wishingstrike · 3 years
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wishingstrike · 3 years
Reblog if your inbox is ALWAYS open for random asks, even if you haven’t reblogged any meme
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wishingstrike · 5 years
Rinoa Heartilly Icons! Free to good homes ♡ (all RAR files) Please Credit
Plain Round Icons - http://www.mediafire.com/file/1gwp3u5rl2325zm/wishingstrike_Round_Icons_-_PLAIN.rar/file
Edited Square Icons - http://www.mediafire.com/file/rshg0fhzq2pxi32/wishingstrike_Square_Icons_-_EDITED.rar/file
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wishingstrike · 7 years
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“I definitely don’t think it’s dead yet,” she said, trying her absolute best to sound confident in her statement and yet failing miserably as her voice appeared strained and unsteady. Rinoa didn’t dare to blink. She watched on in horror as the creature twitched and convulsed on the ground. What in Hyne’s name was up with that? 
“I don’t know about you, but... t-that thing is so creepy!!” 
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wishingstrike · 8 years
    ★ — It was strange being there, being back in that house. It was her room, she knew. But, no matter how many times she repeated it to herself, the words just wouldn’t make it true; it didn’t feel right. Her shoes, light steps on wood, clicked across the floor. The sound ceased whenever she stopped, leaving only the sound of her breathing to fill the space.
She frowned at that realization and, then, left. She moved on, peeking into each room she passed with mild interest. The house was quiet, empty, for a change. It was nice in a way, she was forced to admit. But, it allowed her to think.
Her fingers raked unceremoniously across the grooves in the edging of her father’s desk. She passively frowned at that, too. Her eyes scanned across a stack of papers— work, she guessed— pausing only when she they caught something unusual. There was a photo there, rather lost among his things. She didn’t make to pick it up, though. She recognized it where it was.
And so, with a huff to herself, she looked away and left his desk behind. Then, suddenly tired, she took a seat, drawing her knees up to her chin, burying her face. It seemed, in that moment, the most natural thing to do.
She could pretend, curled up like that, that she was somewhere— anywhere— else.
Life wasn’t fair, at least, that was what father said. He said it to himself every night before it was time to go to bed. He would stare at her, his once warm and welcoming eyes were cold and guarded. They contained a hint of something else, something she just couldn’t identify, but perhaps, when more years go by, then she finally would understand what exactly it was. It frightened her, the look. It made her feel unwanted, and it disturbed her when he’d murmur it to himself like a mantra. Over and over again. This routine of his reminded her of a carousel. Mommy bought her a small carousel. It sang a sweet tune and spun round and round. 
The reality of the situation weighed down hard on her young and fragile mind. Something; something was terribly wrong. Tears rolled down and stained her porcelain cheeks. She knelt down on the ground and placed her head between her knees. She was scared, she wanted mommy! Where was she? She brought up a tiny hand to her chest, gripping tightly onto a ring on a silver chain.  
The tears came harder, her head pounded as the splitting pain expanded. She remembered now... Daddy couldn’t look at her because she looked like Mommy.. and Mommy was... No! Her hands gripped her upper arms as she shook. Untrimmed nails breaking through skin, the sound of hyperventilation filled the dark hallway of her home. She didn’t have the tools to deal with this, and even father wouldn’t help her!
She bolted upright and ran out of the hall and into the next room, sobbing and screaming. She didn’t want to be here anymore! She didn’t want to think about any of this. Why couldn’t the past just die and be forgotten. 
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wishingstrike · 8 years
@hyneblessed​ liked for a starter
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“Um... Is there a reason that you’re snooping around in the library’s restricted area?” She asked. Curiously watching the woman that searched through the shelves at record time only moments before. Someone was in a hurry, she thought. Rinoa hoped that it wasn’t for some kind of dodgy reason, although, this lady really didn’t seem like the type. 
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wishingstrike · 8 years
❀ · αnoтнєʀ cнαρтєʀ ιn му ѕтoʀу ·
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        A gentle tap of her finger on her phone         had her viewing the latest updates         via her Instagram feed.         Truthfully it had been a relatively slow day,         not just in terms of online but also         in regards to sphere hunting.         They hadn’t received any new leads         in nearly a week now, so it was yet another day         of finding other things to do with          their immense amount of free time.
        Training and reading could only take up         so much of her free time though,         and soon she had found herself stuck         in a perpetual state of thinking.         It brought on past memories,         making her feel oddly out of sorts for         a moment to where she had made a post         that was probably sadder than usual.         It was a bit peculiar given most of her profile         had been optimistic and erring         on the lighter side of life.
        Just as she was about to pocket         her phone though, a message notification stopped her.
        Seeing who it was from immediately         had a smile forming on her lips.         This was Rinoa if she had remembered correctly?         Though they hadn’t spoken properly yet,         they were mutually following one another         for a few months now.
        [ DM to @missheartilly: Oh thank you so much                                                   for your kind words! ]
        [ DM to @missheartilly: Your page is lovely by the way,                                                   and your dog is really cute! ]
        Seeing them in a photo together         made her giggle a little as well.         The girl seemed as if she led a semi-normal life         in contrast to Yuna’s own.          Somehow that…was refreshing in a way,         enough to where she was staring at the         conversation in hopes of continuing it more.
