windmasterreturns · 9 months
I won't let you put me down!
A little 🍖🍃 poll
Hi, I have a question and would be very happy if you would give me your answer. =)
The question has two parts:
1) Which of the characters involved in beefleaf do you like better (resonate more with/think about more often/...)?
2) Do you ship beefleaf?
This is not meant to be discourse, everyone can ship whoever and however they want, I'm simply curious! 🐱
Thank you for your time =)
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windmasterreturns · 9 months
:( ... I'll feed you the Love for All Seasons stew
A little 🍖🍃 poll
Hi, I have a question and would be very happy if you would give me your answer. =)
The question has two parts:
1) Which of the characters involved in beefleaf do you like better (resonate more with/think about more often/...)?
2) Do you ship beefleaf?
This is not meant to be discourse, everyone can ship whoever and however they want, I'm simply curious! 🐱
Thank you for your time =)
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windmasterreturns · 9 months
Look how cute he iiis!!!!! I wanted to make sure you got your copy, I know he'll never send it
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windmasterreturns · 9 months
He-xiong, someone mean hacked your account again!
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A little 🍖🍃 poll
Hi, I have a question and would be very happy if you would give me your answer. =)
The question has two parts:
1) Which of the characters involved in beefleaf do you like better (resonate more with/think about more often/...)?
2) Do you ship beefleaf?
This is not meant to be discourse, everyone can ship whoever and however they want, I'm simply curious! 🐱
Thank you for your time =)
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windmasterreturns · 9 months
I like beefleaf <3
A little 🍖🍃 poll
Hi, I have a question and would be very happy if you would give me your answer. =)
The question has two parts:
1) Which of the characters involved in beefleaf do you like better (resonate more with/think about more often/...)?
2) Do you ship beefleaf?
This is not meant to be discourse, everyone can ship whoever and however they want, I'm simply curious! 🐱
Thank you for your time =)
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windmasterreturns · 11 months
Which one is Shanyao? They're all the same size.
><333> <333><
><333> <333><
Fish kiss
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windmasterreturns · 11 months
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windmasterreturns · 11 months
The assault on his mouth was met with unrefined and muffled protest until Shi Qingxuan accepted the mouthful, chewing as briefly as possible before swallowing. “He-xiong knows I dislike stewed radish…” He muttered in a pitiful whine under his breath before settling next to him, too pleased with his answer to bother with a showy pout, instead contemplating their next steps.
“That’s right. We’ll travel together, find a less lively place in Ghost City to lie low in and disguise ourselves, and stay there until we recover from all this. Just you, and me… and Shanyao.” He slipped his familiar in at the end; after all, he was part of their team now.
Feeling the matter had been settled, he broke away from the conversation to focus on the spread before them, and picked up the other pair of chopsticks. He ate ravenously, having had nothing to fill his belly since becoming mortal but that putrid, nostrum remedy Shi Wudu had repeatedly forced down his throat while holding him captive in their palace. While it had served its intended purpose, when it had worn off he’d been left with a deep ache in his abdomen as his stomach was now completely empty.
He didn’t dare speak a word of complaint to He Xuan about it, he had been pushed to the brink of starvation, to the point it had effected his true form. The last thing he wanted was to surface another painful memory for him.
How could his brother inflict such terrible suffering on others with so little care for their suffering? He had been like this since a child, so wrapped up with restoring the wealth and power behind their family’s name that he happily trampled those who dared get in the way. At the time, he had thought it a stroke of good fortunate to be cared for by his brother; he was a young, delicate child with a terrifying curse, and naïve enough to believe Shi Wudu had his best interests in mind.
His eyes had settled on the bowl of Shanyao soup near him while lost in thought, and the sudden movement of the disappearing noodle dragged him out of his head. He was eager to force those memories back down and reached out, poking the fish lightly on the belly. “I saw that, you sneak thief.” He smiled, fishing a noodle from the soup and bringing it to the surface offeringly. “Eat it properly.”
“It’s also helping to answer their prayers, they are just very grateful for your services, like Xie Lian, and want to make you part of their community.” He shifted as they walked to clasp his hand gently while their arms were linked. “The village is poor, and can’t afford to bring extra help in from a big city, however-” there was the slightest hint of an unexpectedly possessive tone in his voice as he continued that surprised even himself, “the solution to that is in prayer, not suitors.” He gave him a playful grin.
“mh? This and that, it is? San Lang, Xie Lian is a daozhang, and hopes this and that is not indicative of things which should be left for marriage.” His reply was a little stiff, a blush high on his cheeks. “One must be gentle with their affections, you should treat this beloved of yours as gently and kindly as you treat me. This special someone would not be happy to see you lavishing this one with all this affection and then coming to them like a wolf.” Despite the sadness he felt in knowing there was someone else who had stolen the Ghost King’s heart, he wanted nothing more than happiness for his friend, and when he laughed, it was warm and geninue.
He slowed in stride as he thought, but didn’t falter, reaching over and patting the back of San Lang’s hand that was clasped in his own. “I am saying, love is precious and you should not wait. If you’re too shy to ask them on a date, then perhaps don’t tell them the nature of the outing and let your actions speak for themselves. If your feelings are genuine, I’m sure they will reach their heart.” He leaned in, bumping against his side affectionately in place of a hug since his arm was comfortable where it was. “I will be cheering for you, San Lang.”
