wishingwellrpg · 2 years
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Growing up in Biancaneve, Megara would have never thought of a life beyond her royal duties. Being the younger sister to the Charming Brothers, Megara was a prize jewel of the kingdom. More often than not she had been paraded around town in fancy dresses to show that the royal family was one to be admired. When she hit sixteen years old, her mother informed her that she was set to marry a neighboring prince - Prince Philip. Though she knew it wasn’t for love - Meg would do anything for her family so betrothed to the prince she became. The princess, determined to be the perfect future wife, started to spend summers in Reign in order to get to know her future husband, his wants, his needs. It was during her third summer in Reign - and her summer before getting married - when a witch came to the castle trying to curse the prince and take his life so she could be queen. In a split moment, Meg was offered the chance by Hades to protect her prince against the witch - and because she had fallen for both the man and had such love for her family - she did it. Her soul upon death for the Princes saved life. When Meg came back from the trade with Hades, she not only saw her Prince alive and well…but also with his new Princess, Aurora. Heartbroken, Meg now became enslaved to the King of the Underworld. To the world above, Meg ‘died’ in Reign - causing her own kingdom of Biancaneve to go into great mourning and a bitterness to grow between the two kingdoms. Jaded, Meg would do anything the man asked knowing she didn’t have any hope over anything else - that was until she met Hercules. The man not only put his life on the line for her, multiple times, but he also ended up saving her. Being granted her mortal life once more, Meg with her new husband - Hercules - headed towards Biancaneve where she was welcomed home with open - but skeptical - arms. That was until the curse. The moment that the world turned - Hercules was called up to Mount Olympus in Reign to fight the demons all over the mortal and non mortal world. The last thing that Meg and Hercules said to each other were bitter words. Her saying he didn’t chose his wife over everything. Him saying she was selfish for wanting him to. This left the Princess to try and fit back into a princess role, without her husband, and with no clue of who she is anymore.
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wishingwellrpg · 2 years
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 By now everyone has heard of the tale of the swan princess. Odette refusing to believe that love and beauty were all that mattered in a marriage and then all the adventures which transpired from there. Now, finally after wedded bliss and returning to their joint kingdom, Odette would still slip away to the lake and enjoy the quietness of the first morning light  It was ahabit she just couldnt get out of her system from the ltime she spent as a swan but something was different about this morning. The air seemed different as she dipped her toes into the water and smiled watching the sun rise. Suddenly the waters of the lake were pulling her into them as they did when she transformed into a swan and once again Odette found herself in swan form. How could this be? The spell had been broken, or so she thought…Odette tried to flap her wings and get to Derek but once again she was unable to. As if an unseen force field was blocking her and keeping her near the forest and the lake. Odette knew she had to fight this but how? It was nearly impossible the first time and if the spell was no longer broken, perhaps that meant Rothbart was alive. Odette felt helpless and trapped. Like there was nothing more for her except to find Rothbart and agree to marry him. Leaving Derek and their life that they shared. What other choice did she have? The spell worked differently this time as well, where last time she was forced into a swan by day and at night a human, Odette was now able to walk in human form until the last few hours of the day, where she would return to swan form no matter where she was. This slight change in the magic made it possible for Odette to have ventures during the day as a human and then fly around in search of Rothbart by the few late twilight hours. But would she ever find him? Would marrying him and giving in mean finally living whole? 
