wishfulcynic · 15 hours
god gave us free will for a reason (plays on the computer for 12 hours a day)
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wishfulcynic · 2 days
between nathaniel and oghren’s braids and how much anders and velanna care about their appearances how long do you think justice and sigrun have to wait every morning for everyone else to do their hair
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wishfulcynic · 3 days
Dog.exe has crashed
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wishfulcynic · 4 days
Old-school Dungeons & Dragons’ insistence that all new characters should start at level one makes a lot more sense when you understand how its character creation and advancement rules are structured to facilitate it.
For example, character creation is predominantly randomised, with few decisions to make, so rolling up a new character mid-session without significant downtime is actually feasible.
Similarly, the experience ladder has an exponential progression (i.e., the amount of XP it takes to go from level 1 to X is about the same as the amount of XP it takes to go from level X to level X + 1), so a new level 1 character will catch up with the party’s current level in about the same amount of time as it takes for the rest of the party to gain one level – assuming they survive!
However, I feel I can speak without fear of contradiction when I observe that the funniest mechanical concession to this style of play in old-school D&D is that each class group has its own XP ladder, and rogues in particular have a hugely favourable one, such that they advance nearly twice as quickly as other classes.
Owing to the exponential progression of the game’s XP ladders, this doesn’t necessarily put the rogue ahead of the rest of the party in terms of total levels (i.e., because each additional level requires about twice as much XP as the preceding one), but it does mean that a new level 1 rogue will catch up with the average party level in about half the time.
Now, why would rogues in particular receive this treatment?
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wishfulcynic · 5 days
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wishfulcynic · 6 days
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wishfulcynic · 6 days
You are the adventurer who went on an epic quest and defeated the evil king, all to gain the sacred amulet and use its one wish to revive your sister. Now everyone expects you to accept her death and use the wish to undo the damage instead. You refuse.
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wishfulcynic · 6 days
so weird how in english some words are really just used in expressions and not otherwise… like has anyone said “havoc” when not using it in the phrase “wreaking havoc”? same goes for “wreaking” actually…
reply with more, i’m fascinated
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wishfulcynic · 6 days
The thing about knitting is it’s much harder to fear the existential futility of all your actions while you’re doing it.
Like ok, sure, sometimes it’s hard to believe you’ve made any positive impact on the world. But it’s pretty easy to believe you’ve made a sock. Look at it. There it is. Put it on, now your foot’s warm.
Checkmate, nihilism.
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wishfulcynic · 6 days
"People mostly write and read very character driven, specific ship focused fic, because what most people want out of fanfiction is to focus on the romance between characters they're not getting in canon so they can soak in the vibes."
Yes, absolutely. And thank hell for all the authors who write character-driven, ship focused fic for us to soak in the vibes to.
But also…
thank hell for all the authors who write angst, whump, and hurt no comfort, for us to luxuriate in blorbo's hurt and pain and cry or cackle.
thank hell for all the authors who write cheating, love triangles and affairs for us to consume large quantities of popcorn to and yell 'oh no, they didn't'.
thank hell for all the authors who write case fic, mission fic, and intricate, plot-driven stories to replicate the feel of canon, when canon has stopped or gone wrong.
thank hell for all the authors who write 'fix it' fics when canon has betrayed us with bad vibes, plot holes and deaths.
thank hell for all the authors who write poly ships when what we need is just for everyone to get along and screw instead of screw up.
thank hell for all the authors who write gen fic when we're not interested in romance.
thank hell for all the authors in fandom, and all the wonderful, different kinds of fanfiction they write for us.
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wishfulcynic · 6 days
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wishfulcynic · 6 days
"There's no such thing as a fish because you can't define it phylogenetically without also including things that aren't fish"
Man I have bad news for you about lizards. And reptiles in general. And wasps, but I guess that depends on your opinion on wasps. And I don't think you're ready for trees.
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wishfulcynic · 6 days
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wishfulcynic · 6 days
anyone want pics of my holes?
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wishfulcynic · 6 days
My dad told me a Queen Elizabeth x 9/11 combo joke but idk if it works in English
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wishfulcynic · 7 days
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wishfulcynic · 7 days
You didn't have to be such a sarcastic asshole, btw. You'd think that someone over the age of 30 would conduct themselves with a lot more maturity.
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