in a more affectionate way if you could say, which was something Michel envied. The idea of ​​his son dying under his care was once again in William's head so he gave Andrew a Fredbear teddy bear which contained a camera with which William could talk to his son. He also placed cameras throughout the house to be able to monitor his children at the same time that he created the Nighmare animatronics to generate a trauma to Andrew with the animatronics and he would not approach them because that was the cause of Elizabeth's death. One day a joke by Michel went a long way, ending with Andrew's death.   
   CHAPTER 5: The Missing Children (1983)    
   William began to generate hatred towards Michel for having murdered her son, however, as with Elizabeth's death, he took advantage of the situation and began to use that to manipulate and use Michel for his plans when he useful. I wanted to start experimenting with other animatronics, William and Henry lost contact, so William one day took his springbonnie costume, he murdered 6 children; Gabriel: I mentioned to him that he needed a little help with the animatronics and that his mother told him that she was going to help him, Sussie- She told him that her puppy was lost in parts and services, Jeremy- William created the situation for Michel to bother to Jeremy, so William pretended to defend him and then took him to parts and services, Charlie- William told him to come to parts and services however before that she was thrown out by some children from the restaurant so William murdered her right there and He left, Fritz - As with Jeremy William, he let Michel bother him and help him, then he invited him to come to parties and services, as everyone was there Cassidy was looking for his friends because he couldn't find them, so William told him that they were in parts and services, as they were all there William slept them with chloroform after this the murderers put inside the animatronics. With which he continued to experiment. All of this caused the restaurant to close and Henry was out of William's way.   
   CHAPTER 6: The Organization (1986)     At 42 years old William continued with his experiments after certain situations, Michel had spent time with Henry which made him see Henry more like a real father, one who puts his children before anything else, he was sick of his father and After telling him all his mistakes and atrocities that he has committed, he leaves him. William was finally alone, there was no one left who cared about him as he should be, somehow he was taken over by an organization that had been investigating Freddy Fazbear's companies for a long time, they wanted to figure out what things William had been doing for what They had him locked up. Henry and Michel were looking for Puppet who had not left any trace, the organization was interested in these two because they could have information, they offered William to help them with their tasks in exchange for forgiving him all his faults and even letting him commit more and leave him free in exchange for capturing Henry and Michel, William agreed, what they did with Henry and Michel afterwards did not matter to him. After several situations there William was sent to go with Michel and Henry pretending to be on his side, however William actually enjoyed being with them, and there were multiple opportunities where they clarified conflicts between them. William told them that it was all a trap and that he deceived them so he escaped taking Henry, at the time Michel was elsewhere. After this, the 3 continued looking for Charlie, at the same time that Henry convinced Gabriel and the others to help them.   
   CHAPTER 7: Daughter's Location (1990)   Meanwhile William went to the location of Circus baby world and rental 'for Elizabeth, Charlie had spent time in that place, due to seeing how Henry was with Charlie Elizabeth realized how bad his father was with him, Elizabeth no longer She wanted to continue like this, in addition to the fact that she was desperate to be in that place being tortured, William spent 5 nights arriving at the location on the 5th night, Elizabeth killed him with the scooper and took his body she did not want to kill him since despite he was all his father so he put remnants on his body and William possessed his own corpse.   
   CHAPTER 8: Fazbears Frights (1990)   
   After this he went to the pizzeria abandoned by the animatronics, however when the animatronics arrived they tried to attack him, in a panic attack he entered the springbonnie suit but due to time it was rusty which caused the springs to falsify and kill him slowly and painfully. When he woke up he was alone, he looked for a way out, he called out to Henry and Michel but nobody came, he spent 30 years in the place furious and lamenting, Henry and Michel had to decipher on their own what William was doing with the remnant during that time After hearing about Fazbear Fright, Henry thought that William could be there for what it was for him, he took the job as a security guard, upon seeing him on the cameras Henry recognized that it was William, at the end of the nights he and William went out of the place.