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wishingwellrpg · 2 years
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Growing up things for Aurora was different than what she could have ever imagined, not like most kids - she had a curse placed over her head by an evil fairy when she was just weeks old. Being whisked away from her parent's arms, she had been raised in small courage, by her three "aunts" who were actually the good fairies of the land. Growing up, Aurora didn't have many friends as she was kept a secret from the world, out of fear of the Evil Fairy, Maleficent finding her. Becoming extremely in tune with her Animal friends, she was often found in nature. Things in Aurora's life were turned upside down when she was sixteen years old when a strange man walked into her life in the middle of the woods - during her time out collecting flowers. It wasn't until she went back to the cottage that she found out, she was engaged to be married and would be meeting her prince that night. Utterly destroyed, she felt from the castle where she found herself face to face with a spinning wheel. Being drawn to a spinning wheel, she pricked her finger. Falling into a deep sleep only a true love's kiss could wake her up from. Being Woken up by true love's kiss, she found out the man from the woods and her prince was the same after all. Marrying her prince, and living happily ever after. Waking up one day, Aurora felt her world turn upside down, back on the eve of the day she met her prince - though this time the man from the woods and the prince were two different people, one living in riches and the other living in rags, and the one from the woods being Maleficent trying to trick her mind into going with him. Being drawn to the man in the woods, over the man in the kingdom for reasons she couldn't figure out, that was until the man in the woods brought him a fresh neck to feed on. Instantly, when Mal asked for her feed - she found herself feasting on the neck of the female with Mal in front of her. Things seemed to take more of an odd twist, and the prince - her prince charming the Philip that she loved was turned werewolf, and the two were now incompatible. Nowadays, Aurora is living with Maleficent and is completely bonded to the male, doing anything and everything he wants. 
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wishingwellrpg · 2 years
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Most know Peter Pan as the boy who wouldn’t grow up, but what they don’t know is the tragic backstory that brought it on. Born Christopher Robin, he lived in a household where yelling was quite common. All day long, his dad would yell at his mother for anything and nothing at all. The young boy often hid in his room - his only company most days being his stuffed animals he was quite fond of. One night, after a fight between his parents got pretty physical and Christopher witnessed it, he prayed for a way out. That same night he got his wish when a fairy named Tinkerbell introduced herself to him. She brought him to Neverland, along with the stuffed animals he refused to leave behind. She was unable to work her magic to turn Winnie the Pooh and co into real kids so Christopher wouldn’t be alone. The name Peter Pan was given to him so he could shed his old life behind. And it worked for many years, with the ten year old remaining that age. When he witnessed an incident during one of his night visits to Wendy, he watched as a father killed his son and instantly, he was reminded of his very own alcoholic father. Unable to shake the memories and, admittedly guilt for abandoning his mom, Peter began to drink heavily. Night after night, his childhood slowly washed away and he found himself nearly thirty years old, along with the rest of the “lost boys”.
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wishingwellrpg · 2 years
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This beautiful fairy, who has traveled throughout all the nine kingdoms and through portals to worlds beyond is the one who brings all the new and exciting innovations to the kingdoms. She brings the latest technology, the latest fashion and often the latest gossip. This fairy comes and goes as she pleases, every time she returns though, she brings something new and exciting. Tinkerbell is the IT girl when it comes to what is hot and what is not.
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wishingwellrpg · 2 years
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Hansel and Gretel are a brother and sister pair that came through the well when the curse hit the nine kingdoms. After escaping from the witch that tried to eat the pair, the two returned home to find their family had been slaughtered by an unknown creature. It was in that moment that the two decided to hunt down that creature. On their travels to do so, they learned to slay or tame other creatures. The pair began to learn what was a person turned monster, a real monster, or what was a monster in disguise. When the well opened to the other kingdoms, the pair followed the creature who haunted their family through the well. Now in this new land, the pair has found themselves in the middle of a curse where everyone seems clueless to what is happening to the those who found themselves turning - Hansel and Gretel had all the answered, and planned to use this for their own gain.
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wishingwellrpg · 2 years
Characters from this kingdom will be coming soon.
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wishingwellrpg · 2 years
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For as long as he could remember, Eric had loved the sea, the way it smelled and the way it lightly sprayed on a summer day. He spent all of his time sailing or being near it, never bothering with his princely duties, especially not finding a princess like Grimsby would have wanted. All of this changed when he was out sailing with his crew when a sea storm ripped through their ship and had him sinking to the bottom of the ocean. The next time he awoke, all he remembered was a blurred vision of a redhead caressing his cheek and a voice that could have stolen the hearts of millions. After that, he became fixated on the idea of finding this mystery woman who rescued him. He avoided his man servent’s nagging to meet with women who actually existed and stop imagining the perfect woman— just when Grimsby had enough of him, they found a beautiful redhead lost on the beach, though it couldn’t be his princess, she lacked the most important thing: a voice. Throughout the next two days they grew close and he hesitantly began falling for this strange woman, forgetting his imagined savior. That is, until one night he heard the familiar tone again and fell under a deep spell, where he was a soulless shell that set off to marry Vanessa. During the wedding, his spell was broken and he saved Ariel and the entire ocean from the evil sea witch. They then got married and lived a happy life on the land, finding true bliss and love in one another. He could never have imagined a better life, and as if the gods were against him, it was stripped from him. One morning, he awoke to find his princess not beside him in bed and outside a storm raged, the sea like a wild animal. Days passed and the storm settled, though he began losing his memory of his happily ever after. He searched the relentlessly for Ariel, though his memories of her were slipping away by the day. At night, he heard a familiar song from the waters, his memories almost completely gone, but he rushed to the beach to find his true love. By the time he got there, there was nothing left to find. His memories had all left him and he stumbled upon a new princess, The Evil Queen, who he instantly fell into a deep obsession with. The second he saw her he fell into a sort of trance, though every night it would break to hear the familiar song calling to him.