Turbulent Tides
Characters: Shi Qingxuan, He Xuan Secondary: Xie Lian, Hua Cheng Timeframe: Black Water arc, canon-divergent AU @windmasterreturns @ellysfir @puqiprayerservice @mothboxhuacheng
Mere moments ago there was so much clamour shaking the stiff air of Nether Water Manor – the eager cries of those madmen, the bickering between the brothers and his own rage. It was dissonant and loud, even they had to shout to be heard above skirl surrounding them. If not for the location of the domain even the stormy waters outside would not have kept them hidden.
It wasn’t the sudden swirl of rage not his own that silenced those madmen.
It was the sound of Shi Wudu’s head rolling across the floor.
He Xuan seemed startled in his absolute lack of reaction. He moved his head and eyes only enough to follow the path the falling body took as it collapsed to the floor, delayed, as if it still had the means to remain on its knees by itself. He watched for a long while in his own silence, unmoving, features blank and confused.
When He Xuan gathered enough wit about himself to move the steps he took were slow and heavy, the sharp click of his heel echoing through the still silent manor. It was nothing like the way he’d moved before as he approached Shi Qingxuan a last time, unconcerned that he dragged his long robes through the quickly spreading pool of blood. He came to crouch at the former Wind Master’s side, cold, slender fingers gathering one arm at a time to free him from the shackles with a feather-light touch.
The sound of metal scraping against stone seemed to snap him out of his stupor and he withdrew quickly, reality flooding back in, washing away the numbness. He swept backwards, drawing himself upright with an unsteady sway, thin, wispy fabric following each sharp movement light as fog. He stood there silently, partly twisted, his eyes elsewhere out in the emptiness of the room, unfocused and intense with his hands tightly curled into the fabric at his sides.
All at once there was so much going on in his head, a different sort of turmoil than the anger and anguish from earlier.
Most prominently, he was still here. The option had been presented as an impossible path, and the death of Shi Wudu hadn’t released him.
What was he supposed to do now?
His mind was silent save his own racing thoughts, and he knew that meant Hua Cheng expected the same outcome he had and he didn’t dare reach out to him first.
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windmasterreturns · 11 months
Shi Qingxuan took the silence as confirmation that it was still too risky to go back yet. He sighed lightly, hoping the taller man’s ashes would remain intact until then, unsure if getting the ashes wet was considering ‘destroying’ them. When their lips met again, he made the attempt to be comforting. The small splash of Shanyao turning over in the soup drew his attention and he turned his head to join He Xuan, a small chuckle in his throat. He was quite committed to the act, so he pretended not to realize he was alive.
He was in the middle of shifting off the divan to join him at the table and froze when the taller man wsa suddenly eyeing him, giving him a disarming smile. What? Why were they all so confusing? Earlier it had been as though he had said the most vulgar thing, but now He Xuan expected him to just openly talk about it aloud?
“Well… kiss, share a bath, embrace… f-figure out the rest at that time?” he offered with a tight, nervous laugh. ‘Share a pillow’ was what he had wanted to say, but wasn’t sure how the other would react, and if he would be daring enough to go that far when the moment came, so he left it silent for the time being.
Xie Lian nodded politely, more than eager to tell any potential brides ‘no’ on his behalf – with San Lang’s blessing, of course. “How could I sell San Lang, who takes such good care of Puqi Shrine?” he teased. “I will be sure to close the matter personally on my return.” He promised, trying not to sound too eager.
The action had become so natural for Xie Lian at this point that he hardly noticed he had done so, falling into step with him and smiling. While he couldn’t help the confusion stab of jealousy at the thought of who could possibly have stolen the heart of such a handsome and powrful ghost, Hua Cheng had an air of excitement around him, eager to share the details with him, which warmed his heart.
“Well… what kind of a person is this beloved of yours? What type of activities do you like to do with them?” He paused on the next question – it was a little impolite to ask, but he had to knowjust how serious this all was. “Have… you taken them on a date yet?”
Turbulent Tides
Characters: Shi Qingxuan, He Xuan Secondary: Xie Lian, Hua Cheng Timeframe: Black Water arc, canon-divergent AU @windmasterreturns @ellysfir @puqiprayerservice @mothboxhuacheng
Mere moments ago there was so much clamour shaking the stiff air of Nether Water Manor – the eager cries of those madmen, the bickering between the brothers and his own rage. It was dissonant and loud, even they had to shout to be heard above skirl surrounding them. If not for the location of the domain even the stormy waters outside would not have kept them hidden.
It wasn’t the sudden swirl of rage not his own that silenced those madmen.
It was the sound of Shi Wudu’s head rolling across the floor.
He Xuan seemed startled in his absolute lack of reaction. He moved his head and eyes only enough to follow the path the falling body took as it collapsed to the floor, delayed, as if it still had the means to remain on its knees by itself. He watched for a long while in his own silence, unmoving, features blank and confused.
When He Xuan gathered enough wit about himself to move the steps he took were slow and heavy, the sharp click of his heel echoing through the still silent manor. It was nothing like the way he’d moved before as he approached Shi Qingxuan a last time, unconcerned that he dragged his long robes through the quickly spreading pool of blood. He came to crouch at the former Wind Master’s side, cold, slender fingers gathering one arm at a time to free him from the shackles with a feather-light touch.
The sound of metal scraping against stone seemed to snap him out of his stupor and he withdrew quickly, reality flooding back in, washing away the numbness. He swept backwards, drawing himself upright with an unsteady sway, thin, wispy fabric following each sharp movement light as fog. He stood there silently, partly twisted, his eyes elsewhere out in the emptiness of the room, unfocused and intense with his hands tightly curled into the fabric at his sides.
All at once there was so much going on in his head, a different sort of turmoil than the anger and anguish from earlier.
