winkgabe-blog · 6 years
wink 😉 gabriel & sebastian
SEBASTIAN: I disagree.
SEBASTIAN: I've done it. I wouldn't be against a second time.
GABE: I guess my mind could be changed then.
GABE: How did you not get caught?
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winkgabe-blog · 6 years
wink 😉 gabriel & hunter
HUNTER: I like to think so.
HUNTER: Oh, is that so? I did that in high school. Mostly because I wanted to be well verses in all subjects.
GABE: Oh yeah, being one of the top schools in the country in something is especially rewarding. I couldn't really achieve that in sports.
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winkgabe-blog · 6 years
wink 😉 gabriel & regan
REGAN: Probably a good idea.
REGAN: I'm not really sure the rich husband thing will ever actually happen.
GABE: It's been treating me well so far.
GABE: You never know, follow your dreams! But to be completely honest, maybe follow other dreams more. Love can surprise you.
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winkgabe-blog · 6 years
wink 😉 gabriel & mandy
MANDY: I guess you're not going to be signing up for Tinder anytime soon?
GABE: Oh no, I'm fine with just being on one of these things and this one seems more fitting.
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winkgabe-blog · 6 years
wink 😉 gabriel & quinn
QUINN: I think being busy is understandable. It's very easy to get distracted and forget how much time has passed.
QUINN: The customer is always right, at least that's what they're always told.
GABE: Absolutely! I'm just waiting for automated gift buying every year, it seems like that's the direction we're headed.
GABE: Yeah, I wouldn't say so. But that's the rule, I guess.
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winkgabe-blog · 6 years
wink 😉 gabriel & quinn
QUINN: I think a few is acceptable, we all get busy and forget things.
QUINN: People are rather entitled when it comes to receiving customer service.
GABE: It's usually when work's busiest that everything just slips my mind. But I've got better over the years, which is surprising since I think it's normally the other way around with memory.
GABE: It's a really unfortunate thing when customers believe they have a right to feel entitled like that.
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winkgabe-blog · 6 years
wink 😉 gabriel & mandy
MANDY: And how many different kind of things they cater to.
GABE: Because of what I do for a living, I should probably be happy that this is the way technology is developing, but somehow apps just don't seem like the best way to meet people.
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winkgabe-blog · 6 years
wink 😉 gabriel & regan
REGAN: Just get out of one?
REGAN: I know, I definitely think I can make it happen. College is like, a backup.
GABE: Yeah. Doesn't seem natural to move onto another right away.
GABE: At least you have a backup! That's smart thinking.
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winkgabe-blog · 6 years
wink 😉 gabriel & hunter
HUNTER: I have not. I prefer to make personalized work for people and their homes. Though, I just finished a couple of pieces that will be shown in a hospital for a commission.
HUNTER: I enjoyed math in school, but prefer not to make a career around it.
GABE: That's pretty great!
GABE: I wasn't going to go into math too much apart from the required, but it was fun being a mathlete at college.
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winkgabe-blog · 6 years
wink 😉 gabriel & sebastian
SEBASTIAN: We could be. ;)
SEBASTIAN: Not sure I'd ever do it alone, honestly. They're not my thing, but getting fucked in museums I'm into.
GABE: I'd say there are better topics to discuss.
GABE: You do that?
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winkgabe-blog · 6 years
wink 😉 gabriel & hunter
HUNTER: That it is. I like to work with blues and greens, mostly, so it works out for me.
HUNTER: Computers are close to the one thing I'm not very versed in, I'm afraid. But it's good that you enjoy it.
GABE: Nice! Have you had your paintings displayed anywhere?
GABE: They're definitely not for anyone, especially when coding's concerned. Everyone has their own thing.
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winkgabe-blog · 6 years
wink 😉 gabriel & sebastian
SEBASTIAN: I'd love to see exactly what that tongue can do. ;)
SEBASTIAN: Shit, that wasn't for you.
SEBASTIAN: Museums, though. That doesn't sound too boring.
GABE: That's alright, I was wondering what prompted you to say such a thing since we weren't talking about my tongue.
GABE: They can be quite fun to visit, especially in the right company. Or just alone, very versatile.
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winkgabe-blog · 6 years
wink 😉 gabriel & regan
REGAN: Is that what you're looking for?
REGAN: Maybe. I'm sort of hoping to just meet someone rich to settle into a waiting until he kicks it relationship.
GABE: I'm looking for just about anything these days, actually. I don't really have a desire to jump into a relationship.
GABE: That's quite the dream.
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winkgabe-blog · 6 years
wink 😉 gabriel & mandy
MANDY: I feel like it's a completely different thing than it was three years ago.
GABE: Yeah? It's interesting to see how many apps there are now for it.
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winkgabe-blog · 6 years
wink 😉 gabriel & quinn
QUINN: So how often do you forget birthdays?
QUINN: As long as they get what they want, I'd say so. Customers are customers no matter what they're purchasing.
GABE: Surprisingly not too often. But I do admit I've missed a few.
GABE: That's a pity. I've seen customers be far ruder than the cashier ever deserves it at Whole Foods.
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winkgabe-blog · 6 years
wink 😉 gabriel & quinn
QUINN: At least you have some value of importance.
QUINN: I don't have to deal with the flowers talking back, which is a bonus.
GABE: Calendars and reminders just don't work for me. I'll put anything off.
GABE: That's true. Are customers generally nicer in flower shops than other stores?
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winkgabe-blog · 6 years
wink 😉 gabriel & mandy
MANDY: I'm guessing you're moving onto one too?
GABE: Yeah, romantically speaking. It's a wonder how seventeen years can change the dating game.
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