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wishingwellrpg · 2 years
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Being the youngest daughter of the king of the seas, Triton, Ariel was always prone to rebellious behavior. Instead of attending concerts or practicing the duties of a princess, she preferred spending her time salvaging trinkets off of sunken ships and catching glimpses of humans. She wanted nothing more than for her fins to be replaced by legs so she could lead a life on land. Her father could never understand and became outraged with even the idea, driving his daughter off to visit the sea witch, Ursula. She made an offer that was impossible to refuse, Ariel would have her legs, her prince, and everything she could have ever wanted. All she had to do was have true love’s kiss before the sun set on the third day, without the use of her voice. She agreed, and was, in the end, successful when Prince Eric came to her rescue and destroyed the evil sea queen. When all was said and done, her father was finally able to see the truth and granted her her dream: legs. Her new life was spent on land, she married Prince Eric and they found themselves blissfully happy, often spending time on the beach and exploring the world and all it had to offer. Everything was perfect, until one morning when she awoke in her bed and felt a familiar emptiness, the same one she had felt when she made her original deal. Her voice was gone and outside the window of their castle, lightning shot out of the sky repeatedly and the sea howled, something only Triton could order. She knew something had to be horribly wrong, so she left Eric, rushing out to the waters and in an instant, her legs pulled together, her skin turning once again into green scales as she was dragged into the blue abyss. In the home she used to live in, mermaids and mermen alike were cheering for an unsuspecting figure that sat on her father’s throne— Ursula. There she sat, triton in hand and her necklace containing Ariel’s precious voice. She was now a slave for taking the sea witch’s happily ever after once, but she refused to succumb to her circumstance. At night, she would steal the horrid necklace and rise to the surface, her former melody echoing through the waters in hopes of luring Prince Eric to her once again to rescue her. Every single night she would attempt, returning the necklace just before dawn, hoping with every fiber of her being that he would hear her siren’s song in time to find their happily ever after and make things right.
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wishingwellrpg · 2 years
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There was always one thing that would ring true in Ursula’s mind: she belonged on the throne of the sea. Not Triton, he was lowly, no better than a sea urchin, and should be bowing to her immense power. That dream had no merit in the sea though, she was cast off as a sea witch and left with no one but Flotsom and Jetsam to keep her company. In her solitary, she became powerful in potions and dark magic, further plotting the downfall of his majesty. All of her waiting came together when the youngest daughter of Triton, Ariel, was so desperate for a way out of this world and onto the land. She had the girl lured to her and made a binding contract that gave her more power than she could have dreamed of: Ariel’s voice, and a hold over Triton for his precious child. All seemed according to plan until the girl got close to reaching her true love’s kiss time and time again. At that point, Ursula had to get involved and dragged the girl by force back into the sea and held her as leverage against the sea king. Her plans were in action once more and the sea was in an uproar, until Prince Eric returned to save his princess and seemingly destroyed the witch. She drifted down to her lair in a severely damaged state and once again was forced to plot ways she could take over the sea. Things seemed hopeless, though pathetic mermaids and mermen wandered into her cavern looking for happiness at an alarming rate. It was when a young mermaid spoke of a Wishing Well that everything changed— she had a chance to change her whole life, find her happy ending. Shifting into her human form, Vanessa, she took no time in finding the sacred Well and wishing for everything she could ever want: her rightful rule over the oceans. The next time her eyes opened, she was sitting on the throne, surrounded by merfolk alike, all bowing at their new ruler. Everything was as she wanted, and with her newfound power, she sent chaos into the world above, making the seas attack the land and once again stealing the Ariel’s voice before dragging the princess back into her clutches. Her happily ever after was complete, with the sea at her command and a charming redheaded slave who would never steal her joy again.
