windows95exe · 3 years
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hey guys! i've been dead for a while, unexpectedly, but i'm back now!!
feel free to skip this post because it's me just rambling about my unplanned break but hey ho, but before we start i'll pop a TW: medication, mental health mentions, suicidal/homocidal thoughts & talk of such topics! but where to fucking start..... ah yes!
mental health is rapidly declining in the form of "i'm perfectly ok!" to "i'm untouchable. i can do what i want. nothing can hurt me." to "mmmmm toaster bathhahsjw ouuughhhh pleas" in the span of five minutes! that's not an exaggeration! i'm insanely sick rips the sickest ollie you've ever seen and im kinda under
mandatory supervison
and cannot be alone for a minute or i/someone else is/am presumed dead 💃🏻that's not all though! the meds that were supposed to be helping me? a joke. laughable. they had one fucking job. turns out they clash with my other disorders and whilst they may be 'helping' one, they're ENABLING another! how they managed to fuck THAT up i don't know. maybe they tried setting me up for a murder charge. i wouldn't be surprised at this rate. especially when i had told the people who prescribed me that garbage that the last time i was on them in 2018, i had tried to aliven't for a personal record amount, but alas, my life is uninterrupted because my life appears to be a spotify premium account that i cannot seem to cancel. i must be OD-immune to uncountable meds and combinations of such at this point
tldr: i am a danger to myself and others and you may catch me in CRIME monthly at this rate <33
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windows95exe · 3 years
hey guys! i've been dead for a while, unexpectedly, but i'm back now!!
feel free to skip this post because it's me just rambling about my unplanned break but hey ho, but before we start i'll pop a TW: medication, mental health mentions, suicidal/homocidal thoughts & talk of such topics! but where to fucking start..... ah yes!
mental health is rapidly declining in the form of "i'm perfectly ok!" to "i'm untouchable. i can do what i want. nothing can hurt me." to "mmmmm toaster bathhahsjw ouuughhhh pleas" in the span of five minutes! that's not an exaggeration! i'm insanely sick rips the sickest ollie you've ever seen and im kinda under
mandatory supervison
and cannot be alone for a minute or i/someone else is/am presumed dead 💃🏻that's not all though! the meds that were supposed to be helping me? a joke. laughable. they had one fucking job. turns out they clash with my other disorders and whilst they may be 'helping' one, they're ENABLING another! how they managed to fuck THAT up i don't know. maybe they tried setting me up for a murder charge. i wouldn't be surprised at this rate. especially when i had told the people who prescribed me that garbage that the last time i was on them in 2018, i had tried to aliven't for a personal record amount, but alas, my life is uninterrupted because my life appears to be a spotify premium account that i cannot seem to cancel. i must be OD-immune to uncountable meds and combinations of such at this point
tldr: i am a danger to myself and others and you may catch me in CRIME monthly at this rate <33
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windows95exe · 3 years
i totally forgot about this account!! i'm moving again so shit will be slow yet again, but i'm getting two pet rats so that's fun lol
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windows95exe · 3 years
i'm back from personal issues involving my parental figures & mental well-being but i'm back! back onto requests but i apologize if they're slow ^^;
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windows95exe · 3 years
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"and i'll hang with my friends"
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windows95exe · 3 years
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blood blood blood 😵‍💫😵‍💫😵‍💫
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windows95exe · 3 years
hello! art is going to be a little bit slow unfortunately. my hand tremors have returned and since i draw with my finger on my phone, it's made 262837296 times worse with Shaky Fuckinf Finger Disorder
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windows95exe · 3 years
art requests are open
reblog with an image of a character, a person, an object - whatever
slots: 1/5
things i won't do:
• nsfw/18+
• furry (i don't have anything against, i just can't draw them yet)
• mecha
things i can do:
• gore
• people
• basic objects or whatever (like phones, object heads)
• monsters <33 (like SCP's n whatever)
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windows95exe · 3 years
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another request complete from the same group
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windows95exe · 3 years
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completed art request for someone in a FB group
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windows95exe · 3 years
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hearts for dream <3
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