Most prominently, he was still here. The option had been presented as an impossible path, and the death of Shi Wudu hadn’t released him.
What was he supposed to do now?
His mind was silent save his own racing thoughts, and he knew that meant Hua Cheng expected the same outcome he had and he didn’t dare reach out to him first.
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windmasterreturns · 1 year
The icy cold gaze wasn’t as intimidating as it had seemed before, quickly going accustomed to the harsher effect of the sharper features. In general, he was used to a whole library of bland expressions from He Xuan, but knew from experience that his face naturally drifted to it. Besides, he could look at him like that all he wanted, and it wouldn’t change a thing. He didn’t regret trying to charge back into the building, if Black Water was allowed to rescue him, he should be able to do the same.
“When the Heavenly Officials give up searching the area, we need to go back. You can’t just leave your ashes submerged in water like-”
Shi Qingxuan’s eyes went round at the proclamation and his face became a rosy shade of pink, fanning himself with his sleeve in lieu of his missing fan. How bold. “I’ve wanted you to tell me that for so long…” he admitted, ducking his face into his sleeves and laughing shrilly. “I will have you, and I hope you’ll have me t-too.” He drew the sleeve back down in order to capture his lips again, smiling sweetly. “W-we should probably finish this delicious feast, I think Lord Chengzhu wants his parlour back.” He shifted down, resting his head under He Xuan’s chin fondly and cleared his throat softly, testing the waters.
“… perhaps we should find another place in Ghost City with a p-private bath and sleeping quarters?” he offered. Otherwise he may need to bathe separately, he didn’t think he could trust himself to behave now that the floodgate had been opened.
“Even the village chief has been asking about… you…” The smile remained on Xie Lian’s face, but he trailed off slowly at the mention of this ‘someone’. “I would love to hear more about your special someone, San Lang.” He very much wanted to know who this someone special was. “Are they in Ghost City?” The tightness in his face was replaced by genuine laughter at his comment about the marriage proposals. “Yes, all the little aunties seem interested in having you for dinner to meet their daughters or nieces, and the man who drove us in his cart seems deadset on having you as a son-in-law.”
He got up, drifting to the door after he finished inspecting one last dagger, offering his arm for Hua Cheng to escort him back.
Turbulent Tides
Characters: Shi Qingxuan, He Xuan Secondary: Xie Lian, Hua Cheng Timeframe: Black Water arc, canon-divergent AU @windmasterreturns @ellysfir @puqiprayerservice @mothboxhuacheng
Mere moments ago there was so much clamour shaking the stiff air of Nether Water Manor – the eager cries of those madmen, the bickering between the brothers and his own rage. It was dissonant and loud, even they had to shout to be heard above skirl surrounding them. If not for the location of the domain even the stormy waters outside would not have kept them hidden.
It wasn’t the sudden swirl of rage not his own that silenced those madmen.
It was the sound of Shi Wudu’s head rolling across the floor.
He Xuan seemed startled in his absolute lack of reaction. He moved his head and eyes only enough to follow the path the falling body took as it collapsed to the floor, delayed, as if it still had the means to remain on its knees by itself. He watched for a long while in his own silence, unmoving, features blank and confused.
When He Xuan gathered enough wit about himself to move the steps he took were slow and heavy, the sharp click of his heel echoing through the still silent manor. It was nothing like the way he’d moved before as he approached Shi Qingxuan a last time, unconcerned that he dragged his long robes through the quickly spreading pool of blood. He came to crouch at the former Wind Master’s side, cold, slender fingers gathering one arm at a time to free him from the shackles with a feather-light touch.
The sound of metal scraping against stone seemed to snap him out of his stupor and he withdrew quickly, reality flooding back in, washing away the numbness. He swept backwards, drawing himself upright with an unsteady sway, thin, wispy fabric following each sharp movement light as fog. He stood there silently, partly twisted, his eyes elsewhere out in the emptiness of the room, unfocused and intense with his hands tightly curled into the fabric at his sides.
All at once there was so much going on in his head, a different sort of turmoil than the anger and anguish from earlier.
Most prominently, he was still here. The option had been presented as an impossible path, and the death of Shi Wudu hadn’t released him.
What was he supposed to do now?
His mind was silent save his own racing thoughts, and he knew that meant Hua Cheng expected the same outcome he had and he didn’t dare reach out to him first.
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windmasterreturns · 1 year
He Xuan wasn’t the only one who thought something may have gone wrong. The sudden stop, and grim expression on his face all worried Shi Qingxuan. What had he done wrong? Did he touch something he shouldn’t have? Was he getting something wrong?
He sat up a little straighter when he shifted back suddenly, face filled with alarm. Before he could ask, the gap between them grew, and he found a slim finger pressed to his lips.
Oh no.
This was the kind of thing lovers did in the poetry he read before parting ways. He racked his mind, trying to think of what actions had led to this; there was a weight in the pit of his stomach, preparing mentally for the shame and fearfulness that he was used to experiencing when disappointing his brother. Then He Xuan spoke, and he relaxed once he understood the situation. This wasn’t about right or wrong, it was because he didn’t know what might happen next.
Like his title, Shi Qingxuan had always sported a light, airy attitude about things, the word foresight practically non-existent in his vocabulary. He Xuan was very much the opposite, even more so now that he knew the man had been planning for today for hundreds of years. “Then you will make a new plan, like always. None of these feelings are new for me, I made those decisions a long time ago. Besides… I’m no longer immortal. A stone from Nether Water Mansion could have fallen on my head and broken my skull; I could slip in the bathhouse and drown. I don’t want to spend the rest of my days in regret. We should find out what happens next together.”