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wishingwellrpg · 2 years
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In the environment of royalty, Adam grew up as a conceited, uncaring, and spoiled individual. He remained this way into his early adulthood, when an old beggar woman came to the doors of his castle and pleaded for a bit of compassion. Disgusted by her appearance, he laughed and turned her away. Before he could close the door, the woman transformed into a beautiful enchantress, with a gaze that both horrified him and left him in awe. He begged for forgiveness, but was shifted into a hideous beast and told that the only way to break his curse would be to love another and be loved in return before the last petal of an enchanted rose fell. All seemed very glum until he ended up taking captive an old man who was soon exchanged for his daughter, Belle, who became the Beast’s new prisoner. The second he laid eyes on her, he knew this was his only chance to break the spell. Though she was beautiful, and he was… a beast. He struggled with his temper, though in no time, they began falling for one another. It was as if she could see the man behind the face long before he could, and he began to develop into a softer version of himself. Nothing could stop their happy ending, not even Gaston arriving, determined to destroy the Beast and take Belle for his own. After a fatal injury, their love was out in the open, and he returned to his human form, soon marrying the beautiful woman whom had broken his spell and changed him entirely. They lived a happy life, often spending time in the library he had initially gifted her, learning how to read and enjoying each other’s company. It was a perfect ending. Though, it wasn’t the ending, not even close. Only a short time after Gaston’s defeat, a couple of thieves broke into the castle and took his former most prized possession—a mirror that had once allowed Adam to see anyone he wished. Unable to catch them and find the mirror’s whereabouts, he thought very little of it, much less seeing it as an omen of disaster. That is, until Gaston arrived once again, this time coated with the fur of a beast all in its own draped over his shoulders. He then commanded an army of his own monsters to flood the castle and hold Belle back to watch as Adam was beaten relentlessly. He was a mere man now, he could not defend himself against real monsters like the ones that now clutched his wife and harassed his staff. Completely broken and defenseless, Gaston had him thrown out of the town where he lie bleeding for what seemed like days. When he came to again, the world around him had a dark atmosphere and his wounds had been patched up to perfection, though by whom he had no idea. He returned only to gaze upon his castle from a distance. What he found was horrifying, his home had been turned into the palace of a heartless villain, monsters of all kinds guarding it. There was nothing he could do in his current state, he was just a normal prince with no powers or strength, he had to do something to take his home back and rescue his wife, as she had once rescued him from the dreaded curse. Only one thing now crossed his mind: the enchantress. She had changed him once before, and she could do it again, if becoming a Beast was the way to save Belle and his home, he would do it in a heartbeat. With that in mind, he set out to find the mirror thief who had been the last seen with the mirror, one Flynn Ryder. His plan was simple, he would hunt down the new owner of his mirror and beg the enchantress to curse him once again, what he didn’t know was all the second curse had to offer. He would pay with his memories and the second curse took hold of him completely different than the first. This time, he would only turn to his beastly form when the sun set, and when he did he was vicious, more powerful and blood hungry than ever before.
