wings-1927 · 6 days
I do enjoy the first five or so minutes of talking to people who subscribe to the all autistic people are uwu soft stereotype though because I like springing the fact that my special interest is the worst and most complicated thing ever on them and watching the light fade from their eyes
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wings-1927 · 8 days
ALAN L HART !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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wings-1927 · 9 days
the first man my history teacher faced with apart from her father was rené levesque. i’m deeply jealous.
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wings-1927 · 11 days
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Two Soldiers in Arras, 1918 by John Singer Sargent
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wings-1927 · 12 days
was erich ludendorff. autistic
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wings-1927 · 14 days
????? march ?????? again ??????
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wings-1927 · 15 days
1. If you are not silly, it is vital you become silly
2. If you are silly, you must stay silly
2. If you used to be silly but have stopped, you must make all efforts to return to silliness
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wings-1927 · 17 days
who up perishing in france
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wings-1927 · 17 days
they need to make mutuals that live 2 minutes away from u
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wings-1927 · 19 days
continuing my read of Anne Lister's diaries, now up to 1820 (part 1 here).
It has to be incredibly awkward at these houseparties where Anne has had liaisons with multiple women there, but I'm given to understand this is also how modern lesbian socializing works
It gets brought up that the only thing preventing Anne and Mariana from living together (at least in retrospect) was money, with Anne needing to be able to provide ~30 pounds a year for Mariana, which sheds a new light on how focused Anne is on her financials and potential inheritance
Class keeps coming up! Mariana would be okayish with Anne having a lowerclass girl on the side, but not someone in their social circles
Notably Anne did not encode this passage: "Sat up lovemaking, she conjuring me to be faithful, to consider myself as married, & always to act to other women as if I was M---'s husband." And from then on she does! They talk it over a bit more through the next few days, and from then Anne focuses on how in time they may live together, and refers to Mariana as her wife
Mariana's later letters also reflect this: "I shall not lose you, my husband, shall I? Oh, no, no. You will not, cannot, forget I am your constant, faithful, your affectionate wife."
It is noted again that Anne has a gentleman's manners towards other women, and there's a bit where a woman stops to visit Mariana and says that other girls are scared of Anne, particularly citing her "deep-toned voice as very singular"
"Yet my manners are certainly peculiar, not at all masculine but rather softly gentleman-like. I know how to please girls." No one every accused Anne Lister of lacking self-confidence! Also, interesting to see the Takarazuka-style butch ethos of "woman who is better at being a man then men are" already present here.
"Musing on the subject of being my own master. Of going to Buxton in my own carriage with a man & a maidservant. Meeting with a elegant girl of family & fortune; paying her attention;taking her to see Castleton; staying all night; having a double bedroom; gaining her affections, etc. Mused on all this but did not let it lead to anything worse."
one of Anne's acquaintances mentions a local cook/housekeeper, Mrs Ruspin, who after several years "turn[ed] out to be a man", and then eloped to London with the housemaid and opened a shop
The most common word in this book is probably vulgar. Anne thinks everyone is vulgar: her neighbors, her family, random townsfolk, girls she's flirting with...
We now come to the house party from sitcom-hell: present are Anne Lister, Isabella (her longterm ex who she's trying to extricate herself from), Isabella's sister Charlotte, Nantz (the sister of Anne's wife, who Anne had a brief fling with), Nantz's sister Harriet, and Miss Vallance (new and pretty).
I truly cannot summarize the amount of fuckery going on in this section. Anne spends every evening hanging out for a bit in someone's bedroom, then she'll switch rooms and whoever the new room belongs too will pout about her having been somewhere else beforehand. Anne is paying a lot of attention to Miss Vallance, Isabella and Nantz are jealous, Anne is trying to console Isabella without changing any of her behavior, Charlotte is indignant on Isabella's behalf, Anne is half-heartedly and smugly sleeping with Nantz, etc
And of course Anne caps this off by starting to flirt with Harriet, meaning that she has now hit on all four of her wife's sisters
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wings-1927 · 22 days
who up perishing in france
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wings-1927 · 22 days
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wings-1927 · 24 days
Maurice Mails !
inspired by Letters from Bunny, Letters Regarding Jeeves, many others, and of course the original Dracula Daily, i am starting Maurice Mails ! bi-weekly e-mails delivering E.M. Forster's Maurice, finished 1914 and post-humously published 1971, directly into your inbox !
Maurice is about Maurice Hall, a middle-class man in Edwardian Britain, and his journey navigating being a homosexual in a very un-accepting time. yes, maurice is canonically queer. he kisses men. Forster himself was a homosexual and the book draws on his own experiences as well as his friends', especially Edward Carpenter and George Merrill.
bonus : a discord to discuss the novel !
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wings-1927 · 24 days
Due to personal reasons I will be court martialed and shot at dawn by an unfair military show trial
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wings-1927 · 25 days
people often ask me what it’s like being autistic well the other day my mum was talking about a romance novel she’s reading and she was like “well the plot is mostly that they don’t understand what the other means, they have trouble communicating you know” and i went “oh ! just like at gallipoli !”
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wings-1927 · 25 days
so many gay people obsessed with the first world war and yet so few gay books set in the first world war. why
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wings-1927 · 27 days
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had a sudden nosebleed. onto my book. at least it’s on-theme.
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