At the very least, Xie Lian hadn’t been the first one to burn down Paradise Manor, a relief. Hua Cheng seemed wholeheartedly unconcerned about the whole ordeal as well, and he decided to put it behind him finally. That foxy, mischievous look the taller man gave him put a smile on his face, as always. He hadn’t been upset with him in the slightest – when he had been forced out by Shi Qingxuan, he had returned to find San Lang urgently trying to drain the spiritual powers he had lended away in an attempt to remove him from danger.  He couldn’t be upset with him when he was trying so desperately to help.
His face heated up as he remembered the feeling of those lips over his, sucking away the energy right form his mouth. He fanned at his face a little, puffing with laughter as the other recited what he had told him before. “Oh? Does San Lang wish to hear how much he was missed at Puqi village? There have been three inquiries into marriage proposals, you know.”
Turbulent Tides
Characters: Shi Qingxuan, He Xuan Secondary: Xie Lian, Hua Cheng Timeframe: Black Water arc, canon-divergent AU @windmasterreturns @ellysfir @puqiprayerservice @mothboxhuacheng
Mere moments ago there was so much clamour shaking the stiff air of Nether Water Manor – the eager cries of those madmen, the bickering between the brothers and his own rage. It was dissonant and loud, even they had to shout to be heard above skirl surrounding them. If not for the location of the domain even the stormy waters outside would not have kept them hidden.
It wasn’t the sudden swirl of rage not his own that silenced those madmen.
It was the sound of Shi Wudu’s head rolling across the floor.
He Xuan seemed startled in his absolute lack of reaction. He moved his head and eyes only enough to follow the path the falling body took as it collapsed to the floor, delayed, as if it still had the means to remain on its knees by itself. He watched for a long while in his own silence, unmoving, features blank and confused.
When He Xuan gathered enough wit about himself to move the steps he took were slow and heavy, the sharp click of his heel echoing through the still silent manor. It was nothing like the way he’d moved before as he approached Shi Qingxuan a last time, unconcerned that he dragged his long robes through the quickly spreading pool of blood. He came to crouch at the former Wind Master’s side, cold, slender fingers gathering one arm at a time to free him from the shackles with a feather-light touch.
The sound of metal scraping against stone seemed to snap him out of his stupor and he withdrew quickly, reality flooding back in, washing away the numbness. He swept backwards, drawing himself upright with an unsteady sway, thin, wispy fabric following each sharp movement light as fog. He stood there silently, partly twisted, his eyes elsewhere out in the emptiness of the room, unfocused and intense with his hands tightly curled into the fabric at his sides.
All at once there was so much going on in his head, a different sort of turmoil than the anger and anguish from earlier.
Most prominently, he was still here. The option had been presented as an impossible path, and the death of Shi Wudu hadn’t released him.
What was he supposed to do now?
His mind was silent save his own racing thoughts, and he knew that meant Hua Cheng expected the same outcome he had and he didn’t dare reach out to him first.
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windmasterreturns · 1 year
Shi Qingxuan settled back more on the divan as He Xuan adjusted his position, fingers slipping off his robes to toy with that silky hair contently and smiling contently to himself. Despite the sharper features, eveyrthing surrounding him was soft – his robes, pattern of the intricate embroidery, the long, silken hair that tickled him as he changed position. As difficult as the situation had been, he wished he had discovered the Ghost King’s true identify earlier, they could have found each other sooner.
He opened his mouth slightly, anticipating another kiss, and cried out softly instead at the new sensation. He found it pleasant and he kissed on the other’s ear, reaching up through the other’s hair to rest his hands on the back of his neck, hugging him close and trying not to squirm, not wanting to knock him out of position. He didn’t have to see He Xuan to know that he was making some kind of an exasperated expression at his words, and he laughed softly. “What, it is the truth.”
He paused when he finally spoke again, thinking the answer was obvious. “Why would I not go for the one I care about?” He rolled his head to try and catch a glimpse of the look on his face, curious. “Who better to pursue than one you love? My feelings for you are genuine, and it is fortunate for me that you also reciprate my feelings. Things have been hellish for us both for a long time, we should embrace this peace, right?”
He had never dreamed that he might one day end up in a situation like this, without Shi Wudu, let alone in the arms of someone he shared mutual affection and love with.
Xie Lian pat E’ming a moment longer before relinquishing it back to its owner, unable to hide the look of relief in his eyes. That sounded like he wasn’t the first one to start a fire in Paradise manor. Not something he should feel happy about, but he had quite the track record when it came to luck. San Lang was the luckiest person he knew, and he would have hated for some of his own luck to wear off him and cause trouble.
“I see, Puqi shrine is always open if one of those troubles were to happen again.” He didn’t want to burden the taller man with the knowledge considering he had all of Ghost City to look after, but there when he was away, the dilapidated shack felt so empty.
Turbulent Tides
Characters: Shi Qingxuan, He Xuan Secondary: Xie Lian, Hua Cheng Timeframe: Black Water arc, canon-divergent AU @windmasterreturns @ellysfir @puqiprayerservice @mothboxhuacheng
Mere moments ago there was so much clamour shaking the stiff air of Nether Water Manor – the eager cries of those madmen, the bickering between the brothers and his own rage. It was dissonant and loud, even they had to shout to be heard above skirl surrounding them. If not for the location of the domain even the stormy waters outside would not have kept them hidden.
It wasn’t the sudden swirl of rage not his own that silenced those madmen.