        [ DM to @missheartilly: I’m surprised we haven’t spoken sooner.                                                    I’m so busy most of the time that                                                   I forget this is a feature on here. ]
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Rinoa smiled, staring down at the device in her hands. She got a reply! She was glad that her messages didn’t go unanswered or plain ignored. It was nice to know that the girl appreciated what she’d said. Many of Rinoa’s own friends took her granted or just wanted to use her for social status. While her family wasn’t incredibly rich, they were well off. Rinoa herself had the luxury to travel where she pleased most of the time. There weren’t that many people in Spira that could do so for the mere sake of it. 
[ DM to @summoneryuna: Thanks! Oh, and her name’s Angelo. Haha. I like your aesthetic, too. It’s hard to find people with good taste to follow to be honest. ]
Angelo always did gain her a lot of attention. Especially when she takes her out with her. The main reason for that though, was that she always ran off to bother other people. It was a shame though, that she couldn’t bring Angeo along in her travels. her father always insisted that the dog was to stay at home. 
[ DM to @summoneryuna: Yeah, it gets like that sometimes. Just because we’re in the Eternal Calm... it doesn’t mean that everything is smooth sailing. Anyway! Sorry for rambling a bit, haha. So, what do you do that keeps you so busy? ]
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wishingstrike · 8 years
summonerspirit replied to your post “Tagged by: @summonerspirit, @astrayeus & @moonhibiscuss Rules: Tag 20...”
u r a cutie
says the other cutie herself :3
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wishingstrike · 8 years
“Oh!” The sound slipped past her feminine lips in surprise. She immediately put her head down and blushed from embarrassment. Moving her hair out of her face, she then blew out a whistle to call her faithful companion, Angelo, right back to her side. Afterwards, she had leaned over and giggled near violently, having to resort to placing her hand firmly over her mouth to stifle her laughter. 
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“O-of course not! It was just my Limit Break. Besides, my dog can handle it. She’s like a superhero!”
          concern supersedes amusement. his hand outstretched mid-reach towards the ravenette, but before he could voice his concerns; her pet companion whirled past him across the battlefield. he stood, mouth agape. a flurry of nonsense slides off his tongue before an actual sentence could finally be formed.
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  ❝ did you…did you just blast your dog at that fiend? ❞
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wishingstrike · 8 years
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"Is that an effect it can have on people?" She was even more curious now. If it created feelings of attachment to the user, it was very much possible that in certain hands materia could wreck total havoc. It's scary to think that it might be like that ring. There was one from the story she had finished reading the other day in the library. Scary stuff that was. But it could have just been a gift given to her by a friend, perhaps? "Hmm... or does it just have sentimental value to you? If it doesn't, then that'd be weird."
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“That one, is for healing” Petite hands reached out, ghosting over the orb before withdrawing. Magic, to Aerith was more than power. It was something special, a life force. “I don’t carry many others. As for myself, I don’t really need it to conjure magic but…I’m attached to it. I can’t let it go” 
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wishingstrike · 8 years
Magicited Memes / Accepting (Group Members Only) 
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Her eyes were filled with amusement. She was raised in Deling and had a rich father, she learnt a thing or two about betting. She also knew that in large establishments like this one, there were always rigged rounds, and not to mention cash agendas. You just had to know which ones were legitimate and which weren’t. She watched as the screen brought up the last rounds results. Watching the last few races, she was almost sure she had the right set up. She was going to put her Gil on Chocobo #4. Walking around to where the staff members were set up, she couldn’t help but take notice of the woman in front of her in the line. Some days, she just feel like being nosy. She got on her tiptoes and leaned forward a bit to take look at the girl’s notepad. 
”You betting on that one, too?” Rinoa asked casually. “No offense, but you don’t seem like the type to do this sort of thing much.”
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wishingstrike · 8 years
Drink up, baby [ xoxo ]
Meme / Send me ‘drink up, baby’ for a drunken confession by my muse. 
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“I’ll never forget that time... that time that I stole! From THAT MAN! That bad, bad man. Yeah. I stole so much Gil from the safe. What, safe? Ha! Oh yeah... the family safe. That’s what he gets for slapping me! Actions...” *stumbles* “Have consequences!! Oh Hyne... my head hurts...” 
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wishingstrike · 8 years
With one final battle cry, she tugged back on the trigger of her Pinwheel and then released. She was finally blasting the last and little dark critter away. It was pretty rough around here, it seemed, and it was rather easy to let your guard down. This town’s appearance was extremely misleading. It gave off the impression of being safe and friendly, but so far, that was far from the welcome she’d gotten upon being here. Her face was flushed and her breaths were shallow. Adrenaline was still rushing through her system, and she could feel her heart racing. Placing a hand on her chest, she bent over to catch her breath and calm her heart rate. That was a close one.  Broken out of her daze, she straightened up and spun around to the voice coming from behind her. “Thanks,” she giggled.