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wishingwellrpg · 2 years
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It was no secret that Belle was a little odd. The whole town spoke of it, how strange it was that she buried her head in books and dreamed of a life of adventure. It was that very same dream that landed her inside the castle of a terrible Beast, taking the place of her father as his captive. Though to begin with, he was horrifying and she wanted nothing to do with the Beast, she slowly began falling for his softer nature. The way he would clumsily walk towards birds, or how gentle his touch was, behind that exterior she found a man that was worth loving. Despite Gaston’s greatest attempts to stop their happiness and lock her father up, he was ultimately defeated by his own ego, freeing them of ever seeing him again. When she spoke a few words of love in his dying moments, the Beast transformed into a human, Prince Adam, and they lived happily ever after. She found everything she wanted in life, adventure, a massive library, and love, it was more than she ever thought someone like her could get out of life. When Gaston returned, her entire life was changed, and not for the good. This time when he arrived, he was vicious and surrounded by monsters that put the Beast to shame. Gaston was even worse than before, and he forced her to watch as he beat the love of her life to near death, this time he seemed not to care about anything other than revenge. They took her husband away and she was locked into the same cell that she once rescued her father from. She couldn’t bear the thoughts of what was happening to her husband and the rest of the world, and she found herself giving up alone in that cell. Her captor would come only to frighten her and remind her that this is what she deserved for rejecting him, and she couldn’t bear it. He was a completely different man from before, he used to be just conceited and obsessed, now he was malicious and power hungry. Things looked bleak until one night, familiar faces emerged through the darkness, Adam’s servants that had once taken shape as clocks, candles, and teapots, arrived to her rescue. They helped to remove her from the cell and take her to the woods nearby, she was weak and had lost most of her dignity, though she was determined to find Adam and reclaim her home, sending that monster of a man where he belonged. Though her allies had to return to serve Gaston, she disappeared from her little town to fix the ending of her story, and be the hero for once.
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wishingwellrpg · 2 years
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Ever since he was young, Gaston had been the apple of the town’s eye. He was considered the perfect man with his brawn, wit, and overwhelming amount of body hair. This continued into his adulthood, making him the most suitable man to marry for every woman he came across, that didn’t matter to him, though. He only wanted to marry Belle, seeing as she was the most beautiful girl in town who would have nothing to do with him, his egotistical nature loved the hunt but ultimately failed when she disappeared and fell in love with a hideous Beast. Gaston went back to claim his prize of a wife, but fell from the side of their castle and only survived by catching himself on a lower ledge and climbing back into the castle. He wasn’t one to be defeated, but in trying to find them once again, he found a magic mirror and was sucked into a portal that landed him in an entirely new kingdom. This kingdom was dark and treacherous, covered with monsters and others that looked as if they couldn’t handle sudden movements. Gaston was a natural born leader, and in this world he thrived. He took a name for himself and even began to wear the skin of a werewolf he had slain to grant his title, he urged the monsters that they could have more than these dreary lives if only they would follow him. The promise began with them holding complete control over the 10th kingdom and tearing it apart, forcing anyone who survived into small bands that would hide from their might. In his seizing of the new kingdom, he stumbled across a Wishing Well that held the only light left under his reign. It whispered sweet nothings to him about changing his fate and granting every wish he’d ever dreamt. Magic was something that meant nothing to Gaston, though, he believed in taking what he wanted by force and not by whispering words into water. He left the Well be and continued his plans that were only able to go into action when a thief appeared into his land and opened up the portal permanently. Gaston led the monsters he had control of out the portal and gave them free reign to destroy the kingdoms and take them for his own. He no longer wanted Belle or anything as trivial as that, but he had to defeat his former foes. When he arrived through the portal, one of the first individuals he ran into was a man with the look of defeat and revenge on his face. Hans, who seemed like the perfect way to insure that this time he would rule everything. After striking a deal with him, that they could rule the kingdoms together as long as he was loyal and obedient, he went and found the Beast, who was now merely a man, he used his newfound strength and beat him near death, taking sweet Belle as a prisoner. She would pay for what she had done to him all that time ago. All of his plans were in motion, now holding the Beast’s castle for his own and having control over the monsters, with the lovely Belle rotting in the same cell her father once had. As everything was going well, his loyal subject, Hans presented the issue of a powerful ice queen that had escaped his grasp. He ordered Hans to retrieve her, but he knew this was something too important to rest on his shoulders. This queen would be the perfect pet to rot in the dungeons as well and eventually kill Hans when he no longer had use. Gaston hired a thief by the name of Aladdin to hunt down Elsa and Belle who had just escaped his grasp. His dreams were larger than he’d ever been, he didn’t want just anything, he wanted everything. These women would be the stepping stones in his scheme and no one would be able to stop him.
