wilmonism · 1 year
Love and sunshine and flowers to the YR famdom because I really appreciate you!💕☀️🌼🌺🌸🌷🌻
(No need to answer or pass it on, keep it in your askbox if you prefer, no pressure just love)
I was looking through my followers list for sneaky bots and found out you're the first person who followed me back when I logged on my old account to join the YR famdom last year. Thank you for that!
And thank you for your fics - I didn't know it was yours but I really enjoyed your take on fools in love/mutual pining in the fic where Wille joins Simon on tour (my foggy, nonstick brain forgot the name of your fic sorry). It's a while since I read it but I still remember a lot, that says a lot actually.
Wish you a wonderful week! 😊💜
Thank you so much! That fic will always mean so much to me because it was the one that made me stay in the fandom where I found so many incredible people and seeing people enjoy and praise it makes me incredibly happy <3 Thank you again!
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wilmonism · 1 year
A lil fic about Wille following Simon out after the "on the table" scene about Felice in Season 2
There are footsteps behind him, quick and sharp. 
There is blood roaring in his ears, nose burning from the humiliating hurt that’s no doubt splayed across his face for all to see. 
Simon rounds the corner, ducks under an archway, and tries to make himself as small as possible. The shadows in this little corner of hell are deep and he allows himself to sink into the blackness for a single, blissful moment. 
The footsteps at the end of the hall, pause, halting, like they’re not sure what their next move should be. 
The reality of his situation is sobering: Wilhelm’s hands on someone else. Those lovely, brown eyes trained on another, gentle fingers holding them close as he smiles into a kiss. 
Simon’s stomach lurches. 
He clenches his eyes shut, hard enough that color bursts across the back of his eyelids.
The footsteps draw closer and Simon sinks to the floor, knees curling into his chest in defense. 
“Leave me alone.” The words sound too much like a plea for his liking. 
“Can we talk?”
Simon swallows down the wet clutch of tears in his throat, buries his face in his knees. “What’s there to talk about?”
He feels Wille slide down the wall to take a seat beside him, the heat of his body a tantalizing edge of desire. Simon wants to press into him, lean on him, demand that Wille assure him that everything was going to be okay. 
“Are you okay?” One of Wille’s hands lands on his back and Simon jerks away like he’s been burned. 
Simon lifts his head, scrapes his soul for all the anger he can muster. “It would’ve been nice to have a heads up, you know,” he spits, “about Felice. Really nice to hear that at lunch.”
Wilhelm shrinks at the venom in his words. He twists to face forward, stretches out his legs. His face is stoic, though, pale and hard in a way that Simon has never really been privy to. It makes panic claw up his chest and dig nails into his throat. 
For a heartbreakingly hopeful moment, Simon thinks Wille is going to apologize. 
And then, Wilhelm scoffs. He picks absentmindedly at the skin of his fingers. “I don’t see how it’s any of your business.”
Something in Simon’s chest crumbles. He wonders briefly if it’s possible to die of heartbreak. “You’re right,” he manages, “it’s not. I’m sorry.” His eyes are welling alarmingly quickly and Simon blinks rapidly to keep the tears at bay. “Can you leave me alone now?”
But Wilhelm is stubborn if nothing else. His jaw tightens resolutely. “So you can have a boyfriend behind my back, but I’m not even allowed to try and move on?”
Simon closes his eyes. “Wille,” he begs quietly, “please leave.”
“I don’t think so,” Wille shakes his head, gets to his feet. He’s breathing hard, Simon notes with a kind of numb concern, “Do you know how fucking unfair this is? You don’t get to make me feel like I did anything wrong.”
“You didn’t do anything wrong,” Simon tells him miserably. “I’m just being a fucking idiot. Is that what you want to hear?” 
“Fuck you, you have a boyfriend.”
Simon looks up at him for a long moment. Wille’s shoulders are wound tight with hurt, heavy with whatever godforsaken title he’s been made to carry. He thinks of standing across from Wilhelm behind his house all those weeks ago. 
You need to figure out what you want, he’d demanded then, so brave and stoic, as if all of Sweden hadn’t heard him beg for Wille to love him. To choose him. To want him with even a fraction of the sincerity Simon feels for him. 
Wilhelm could live in a palace of solid gold for all he cared as long as he came to visit Simon in whatever rundown apartment he could afford. He could be prince, king, wizard, warlock, as long as they could spend languid afternoons and evenings together, basking in their love.
He wonders if Wille had heard what he’d been trying to really say. Figure out what you want, figure out how to fix things, then come be with me.
He wonders now, if any of it even matters. 
Wilhelm thinks Simon has a boyfriend. A boyfriend that isn’t him. 
The idea is laughable. 
It doesn’t stop him, however, from twisting the knife. “At least Marcus accepts me for who I am. He wants to take me out, he likes it when I sing – ” 
It’s the wrong thing to say. 
Wille’s eyes flash with a kind of anger that Simon has never seen directed at him. “And I don’t?”
The ferocity of the statement is enough for Simon to fall silent. 