   CHAPTER 9: Last Personalized Night (2017)   
   When he was reunited with Michel, Gabriel, Jeremy, Sussie and Fritz Charlie and Elizabeth were there too, it took Charlie a lot to get used to having his murderer around, William was no longer the same at all, it was difficult for him to remember things and sometimes he could be aggressive However, Henry and Michel knew that this was sometimes the fault of the fact that he had died about 2 times if they let him pass. William tried to be okay with Michel and Elizabeth in the meantime. The only missing animatronics was Cassidy, who was planning to kill William, Michel wanted to convince her to rest her soul, Henry thought the same and obviously William the same. Cassidy made William somehow imprisoned in his own mind where he began to torture him, Henry was able to enter this place where he convinced with the other souls to let fate punish bad people. After several things Cassidy lets him go and her soul rests since she was not inside an animatronic, only her soul was clinging to stay.         
   CHAPTER 10: Family Simulator (2018)   
   After this by decision of all William, Elizabeth, Gabriel, Sussie, Jeremy, Fritz and Charlie were burned and their mistresses managed to rest, Henry and Michel went on with their lives.    
   CHAPTER 11: Special Delivery (2020)   
   The combination of fazbear entretainment created an animatronic rental service, they scanned animatronics for. digitize them, however when scanning Springtrap William became digital William spent a lot of time there, he still lacked memories, he was losing his sanity if he could, he wanted to get out of there, he wonders if this was some kind of purgatory , That was his conclusion, until for quite a few obvious reasons for him he realized that he was inside a video game due to the remnant turning it into a virus, it began to spread through the files to be able to tie a way to return to reality, Vannesa catches his attention, he realizes that he is not a different person than he used to be in the past, so he talks to her so that she can help him, they began to realize this, they were going to try to erase the virus, Vannesa thought of passing William's consciousness to someone else, William thought that if Maia came back to life again due to being for a purpose, some task that she had to fulfill to deserve her rest ete No, so he collaborated with Vanny, as long as they didn't hurt anyone. William and Vanny generally got along, however William remained wary due to Vanny's strange sadistic tastes.     
   Chapter 12: Help Wanted (2023)  
   William got stronger and stronger so he got closer and closer to Jeremy, an employee who was testing the new video game, William noticed that this caused Jeremy to suffer from headaches and have nightmares besides that he noticed that he was going to be fired, William He started trying to talk to Jeremy explaining what he was trying to complete and asking kindly for his help however Jeremy was going to be fired for what he had no longer felt in whether Jeremy accepted or not. Vanny considered that Jeremy could harm them in some way so he decided to murder Jeremy in a place where William could not hear anything about it. After this William tried to communicate with Tonya, another employee, however Tanya blamed William for Jeremy's death. William was intrigued and asked him what he meant by that, he did nothing but talk to him and cause him some headaches. After this William became suspicious of Vanny. In case of ending up being eliminated in some way William leaves in some hidden tapes in the video game warning about Vanny and his suspicious behavior, the other tapes were put by Tanya explaining what she knew about the William virus, she does not trust him. William began to realize Vannesa's sinister plans so he recorded tapes in a room that he can access with a code. Vanny and William spoke. I spoke to him about Jeremy and if he could get information from her on the matter, however this did not work for Vannesa, William realized, she was a pretty smart girl. Vanny admired the things William Afton did, and despite not being the soulless that she was before, she recognized her somewhat manipulative and somewhat intelligent personality. As she passed her conscience to a doll and tried to convince him to turn from her side, Vanny would take advantage of the mall to start her plan.
   CHAPTER 13: Security Breach (2024) 
   Vanny plans to turn his mind to something digital, hacking Mongomery, Roxxane Wolf, and Moon man, while William backs up Glamrock Freddy and Chica and The Sun. He realizes that Freddy is possessed by Henry's conscious soul so William contacted him so that Henry could hear him, he was able to take the doll from Vanny. That is all so far.   
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