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wishingwellrpg · 2 years
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All Aladdin could remember was life as a thief. He was born to the streets and lived with them his entire life, always dreaming of a world of luxury that only existed in places like the palace. The dream was ridiculous until the day he saved a beautiful woman from having her hand chopped off and showed her his side of the world. It was only later that he found out she was Jasmine, the princess of Agrabah, and he ended up in a dungeon for supposedly ‘kidnapping’ her. In the dungeon, he met an old man who told him of unlimited riches that Aladdin believed could make him high enough status to even approach the princess once more. These riches were at a place called the Cave of Wonder, where he retrieved a lamp that withheld a genie who rescued him from the cave and granted him his first wish of becoming a prince. He had the clothes, the money, all he had to do was go see Jasmine and convince her he was worth loving. His first encounter with her as Prince Ali, she believed he was just like the other suitors who wanted to win her as if she were some kind of trophy on a shelf. Later that night, he convinced her otherwise when they took a ride on the magic carpet and fell deeply for one another. When the two parted that night, Jafar attempted to have him killed, taking up the Genie’s second wish to save him from drowning. Returning to the palace, he had Jafar banished, which only lasted until Jafar got a hold of the lamp and began using the Genie’s power for evil. Aladdin beat him with doubt and had the evil sorcerer sucked into the lamp as a genie before releasing his Genie from the prison of the lamp, allowing him to live out his life as he wanted. Everything in an almost perfect condition, the Sultan gave his blessing for the two to marry despite anything the law had to say. The curse Jafar had bestowed upon Jasmine, Aladdin only found about later when in a panic she transformed into a tiger that was a braver, more emotion-driven version of herself. It terrified him the first time he saw it, though he reassured her and married her, vowing they could get through anything if they had each other. Years later, after the Sultan had passed, their kingdom was invaded and Aladdin made a quick decision to smuggle his wife out of the palace. They traced back to his past and became thieves, living in different places almost every night. It proved to be too much for Jasmine, and she morphed from the woman he had once admired and cared for so deeply to and anger-driven that it was as if he barely knew her. In an instant she had abandoned him in the streets of a nearby kingdom, leaving him devastated to have lost everything he worked so hard for all because of this terrible infestation. With nothing left, he resorted back to his previous thieving ways and became a thief-for-hire, taking on a job from a very powerful, monstrous man by the name of Gaston. The man paid him well and gave him a list of women to find and bring back to the castle: Elsa Arenna and Isabelle Kingston. Aladdin swore to find the women and hoped that soon he would cross paths with his wife again and she would have saved herself from the monster within her.
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wishingwellrpg · 2 years
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Early into her teenage years, Jasmine discovered the laws regarding the future of her love life. It was set in stone that as a princess, she would be forced to marry a prince before her sixteenth birthday. She always detested the rule, turning away every suitor that her father threw at her and often commenting on how she wanted to marry for love, not for a law. In her mind, marriage was a waste of her time and she would never be an accessory on the arm of a prince. After one bad encounter with a suitor, she decided to run away from the plush palace and experience the real world, something she had never been given the opportunity to do. During her experience, a man of the streets rescued her from having her hand chopped off and showed her a bit of reality to the situation of any non-royals. She was soon escorted back to the palace and made to believe that Jafar had the boy executed. Distraught, she sobbed to her father and had him confront Jafar about the incident, which he simply said he would consult the Sultan beforehand next time. Jasmine returned to her room and came out once again to find a new prince discussing the idea of winning her over to her father. She was outraged at them talking of her as if she were a prize that needed winning. The next encounter she had with the prince, she realized he was the same boy from the streets and she fell for him deeply on a midnight magic carpet ride. She announced her choosing of Al, but their soon-to-be happy ending was halted by Jafar’s new control over the genie and the castle. In the end, Aladdin defeated Jafar at his own game, forcing him to be sucked into a lamp as a genie until the end of time. But, before he had completely been dragged in, he cursed Jasmine to change into the form of a tiger. Her curse made it to where whenever she felt stress or fear of any kind she would shift into a tigress, causing all of her emotions to be heightened to a point where she was barely herself. Despite the new curse, when all was said and done, they were given permission from her father to marry and be happy. Years after their joyous marriage, her father was on his death bed, saying nothing but sweet things to the both of them. No matter how much he had driven her mad through suitors so long ago, she adored him and was crushed at his passing. However, she was not given the time to mourn, only minutes after his death the city was under attack by a plague of monsters that soon overthrew their palace. With no time to think, Aladdin made the decision to smuggle her out of the city and to get them by on his street-smarts until it was possible to fight back and regain their home. Soon into their new street rat lives, Jasmine came to the ultimate realization that this wasn’t her, and this wasn’t the life she intended on living. At one point she had been held down by the chains of her crown and title, now she was free, and she would be damned if she spent another moment being confined by circumstance. All grief she had felt over her father shifted to rage, which she used as fuel to almost control when she shifted into her tigress form. She abandoned Aladdin, driven by rage and desire, she left Agrabah and her princess self in the past, now attempting to locate Jafar, the most powerful man she had ever encountered. With her tiger form at her side and the powers of seduction, she fully intended to gain as much power as possible and never take orders from a man ever again.