It was the sound of Shi Wudu’s head rolling across the floor.
He Xuan seemed startled in his absolute lack of reaction. He moved his head and eyes only enough to follow the path the falling body took as it collapsed to the floor, delayed, as if it still had the means to remain on its knees by itself. He watched for a long while in his own silence, unmoving, features blank and confused.
When He Xuan gathered enough wit about himself to move the steps he took were slow and heavy, the sharp click of his heel echoing through the still silent manor. It was nothing like the way he’d moved before as he approached Shi Qingxuan a last time, unconcerned that he dragged his long robes through the quickly spreading pool of blood. He came to crouch at the former Wind Master’s side, cold, slender fingers gathering one arm at a time to free him from the shackles with a feather-light touch.
The sound of metal scraping against stone seemed to snap him out of his stupor and he withdrew quickly, reality flooding back in, washing away the numbness. He swept backwards, drawing himself upright with an unsteady sway, thin, wispy fabric following each sharp movement light as fog. He stood there silently, partly twisted, his eyes elsewhere out in the emptiness of the room, unfocused and intense with his hands tightly curled into the fabric at his sides.
All at once there was so much going on in his head, a different sort of turmoil than the anger and anguish from earlier.
Most prominently, he was still here. The option had been presented as an impossible path, and the death of Shi Wudu hadn’t released him.
What was he supposed to do now?
His mind was silent save his own racing thoughts, and he knew that meant Hua Cheng expected the same outcome he had and he didn’t dare reach out to him first.
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windmasterreturns · 1 year
Shi Qingxuan had no intention of backing any further than the fraction required to speak, smiling as he felt his arms sink closer as the other changed forms, thinning out. He noted the different tecture on his robes, fingers feathering over the lighter material and rubbing his back slowly, as if spurring him on. “I think all your forms are beautiful!” he answered honestly, admiring the long veil of black hair surrounding it, and shifting his arms down to a more comfortable position, letting it act as a privacy curtain. By comparison, his hair sprawled out beneath them, it always managed to look slightly windswept, even now.
A small, airy sigh of anticipation left his mouth as those cool lips brush against his so tenderly, fighting back to the urge to lean into it in favour of those delicious, feathery light sensations. When He Xuan spoke again, he was so close it left a slight vibration against the other’s poutier lips, and it left Shi Qinxuan in such a state of disaray that it took a moment register what was said.
“Yes… I have loved you for such a long time, even before, when you were cold toward me – I only have eyes for you.” He tilted the angle of his head slightly, so their heads rested together as he spoke. “I saved them for you all these years, my lips. I wanted you to have my first kiss. Were you pleased?” he asked, that usual tone was there – almost cheeky sounding in nature, though it wasn’t intended to be.
“I only wanted it to be you. Kissing me.”
Xie Lian puffed softly with laughter at the childish sigh, musing idly on how cute he must have been as a child. “San Long promised me that I could hold any weapon in here, would E’ming not count?” he reasoned, looking pleased as the scimitar was handed over and stroking it gently vibrated and shook. “E’ming is a good weapon, that is why he’s not on display like the others. Doesn’t that mean you win?” he asked it reassuringly. He partially unsheathed it, not trusting it completely out of the scabbard when it was quite this excited, but he knew E’ming enjoyed being admired by him, and there weren’t many things he was able to tease Hua Cheng with, so he felt the need to get his fill.
He let his eyes wander the room again, finally caving and asking the question he had been wondering for awhile now. “How was this manor rebuilt so quickly? Are accidents like that a common occurrence, or is my luck beginning to rub off on you?” He was teasing about the last part. Mostly.
Turbulent Tides
Characters: Shi Qingxuan, He Xuan Secondary: Xie Lian, Hua Cheng Timeframe: Black Water arc, canon-divergent AU @windmasterreturns @ellysfir @puqiprayerservice @mothboxhuacheng
Mere moments ago there was so much clamour shaking the stiff air of Nether Water Manor – the eager cries of those madmen, the bickering between the brothers and his own rage. It was dissonant and loud, even they had to shout to be heard above skirl surrounding them. If not for the location of the domain even the stormy waters outside would not have kept them hidden.
It wasn’t the sudden swirl of rage not his own that silenced those madmen.
It was the sound of Shi Wudu’s head rolling across the floor.
He Xuan seemed startled in his absolute lack of reaction. He moved his head and eyes only enough to follow the path the falling body took as it collapsed to the floor, delayed, as if it still had the means to remain on its knees by itself. He watched for a long while in his own silence, unmoving, features blank and confused.
When He Xuan gathered enough wit about himself to move the steps he took were slow and heavy, the sharp click of his heel echoing through the still silent manor. It was nothing like the way he’d moved before as he approached Shi Qingxuan a last time, unconcerned that he dragged his long robes through the quickly spreading pool of blood. He came to crouch at the former Wind Master’s side, cold, slender fingers gathering one arm at a time to free him from the shackles with a feather-light touch.
The sound of metal scraping against stone seemed to snap him out of his stupor and he withdrew quickly, reality flooding back in, washing away the numbness. He swept backwards, drawing himself upright with an unsteady sway, thin, wispy fabric following each sharp movement light as fog. He stood there silently, partly twisted, his eyes elsewhere out in the emptiness of the room, unfocused and intense with his hands tightly curled into the fabric at his sides.
All at once there was so much going on in his head, a different sort of turmoil than the anger and anguish from earlier.
Most prominently, he was still here. The option had been presented as an impossible path, and the death of Shi Wudu hadn’t released him.