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“Oh, there’s a few.” She said, lifting up her arm to show a few light marks and scratches. “Nothing TOO BAD though, so it’s okay!” 
♕ - “Whoa.” What more had to be said for the miniature spectacle he found himself lucky enough to witness? Despite the endless spiral of fighting that Sora found himself in, never would he ceased at being amazed at others showing what they’ve got. Relief could be instilled in his veins with knowing that one more person could hold on out here. Heartless were persistent creatures, always hunting or a prime opportunity to devour the souls of the strong in order for them to thrive. It looked like her work here around this end of Radiant Garden was just about finished.
Curious eyes would flit about, ensuring that no sneak attackers lurked within the perimeter before pressing towards Rinoa.
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”That was pretty awesome! So much for thinking I had to come and lend a hand, it doesn’t even look like there’s a scratch on you.” 
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wishingstrike · 8 years
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She refrained from mentioning Yuna's bloodline. It may have been many years ago, but still she was unsure of how the girl still felt on that matter. It was best to avoid it, should it accidentally re-open past wounds. Thankfully, she had heard much else of the young summoner. She was more than happy to share what she had heard about the other. "I've heard that you pray every single day, have a kind heart, and are accompanied by a will of steel. As well as the fact that summoning doesn't make you tired at all. I'm not sure if that's true though..." Rinoa guessed that it wasn't. Bringing forth a Guardian Force took up a huge mass of MP. You could never feel 100% after doing that, but it was possible that things worked differently here. 
"Yeah," she nodded. "I'm familiar with them. I've actually seen them used in my... hometown."
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“oh, have you? what did they say?” at first while approaching valefor, yuna had stopped at shorter distances because she didn’t want to scare her, yuna’s hand rose to pet the aeon but then soon, she would smile–it was sort of surreal that she really summoned one, and she was within mild disbelief. she needed to example her choices while at the though at hand in the manner. she’s still all new to summoning. there’d be more along the way. she only hopes she’d become strong enough by then on her journey in pilgrimage. she has to admit that it was a little scary. however, she’s prepared. once she turned back to her, the young woman giggled before she uttered an answer. her since in being proud showed. “her name’s valefor. and also, she’s an aeon. but that’s what we call them. you’ve heard of them before?’
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wishingstrike · 8 years
@synxrgist​ continued from ☆
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"Oh. Well... what would your personal taste in clothes be then, hmm? I bet you try to avoid wearing too much white. Haha."
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wishingstrike · 8 years
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Such a statement evoked deep concern in Rinoa. It was a rather built up and populated area. There couldn't monsters here, could there? If there were, then surely there would be signs and normal citizens like the girl that frightened her would be strictly indoors only. 
"What kind of rumours? As long as there hasn't been a murder or anything around here, though... right?" Because that would be super creepy, she thought, not daring to speak that out aloud. There could have been murders going on for all she knew. That wasn’t the best train of thought considering she was wandering around at night. She clutched at her mother’s necklace tightly. 
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her posture has now guided itself to a more casual one, eyes glowing with a halcyon vibe. arms are serene next to her waist, sometimes raised up to signify her words. michiru isn’t all that surprised she shocked someone like this. it isn’t the first time she unintentionally did so.
‘ it is alright, ’ she assures. having been quite the scared and paranoid cat itself ( her first official meeting with chika being a perfect example ), she’d shrug it off. ‘ with what i’ve heard of the recent rumors that are spreading around, it is no surprise really. ’
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wishingstrike · 8 years
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Rinoa had been pretty obsessed with this online girl's aesthetic for WEEKS now. Whenever she had free time, she'd check up on the girl's Instagram page to be SURE that she hadn’t missed ANYTHING. To all of the people in her life, her obsession with the growing Spira Network was strange and, as they would so often say, a 'waste of time.' Her father had a bad habit of telling her that Sin hadn't been defeated for all of this new 'Al-Bhed junk' to be made that's apparently stopping the younger generation from living their lives. That was ridiculous! She may scroll and like posts, endlessly, day after day, but that didn't mean she was wasting her precious little life away.
This girl must be a big fan of the High Summoner Yuna, Rinoa thought. Obviously, she wasn't the real summoner. It wasn't a certified page, and Rinoa was no fool of course. If it was her, then all of Spira and New Yevon would be talking about it day and night! The High Summoner had plenty of fans. She had brought upon a new world in the Eternal Calm. Who didn't look up to her? Nobody, that's who.
Rinoa was dying to think of a message to send to the owner of the account. They'd posted a pretty sad comment on one of their more recent posts It showed the image of a seaside. Probably of some small and more rural village. She wasn't quite certain where it was located though, but it wasn't Kilika. 
To Sin with it! She was going to do it. Maybe it would brighten up the day of the person on the other side. 
[ DM to @summoneryuna: Hey! I saw your latest post and I just wanted to say that things will get better! I'm not sure what you're going through, but you seem like a positive and keep-at-it type of girl. I'm sure nothing will get you down for long. ]
[ DM to @summoneryuna: I'll keep you in my prayers when I go to the temple! ]
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