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wishingwellrpg · 2 years
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Growing up in an orphanage, Eugene Fitzherbert found himself living inside fairytales. He would constantly read novels about a hero named Flynn Ryder, someone he inspired to be. Instead, he grew up into a thief, stealing the name of the hero he once looked up to. He still had the dreams from when he was young of wanting to live in a castle, and have a family, but he shielded those truths behind his greed. Joining several different bands of thieves and stealing for notable individuals, he found himself in a seemingly abandoned castle and finding a glowing mirror. Gazing into it, he was transported to a new world: the 10th kingdom. It was horrifying and dangerous, but as those around him fought in the hell-like surroundings, he snuck away deeper into the labyrinth. What he found would change the course of the world forever, he stumbled upon a wishing well that whispered all of the wishes it could grant. It tempted him, but when he stepped forward to make his wish, his companions had arrived behind him and were furious he had left them to die. Before he could make a wish of any sort, he was running from his fellow thieves and escaped back to his previous kingdom. Opening the portal back, he snatched the mirror and took it deep into a forest where he hoped no one would find it. But, as soon as he buried the mirror, it arose again and the portal flung open, no longer taking it’s shape of a mirror. Many monsters flowed through and the portal seemed unable to close. Flynn didn’t concern himself with the problem he’d created, instead he returned to his home, Corona. But, by the time he had returned home the world was crawling with monsters and looked very similar to the kingdom he’d initially run from. Attempting to escape yet again to a safe ground, he found himself climbing up a tower and being attacked by a blonde with no sense of the real world, Rapunzel. Seeing all the horrors, he begged her not to leave the tower, but was cohorted into a deal to escort her to the city. Setting out, they fought many monsters and made a name for themselves as hunters. They even grew close before finally arriving to the city and finding out the lanterns would not come out while the world was in this chaos. Knowing he was the reason her dreams had been crushed— could he keep the secret, and remain fighting along side her?
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wishingwellrpg · 2 years
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Locked away in her tower since birth, she always longed to have a life outside of the walls. Always dreaming of seeing the lanterns that arose every year on her birthday, being able to touch them and experience the world. Her dream was just that: a dream, without any sort of plan or intentions. After all, Mother Gothel had always warned her of how dangerous and horrifying the outside world could be. She heeded her mother’s warning until one day, a dove arrived with worldly rumors that originated from a local thief. Only hearing bits and pieces of the gossip, she had thought nothing of it. But, within days of the news, her mother had vanished in the night, leaving only a small note as to her whereabouts. With no one to stop her, Rapunzel decided she wanted to climb down the window, live her dream, and arrive before her mother returned home. As she was planning to leave, a thief climbed through her window in run from something, or someone. He, too, warned of the kind of troubling world was beyond the horizon. After a whole life filled of warnings, she refused to listen to him and instead made a deal for the thief to escort her to the kingdom. What she didn’t know was the invasion that had happened to her world, monsters roaming the forest and attacking the walls of the city. With her trusty frying pan, she chose to fight back against this plague and make an ally of one Flynn Ryder. The lanterns would not rise in this condition, crushing the only dream she’d ever had. In a distraught state, she was bitten. On top of her loss, she began struggling through vampirism, making sure they only go to hunt at night and feeding off of the ones she murders to hide it as best as she can. Though every day is a challenge and she fears that she’ll begin to crave her partner’s blood, and succumb to the monster within.
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