What was he supposed to do now?
His mind was silent save his own racing thoughts, and he knew that meant Hua Cheng expected the same outcome he had and he didn’t dare reach out to him first.
38 notes · View notes
windmasterreturns · 1 year
Never had one been so delighted to have a kiss stolen from them. Shi Qingxuan had openly welcomed He Xuan into his arms, and while he no longer the strength he’d had as a god, the taller man was as light as ever, his weight felt right on him. He made a small, pleased noise as those slender fingers nested into his hair and happily surrendered his lips to him.
Several years had given him plenty of time to prepare for this moment, and he left his eyes drift shut, savouring it. He was pleased to find it wasn’t nearly as awkward as he had imagined, following his instincts as he drew the other closer still; this gave the double advantage of being able to circle his arms around the shoulders of the one he loved, and giving them slight coverage if an unwitting third party stepped into the room. It was a shame his fan had been destroyed, it would have been perfect for this.
He drew his lips back slightly after a moment, speaking up a little shyly. “He Xuan… earlier, you changed your form while we were speaking. You… you don’t have to do that. I love that He Xuan too,” he whispered fondly. It had been an obvious fact in his own mind, but he couldn’t help but have the suspicion that it wasn’t as obvious to the one in his arms, so it needed to be said.
“I thought so. Really, San Lang, these are all so magnificient. It is an honour to have such wonderful weapons to care for.” His words the sincerest truth, he planned to treasure each and every one of them. If it wasn’t so late, and their travel hadn’t been so long, he would have requested a sparring session, to give some of the louder personalities in the room the opportunity for some much desired use.
Speaking of which. Xie Lian raised a brow at his companion, bending to the side and peering around him at his hip. “San Lang, are you bullying E’ming again?” he asked teasingly, smiling at the freshly chided sword. “These please me greatly, I will treasure them. May I?” He held his hand out pointedly for E’ming with a knowing smile. “I will make you a home cooked meal the next time we are at Puqi Shrine.” He offered.
Turbulent Tides
Characters: Shi Qingxuan, He Xuan Secondary: Xie Lian, Hua Cheng Timeframe: Black Water arc, canon-divergent AU @windmasterreturns @ellysfir @puqiprayerservice @mothboxhuacheng
Mere moments ago there was so much clamour shaking the stiff air of Nether Water Manor – the eager cries of those madmen, the bickering between the brothers and his own rage. It was dissonant and loud, even they had to shout to be heard above skirl surrounding them. If not for the location of the domain even the stormy waters outside would not have kept them hidden.
It wasn’t the sudden swirl of rage not his own that silenced those madmen.
It was the sound of Shi Wudu’s head rolling across the floor.
He Xuan seemed startled in his absolute lack of reaction. He moved his head and eyes only enough to follow the path the falling body took as it collapsed to the floor, delayed, as if it still had the means to remain on its knees by itself. He watched for a long while in his own silence, unmoving, features blank and confused.
When He Xuan gathered enough wit about himself to move the steps he took were slow and heavy, the sharp click of his heel echoing through the still silent manor. It was nothing like the way he’d moved before as he approached Shi Qingxuan a last time, unconcerned that he dragged his long robes through the quickly spreading pool of blood. He came to crouch at the former Wind Master’s side, cold, slender fingers gathering one arm at a time to free him from the shackles with a feather-light touch.
The sound of metal scraping against stone seemed to snap him out of his stupor and he withdrew quickly, reality flooding back in, washing away the numbness. He swept backwards, drawing himself upright with an unsteady sway, thin, wispy fabric following each sharp movement light as fog. He stood there silently, partly twisted, his eyes elsewhere out in the emptiness of the room, unfocused and intense with his hands tightly curled into the fabric at his sides.
All at once there was so much going on in his head, a different sort of turmoil than the anger and anguish from earlier.
Most prominently, he was still here. The option had been presented as an impossible path, and the death of Shi Wudu hadn’t released him.
What was he supposed to do now?
His mind was silent save his own racing thoughts, and he knew that meant Hua Cheng expected the same outcome he had and he didn’t dare reach out to him first.
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windmasterreturns · 1 year
Shanyao truly was precious – he decided not to insult the poor thing, instead pretending he believed he had died, giving him a reprieve.
His eyes darted to the side when He Xuan reached for him and his thumb brushed his lip, cheeks suddenly a very pink hue. He had heard (and overheard) a great many of tales from Pei Ming about wooing lovers, and while naïve he was no fool – there was no way this was just friendship.
“P-prisoner?” Realization lit up his expression - was that what He Xuan understands the situation to be? How absurd, if he were a prisoner, he’d have run the moment the shackles fell to the ground. Just because he had been in the company of a roomful of mad men, did he believe Shi Qingxuan he had become mad himeslf? “I’m no one’s prisoner anymore.” He reached up to that hand and trapped it against his cheek, threading his fingers between the other’s delicately and keeping it held.
For a cold hand, it was as though he were melting the shorter man, who was practically melting into his arms. He had been eagerly sliding closer pratically since the other had first begun to move. He made eye contact with him shyly, expression unsure. “He Xuan… u-um, should I first, o-or would it be you who..? This is my first one,” he admitted, pure and… honest to a fault.
“It is a perfect something.” Xie Lian reaffirmed warmly, wanting to convey his sincere appreciation to the other for his kindness. Forget Xianle, an armoury like this was likely to put the one in Jun Wu’s palace to shame. He revelled in the beauty of the room, not daring to watch Hua Cheng as he ate the bun, fearful for the intensity of his own reaction.
