willowbrake-blog · 7 years
Anyone ever just pack a few things and drive to California? Drop me a message about your experience
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willowbrake-blog · 7 years
Tomorrow, I love ya! You’re only a day away!
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willowbrake-blog · 7 years
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willowbrake-blog · 7 years
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You are not the lies you tell yourself, you are worth so much more.
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willowbrake-blog · 7 years
things you should do in 2018
love yourself
forgive people 
forgive yourself
care less 
enjoy every moment
indulge in healthy relationships 
indulge in healthy habits 
learn from every mistake 
do more of the things you like 
read more 
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willowbrake-blog · 7 years
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willowbrake-blog · 7 years
All these positive posts on like “start your 2018 off right!” are nice and all but,, it’s also okay if ur 2018 doesn’t start off great. It’s okay if you’re sick in bed and grieving and haven’t showered in a week. You’ve got a whole year ahead of you to improve yourself and your life like,, it’s not a race. You’re allowed to take your time with healing and moving forward. I haven’t slept well in days so this might be unintelligible but hdbbwnaj I thought someone should make this post even if no one will see it. Good luck with ya new year people
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willowbrake-blog · 7 years
types of healthy coping skills
1. self-soothing
comforting yourself through the 5 senses
Touch: stuffed animals, stress balls, taking a bath, a soft blanket
Hear: music, audio book, guided relaxation
See: snow globe, glitter, calming images, art, anything that pleases you visually 
Taste: tea, mints, gum
Smell: lotion, candles, incense 
2. distraction
removing your focus from the stressor for a period of time
puzzles, art, crafting, reading, movies, gaming, exercise, being social
3. opposite action
doing the opposite of the impulse that aligns with a positive emotion
affirmations, inspiration, lighthearted and encouraging focus
4. emotional awareness
identifying and constructively expressing what you’re feeling
journaling, listing emotions, using a emotional identification chart, drawing, therapy
5. mindfulness
centering and anchoring yourself to the present moment
meditation, guided relaxation, yoga, breathing exercises, candle gazing, going for a walk
6. ask for help
this is important to do when you feel like your coping skills are not enough or they are too negative and detrimental  
therapy is ideal for helping a person create a healthy coping strategy and incorporate it into their life 
*a coping skill is considered healthy if it helps you to deal with stress more positively, does not hinder your progress, and isn’t harmful physically or mentally. A coping skill can become negative when it is used to completely avoid dealing with the stressor. 
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willowbrake-blog · 7 years
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willowbrake-blog · 7 years
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willowbrake-blog · 7 years
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Ahhhh these diy desks are so amazing. I feel like redoing my whole room !
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willowbrake-blog · 7 years
To do
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DIY Compact Desk, 1965
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