Wille turns in a half circle, rubs at his mouth. The laugh that escapes him then is a bitter, hollow thing. “In that case, at least Felice likes me for who I am.”
Simon jerks. For a moment he thinks Wilhelm has struck him, has reached out and kicked him in the ribs, knocking the very air from his lungs. Silence crests between the two of them as, finally, the first of Simon’s tears begin to spill over, streaking twin tracks of despair across his cheeks. 
“Is that what you think?” Simon asks quietly. He needs to get to his feet, needs to dry his face, needs to gather whatever shreds of dignity that he still has. “That I don’t – that I didn’t love you?”
Wille’s mouth trembles, something raw and unreadable pulling at the corners of his mouth. “I didn’t – I didn’t mean that.” 
He reaches out a hand, and Simon takes it, exhausted beyond belief. He lets Wilhelm pull him to his feet, pull him a step closer, pull him into his chest. 
“I didn’t mean it, Simon, I swear. I promise I didn’t mean it.”
The words are pressed into the crown of his head, warm hands rubbing up and down his back. Simon clutches him in return, buries his face in Wilhelm’s shoulder and simply allows himself to breathe. The sweater under his pillow is but a poor imitation to this. It doesn’t capture the full dimension of what it feels like to be held by Wilhelm, the way he nuzzles Simon closer with a hand at the nape of his neck, the way his chest stutters with uneven breathing. 
Simon noses up Wille’s neck, presses a kiss to his cheek, and relishes the way he shivers from the contact. 
“I pretended she was you.”
Simon laughs wetly. “Don’t tell her that.”
“No, I’m definitely going to tell her that.”
Simon shakes his head, rests his cheek on Wille’s shoulder. “It’s so unfair,” he tells him, “that you get walked in on with her and it’s all like – but when it was us – ”
“I’m sorry.”
“It’s not your fault,” Simon shrugs, “it’s just how it is.”
“I’ll do something about it. I promise.”
Wille peers at him. “Do you trust me?”
Simon curls closer. “Yeah, Wille, I trust you.” 
Wille kisses his forehead, the motion warming Simon down to his very toes. “It was better with you,” he confesses then, a teenage boy’s honesty. 
Despite everything, Simon smiles, “Yeah?”
“Yeah,” a pause, “everything’s better with you.”
And perhaps, all was not lost after all.     
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wilmonism · 1 year
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Their love language is so tender and beautiful. They don't need to say anything to express what they feel.
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wilmonism · 1 year
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wilmonism · 1 year
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The Wille/Felice hook up hurt. So Simon went and threw a ball at Wille's head, which felt goood!!! But it was not enough! So when coming face to face with Wille the angry words are just tumbling out of his mouth, he can't help it.
But Wille was not supposed to mention Marcus, the kiss, their relationship status, so Simon is getting defensive. All his arguments are sounding a bit hollow and he knows it and he is angry at himself for getting into this argument empty handed and with his guard down. And in order to get the upper hand he ups his game.
And he goes too far.
Wille stops fighting back, he is beaten. Simon wanted to hurt Wille, but not like this... and as soon as the final words are out of his mouth there is immediate regret. "Shit."
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wilmonism · 1 year
ao3 wrapped/year in review: share one fic that absolutely changed your life this year
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wilmonism · 1 year
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Wille + soft intimacy with Simon
ETA: Simon's version is now here.
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wilmonism · 1 year
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Simon + soft intimacy with Wille
Wille's version here.
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wilmonism · 1 year
they are so sick and twisted for this
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wilmonism · 2 years
Simon and the two balls
There seems to be a small debate on whether or not Simon wanted to make Wille jealous or not and I'm team hell yeah, he definitely did. I think it's very very obvious.
Before I continue I just want to make it very clear that I back him up on hundred percent both in his jealousy and with his other mistakes this season. I understand him completely and I think it was refreshing that he was allowed to be human.
He had just been through hell and more and Wille was a huge part of the reason why he was feeling like he did. Of course he was hurting because of Wille and wanted to hurt him back. It's not a mature response but a very natural reaction, human reaction. More importantly his jealousy was important for the story to like for instance @grizviser has pointed out in several posts. He also needed to still have feelings for Wille or there would be no reason to root for them and no reason to want them back together. Had it been only Wille chasing after Simon and watching Simon happily move on it would have been a very imbalanced relationship. And boring. And pointless.
But now back to the two balls, the dodge ball and the masquerade ball.
First we have the dodgeball scene that takes place almost right after Simon learnt about Felice and Wille.
So of course he's hurt and angry about it. Because it's making him feel alot of things.
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And he does let Wille know pretty loud and clear by throwing that ball as hard as he possibly can.
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And the challenging look afterwards as Wille awkwardly moves to the side with a small "yikes" written on his face.
I think Wille got it pretty clearly. Simon made his point clear.
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If this isn't a look that screams pissed, I don't know what is. He was so hurt and angry at Wille for kissing Felice, because he doesn't want Wille with other people. He wants Wille to fight for him. He doesn't want Wille to let go because he can't let go. Because he still loves Wille.