He cleared his throat softly and strode back over to his side when San Lang offered to show him the jian, leaning closer to admire it, taking in each detail carefully, tracing his finger up the centre in case either side of the blade was still sharp. “It’s quite impressive, and what an interesting quality to take – it sounds like my chest.” He chuckled, wondering how successful his busking would have been with an item such as that in hand.
“What about this Zhanmadao?” he asked, pointing at another nearby display. “I don’t believe this was here the last time either.” He stepped over to it, leaving room for Hua Cheng to come join him. He had intended the trip as a way to keep piece in the parlour, but what a lovely way to spend the evening.
Turbulent Tides
Characters: Shi Qingxuan, He Xuan Secondary: Xie Lian, Hua Cheng Timeframe: Black Water arc, canon-divergent AU @windmasterreturns @ellysfir @puqiprayerservice @mothboxhuacheng
Mere moments ago there was so much clamour shaking the stiff air of Nether Water Manor – the eager cries of those madmen, the bickering between the brothers and his own rage. It was dissonant and loud, even they had to shout to be heard above skirl surrounding them. If not for the location of the domain even the stormy waters outside would not have kept them hidden.
It wasn’t the sudden swirl of rage not his own that silenced those madmen.
It was the sound of Shi Wudu’s head rolling across the floor.
He Xuan seemed startled in his absolute lack of reaction. He moved his head and eyes only enough to follow the path the falling body took as it collapsed to the floor, delayed, as if it still had the means to remain on its knees by itself. He watched for a long while in his own silence, unmoving, features blank and confused.
When He Xuan gathered enough wit about himself to move the steps he took were slow and heavy, the sharp click of his heel echoing through the still silent manor. It was nothing like the way he’d moved before as he approached Shi Qingxuan a last time, unconcerned that he dragged his long robes through the quickly spreading pool of blood. He came to crouch at the former Wind Master’s side, cold, slender fingers gathering one arm at a time to free him from the shackles with a feather-light touch.
The sound of metal scraping against stone seemed to snap him out of his stupor and he withdrew quickly, reality flooding back in, washing away the numbness. He swept backwards, drawing himself upright with an unsteady sway, thin, wispy fabric following each sharp movement light as fog. He stood there silently, partly twisted, his eyes elsewhere out in the emptiness of the room, unfocused and intense with his hands tightly curled into the fabric at his sides.
All at once there was so much going on in his head, a different sort of turmoil than the anger and anguish from earlier.
Most prominently, he was still here. The option had been presented as an impossible path, and the death of Shi Wudu hadn’t released him.
What was he supposed to do now?
His mind was silent save his own racing thoughts, and he knew that meant Hua Cheng expected the same outcome he had and he didn’t dare reach out to him first.
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windmasterreturns · 1 year
There was a sharp giggle as Shanyao nibbled on him, smiling in amusement and indulging his naughty behaviour and covering his mouth politely to muffle the noise, finding it oddly ticklish. The former wind master sat up straighter when the door suddenly burst open, put on edge, but relaxed visibly when he noticed He Xuan seemed to bear them no mind.
He was far too social to resist complimenting a few of them on either their hair or what he found to be cute accessories, naturally bubbly and wanting to show his appreciation. He helped himself to the delicious looking meal once the wave of servants had left, pausing mid-bite when He Xuan suddenly spoke up. He set the food back down with an air of conflict, and his face became serious. “He Xuan. Pei shushu will be fine, I am where I wish to be.” He smoothed out his clothes as he struggled to put his feelings to words.
“The situation was not ideal, but my actions were my own. It seems I have had even less control over my existance than I thought, please don’t take that decision from me… or this one.” He returned to his dish, picking at it idly as he worked up the courage to say what was needed. “Unless being in my presence is too painful for you, I-I would prefer to stay by your side. I’m done with the heavenly realm and its nonsense for now.” Why was he always so oblivious to his feelings for him? It had been the same for all those years as Ming Yi. Was he cursed to live in his brother’s shadow even with his own romance? Did He Xuan hate Shi Wudu even more than he love Shi Qingxuan?
A salty taste entered his mouth and he realized he had bitten his lip in frustration until it bled.
Xie Lian slowly turned his head as his eyes panned across the grandiose room, taking in every detail. Could this even be considered an upgrade? “San Lang… has really outdone himself.” His eyes fell on the closest new member of the armoury, practically rushing over to it and trailing his fingers over the gem encrusted hilt deftly with a fond sigh. He laughed sheepishly, realizing how vocal he had been and blushed a little. “This armoury is truly wonderous, a Marital god’s dream.” He admitted, turning to face him and digging into his sleeves. “You are very observant, I do prefer porridge. Thank you, for… everything.”
He was slowly starting to catch on to his relationship with Black Water, finding it endearing but not daring to mention it. “That is a very generous trade indeed,” he chuckled, grabbing his palm lightly and setting the bun in it. “My payment.”
Turbulent Tides
Characters: Shi Qingxuan, He Xuan Secondary: Xie Lian, Hua Cheng Timeframe: Black Water arc, canon-divergent AU @windmasterreturns @ellysfir @puqiprayerservice @mothboxhuacheng
Mere moments ago there was so much clamour shaking the stiff air of Nether Water Manor – the eager cries of those madmen, the bickering between the brothers and his own rage. It was dissonant and loud, even they had to shout to be heard above skirl surrounding them. If not for the location of the domain even the stormy waters outside would not have kept them hidden.
It wasn’t the sudden swirl of rage not his own that silenced those madmen.
It was the sound of Shi Wudu’s head rolling across the floor.
He Xuan seemed startled in his absolute lack of reaction. He moved his head and eyes only enough to follow the path the falling body took as it collapsed to the floor, delayed, as if it still had the means to remain on its knees by itself. He watched for a long while in his own silence, unmoving, features blank and confused.
When He Xuan gathered enough wit about himself to move the steps he took were slow and heavy, the sharp click of his heel echoing through the still silent manor. It was nothing like the way he’d moved before as he approached Shi Qingxuan a last time, unconcerned that he dragged his long robes through the quickly spreading pool of blood. He came to crouch at the former Wind Master’s side, cold, slender fingers gathering one arm at a time to free him from the shackles with a feather-light touch.
The sound of metal scraping against stone seemed to snap him out of his stupor and he withdrew quickly, reality flooding back in, washing away the numbness. He swept backwards, drawing himself upright with an unsteady sway, thin, wispy fabric following each sharp movement light as fog. He stood there silently, partly twisted, his eyes elsewhere out in the emptiness of the room, unfocused and intense with his hands tightly curled into the fabric at his sides.
All at once there was so much going on in his head, a different sort of turmoil than the anger and anguish from earlier.
Most prominently, he was still here. The option had been presented as an impossible path, and the death of Shi Wudu hadn’t released him.
What was he supposed to do now?
His mind was silent save his own racing thoughts, and he knew that meant Hua Cheng expected the same outcome he had and he didn’t dare reach out to him first.
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windmasterreturns · 1 year
His intentions for having He Xuan were suprisingly innocent; Shi Qingxuan was playful and this glum playmate was his best friend. Something fun and adventurous would provide a well-needed distraction for the both of them, with the added bonus of warming up a little (mortal bodies really were an inconvenience!).
But first, a meal. His stomach had begun to cramp with hunger, and poor He Xuan was probably ready to eat his own arm. Learning the ache of his friend’s hunger could never truly be sated was a sad discovery, but he had since decided to look at it from a positive light – just because he couldn’t keep him full, didn’t mean he wasn’t able to keep filling him up. He crossed his leg over his knee and leaned back, trying to be polite and wait patiently for the food to arrive, although waiting quietly was one of his weaker skills.
Luckily Shanyao was there to provide a distraction, and he was more than eager to lavish him with attention, grinning cheekily and pulling his sleeve out more for the little thing to wriggle into the moment He Xuan’s guard was down.
He blushed a little and swept his feet in a little shyly, flustered at the comment. They had become a little dirty when he had attempted to dart back toward the manor, but thanks to He Xuan throwing him over his shoulder while they had been inside, they remained uninjured despite the floor of the manor cracking open and pushing sharp fragments of rock to the surface. “A-at Nether Water Manor. T-they were… soiled-” with blood, his brother’s blood, “so I left them with my beizi.” He may have made that decision a little prematurely, but- “I did not want them on me anymore.” he added defensively. He went back to showering Shanyao with attention, face considerably paler.
Xie Lian’s smile broadened when Hua Cheng responded by lifting the beaded curtain for him, graciously accepting the invitation to both carouse the sword collection in the armoury again and escape the heavily awkward atmosphere in the parlour. “San Lang, he may see it first, but I will see it the most – is this not a good compromise?” He still had a good recollection of the way there and started ahead of the other so he wouldn’t see the deep red blush on his cheeks.
“h-half eaten bun… is all I have in my pockets.”
Turbulent Tides
Characters: Shi Qingxuan, He Xuan Secondary: Xie Lian, Hua Cheng Timeframe: Black Water arc, canon-divergent AU @windmasterreturns @ellysfir @puqiprayerservice @mothboxhuacheng
Mere moments ago there was so much clamour shaking the stiff air of Nether Water Manor – the eager cries of those madmen, the bickering between the brothers and his own rage. It was dissonant and loud, even they had to shout to be heard above skirl surrounding them. If not for the location of the domain even the stormy waters outside would not have kept them hidden.
It wasn’t the sudden swirl of rage not his own that silenced those madmen.
It was the sound of Shi Wudu’s head rolling across the floor.
He Xuan seemed startled in his absolute lack of reaction. He moved his head and eyes only enough to follow the path the falling body took as it collapsed to the floor, delayed, as if it still had the means to remain on its knees by itself. He watched for a long while in his own silence, unmoving, features blank and confused.
When He Xuan gathered enough wit about himself to move the steps he took were slow and heavy, the sharp click of his heel echoing through the still silent manor. It was nothing like the way he’d moved before as he approached Shi Qingxuan a last time, unconcerned that he dragged his long robes through the quickly spreading pool of blood. He came to crouch at the former Wind Master’s side, cold, slender fingers gathering one arm at a time to free him from the shackles with a feather-light touch.
The sound of metal scraping against stone seemed to snap him out of his stupor and he withdrew quickly, reality flooding back in, washing away the numbness. He swept backwards, drawing himself upright with an unsteady sway, thin, wispy fabric following each sharp movement light as fog. He stood there silently, partly twisted, his eyes elsewhere out in the emptiness of the room, unfocused and intense with his hands tightly curled into the fabric at his sides.
All at once there was so much going on in his head, a different sort of turmoil than the anger and anguish from earlier.
Most prominently, he was still here. The option had been presented as an impossible path, and the death of Shi Wudu hadn’t released him.
What was he supposed to do now?
His mind was silent save his own racing thoughts, and he knew that meant Hua Cheng expected the same outcome he had and he didn’t dare reach out to him first.
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