And if that doesn't convince you, the scene afterwards definitely should. He waa very clear about his feelings about Wille and Felice.
He didn’t expect Wille to call him out on his behaviour about being angry about Felice when he himself was with Marcus. It definitely made him defensive.
He once again tries to provoke Wille with his listing of every reason why Marcus is a good choice for him, a better choice. To me it felt like it was an attempt to get Wille to fight for him harder again. But maybe it was also a way to try to convince himself.
And then thinfs got a little heated and it feels like he wanted Wille to hurt but when he ended up doing it, it made him feel terrible afterwards, because he's not a shitty person and he didn't like seeing Wille hurt.
And then we have the masquerade ball.
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Simon, of course, arrives with Marcus. And from the get go we see him look for Wille in the crowd.
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In my opinion it feels like maybe he was giving it another try to see if he could provoke something out of Wille again.
He wanted Wille to see him there with Marcus, hence why he keeps looking around for him to make sure Wille can see him.
He drags Marcus to the dancefloor and when he notices Wille he tries to make Marcus to dance even more with him so Wille can see him being intimate and moving on, likely hoping it will spark something in Wille.
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Little does he know Wille has already given up and made himself ready to let Simon go forever.
Little does he know Wille cried as he made himself ready because he had given up and thought Simon was happier without him.
He wanted Wille to be jealous but he didn't want Wille to stop fighting for him.
And so when Wille walked up to them and silently gave them his blessing, Simkneas confused. He didn't expect Wille to take the highroad like that and he definitely didn't expect Wille to let him go.
Even if Wille did what he thought Simon wanted him to do Simon went pretty much:
He doesn't want Wille do be okay with him and Marcus. He doesn’t want Wille to say he isn't in love with him anymore. He doesn't want Wille to me cordial and nice to Marcus. He doesn't want Wille do give Marcus a compliment.
So it fruatrates and scares him.
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So of course he chases after Wille, leaving Marcus right there.
I always smile a little at his "I'm just trying to move on"
He's so frustrated because it's not fair that Wille is letting him without a fight. It's not fair that Wille is so okay with it. So he has to justify it to Wille and to himself.
I'm just trying to move on
Yes, Simon, he knows and he's trying to let you. Even if it kills him.
The only problem is that he doesn't want to move on. And his whole plan to make Wille jealous just backfires. Instead of it having the affect he wished for he almost loses Wille forever because Wille is just tired of fighting when it feels like Simon doesn't want to.
So he's ready to let go. But Simon is not.
Thankfully it ends in probably the prettiest ans most vulnerable scene of of the entire show.
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wilmonism · 2 years
Wille after he learned about Marcus:
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Simon after he learned about Felice:
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wilmonism · 2 years
Pointing out little moments and details of one of my fav scenes that need to be remembered.
“what will happen to us?” scene • episode 5 | part 2
here’s part 1
wilhelm’s active role in leading their motions. it’s something we are used to see from all their previous intimate moments, reflecting his need to not be controlled, but to be the one in control for once in his life.
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then roles reverse, it’s simon who takes charge by guiding them on the bed and wilhelm letting himself be charged. he chooses to be vulnerable in a way.
highlights: wille’s hands on simon’s waist when he sits on his laps and them making out in front of the royal speech’s cards hanged up on the wall. iconic.
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wide shots that emphasize them sharing the same little space and being so affectionate, living a moment that’s only for them to remember, are truly a gift.
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intimacy always meant growth in their relationship, by exploring together and creating a comfort zone. they also know their bodies way much better by now, what the other likes and dislikes, how to turn each other on.
so this is not only simon’s eagerness, but them feeling extremely safe and comfortable too.
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my fav shot of the scene: simon’s hands cupping wille’s face, fluid movements and eyes closed from melting into the kiss. they fit so perfectly.
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this is exactly what i meant writing that wilhelm chooses to be vulnerable and let his guard down under simon’s weight, hands and kisses on him. he is completely carried away by the pleasure he’s feeling.
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there’s not even need to say that wille closing the curtains is one of the most powerful and meaningful moments of all.
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their smiles right after drives me insanely happy.
closing the same curtains that were left open at that time feels like closing that heartbreaking chapter of their story too. it doesn’t mean forgetting about it, but being ready to move on and not allowing it to ruin what they have anymore.
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this is the image we’re left with: the sound of their chuckles in the background, the darker room, them finally having the privacy they should have gotten the first time and we also, as an audience, are not supposed to see any further.
it’s their moment. and for them only.
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wilmonism · 2 years
simon saying his fish didn’t have names when marcus asked… peak television. the parallel to wille, the denial, the flashback you could tell he was having. it was too good
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wilmonism · 2 years
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(Wilhelm walking alone)
(Simon in the midst of people, but struggling to get through)
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wilmonism · 2 years
this scene changed my life forever
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172 notes · View notes
wilmonism · 2 years
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#the moment that could have gone either way
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wilmonism · 2 years
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Young Royals 2.05 | 2.06
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